Why I hate the new Tutorial




Originally Posted by reiella View Post
The same way villains take out the Mediport system when reclaiming Fort Darwin.

They blew up the hospital. I don't believe it's mentioned in the tutorial, but it is mentioned in one of the Atlas Park early arcs.
Well, that's made as clear as mud.

And that's not even right, then. Because you have to beat up the Shivans and RoidRage Shivan and THEN you get Teleported to the 'Safe Zone'.

So...really, it has no links to the hospital at all! They just say 'These things are blocking teleporters! Be good little shucks and clear them out!'

Plotonium Rays...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Re: teleporters... maybe it's a "wide beam" are teleporter? It just sucks everything in a certain area up, friend or foe. So "blocking" may be a poor choice of words, but Officer Daniels is just a cop, not a teleportation expert.

Originally Posted by nytflyr View Post
This^^^ the new tutorial doesn't teach a whole lot, but at the same time, when I was a new player on a trial account a bit over a year ago, I almost didn't give the game a chance because of the old tutorial... there needs to be something inbetween...
What was wrong with the old tutorial? Just curious.



Originally Posted by Felderburg View Post
What was wrong with the old tutorial? Just curious.
They were kinda slow, with a lot of text to read, and the blue side one wasn't really tied into anything you'd be doing later on story-wise.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Grae Knight View Post
Wouldn't it had been better to raise all these points during beta testing?
They were raised

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
They were raised
And ignored.



I really liked the new "tutorial". It felt very epic -- unlike the mind-numbing original (hero) tutorial.

I really like the new Atlas. The new contacts are a lot of fun as well. I find it hard to believe that people are lamenting the loss of the old contacts -- were any of those really worth playing through in 2011? What I think is not more than 1% of the gaming populace even ran those contacts -- instead they joined a sewer team to level up quickly, or an AE team to level up even more quickly. Because, frankly, the first dozen levels or so were a terrible introduction to the game if you tried to run through the ten-year-old contact system, and people have been complaining about that fact for years.

The new contacts are fun. Sure, it'd be nice if there were more of them, but if I get bored with them I can skip straight to the Sewer Trial. The major problem with Mercy (for most people at least) wasn't the limited amount of contacts, but the lack of a "sewer run" alternative such as existed blueside.

1. I outleveled at least two contacts just running through the new contact solo.

2. I find the later game more interesting. I'd much rather they invest their time in designing more content for later levels than in supplying people with more options for levels 1-6.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



I would like to chip in here (as a completely new player who's never experienced this "old" tutorial)

I found the freedom tutorial overly rushed with no real sense of "teaching" you anything except how to move and (quite shamelessly) how to buy things from the store. I work out most from similarities with other MMO's (ie, hotkey bar placement, how to set up skills to be triggered, tab targeting, etc). I am now 26 and I think I have missed a hell of a lot of these training missions (The developers should consider making them mandatory if you have no other character below above x level). Almost everything I know about the game so far has been taught to me either from friends or from the wiki/forums, including a VERY CRUCIAL game feature of combining inspirations(because you never know when you'll need to do that to get an arise).

I only found out about task forces through a friend, about the sewer trial by an accidental misclick and I still don't have the faintest idea about certain (pretty important to some) aspects of the game such as PvP, badge accolades, what the fire alarm in x area thing means, or what a "bank raid" is.

All in all, the current system is very ineffective, in my view (ie, that of a totally new VIP player)



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
And ignored.

The one flaw the Devs seem to have managed to snatch from the jaws of victory again and again is this stubborn insistence that "Oh, we liked it...surely you like it too, right? Right?!"

It's still not gone away, sadly.

(Either that or the Suits in charge are just bloody minded vermin who- yeah, I'll stop before I start. This time...)

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Rapthorne View Post
I would like to chip in here (as a completely new player who's never experienced this "old" tutorial)

I found the freedom tutorial overly rushed with no real sense of "teaching" you anything except how to move and (quite shamelessly) how to buy things from the store. I work out most from similarities with other MMO's (ie, hotkey bar placement, how to set up skills to be triggered, tab targeting, etc). I am now 26 and I think I have missed a hell of a lot of these training missions (The developers should consider making them mandatory if you have no other character below above x level). Almost everything I know about the game so far has been taught to me either from friends or from the wiki/forums, including a VERY CRUCIAL game feature of combining inspirations(because you never know when you'll need to do that to get an arise).

I only found out about task forces through a friend, about the sewer trial by an accidental misclick and I still don't have the faintest idea about certain (pretty important to some) aspects of the game such as PvP, badge accolades, what the fire alarm in x area thing means, or what a "bank raid" is.

All in all, the current system is very ineffective, in my view (ie, that of a totally new VIP player)
Et, voila. C'est la vie, I rest my case.

New tutorial = damn failure.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Meh. I don't like the new tutorials. I'm just going to skip the intro tutorial, then street sweep to level 5, then head to Kings Row. Pretty much what I did before the change.

I made a Praetorian last week, I like the stuff they did last year for Going Rogue better than the stuff this year.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Et, voila. C'est la vie, I rest my case.

New tutorial = damn failure.
You might need to collect a few more opinions

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Rapthorne View Post
including a VERY CRUCIAL game feature of combining inspirations(because you never know when you'll need to do that to get an arise).
Great googly moogly! I knew about inspiration combining and even I forgot to mention it not having been taught in the new Tutorial! Yikes... Shows how blind we become to usability issues once we become familiar with a system. Thank you for reminding me. That's a damn useful bit of advise.

Originally Posted by Rapthorne View Post
I only found out about task forces through a friend, about the sewer trial by an accidental misclick and I still don't have the faintest idea about certain (pretty important to some) aspects of the game such as PvP, badge accolades, what the fire alarm in x area thing means, or what a "bank raid" is.
To be fair to the new tutorial, none of that has EVER been explained, to the best of my knowledge. Task Forces exist, but you're never told about them. Back in the day when City of Heroes was supposed to be more like EQ (and before WoW even existed), you weren't told jack ****. Stores in the game existed, but no-one told you of their existence or where to find them. A paper map of the city came with my box edition back in 2004, and little squares on it led me to locations where I found Origin stores. I didn't know origin stores were even IN the game. I thought DOs and SOs were supposed to be just random loot drops.

Back in the day, the game didn't tell you almost anything. You were expected, I infer, to find TF contacts on your own, guess what they were for, how many people they needed and what their level range was and how to run them. Sure, the original ones were right next to trainers so you were expected to run across then and, naturally, try to speak with them in a time before contact coins or ground circles. But then they started throwing TF contacts around on an empty field somewhere on the butt end of nowhere (hello, Moonfire!) so good luck with that. As for the LFT system, I still don't know where it's explained. I was here when it was introduced and I still don't know how it works.

Granted, the game was always bad about documentation and player training. Somehow, I don't think making it WORSE was the right solution.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



To be honest, even under the *old* tutorial, inspiration combining was never mentioned either.

The new tutorial i have ran through on all my new characters, the old one i did a few times in total because i found it *overly* long and annoying to spend to long in.



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
The new tutorial i have ran through on all my new characters, the old one i did a few times in total because i found it *overly* long and annoying to spend to long in.
I'm completely the opposite. I ran the old Tutorials on all three sides for absolutely all characters I ever made, aside from the one or two I was forced to make IMMEDIATELY in order to show their costumes to friends. The new Tutorial, by contrast, I ran once on Beta with a hero, once on Live with a villain, and I never want to see it again, because it has nothing in it that I'm interested in. It has no meaningful fights, it has no meaningful missions, it doesn't teach me anything I might have forgotten. It just wastes my time.

Call me odd, but I'd rather spend 15 minutes doing something I enjoy than 5 minutes doing something I hate.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Indiramourning View Post
This a thousand times. Dropped right into the middle of the action and I am not ready to proceed until I adjust my UI, Powers, Vet powers, etc. We need to appear somewhere first where the action isn't happening all around us. Maybe a bunker where we have exit a door into the action after we've had a chance to do the UI/Powers setup thing that I'm sure everyone does with a new character.
setting up your UI is not relative to what's going on in the game

if I remember what the comic book says before you join the battle...didn't you fall out of a building? or just escape it?



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
if I remember what the comic book says before you join the battle...didn't you fall out of a building? or just escape it?
You're in a building that "Marcus" gets sucker-punched into and brings down on top of you both.

Setting up my settings is always the first thing I do in every game I play, especially a brand new one. It's difficult to tell which button will be comfortable where until you actually get into the game, it's hard to judge how much what graphics settings will lag on your system, it's hard to judge what you want certain options to be.

And even now that I've set up default option files for everything, the game STILL loads the wrong window colours and STILL loads the wrong chat settings, so I have to go into options and fix them for every new character I make. And, thanks to some bug, now I also have to fix my window colours every time I restart the client.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I tried the hero tutorial on beta and I don't just mean that tiny little stretch of time in what used to be Galaxy City. Now I am not going to say the new tutorial is perfect, every can always be improved, but compared to what we used to get the new one definately teaches new players more. If you keep doing arcs up to and through Trickshots you are shown how to do quite a bit including how to read andr use your mini map.

Now in all honesty.. do I want to run arcs that include missions that a Rsk me to find the tram station and take a ride on the train to Kings Row.. No but thats why will I be using the new sewer trials to quickly level any new character, get them some very nice buffs, and head off to other zones.

To a seasoned vet is it boring.. Of course it is some of us have been around for 6, 7 even going on 8 years.. any arc that says.. Look we have a hospital! is going to put us to sleep. But to a brand new player that doesn't have a clue... It gives them some basics they need to survive.. or have we all forgotten the AE babies that made level 50 in 2 hours but couldn't find their way across Atlas to the train station... I don't I can still remember the leader of a Manticore TF I was on finally just kicking the player who couldn't find Brickstown with 7 other players trying to help him. The conversation went something like this..

Just get on the train and when the menu comes up click brickstown.

Where is the train

Look on your mini map and your see a crircle with a T in it head for that

What is a mini map

And I AM NOT JOKING he was THAT bad!

The new stuff could use some work but it hands out more info than I got when I first started over 5 years ago.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Setting up my settings is always the first thing I do in every game I play, especially a brand new one. It's difficult to tell which button will be comfortable where until you actually get into the game, it's hard to judge how much what graphics settings will lag on your system, it's hard to judge what you want certain options to be.

And even now that I've set up default option files for everything, the game STILL loads the wrong window colours and STILL loads the wrong chat settings, so I have to go into options and fix them for every new character I make. And, thanks to some bug, now I also have to fix my window colours every time I restart the client.
I do that too with setting up my UI, I like having 4 trays set up, 5 if I'm a MM, but I don't think of that set up as relative to what's happening in the game. I gave up on window/chat colors myself...



I'm a big fan of the new tutorial, but it really doesn't teach more than the old one. It teaches far less. I played through it a few times in beta and I could just tell, compared to Outbreak and Breakout, it was lacking a lot of fairly important functions.

Compared to Outbreak though, this tutorial is so much more entertaining for me. No needless wandering around, no hopping back and forth to old contacts, no wandering a long street for a randomly picked door which could be a needlessly long distance from Coyote, etc. Breakout on the other hand somewhat remedied those issues while still keeping the informative state of things, and I ran Breakout on almost every character, and not just for the badge. Outbreak, I ran once every few months, and usually only by accident.



Something I think the OP is missing is you were not dropped in (look at the last page of the comic) you happened to be in the building that Statesman was thrown into by Recluse the point is not that you are to help save Galaxy City but you need to get the heck out of there (and choose your role)



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
-learn how to move
-learn how to target
-learn how to train

you don't like it, got'cha, but don't be obtuse.

That's your argument?
You can "learn" these, except for training, in 30 seconds spawning into Atlas Park.

Wow, it teaches how to use WASD, Spacebar and Tab! Anyone playing a computer game probably already knows these functions, no matter how intelligence impaired they are. Oh, and then it tells you the exact same things in pop-tips afterward. And when you finish, there's another pop-tip telling you how to train at Ms. Liberty.

While these items are undoubtedly the most basic premises of just about any computer game, as an MMO, an entry tutorial needs to teach more than just this. At the very least it needs to teach about conning, the boss/lt/minion monikers, navigation and mission acceptance, and so on. There's dumbed down and there's completely and utterly useless. This new tutorial falls squarely into the second category. Attempted force grouping in a situation where you cannot die, cannot fail, and the game sends in uber air support, which happens in almost no other venue of the game? Honestly, what the hell? I can't wait for a new player to wonder why there aren't random air support drops in a mission - after all, it was in the tutorial.. Or why the game isn't assisting them when they decide to pick a fight with Babbage should they happen to stumble across him.

The real tutorial is in pop-tips, the initial Atlas arcs, and the ongoing training arcs. Other than to sell the idea that Galaxy was destroyed, there's no need for this "starting tutorial" to even exist. You could just plop a genuinely new character into Atlas at level 1 with the same existing pop-tips and have the same effect.

It took me months before I stopped running Outbreak.
It took me one run of the new one before I decided I'm never doing it again.
The only thing I like about it, honestly, is the new look of the Shivan.

And I've done the initial Atlas arcs and Twinshot arcs twice, and never want to see those again. They're more boring to me now than the original, crappy, origin contacts, and they feel forced, especially the beginning Atlas arcs, because you only have one choice if you don't want to do them: Street sweep to 5, get a radio, go to KR and commence radio missions. Or, basically, the same thing I was doing on all my characters before i21.

Partial Character List:
LENINA 198-DELTA - 50+3 DP/Kin Corruptor (Main) / Captiosus - 50+3 Energy/Energy Blaster
Highlands.Hellraiser - 50+1 DS/Fire Tanker / SpazRat - 50 Claw/SR Stalker
Col. Gregor Aktaybr - 45 Robots/Time MM



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
I find it hard to believe that people are lamenting the loss of the old contacts -- were any of those really worth playing through in 2011? What I think is not more than 1% of the gaming populace even ran those contacts -- instead they joined a sewer team to level up quickly, or an AE team to level up even more quickly. Because, frankly, the first dozen levels or so were a terrible introduction to the game if you tried to run through the ten-year-old contact system, and people have been complaining about that fact for years.
The early missions were not 10 years old since they had been revamped over time and had some very nice custom maps etc etc. Now we get one new mission (which is quite good) to do again and again and again and again. Plus the option of the Twinshot arc.

I am already skipping the tutorial and head to Kingsrow as soon as possible.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Originally Posted by Captiosus View Post
That's your argument?
You can "learn" these, except for training, in 30 seconds spawning into Atlas Park.
Did you read what I quoted? or at least the exchange between me and Sam? Because your comment pretty much implies that you didn't. Pop Tips haven't always been there, their somewhat recent inclusion doesn't change anything and I even gave a suggested how they could improve the new tutorial and starting arcs.

Just because you can learn the same thing in Atlas, doesn't discount what you learn in the tutorial. There's a reason why you're given the option of skipping the tutorial instead of being forced to do it every time.

Take your arrogance down a few pegs and get back to me and try not to jump in the middle of a conversation.



One thing I noticed is that because the tutorial now has the character as part of a storyline I put fewer characters through it because it just doesn't fit. With the old one I could see heroes being shown the ropes and then sent on a multitude of boring missions until they proved their worth. So it didn't matter what the character background was, it looked plausible that they were there. Similarly the villains being broken out of jail made enough sense for most characters.

The current tutorial places the characters at Galaxy City at a particular time, and that won't be a fit for many. IMO it's in particular a bad fit for villains.