138 -
Turned out that Power Slide fits a character of mine perfectly (as a flight effect, in particular), and I have this discussion to thank for bringing this power to my attention. I thought it was useless all these years.
Just saw this thread. My only level 50 is a MA/SR, currently on an inactive account. I respecced her out of what I felt were useless attacks at the time. Come respec time again, I'll have some powers to add back (since she still has the old fitness pool, there's space to add these). Only problem I won't be playing her for a while because I don't want to deal with the disabled IO's on Premium.
Anyway, thanks a lot for this info. -
Quote:I figured they wanted to give something, and decided that 400 points would be the most attractive. They could have given reward tokens and transfer tokens, but they didn't. Yes, it would have been nice.Odd, why would they give us 3 months worth of points but not 3 transfers? I know they didn't promise anything but I was kind of hoping that it would follow suit.
Quote:If you're talking about a certain superhero MMO, its press release said "late October", so the CoH devs still have time. I'm sure Freedom will launch before that regardless, so I don't see that as a reason to spring Freedom on us without an announcement. Jewish New Year still looks like a good target date.At this point they are most likely behind where they wanted the game to be and do not want to risk losing the chance of noobies joining. Especially since another MMO has decide to go to a hybrid model next week as well.
And I'm definitely going to check that superhero MMO when it goes free, but from what I've read CoH doesn't have that much to fear. -
I'm pretty sure that Freedom won't be sprung on us without a warning. It's possible though that it will be announced today or tomorrow. As for the release date, I would have expected another week at least, but the Head Start date was announced only 4 days in advance so who knows. Jewish new year starts on the 28th at sundown.
One thing I noticed is that because the tutorial now has the character as part of a storyline I put fewer characters through it because it just doesn't fit. With the old one I could see heroes being shown the ropes and then sent on a multitude of boring missions until they proved their worth. So it didn't matter what the character background was, it looked plausible that they were there. Similarly the villains being broken out of jail made enough sense for most characters.
The current tutorial places the characters at Galaxy City at a particular time, and that won't be a fit for many. IMO it's in particular a bad fit for villains. -
The VIP status on this account will run out tomorrow. I had planned originally to say that you will never see my name again, but since Zwillinger mentioned limited posting rights will be available to free players there's still a chance Dark Sweater will be around in the future. Mwahahahaha!
In any case, it's not yet the time to breath that sigh of relief, because my alter-ego, General_CoH, will be around a while longer, and will take over the posting duties. -
Thanks. Rocket boots sound like the thing to go for. I hope the devs will consider adding them to the market, because they will be impossible to get to most Premium players.
I'd really like to see more of these costume parts: jet packs, helicopter blades, winged boots, ... Unlike most costume parts these are things I'll consider paying for on the Market. -
A powerset may be a little too much, but a single power may be worthwhile buying, and I agree that emotes will be nice.
Frankly I find a "feign death" power more attractive. You lose aggro, and then can get back up and show them what you're made of (i.e., die for real). -
I already have two characters with science origin simply because I wanted to get past the origin screen to create a character and then forgot to go back and change the origin. There's a chance they'll go forth and multiply.
I don't think that the origin is a natural place to start. If the character bio was written in advance then it's possible to select it, but if I start from the AT or the costume or even write the bio inside the character creator, then origin selection comes after that.
Therefore it would be best to make it the last tab. Alternately, allow changing the origin after character creation, for example allow it for a character of level 1 or 2. -
Quote:Any of these which aren't temp powers? I wouldn't want a character to rely on a 30 day jetpack, for example.Or the Raptor pack from the first safeguard mission.
Or the Jetpack from Posi TF.
Or the purchaseable (with in game inf) Jetpack from the Shadow Shard vendor.
Or the purchaseable (with real monies) 30 day Jetpack.
Or the Jingle Jet.
With these, you don't even have to actually pick the Flight power.
At least for my current character I found the perfect power. I tried the Power Slide, and it has the perfect effect for him. If I leave that on during flight that would be just what I need. It's not tech, rather an extension of his power, but that's good enough. What I didn't want was a "look, no strings" flight power. I'm happy about this solution because its look fits the character well, even if it's a little bit of a stretch that he was able to develop his power into flight. -
What can I use for characters who don't naturally have flight? The flight power has a look of an inherent power, and most wings don't fit these characters. The steampunk wings are mechanical, so that's one option, even if it won't be a fit for all characters. What other options are there?
I'm all for these, and the moment they are implemented I will stop playing Premium or VIP and will move to a free account forever.
Another thread made me think back to when I started and how confusing the game was.
I started in a tutorial which had cops telling me to deal with some drug users. Then, assuming I picked Atlas Park, I graduated to be given missions by a contact at a special superhero bureau relating to my origin, such as SERAPH, which looked like it'd be a major part of the game (since I didn't know anything else about the game), but turned out to be something limited to the low levels.
Then I was told to deal with all kinds of villain groups I was told nothing about. I remember the first time I had a Council mission, and I re-read the text again and again trying to understand what it was talking about. I assumed it was the City Council or something -- what else could it be? Yet it was discussed as if they were bad. So was the city council corrupt and I needed to deal with it?
The game had a decent introduction to mechanics, but it completely failed when it came to introducing the world or treating the hero as anything but stupid muscle.
In this respect I21 is much better. Though I dislike the linearity and lack of options at the start, at least some signature heroes (and villain) are introduces in the tutorial, and the early story arcs introduce the villain groups and make an attempt to tell a cohesive story. -
True, but it's obvious you wouldn't be complaining so much about the lore if its addition to the tutorial didn't chime with you. Every time you talk about liking the old tutorial it's regarding gameplay aspects. That old tutorial never introduced anything about the game's lore, and since you seem to care a lot about that, you have to admit that the new tutorial is better in that respect.
NewScrapper, I think I understand what you're saying, so let me rephrase it in a way which might build a more productive thread:
CoH has been modified a lot over the years, and there's not much reason it shouldn't continue to be modified. I think that CoH 2 is really only necessary for doing things that would break CoH. One example would be the character models. Making any change there would break the looks of existing characters which will upset players. The character models and textures are an old looking part of the game, and CoH 2 will allow better looking, more customisable characters.
Apart from this and some other minor things I think that updating CoH would be a good way to go. But of course if CoH 2 is created then we'll need all new story lines.
If I had my choice of a feature it would be to have citizens on the street give missions and mission arcs. Have them recognise the hero and mention their personal problems (which could run very deep, into all sorts of villain groups). -
Quote:I had problems with my scrapper, probably because by the time I understood what was going on there were quite a few clones and I kept running around trying to kill them, never being able to do any significant damage to Trapdoor. Fortunately he fell to the lava, and after I got killed and went back I found him dead.This. Any scrapper should be able to do it, but it is easier if you have a ranged damage toon along, as they can just target the clone quickly and boom, whereas a scrapper will have to run across the room and back to Trapdoor. It should be doable, though.
The rest of the missions were easier to win. That's on a scrapper with IO's, but mostly basic, certainly not purples or anything like that, and a far less than optimal build (fitness pool still wasting power slots, two travel pools due to conceptual reasons, and no min maxing). -
Quote:That's fine. We're not doubting your credentials or saying you have to buy anything. Some people are fine with paying the current prices, some like me have a very low impulse buy price so unless they drop enhancement slots to $2 I'm unlikely to buy them. (My impulse buy price dropped this year after I realised the amount of money I spent on games I was hardly playing.)I have a magic number I can easily afford and I'm willing to spend in the Paragon Market but I won't just throw my money away blindly on NCsoft's uneven pricing just because *I WANT IT NOW.*
Nobody would argue with you if you just said that you don't want to pay the current prices and will wait until they drop or go on sale. I doubt many would argue with you that prices will go down eventually on some items (I said it long before this thread). The only argument is with your attempts to "fix" the system, and your unconvincing arguments for them. Arguments like your previous investment or "the game is making money so they can afford to give more" are very weak reasons for actually giving more. -
Quote:Actually, the smart thing is buying the $15 package only, if what you're interested in is the tokens, since that gives you two tokens. See the message above yours.I messed up...
I had about $20 I could spend on points this month. Instead of being smart and buying the 400 points package 1st time out, to get the reward token, and then buying the $15 package, to get another token. I bought the $15 package 1st.
So I think I jipped myself out of a token. Oh well. -
It's genius. Having kids took away most of my play time. Now (well, in a few years) I can use them as gaming surrogates to save me from the gaming crunch. Actually, why don't I just make them play the entire game, record it for me, and I'll watch it? No point in actually playing, is there?
One of the reasons CoH is my favourite MMO is that it doesn't feel like a chore. -
This makes no sense. There shouldn't be "September points" now. It's all based on the billing cycle. My account has been active in August and September. It has 1200 points: 400 for August, 400 for September (which were given by calendar months) and 400 for the current billing cycle. When a new billing cycle starts, I should get another 400 PP and a token. Anything else is obviously an error.
The VIP Starter Kit gives you nothing but a free month of VIP for a new account. Going Rogue is now included in the VIP subscription, but you won't have it if you drop back to Premium. The only way to Going Rogue for Premium it is to track down a copy of Going Rogue (it's no longer being sold, but some places might still have it) or buy its components in game on the Paragon Market.
So basically, yes, it's mostly a waste of money. If you can't get it refunded you could still use it as an alternate Premium account where you could create another 2 characters and 400 Paragon Points to spend thanks to the VIP month. -
Quote:Haven't tried it with real money, but in the beta it was:Please verify:
First purchase with real money on the store = One Reward Token
Each additional $15 spent = One Reward Token
$15 = 1200 points
First purchase of points = One token
Every $15 (including first purchase) = One reward token
$15 = 1320 points (bonus points due to buying in bulk; it would be 1200 if you bought $5 at a time).
So spending $15 would get you two tokens and 1320 points.