Put origin selection at the end of character creation

Dark Sweater



I already have two characters with science origin simply because I wanted to get past the origin screen to create a character and then forgot to go back and change the origin. There's a chance they'll go forth and multiply.

I don't think that the origin is a natural place to start. If the character bio was written in advance then it's possible to select it, but if I start from the AT or the costume or even write the bio inside the character creator, then origin selection comes after that.

Therefore it would be best to make it the last tab. Alternately, allow changing the origin after character creation, for example allow it for a character of level 1 or 2.



While I personally know my origins before I start creating a character I don't object to having it moved to the end. However I don't think the devs will ever let us change origins after we leave character creation simply because origins have powers attached to their selection.



That and it may not be *possible* to do without messing up ... well, quite a bit more. I still suspect Origin is one of the old bits of information buried in deep in character information, otherwise we may have had the option to change it already.

Just a guess, though.



Back when I used SO's, it wouldn't matter when I were to choose my origin, I would always be mutant. I already had the SO names figured out, why learn another set?

Maybe if it meant more in game beside your first contact, a underpowered origin power(truth be told, I was an established mutant long before the powers were added), and what zone you got your lvl 30-35 SO's in I would've cared more. Origins are possibly my biggest disappointment in the game with an underused feature that could have had way more potential.



Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
Origins are possibly my biggest disappointment in the game with an underused feature that could have had way more potential.
*points to sig* Look at the guides, there's one for the original COH trailer.

Origins USED to have a *lot* more meaning (and, as I recall, there were more of them.) Origin X would let you pick (say) up to 10 powers, but you could only enhance them so far, while origin Y would only let you pick 6, but you could enhance them far more.

Of course, the whole power choice, etc. system was different in Alpha, too.

They get a *little* attention now (with changes in dialog - such as what Trapdoor's artifact turns into,) and yeah, more could be done with them (I'd like to see Origin-specific arcs from 1-50, myself,) but not much.