"Son, I'll pay you $5 to PL me."





Instead of paying kids to do normal chores, some parents are looking at having kids do things like farm for them in games.



Some may disagree with me but as far as I'm concerned that is RMT and his account should be banned if he gets caught. He's also teaching his kid that RMT is okay which could cause the kid problems if he's ever stupid enough to use an RMT site.



listen...the kid could be outside smokin crack or having unprotected sex with a teenage girl so that they can be placed in another mtv reality show.maybe drinking and driving.

farming for gold is the least of the worries honestly..it is after all just a game and hesnot selling it on the internet for real money. so no harm...aint no different then farming for tickets or badges frankly for some of you!.



Originally Posted by Severe View Post
listen...the kid could be outside smokin crack or having unprotected sex with a teenage girl so that they can be placed in another mtv reality show.maybe drinking and driving.
don't let the kids know this, they'll never play games again!

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



Originally Posted by Severe View Post
listen...the kid could be outside smokin crack or having unprotected sex with a teenage girl so that they can be placed in another mtv reality show.maybe drinking and driving.

farming for gold is the least of the worries honestly..it is after all just a game and hesnot selling it on the internet for real money. so no harm...aint no different then farming for tickets or badges frankly for some of you!.
So it's ok to sit on their backsides all day, every day, playing games?

Right now that's a little rich coming from me, but doing a degree does tend to leave you somewhat dead-beat in your free time, so I have some excuse.

When I was younger (god that line makes me sound old...) I was *very* active. Outside, climbing trees, running around like a little nutter, going to the local pool to swim and such.
Why do people think this generation, in both the UK and US, are simply damn fat? A lot of them, anyway. Because parents just plonk them down in front of TV or games 'because it's easier'.

Parents should have to take a damn written exam, not just the practical...Then we might not have a generation of antisocial little ingrates...
Get orf mah lawn!

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



The idea is not only okay, it's genius. We don't want our kids playing these games like we do, being losers and such. What better way to get them to hate MMOs than to make them sit in front of them farming as a chore. Reverse psych isn't really how I roll, but I think this kid is going to turn out better than most of you.

Secondly, it really isn't different than other chores parents make children do. Pick weeds, mow the lawn, etc, it's pretty much all the same. As long as he isn't asking him to do it more than an hour or two a day, it's the same thing as when your parents made you fold clothes that you didn't even use, wash dishes you didn't dirty, dust furniture you don't give a crap about, etc. Many fathers use their kids as under min-wage labor, sometimes under really harsh conditions.



It's genius. Having kids took away most of my play time. Now (well, in a few years) I can use them as gaming surrogates to save me from the gaming crunch. Actually, why don't I just make them play the entire game, record it for me, and I'll watch it? No point in actually playing, is there?

One of the reasons CoH is my favourite MMO is that it doesn't feel like a chore.



Originally Posted by Severe View Post
listen...the kid could be outside smokin crack or having unprotected sex with a teenage girl
That's a bad thing? When I was a child, I would have done anything to sex up teenage girls lol.

Contact me in-game: @CheeseSlicer



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Nerf reproduction!!!!
Children: the ultimate STD
(The Daily Show clip, possibly NSFW)




Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Parents should have to take a damn written exam, not just the practical...Then we might not have a generation of antisocial little ingrates...
Get orf mah lawn!




Originally Posted by Severe View Post
listen...the kid could be outside smokin crack or having unprotected sex with a teenage girl so that they can be placed in another mtv reality show.maybe drinking and driving.
You do realise that's a pointless argument, right? So what if he's smoking crack? He could be dead from gang violence. Or criminally insane. Or he could murder you in your sleep. Just because there are worse things out there doesn't mean that the bad things should be tolerated.

Or to quote Weird Al: Doncha know that kids are starving in Japan so eat it, just eat it!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.