Barbarian Set
Or better yet it needs a wardrobe function that some other unmentionable things have.
I am not pleased however that the small band shoulder armor piece is only on females: It would have been great on my undead pharoah in combination with the new male wrist guards and belt.
You can put them on your character in the costume creator, so that functionality is already kind of there.
MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812

Similarly I have a female character I'd have loved to use the male wrist guards on. If they were available for her I certainly didn't see them.

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Remember: Guns don't kill people; Meerkats kill people.
I wish that the female corsets were available in Jackets, Sleeveless Jackets and Trench Coat, and the male loincloth available as a short/kilt option.
I've only been able to find the Barbarian belt on the Huge side. Where is everything?!
Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."

If it's 400 for the entire set then I suppose that I'll buy it in spite of those ludicrous thigh boots. At least the women get one boot choice that looks halfway sensible.
A lot is hidden under chest pieces.
But I like the set and yes, they include clunky female boots. I missed glove options for the female model which is a dissapointment though.
I'm rather disappointed that females didn't get the male belt as an option.
I do like the Barbarian sword - would love to see it ported to Dual Blades.
Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

I'm rather disappointed that females didn't get the male belt as an option.
I do like the Barbarian sword - would love to see it ported to Dual Blades. |
Those leather panties tick me off though. Why couldn't we have a proper loincloth? :-/
There is no monstrous version of the gloves. I love the set, but I wish I could place a pattern on the legs with the loin cloth. I am not sure why they didn't make it a kilt/shorts option, so that we could choose the legs we want to use.
All in all, I love most of the items. There however seems to be a trend where females are getting more options in these sets, I could be wrong.
I love the weapon options, the male belt, and the male chest details. I managed to make a pretty good He-Man look today, and that was very cool.
Types of Swords
My Portfolio
I like the set but wish that the male-glove-ring option could be multi coloured like the belt or shoulders can.
I love the set but,
None of the female chest pieces are usable with jackets. This new chest pieces aren't much different then the Steampunk chest pieces and those work great with jackets, especially the 2 steampunk jackets.
The thing I'm most impressed with is how the female barbarian shoulder options save the Witch Gloves from being a waste of money. I've never liked the Witch gloves that cover the bicep. With barbarian shoulders I can cover the top of the Witch gloves and make them look like all new gloves. They way I see it I got 4 new gloves for buying the Barbarian pack.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
The set looks really cool, but I have one major complaint:
None of the male Chest Detail options work with Baggy tops. I find this odd, considering many of the already existing chest options, including the Ring Strap which is very similar to the Barbarian chest details, work with the Baggy tops category. I had been hoping especially to replace the old, dated-looking Ring Strap on one of my characters with one of the new, awesome-looking Barbarian pieces, but alas, the costume uses a Baggy top and thus can't use it.
Don't know if this is an oversight or something that can be fixed... The rest of the set is awesome, and I really like the chest straps included in the set. Just wish I had more options on where to use them.
I'm delighted to see them making more upper arm bands. I dream of them one day making arm bands with pouches or knife sheathes or little glass vials or other modern-style tactical/science elements.
Agreed with the comments about making the shoulder/wrist stuff for all body types but I wanted to get the praise out there.
I like the set overall. I wish it had a proper loin cloth. I also wish females got the males' belt. And I wish the Barbarian Ring glove option used two colours to match the shoulder option and belt properly.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
I haven't messed around with it too much yet, but I was pretty happy with the bits I did look at so far. Like Feycat, I was very pleasantly surprised that the female belt fit perfectly into a steampunk conversion that I was doing for one of my characters as a kind of "My Hero Across Time" thing. Versatility is the most desirable attribute in the end, and so far it seems that this set is pretty versatile.
The set has some nice and surprisingly versatile pieces. I love those wristbands, though I haven't used them yet. So far, though, my favorite pieces have been the various male chest detail options. Some actually approach the shoulders, making it possible to make costumes where the shoulder details are "attached" to the strap. Even more impressively, one of the chest details has a strap placed right where the Single Should Mantle capes attach. This finally makes it possible to have a character wearing something along the lines of a piece of fabric with part of it unsecured. In my character's case, I used it to create something along the lines of the upper half of a traditional Highland kilt (the real kind, made out of a blanket, not the CoH costume piece).
"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"
Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers
A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"
You know, I was down on the set based on that horribly selected PAX pic, but the actual set is amazing! Pretty much everything that WASN'T in that pic for females is amazing, especially the male shoulders and the boots.
Wait, let me rephrase that:
Especially the MUSCULAR CHEST thank you David! It's a tad hard to use since it's a strapless bra that seems out of place on my large hulking brute, but I can work around this. Probably use the Steampunk chest detail. It would be easier if at least one of the Barbarian female chest details didn't hide the abdomen - what's the point in playing a girl with abs if I can't see them? - but there are always options. The male belt straps would help, but again - there are options, which is more than I could say before.
I honestly love this whole set. The fur designs are very good, even if I'd have preferred fur items, not fur-trimmed ones, and I think I finally have my winter gear for Brutticus. I'm still trying to figure out if I can incorporate that fur trim for her regular outfit (pictured in the link) but I probably can't. I might want to swap tiaras, though, the new female ones are very good.
I'm told the Barbarian Sword for females is not small, but I haven't seen it for myself. The shield is kind of small, though, but maybe I can use it on another design, one with a more modern flair, instead of the bland Round shield.
For males, the set is quite interesting. The shoulders men and women share are AWESOME, but I have to admit I really like the male ring bands, as well. I wish women had them. The loin cloth and the metal belt are what's really amazing, though - props for that. The male boots and gloves kind of look like the Santa boots and gloves, though. Maybe a little.
I'm disappointed with the Barbarian axe, however. It's dinky and tiny, even for men. The Legacy Battle Axe is much more barbarian-ish than that. This one looks more like a native Indian tomahawk or some such. The mace and warhammer are pretty cool, though, in terms of design, but they're also very small. The warhammer looks almost lightweight and the club, which chunky (that's a good thing) is just so, so short. I know they're one-handed weapons, but the barbarian sword doesn't suffer from such shrinkage and that's a one-handed weapon, too.
Overall, this set is aces. There's little more I could ask from it, aside from porting items between the models, and possibly a "girl abs" chest detail for women. Either way, the set's great!
And before I forget, a lot of those costume pieces work perfectly well with designs OTHER than Barbarian. I'm using the Barbarian Metal shoulders for Stardiver, for instance. That's the right way to make costume sets - make them internally consistent, but build them with an eye on prospective other uses and with how well they interface with existing sets.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I like the majority of this set. I only looked at the female options, but I like pretty much all of them.
Except for one. Yes, this again. High heeled boots are not shaped like that. USE THE STILETTO HEEL SHAPE DEVS. It's the only one you have that is even remotely close to what actual high heels look like. The rest are fugly and distorted and have cankles. It's too bad, since I like the design of the boots otherwise, but with those feet I won't be wearing them. And no, I don't have some weird thing about feet, it's just that they look so glaringly wrong to me.
Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
I'm finding that the male belt is being retrofitted onto a lot of my tech heroes. Crazy.
They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!
If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville
I was able to make a killer death metal roadie lookin' outfit using the shoulder bands and corset pieces for female. The boots are also quite nice.
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Okay I cannot find any glove options for female characters? Whaaaaat? Am I missing something?
I didn't have a lot of time to mess with this set before running off to work, but I'm very pleased with what I did look at. The hammer and axe are very stylish (while still subtle) and the tons of corset combinations I'm sure will be all the rage in Pocket D. I'm guessing more people will use the double plate shoulder armor for tech rather then primitive outfits (it is generic enough for either which is awesome). I am not pleased however that the small band shoulder armor piece is only on females: It would have been great on my undead pharoah in combination with the new male wrist guards and belt.
Overall a happy loss of 400 points.
Anybody have compiled images of all the parts yet though? The market really needs to pop up screenshots or something.
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Remember: Guns don't kill people; Meerkats kill people.