AE farming now OK?

Adeon Hawkwood



I made a new character recently, after getting the Steampunk Pack. Philomena kelvin, ice/ice Defender. I took her thru the tutorial and then to Atlas AE to look for some starter arcs to run her though. The broadcast in Atlas Freedom was full of 'farm team lf paying lowbie' and the like, and I asked in broadcast out of interest how far from lvl 1 sb could get on one run in 'one of these farm things'. I was told to level 17 on one run.

Philomena just dinged lvl 5 after doing Relativity Be Damned, and I'll be continuing to solo my way through story arcs, but is this sort of thing now considered fine? I know it doesn't take more than a few sessions to get to lvl 17 anyway by
'normal' means, if you're in a hurry, but one run through an AE mission seems a bit fast.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



It's always been ok with AE farmers.

What exactly are you asking?



Depends on how you define "considered fine." To me it's a valid play style outside of PLing newbies which end up generating players with level 50s and still ignorant of the basics. I have just about got a level 50 SS/fire and a near level 50 Claws/fire via self PLing them in the AE and to me it has been an interesting experience and I learned from it. I even learned some aspects of using AE that I didn't know about since I hardly use the AE before. I got all of the AE stuff unlocked so at some point I'll start to poke around and see what I can come up with. Without rolling a ticket generator, that doesn't happen.



What's not "okay" is exploiting loopholes. If it's something you can do in a normal mission, it's okay in AE. AE simply affords speed and convenience in exchange for actual drops.

Granted, if someone is a new player and they get their character to 50 with no idea how to play them or what enhancements to use or whatnot, neither they or anyone they team with is going to have a very fun time. Otherwise, go for it.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Technically this would be considered PLing and not Farming per se. Hopefully that'll prevent the pro-farming crowd from getting to upset...

That said. Recent changes in the game point to the Dev's being perfectly fine with it. Though I suspect that has more to do with being resigned to the fact that it's unavoidable as oppossed to openly supporting it.

See: AE Babies

That is the only real problem I see with it these days. Level 43 PB's that have never left the Atlas park AE building...
It was so bad a week after AE launched I had to step away from the game for a bit. A good friend of mine actually started a global channel on Infinity called AE annoynomous for those of us actually wanting to 'Play' the game. Channel is still going strong too.

We can laugh about it now but I really feel like it cost us quite a few players. AE was hyped up enough that it brought a wave of fresh players to us. Sadly those players had no clue AE was being abused and found themselves with 50's overnight, coming from the 'Game starts at the level cap' mindset present in other MMO's this initially felt like a great thing, til they realized the only thing to do was create a new alt...

Cost us quite a few players it did.

Sorry for the tangent. I'll admit I took advantage of some of the 'options' for fast leveling. Usually running a sewer team to level 8 then hopping in a AE farm to get to 20 quickly for Stamina. However, now that Stamina is inherrent I haven't bothered. Seeing as how I knew the AT I was playing though, I didn't see this as a bad thing. Though looking back, all the toons I sped to 20 ended up being shelved at 22 cause I just didn't have a connection to them.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



I'm gonna have to agree with the sentiment above, as long as it's not an exploit and you aren't PLing someone who's only been playing for five minutes it's really just the same as any old farm mish in PI that was created by the devs, we just don't have bridges anymore.

The whole reason people are anti-AE is the AE babies. Heck, I was on a redside team on Virtue last night that was running one of the members' cape mish. We pop out right by ICON, as that map is set in Steel Canyon. One of the members commented along the lines of "I thought this was in Atlas?" and another member (who I won't specifically name but something along the lines of Misterawesomedude53, on virtue mind you) replied "It is Atlas, that's AE right over there." I couldn't help myself, I had to point out that "No, it's Steel, that's ICON right across the river which doesn't exist in Atlas and AE is in every zone. You'd know that if you ever stepped outside of it." Upon seeing this exchange the team leader kicked him, realizing that we'd picked up an AE baby. And that's a light example.



i would prolly ae farm if it was actually like worthwhile

i was PLing some friends in a non-AE mish for the drops and one of the runs i got 2 purples in one run, i dislike AE farms because of the lack of drops, no shards for incarnate progression, no purples, basically it all just sucks to me so i usually avoid AE related farms due to the lack of drops and because its only slightly better than most of the popular standard farming maps



I seem to oscillate between thinking 'they pay their sub same as me, whatever' and 'I hate them. I wish they'd remove all rewards from the AE and leave it a ghost town of storyarc writers/players' lol.

I do think it's a shame they don't remove the AE from
atlas and galaxy, though.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
i would prolly ae farm if it was actually like worthwhile

i was PLing some friends in a non-AE mish for the drops and one of the runs i got 2 purples in one run, i dislike AE farms because of the lack of drops, no shards for incarnate progression, no purples, basically it all just sucks to me so i usually avoid AE related farms due to the lack of drops and because its only slightly better than most of the popular standard farming maps
You do get tickets and those can be used for rewards rolls. Shards don't drop enough even soloing x8 for that to be a big factor to me. I would just do a TF/Trial instead. Purples also drop rare enough I don't think of it as a factor. You will easily on average generate more influ via ticket reward rolls that purple drops.

I also use tickets to counter the overpriced nature of salvage and have already unlocked all of the level 25-30 recipe crafting badges so I have my salvage slots maxed out. I'll work on the 45-50 badges so I max out recipes slots as well. If any of my characters need a common IO crafted, I simply have my ticket generators do it and then e-mail it.

I look at it this way. I can make a character who has the ability to generate 7.5K tickets with nothing else in under an hour. To me I would much rather have that than playing a character who gets a level 43 Sleep IO recipe, or another Gabriel's Hammer, or whatever that is.



Farm or PL, its all fine to me and obviously perfectly acceptable behavior to both the playerbase in general (although a few of the purists/snobs disdain the practice) and also to NCSoft. They LOVE alt-itis, it keeps players interested in the game and willing to run the hell out of their content over and over and over again. There's a reason they charge you for additional character slots per server these days....they figured out a way to get people to pay for making even more alts.

All of my alt-itis is now fed by a couple of farming/PL toons. AE is used to run them up to level 32 in a single evening. It makes the game infinitely more enjoyable to me. For farming, I often just use portal missions since it gives me a chance for purple drops and incarnate shards/threads.

Anything you can do in this game is OK until the rule-makers say otherwise. Opinions around here notwithstanding, the only person who can tell you what you are doing is wrong are the owners of the game.



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
I do think it's a shame they don't remove the AE from
atlas and galaxy, though.
Well, we're not sure exactly what's happening to the AE buildings in Atlas and Mercy during the revamp, but I'm pretty sure the one in Galaxy is going away in i21.

Then again, so is the rest of Galaxy. :P




Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
You do get tickets and those can be used for rewards rolls. Shards don't drop enough even soloing x8 for that to be a big factor to me. I would just do a TF/Trial instead. Purples also drop rare enough I don't think of it as a factor. You will easily on average generate more influ via ticket reward rolls that purple drops.

I also use tickets to counter the overpriced nature of salvage and have already unlocked all of the level 25-30 recipe crafting badges so I have my salvage slots maxed out. I'll work on the 45-50 badges so I max out recipes slots as well. If any of my characters need a common IO crafted, I simply have my ticket generators do it and then e-mail it.

I look at it this way. I can make a character who has the ability to generate 7.5K tickets with nothing else in under an hour. To me I would much rather have that than playing a character who gets a level 43 Sleep IO recipe, or another Gabriel's Hammer, or whatever that is.
oh i know its not super common, but in AE there is 0% chance you will get either, and i rather have some chance over no chance

when im PLing friends i can usually avg 1-4 shards per run of a liberate tv map, purples are much less common than that, but they are ridiculously overpriced on the market and thus i rather have a chance for drop



Originally Posted by Crysys View Post
Farm or PL, its all fine to me and obviously perfectly acceptable behavior to both the playerbase in general (although a few of the purists/snobs disdain the practice) and also to NCSoft. They LOVE alt-itis, it keeps players interested in the game and willing to run the hell out of their content over and over and over again. There's a reason they charge you for additional character slots per server these days....they figured out a way to get people to pay for making even more alts.

All of my alt-itis is now fed by a couple of farming/PL toons. AE is used to run them up to level 32 in a single evening. It makes the game infinitely more enjoyable to me. For farming, I often just use portal missions since it gives me a chance for purple drops and incarnate shards/threads.

Anything you can do in this game is OK until the rule-makers say otherwise. Opinions around here notwithstanding, the only person who can tell you what you are doing is wrong are the owners of the game.
annnnnd... THIS.

well said...

'nuff said.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
I seem to oscillate between thinking 'they pay their sub same as me, whatever' and 'I hate them. I wish they'd remove all rewards from the AE and leave it a ghost town of storyarc writers/players' lol.

I do think it's a shame they don't remove the AE from
atlas and galaxy, though.

As if removing the AE from any starting area would stop people PLing. Once you're supersidekicked to any higher level person you can cross almost any zone in total safety.


Also +4x8 is fantastic experience for anyone whether it's in AE or in a Newspaper mission or whatnot. It's also great for generating influence and with a level shift +4's are now only as tough as +3's with the same rewards. That alone makes power-leveling far easier, toss in IO's for softcapes and recharge or what have you and it becomes even easier/faster then it was in the past.

AE just lets you customize your foes compared to finding a good mission in the game somewhere that you can use to far (eg drecks, council outdoor, behemoths etc...)

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Well, we're not sure exactly what's happening to the AE buildings in Atlas and Mercy during the revamp...
It's still in Atlas, you can see it in the screenshots.

My concern is not the sheer fact that it it exists. Rather my concern/dislike is the location and the negative stigma. Location is bad because it DOES tend to breed the 'AE Baby' population. As far as stigma, people are so used to farming the system you can't get people to run it for story missions. A lot of that is due to missed opportunity and poor handling (you know, like base building...) where people who were previously invested in the system have dropped out.



Originally Posted by Crysys View Post
Anything you can do in this game is OK until the rule-makers say otherwise. Opinions around here notwithstanding, the only person who can tell you what you are doing is wrong are the owners of the game.
No, anything you can do in this game is OK until the rule-makers ENFORCE what they say you're not to do. They've already said AE is not for farming. Since they do not enforce it, that has become its main use. It's an important distinction since it speaks to the character of the AE farm makers.

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



Personally I wouldn't mind if they removed the AE building in Atlas, I'd actually prefer it.

Like others have said, it's remarkably easy to go to any other zone for the building. Placing it within site of the new blood coming in might not be the best idea. Seeing as how the majority of the ones unfamiliar with COH will be coming from other MMO's that live under the 'Game starts at level cap' mindset. If the very 1st zone they enter is a hotbed of PLing they will be drawn to it like moths to a flame. Not knowing any better and going with the idea that this is just 'How it's done here' We could end up with another mass exodus of bored players after a month. Worst case and all.

I'd prefer they get their feet wet in Atlas at least before entering a zone with AE. Hopefully by then they would've experienced the wealth of play avail. and won't want to isolate themselves in AE for 50 levels.

Since the rewards have been adjusted I doubt it'll ever be as bad as the 1st few weeks after AE, when you could go 1-50 in 2 hours but it could still pose a problem. Though, with Incarnate content costing money the Dev's might actually want them to hit 50 asap so they hit the wall and end up buying access...

Time will tell.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



I think removing it from Atlas would be a really good idea.

Not because I want to stop PLing/farming. That stuff is FINE. As a long time player I like a way to get to 50 really fast and to grind out currency fast.

What I don't like is: New players logging into the game for the first time. Being invited to a farm team. Joining up because they don't know any better. And then thinking that's all their is to the game.

This needs to be avoided. If any newbies join the game and ask "hey I just bought architect edition...where can I find it?" We can just point them to Steel Canyon or another zone. But let's face it. Those types of guys are going to be in the minority. And, judging from the amount of attention the MA has gotten recently, they are not the people the devs are targeting.



Lets say that if I ever encounter this.. (and this is NOT happenning at that kind of scale on UNION at all).. I would stand around broadcasting that...

I was starting an official story arc team so that you could use your inf to buy the enhancements you wanted while having fun actually playing the game!

Which servers have this kind of PL for Inf crap too? Union has none... and I cannot remember seeying it on Virtue either...

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Originally Posted by Liz Bathory View Post

Which servers have this kind of PL for Inf crap too? Union has none... and I cannot remember seeying it on Virtue either...
Step in to Freedom's Atlas and wait about oh... 0.01 seconds. You'll see the PL for Influence broadcasts before then probably.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



I think that the time yto debate this is well beyond us. It is there, it is used for farming, prices rock to ridiculous levels, overpowered characters run amok. We cannot turn this back. It is here to stay.

Only thing to discuss now is how to make some of the problems less problematic.

To name two of them:
The AE babies. Removal from Atlas and Mercy might help a bit.
The difficulty for finding nice non farm missions. A simple searchable tag in the AE interface could do just that.



Originally Posted by Doctor_Gemini View Post
No, anything you can do in this game is OK until the rule-makers ENFORCE what they say you're not to do. They've already said AE is not for farming. Since they do not enforce it, that has become its main use. It's an important distinction since it speaks to the character of the AE farm makers.
Respectfully, I disagree.

Its one thing to say "We didn't build AE for farming/PL purposes. That wasn't our intent."

Its quite another to say "Don't use AE for farming/PL purposes. If you do so, we will consider it a violation of our rules."

One is a statement. The other is an edict.

I've yet to see a redname issue an edict on the use of AE for farming/PL purposes. I've seen what they stated their intent was, but not as a "stop or else" statement.

If the owners of this game have issued an edict and I've just not seen it, please feel free to correct me further. I do not break the rules of the game. But I've no issue in leveraging an 'unintended consequence,' such as slotting HO Enzymes and running fire-farms with a fire-resistant toon.



I seem to recall Positron making some rather strong anti-farming statements, but these were promptly met by "I pay my subscription, you aren't the boss of me; besides, if it's possible to do it, that must make it okay" bluster from some farmers and simply ignored by the rest.

I agree with Xanatos (shock!) that it would be nice to get AE out of the starting zones, just so that newbies don't get the idea that AE Farming Is The Game.

For now, at least, the "paying for AE farm" thing is mostly confined to Freedom (the server), though I wonder if Freedom (the pricing plan) will bring it to others. Sometimes I wonder if anyone on Freedom (again, the server) knows how to level any other way.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Never paid to be pl'ed up. I do however know that the rate is normally 10-20 mil a level. So 500mil to 1bil inf to reach 50.

If the person getting pl'ed is smart enough to roll tickets when capped they are going to come out ahead of the cost at level 50. Most likely by a wide margin.

With that in mind I don't so much look at it as charging to pl as the person running the farm saying I'm doing all the work give me a modest percentage of the returns.

Global: @Kelig



The attitudes of the devs (and policies of the customer service staff) has definitely changed. In the first few month after AE I was one of many people who had their MA missions removed because I said something like “good xp and tickets from this basic freakshow farm.” At that time simply using the word “farm” in the mission description was against the rules and would get a warning from customer service.

In case you haven’t experienced it, you can get from level 1 to 15 in a single +3 X8 mission in the MA. Even a good team of low-level heroes is at best, oh, 10% as fast as being powerleveled. It is usually worth it to me to pay for this service at least until level 22 when I can get SO enhancements. I really wish the discrepancy were not so great, but it is an emergent phenomena of how powerful level 50 characters are.