Dev Chat Highlights, July 20: Paragon Rewards

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
I've yet to find a marketer that hasn't abused the word "free".

They are giving you a free reward token each month and each year. By the twisty language marketers have, they can claim that they are free.
Just like the "Free" 150pp/month for just being a tier 9 subscriber? I don't see that on the pyramid and wouldn't expect that or the costumes to cost a token to unlock but we'll just have to wait and see, until the devs actually clarify what they mean and say.

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Whereas I'm sure mine is being saved up for the restraining order. Or else the contract on my life.

Didn't you know? Yours pays for the Positron character's subscription.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Djeannie View Post
Just like the "Free" 150pp/month for just being a tier 9 subscriber? I don't see that on the pyramid and wouldn't expect that or the costumes to cost a token to unlock but we'll just have to wait and see, until the devs actually clarify what they mean and say.
The devs have never been accused of possessing precision of language. In this case they are tending, not just here but all over the place, to trip over the distinction between things that are not gated by purchasable unlocks and things that are free to acquire. The first is "free from additional prerequisites" and the second is "free as in beer."

To be honest, sometimes I'm not even sure which they mean, particularly when they've potentially changed it since inception.

I can say that as far as I know, the 150 extra Paragon Points is an automatic benefit for reaching tier 9 status. It was not an unlockable reward when the system was first described to me in detail.

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Originally Posted by Djeannie View Post
Just like the "Free" 150pp/month for just being a tier 9 subscriber? I don't see that on the pyramid and wouldn't expect that or the costumes to cost a token to unlock but we'll just have to wait and see, until the devs actually clarify what they mean and say.
I believe the following explains my thought process:

They just forgot the asterisks.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Oh thank you for being kind to the old fart with deteriorating brain cells. So I don't lose anything, I gradually gain the new shinies, they are going to preslot for me (thank GOD, I went through enough micromanagement when Fitness went inherent), and since I see no reason to stop subscribing, all is well.

I will now go back to building my Haunted Amusement Park (damn, that should be in Dark Astoria) and shaking my cane at you meddling kids.

Author of: GOOD TASTE: A Frequent Die-ers Guide to the Turf, Sand and Carpet of Paragon City



Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post

You will have 3 slots full on T7 and 3 slots empty. You also have been receiving 1 token per month since the beginning of July so if this launches in say september you will have 3 tokens available to fillup the remainder of Tier 7 with.

Keep in mind that after Freedom goes live you get 1 token per month.

The old system Enslaved - you got 1 token every 3 months and 1 token per year. The new system Freedom - you get 1 token per month + 1 token per year. So you earn the rewards faster in the new system.

Has it been stated anywhere that we begin accruing PR Tokens in July? I don't recall ever seeing that anywhere. We *do* accrue Paragon Points starting in July though.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
So that is contrary to what was mentioned earlier on about Paragon points, when they were 1st announced, because I thought it was at least confirmed by a red name (i forget who) that if you bought a year sub, you got ALL your Paragon Points up front.

I can see the "Vet" Reward Tokens though just being dolled out one per month...
As I understand it, NEITHER of them are given to you all at once. If one of them was though I'd assume it would more likely be the Vet tokens, *not* the Paragon Points. As I understand it, you receive your allotment (of 400 or 550) on the day of the month each month that would be your billing day, regardless of weather you're a multi-month subber or a monthly subber. AFAIK the same is true of Paragon Reward Tokens.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by Djeannie View Post
According to the ustream and the official website the tier 9 vip stuff is free and doesn't cost tokens. the regular tier 9 stuff cost tokens.
This has been covered. It's "free" in that you do not *pay* for it, but it is not '"free" in that it does not cost tokens, it still costs tokens (which they have given you).

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



(Sorry I didn't include my comments that you quoted, but I'm not that able with this forum software, so since it wasn't easy, I didn't do it.)

Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Yet you seem to insist calling the developers liars. The developers are probably even more aware than you think Time index 21:50-24:30 on. They are talking about never stopping badges from being earned, do you honestly think they'd do less for costumes?
*/e facepalm* I'm not calling them liars, I never called them liars. If YOU saw that, YOU read the bias in. I am saying that it hasn't been specifically addressed in a way that was clear to people who are especially concerned about it. Because it hasn't been specifically addressed, people who are especially concerned about the availability of the Celestial costumes don't know how aware the devs are of their concerns. Thus, I'm stating, they should speak up if it's that important to them. I'm not saying that they will necessarily get a response, but that they should make the effort. Why? Because the dev team is pretty good about monitoring the boards & making note of people's concerns. Sometimes they even respond.

As to the second part, I personally don't think they would lock the costume set away after it's initial release period, but I can see how it would be a concern to people for whom costumes are important. I can even think of a badge example that could provide justification for that concern. It's not possible for every player to get all the Anniversary badges. Some of those badges, some players will never be able to get. Now to someone who isn't an obsessive badge collector, that makes perfect sense. You weren't there to earn the Xth Anniversary badge so why should you ever be able to earn it?

So now we have the tier 9 VIP rewards which have been announced to offer rewards on a limited-time basis. AFAIK, it hasn't been specifically stated what refresh means. AFAIK it also hasn't been specifically stated the the tier 9 rewards will be made available again at a later date. For me personally, it's not a big enough deal to worry about. However, for some people, this is a concern. Maybe the devs have already anticipated their concerns, but these people don't know. Now some of these things are fixed & can't be changed based on design decisions made long ago, but other things are still in flux & might be changeable. Not being privy to what's going on behind the scenes, the people who have concerns should say something now. They shouldn't be ranty about it. They should demonstrate that they've made an effort to understand how things work, and then explain why things as described concern them. Explain why they don't like what they understand is going to happen & then let the devs take in & consider their feedback. Maybe the devs will act on it, or maybe they won't, but at least the person concerned will have made the effort to get their concern addressed & considered.

So basically you are saying that the developer aren't to be trusted...
Again, no. I'm saying that they are many people working on a project that has lots of details. They get most things right, but they can also make oversights & mistakes. They try very hard not to overlook anything & to not make mistakes, but sometimes things do slip between the cracks. I'm saying that people who have particular concerns SHOULD raise those concerns if they have reason to believe, or see direct evidence that those concerns haven't been addressed. By doing so, they give the devs the opportunity to see both what the concerns of their community are, and where their current communications may not be doing as good a job as they'd have liked. Based on the feedback they get, they improve their communications by addressing the issues they didn't communicate as well as they would have liked and are of concern to the community.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. The rednames have consistently stated that you
Something appears to have happened & your thought here did not get expressed completely. (Evidence that even the most thorough people can have slip-ups)

Hardly. Given that the Celestial set has likely been in development for a long time, I expect that it would have been the 96 month Vet Reward, had they kept the system going.
And I expect it would have been released as a booster pack, or been made unlockable in-game. I think it only became acceptable to have a costume set as a subscriber reward because they moved to this new reward system. I think the lack of costume sets in the later Veteran Rewards supports my position better than it does yours.



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
This has been covered. It's "free" in that you do not *pay* for it, but it is not '"free" in that it does not cost tokens, it still costs tokens (which they have given you).
No it hasn't been covered. Their video is unclear and so is the official website. I have PM'ed Zillinger for clarification on the point and when I hear back I'll post the information so that it is clear to everyone.

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Originally Posted by Djeannie View Post
No it hasn't been covered. Their video is unclear and so is the official website. I have PM'ed Zillinger for clarification on the point and when I hear back I'll post the information so that it is clear to everyone.
To clarify: I and others covered it, because to many of us, it was perfectly clear, however it obviously was not to you. We'll see if you get response, and you can post it. I suspect, however, if/when they *do* respond, here or in a PM to you, the response will be the same as has been indicated.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
As I understand it, NEITHER of them are given to you all at once. If one of them was though I'd assume it would more likely be the Vet tokens, *not* the Paragon Points. As I understand it, you receive your allotment (of 400 or 550) on the day of the month each month that would be your billing day, regardless of weather you're a multi-month subber or a monthly subber. AFAIK the same is true of Paragon Reward Tokens.
Zwillinger replied to this post by Emberly on June 21:

Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
I notice it says that current subscribers get 400 points per month starting on the billing cycle after July 1. If my sub doesn't renew until January (because I pay yearly) will I still get those points per month starting July?
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Yes, they'll accrue on your normal cycle date, regardless of your billing plan.

On a similar note in the future should you chose to continue the yearly sub, you will be allocated ALL of your Paragon Reward Tokens to spend up front for the year instead of having to wait for monthly rewards as the current veteran rewards program works.
So unless there's been some information released that supercedes this, it looks like Paragon Points will be doled out monthly while Paragon Reward tokens will be frontloaded.



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post

Has it been stated anywhere that we begin accruing PR Tokens in July? I don't recall ever seeing that anywhere. We *do* accrue Paragon Points starting in July though.

From the Freedom FAQ page.

Q: Are there any incentives to maintaining my subscription or reactivating my subscription before City of Heroes Freedom launches?
A: Current subscribers and former subscribers that reactivate their accounts earn 400 Paragon Points per month beginning July 1, 2011. Any active subscriber also earns Reward Tokens in our new Paragon Rewards program.

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So, between this:

Q: Are there any incentives to maintaining my subscription or reactivating my subscription before City of Heroes Freedom launches?
A: Current subscribers and former subscribers that reactivate their accounts earn 400 Paragon Points per month beginning July 1, 2011. Any active subscriber also earns Reward Tokens in our new Paragon Rewards program.
And this:

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
I notice it says that current subscribers get 400 points per month starting on the billing cycle after July 1. If my sub doesn't renew until January (because I pay yearly) will I still get those points per month starting July?
Yes, they'll accrue on your normal cycle date, regardless of your billing plan.

On a similar note in the future should you chose to continue the yearly sub, you will be allocated ALL of your Paragon Reward Tokens to spend up front for the year instead of having to wait for monthly rewards as the current veteran rewards program works.
We can rework the Reward Tokens you get thusly:

At the time that FREEDOM is released, use this formula:

N/4 + N/12 (N = Number of months subscribed, drop remainders from both terms)

+1 Token per month starting in July 2011.

And if you want to 'buy out' the rest of the Reward Tier Tree, you can pay $15 per Token needed (and also get 1,200 Points for each $15 you spend) by means of buying Points, OR... You can pay your subscription ahead of time and get 1 Paragon Point immediate for each future month you pay for.

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Originally Posted by Red_Gren View Post
*/e facepalm* I'm not calling them liars, I never called them liars. If YOU saw that, YOU read the bias in.
That is how I read it.

Originally Posted by Red_Gren View Post
I am saying that it hasn't been specifically addressed in a way that was clear to people who are especially concerned about it. Because it hasn't been specifically addressed, people who are especially concerned about the availability of the Celestial costumes don't know how aware the devs are of their concerns. Thus, I'm stating, they should speak up if it's that important to them. I'm not saying that they will necessarily get a response, but that they should make the effort. Why? Because the dev team is pretty good about monitoring the boards & making note of people's concerns. Sometimes they even respond.
I'm sure that they are already getting this feedback in Beta.

Originally Posted by Red_Gren View Post
So now we have the tier 9 VIP rewards which have been announced to offer rewards on a limited-time basis. AFAIK, it hasn't been specifically stated what refresh means. AFAIK it also hasn't been specifically stated the the tier 9 rewards will be made available again at a later date.
So panic is justified if, in early announcements, not everything is revealed? Give me a break.

Originally Posted by Red_Gren View Post
Now some of these things are fixed & can't be changed based on design decisions made long ago, but other things are still in flux & might be changeable. Not being privy to what's going on behind the scenes, the people who have concerns should say something now.
I going to give you some advice as to what happens in betas. First there is planning. That probably took place last year, if not earlier. Then they had a team starting the general shape of the rewards program and made some mock-ups. They then got a small focus group (actually there was a focus group before this beta) to see if they were on the right track. This happened in May. The developers explained what they were planning to this group. At this point most of the overall features were set. The developers then continued working to get it closer to actual production. Late June they started with a small group of beta testers. They are possibly on the third wave of beta testers at this point, if my guess is right (based on past betas). The features, unless they are horribly broken, are set at this point.

What you are talking about (refreshing top tier rewards) will not happen for 3-4 months after Issue 21 launch. The thing is that the rewards might be rotated in quarterly. So Q4 is the Celestial Set, Q1 is a Tier 9 VIP only powerset, Q2 is a special Mission Pack, Q3 a special IO set only available to Tier 9 VIP. We won't know until they give us more information. Throwing oneself into a panic won't get the information faster.

Originally Posted by Red_Gren View Post
Again, no. I'm saying that they are many people working on a project that has lots of details. They get most things right, but they can also make oversights & mistakes. They try very hard not to overlook anything & to not make mistakes, but sometimes things do slip between the cracks. I'm saying that people who have particular concerns SHOULD raise those concerns if they have reason to believe, or see direct evidence that those concerns haven't been addressed.
In every case that they've made that mistake, they have corrected it. There is only a small set of badges that are one-shots: The anniversary badges, passport, and efficiency expert.

Originally Posted by Red_Gren View Post
By doing so, they give the devs the opportunity to see both what the concerns of their community are, and where their current communications may not be doing as good a job as they'd have liked. Based on the feedback they get, they improve their communications by addressing the issues they didn't communicate as well as they would have liked and are of concern to the community.
You don't come to these forums often, huh? What you are saying hasn't happened in past, and I'm sure it will continue into the future.

Originally Posted by Red_Gren View Post
Something appears to have happened & your thought here did not get expressed completely. (Evidence that even the most thorough people can have slip-ups)
Dyslexia, actually. Sometimes I don't realize I haven't completed my sentences because of it. That should be:

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. The rednames have consistently stated that they are aware of players not wanting "one shot" rewards of any stripe. Players complaining, yet again, that they don't want one shot costume sets or other rewards is saying that "perhaps in this case the developers are insane and will forget."

Originally Posted by Red_Gren View Post
And I expect it would have been released as a booster pack, or been made unlockable in-game. I think it only became acceptable to have a costume set as a subscriber reward because they moved to this new reward system. I think the lack of costume sets in the later Veteran Rewards supports my position better than it does yours.
I can cite several veteran rewards, when added caused uproar because they were "too far", including wings, Samurai Armor, Tech Sleek, shoulder capes, chest emblems (groups), the boxing set, the Arachnos Helmets (51 month reward). We were likely to get the GR enhancements (at a guess they would have been 87 or 90).

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post

At the time that FREEDOM is released, use this formula:

N/4 + N/12 (N = Number of months subscribed, drop remainders from both terms)

+1 Token per month starting in July 2011.

And if you want to 'buy out' the rest of the Reward Tier Tree, you can pay $15 per Token needed (and also get 1,200 Points for each $15 you spend) by means of buying Points, OR... You can pay your subscription ahead of time and get 1 Paragon Point immediate for each future month you pay for.
Huh. Thank you Selina, Terra, and Zombie for pointing that all out. I must've totally glazed over all of that, and missed Zwill's response to Emberley. There's a crapton of stuff in all this to cover. Thanks guys.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by Djeannie View Post
According to the ustream and the official website the tier 9 vip stuff is free and doesn't cost tokens. the regular tier 9 stuff cost tokens.
Amakjfhgsjgnsvj I'd better not miss the armour sets! D=

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
And if you want to 'buy out' the rest of the Reward Tier Tree, you can pay $15 per Token needed (and also get 1,200 Points for each $15 you spend) by means of buying Points, OR... You can pay your subscription ahead of time and get 1 Paragon Point immediate for each future month you pay for.
Yeah, that makes it likely that I'm going to be in tier 9 immediately. Unless they wait until December to launch.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Haha, just noticed this...

Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
... You can pay your subscription ahead of time and get 1 Paragon Point immediate for each future month you pay for.
That's Paragon Reward Token, you noob!!

Haha... Oh the joy of these new non-currencies!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



I suppose its not terribly relevant, as Tier 9 / Tier 9 VIP are actually the same tier and don't need to be purchased in any particular order, but am I the only person seeing "96 Months" twice on your chart? (pardon, its really early / late for me. completely off topic: Captain America ROCKS!)



Originally Posted by Heartbreaker View Post

I suppose its not terribly relevant, as Tier 9 / Tier 9 VIP are actually the same tier and don't need to be purchased in any particular order, but am I the only person seeing "96 Months" twice on your chart? (pardon, its really early / late for me. completely off topic: Captain America ROCKS!)
It's on purpose.

You get an extra token every year. So every multiple of 12 months is repeated twice. In red.

Also the chart isn't quite accurate it seems, since it also seems we'll be getting one Paragon Rewards token every month leading up to the release of Freedom.

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .



Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
it also seems we'll be getting one Paragon Rewards token every month leading up to the release of Freedom.
I thought the announcement said we would get Paragon Points accruing until launch, not PRewards?


Says Paragon Points... no Reward tokens.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
I can cite several veteran rewards, when added caused uproar because they were "too far", including wings, Samurai Armor, Tech Sleek, shoulder capes, chest emblems (groups), the boxing set, the Arachnos Helmets (51 month reward). We were likely to get the GR enhancements (at a guess they would have been 87 or 90).
In terms of costume pieces your most recent example is, what, three years old?

It's extremely hard to believe they'd add costume sets that deep in the vet reward tree now. The "choicest" stuff was earned within 18 months, Tech Sleek being iffy at 27 months (perhaps on your server the boxing set is wildly popular?). The Arachnos Helmets were strangley past due compared to the pre-order sprints (and more likely drudged up when they sat around stumped for ideas), but they are not heavily used - especially not compared to trench coats and wings and samurai armor bits.

There are less examples of costume sets being given as vet reward as they are simply being given along with new boxes (5 full sets vs 3 full sets, and this is discounting the huge number of sets that came with CoV).

Based on recent performance, it's far, far more feasible that things such as costume sets would appear in a paid booster, in-game unlockable "content," or some boxed set. They stopped putting costume bits as vet rewards in roughly June 2008 (feel free to look it up, the only specific that matters is that it happened before Boosters). They started Boosters in September of 2008. They have added costumes in boxed editions every time (excepting Architect Edition, which let you choose a Booster) - pre-order sprints and helmets, Justice, Sinister, Valkyrie, Resistance, Praetorian, too numerous to list Villain sets, DVD Edition capes for both COH and COV, DVD Edition Arachnos logo, etc.

They have just added costume bits as in-game purchasable with one of our myriad in-game currencies (I, for one, am so glad they removed Base Salvage because it's no hard to keep track of all these currencies!). There's just nothing there to support a belief that they'd start tossing costume parts on the back end of the vet program again. That's disingenuous, especially when being so dismissive of other people's opinions and lines of thought when your own are lacking in substance.

Have a peachy day! I'm sure you'll enjoy the last word.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
So, between this:

[/INDENT]And this:

We can rework the Reward Tokens you get thusly:

At the time that FREEDOM is released, use this formula:

N/3 + N/12 (N = Number of months subscribed, drop remainders from both terms)



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Is this accurate? I keep hear conflicting information on whether or not tier one costs a token.