Dev Chat Highlights, July 20: Paragon Rewards

Adeon Hawkwood



Okay, so one thing I'm still unclear on. "Tier 9 VIP". Is this in the sense of "accessible after all tier 8 stuff has been claimed, if you're a VIP player" or in the sense of "actually tier 10, but we ran out of one digit numbers"? Or is it something somewhere in between the two?



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Okay, so one thing I'm still unclear on. "Tier 9 VIP". Is this in the sense of "accessible after all tier 8 stuff has been claimed, if you're a VIP player" or in the sense of "actually tier 10, but we ran out of one digit numbers"? Or is it something somewhere in between the two?
I think Free or Premium players can get to Tier 9 if they fork out the dough. Tier 9 only VIPs can reach.



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Okay, so one thing I'm still unclear on. "Tier 9 VIP". Is this in the sense of "accessible after all tier 8 stuff has been claimed, if you're a VIP player" or in the sense of "actually tier 10, but we ran out of one digit numbers"? Or is it something somewhere in between the two?
It's all Tier 9, but Tier 9 VIP is only available to those with a sub (I think thats right)

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Okay, so one thing I'm still unclear on. "Tier 9 VIP". Is this in the sense of "accessible after all tier 8 stuff has been claimed, if you're a VIP player" or in the sense of "actually tier 10, but we ran out of one digit numbers"? Or is it something somewhere in between the two?
AFAIK it's the former. Once you've claimed all items in Tier 8 you unlock Tier 9 and Tier 9 VIP with the caveat that only VIPs can spend points in Tier 9 VIP.



Originally Posted by El__D View Post
Well, using the formula...

(57/3) + ((57/3)/4) = 19 + 4.75 = 23 Tokens

So, at 57 months you'll have two selections left to purchase in Tier 6. That's 3 out of 7 Rewards in Tier 7. In 10 months you will max out Tier 8 and start in on the Tier 9 consumables or VIPs.

Without the new system, you still have 30 months to get all the Rewards that are currently in the pipeline.

The new system gives it to you 20 months earlier.

EDIT: refixt with the correct formula!

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Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha
It's all Tier 9, but Tier 9 VIP is only available to those with a sub (I think thats right)
Okay, I know I'll get this one right!

The top Tier 9 stuff (which looks just just the Celestial Costume packs) looks like VIP only.

<em waits for Snow_Globe to point out where he went wrong>

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
Are you SURE you're a year away? Remember you'll gain tokens every MONTH not every THREE.
Yes, hehe, positive (based on all the known info thus far). Thanks though

Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
43 months, if FREEDOM went Live today = 17 Tokens. That's 4 out of 7 Rewards in Tier 6. In 15 months you will max out Tier 8 and start in on the Tier 9 consumables or VIPs.

Without the new system, you still have 44 months to get all the Rewards that are currently in the pipeline.

The new system gives it to you 29 months earlier.
Yeah, but -again- I think people would be utterly shocked if they went and put new full costume sets (and new wing tech!) into the current vet reward system (even just at the 4+ year mark).

I understand (as I stated earlier) what is nice about the new system.
The bad thing is that they put carrots that far exceed the shininess of anything else in there before...

And the time required to reach tier 9 under the new system is shorter than what I'll have to do to get there. So, it really would have been lovely if the transfer rate somehow allowed for me to be there when it goes live, as opposed to waiting 15 more months.


"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Welcome to F2P

Where you can break the game all you want if you are willing to pay for the privilege.
How does getting reward perks a few months early break the game?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Is Positron's formula wrong then? Because Positron's formula gives 19 tokens.

(57/4)+((57/3)/4) = 19 tokens.

14.25 + (19/4)

14.25 + 4.75 = 19.

EDIT::: Ahhhhh haaaaaaa Positron's formula doesn't include the yearly tokens.
Posi's formula is correct and it takes into account yearly Tokens. People are incorrectly adding in the yearly Tokens *again*. And they're getting the first denominator wrong.

The formula is: N/3+((N/3)/4)

N/3 = Posi's formula first derives the number of Vet Badges you have by dividing the number of months subscribed by 3 (then throw out the remainder). You get one Token for each Vet Badge.

((N/3)/4)) = Then it takes the number of badges you have and divides by 4 to get the number of years you've been subscribed (throw out the remainder again). This is basically (Number of Months subscribed)/12.

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Originally Posted by Moly View Post
I understand the mechanics of it, but both of those options are completely unsatisfying. Two years or somewhere between $300 and $350. There is nothing good that can be said about that, really. I'll just continue to hope that the costume pieces will make it into the market and re-evaluate the situation after I've had to a chance to actually see it.
And yet, if that same stuff was added as 87 and or 90 month vet rewards to the current system you'd be waiting 4-6 years, would have no option to spend money, and then you'd have something to complain about. Under the new system you'll wait a year or two, and/or spend some money (which i think is silly just to get some glowy costume bits, beyond 30 bucks or so). Ideally they won't make it into the market, as they're supposed to be restricted to VIPs (even then, perhaps only on the market FOR VIPs) otherwise they've devalued the tier 9 VIP vet reward. Basically you're just upset because there are new shiny costume bits, and you can't have them right nao.

That's all it boils down to, a sense of (wrongly placed) entitlement.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



It seems to me as though they put in this transfer rate so that we wouldn't have an abundance of tokens to spend on the Tier 9 stuff.

I wonder if some sort of sliding scale or whatever could have been used to get relatively long term vets into or nearer Tier 9 without giving a surplus of extra tokens to the top vets.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by El__D View Post
Well, using the formula...

(57/4) + ((57/3)/4) = 14.25 + 4.75 = 19 + 4 (yearly) makes 23 Tokens

So, at 57 months, you'd be in Tier 7.

Edit: Apparently I misread some things x.x Apologies for the misinformation, Techbot, and thanks for the clarifications, Snow!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Is Positron's formula wrong then? Because Positron's formula gives 19 tokens.

(57/4)+((57/3)/4) = 19 tokens.

14.25 + (19/4)

14.25 + 4.75 = 19.

EDIT::: Ahhhhh haaaaaaa Positron's formula doesn't include the yearly tokens.
Actually the (((highest vet badge)/3)/4) is the year token portion of the formula. As others have pointed out, that is the same as (((highest vet badge)/12).

Personally, I'd just ditch Positron's formula. It is messing too many people up. See this:

Count your Vet Badges. Then add 1 for every year you have subscribed (1 for every 4 vet badges). That is your total.

If you don't want to go to that hassle:
Find your highest vet reward badge in the above table. That will tell you what tier you are on when Freedom launches. It won't tell you what slot (as you can generally pick which reward from the tier), but it will tell you what tier you are on.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



O M G! Did you guys notice, in the top t8 or t9, there is _remote vault_. The vault kinda sucks as is, but its better than nothing. And being able to vault whenever you want is AWESOME. Kind of like the super awesome remote auctioneer!

Hew in drag baby



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
It seems to me as though they put in this transfer rate so that we wouldn't have an abundance of tokens to spend on the Tier 9 stuff.

I wonder if some sort of sliding scale or whatever could have been used to get relatively long term vets into or nearer Tier 9 without giving a surplus of extra tokens to the top vets.
Without building it in some way similar to the way Djeannie suggested earlier (making stuff cost a set number of "tokens" and letting you buy whatever you wanted) there's not really an easy way to do that. The problem with that system is, it doesn't incentivise continually maintaining an active VIP sub to get new shinys (what the current system does, but it's opressive and draconian), because if everyone could just buy up the Remote Vault and Remote AH and Return to Battle stuff right away with maybe 3-5 tokens each, they would, and then they'd have less reason to stay subbed. This strikes a happy(er) medium between Paragon wanting us to pay them monthly and the rewards system not feeling so overburdensome and draconian that newer players feel they'll never get to the "good stuff" they really want. I think especially the changeover to 1 a month helped that immensely, and I suspect if Paragon had it all to do over again they'd have done a monthly vet system back then too.

Edit: I rest my case, note the post above me talking about how awesome the Remote Vault and Remote Auction powers are :P

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I'll have 57 months in three days (the 24th of July) far in am I then?
Big Wide Grin....Small world....I hit 54 months on the 24th Of July too

I am also a tad confused ..think I am in the very start of tier 7....but not sure.

Tier 8 is where I want to be, and I wonder how much of a bite it will take out of my pocketbook to get me there "Naow"


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
It's all Tier 9, but Tier 9 VIP is only available to those with a sub (I think thats right)
Originally Posted by El__D View Post
Okay, I know I'll get this one right!


The top Tier 9 stuff (which looks just just the Celestial Costume packs) looks like VIP only.

<em waits for Snow_Globe to point out where he went wrong>
Nope, you got both got it right.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
That's all it boils down to, a sense of (wrongly placed) entitlement.

The two vet reward systems cannot be compared because the current one consists of relatively useless (my opinion) and repetitive rewards. Now that I have the Samurai armor, there is nothing else of interest to me. The new reward system however, is actually showcasing (and time-gating) some very interesting core content in the form of new costume sets consisting of many pieces.

Contrary to your trite assumption, I don't feel entitled to anything for free--what I'm hoping for is that the swag will be available for direct purchase through the market for those like me who want it nao, and through the vet rewards program for those who are willing to wait or who have subscribed for so long that they will have immediate access to everything anyway. Seems that the people in the latter category are really excited by this system, strangely enough...



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
And yet, if that same stuff was added as 87 and or 90 month vet rewards to the current system you'd be waiting 4-6 years, would have no option to spend money, and then you'd have something to complain about. Under the new system you'll wait a year or two, and/or spend some money (which i think is silly just to get some glowy costume bits, beyond 30 bucks or so). Ideally they won't make it into the market, as they're supposed to be restricted to VIPs (even then, perhaps only on the market FOR VIPs) otherwise they've devalued the tier 9 VIP vet reward. Basically you're just upset because there are new shiny costume bits, and you can't have them right nao.

That's all it boils down to, a sense of (wrongly placed) entitlement.
Really? Do you want to go and throw around "wrongly placed entitlement" to reasonably expressed disappointment in vet rewards for a video game?
Come on.

Would you really expect them to put new costume sets into post 84 month vet rewards?
Would people even expect them in 4+ vet year rewards?
The later Vet Rewards have often been cited as having small rewards of convenience and not brand new costume tech (those wings!) and not even full costume sets.

Fine, you want to just say "get over it"... Yeah, there's no other option, but we're allowed to express our feedback about it and you should really think about respecting those who do so respectfully and not treat them like ranting ingrates worthy of being told they have a wrongly placed sense of entitlement.

It's not entitlement. It's a matter of desire. It's a very simple matter of learning about new very fancy stuff that will be available for some and not for others for quite a long stretch of time. End of story. They all lived ridiculously ever after

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by El__D View Post
(n/4)+((n/3)/4) = Reward Tokens

(24/4)+((24/3)/4) = 6 + 2 = 8, plus 2 extra from total subscription time makes 10 tokens to spend on new stuff, after keeping all the stuff you already got from the past two years.
The formula is: N/3 + N/12, where N=months subscribed.

The first is how many badges you have (throw out remainder). You have 4 as the denominator -- it's supposed to be 3.

The second term is how many years subscribed (throw out remainder). I simplified the second term since ((N/3)/4)) = N/12.

Since the formula includes the yearly Tokens, you don't add them again.

So, 24 months would be: 24/3 + 24/12 = 8 + 2 = 10.

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Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Would you really expect them to put new costume sets into post 84 month vet rewards?
Would people even expect them in 4+ vet year rewards?
I believe the answers are "yes", and "yes".

Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
It's not entitlement. It's a matter of desire. It's a very simple matter of learning about new very fancy stuff that will be available for some and not for others for quite a long stretch of time. End of story. They all lived ridiculously ever after
Now you don't have to wait for the 84+ month mark to get the costumes. Problem solved. The choices are simple: learn to be patient or fork over a lot of money. The same thing happened with the old Veteran Reward System, and the arguments you are making failed to impress anyone then. You'll get less sympathy now that the reward time is much shorter.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Moly View Post

The two vet reward systems cannot be compared because the current one consists of relatively useless (my opinion) and repetitive rewards. Now that I have the Samurai armor, there is nothing else of interest to me.

I'm hoping for is that the swag will be available for direct purchase through the market for those like me who want it nao, and through the vet rewards program for those who are willing to wait or who have subscribed for so long that they will have immediate access to everything anyway. Seems that the people in the latter category are really excited by this system, strangely enough...
If Paragon sees enough of it, they might decide to place it on the market (likely for VIPs only) (for a fairly high PP cost I'd imagine, or they'd risk upsetting the vets who feel they got something "special") then they'll do that, if they think it's a good monitary choice. They may also opt not to do that, there's nothing wrong with feedback on it.

Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Really? Do you want to go and throw around "wrongly placed entitlement" to reasonably expressed disappointment in vet rewards for a video game?
Come on.

Would you really expect them to put new costume sets into post 84 month vet rewards?
Would people even expect them in 4+ vet year rewards?

It's not entitlement. It's a matter of desire. It's a very simple matter of learning about new very fancy stuff that will be available for some and not for others for quite a long stretch of time. End of story. They all lived ridiculously ever after
No I wouldn't actually EXPECT them to do that, that was my point, they COULD'VE done that, then the people who are complaining would have a bit more cause to be upset. I think it's entitlement. By the same token the people who have 80+ month (of which I am NOT one, though I'm only maybe 6-8 months away in the new system, just to get that disclosure out of the way) vet status feel they should get something "special" for being there that long fighting through all the things they've gone through since the game launched. That too is a sense of entitlement, though I think it's just a tad more justifed, but that's my opinion, of course. Everyone is entitled to their feedback, the problem is some people have "expressed" that feedback multiple times in the same thread, when one statement of "I'm disappointed because of x" would've been sufficient, that's the point at which it goes into 'entitlement' territory, and then eventually, 'whinging'. So far, we're not there, yet. But it's a very slippery slope...

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
I believe the answers are "yes", and "yes".

Now you don't have to wait for the 84+ month mark to get the costumes. Problem solved. The choices are simple: learn to be patient or fork over a lot of money. The same thing happened with the old Veteran Reward System, and the arguments you are making failed to impress anyone then. You'll get less sympathy now that the reward time is much shorter.
*Stares blankly* This is confusing. I'm conflicted because Snow Globe and I agree on something. I think. The universe might possibly be imploding. :P Also, hi, SG.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post
Big Wide Grin....Small world....I hit 54 months on the 24th Of July too

I am also a tad confused ..think I am in the very start of tier 7....but not sure.

Tier 8 is where I want to be, and I wonder how much of a bite it will take out of my pocketbook to get me there "Naow"

N/3 + N/12, where N is 54 and remainders discarded

18 + 4 = 22 Tokens

That's 2 out of 7 rewards in Tier 7.

You'll need 12 more tokens to fill Tier 8. That's 11 months of subbing (because of the extra yearly Token).

For $15, you can get 1,200 Paragon Points and one Reward Token. So if FREEDOM went live now, you could pay $180 to get it all NAO! and wind up with 14,400 Paragon Points in the deal, too.

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Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
The choices are simple: learn to be patient or fork over a lot of money. The same thing happened with the old Veteran Reward System, and the arguments you are making failed to impress anyone then. You'll get less sympathy now that the reward time is much shorter.
While I appreciate what you've done to explain the mathematics of the system, I have to disregard the preaching of anyone who is grandfathered in so completely that they will have everything in the new system handed to them immediately and for free.

In other words: Easy for you to say.



Well, "yes and yes" are odd answers compared to what's really happened with the vet system, but whatever, if that's what you believe, that's what you believe.

Anyway, no point in discussing this further.

It is what it is.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"