Hidden Hero

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  1. 77.

    Taken (please copy and add your guess to your post to help us all keep track):
    6, 13, 17, 20, 27, 32, 40, 44, 48,54, 57, 58,63, 67, 74,79,81, 95, 99
  2. 50

    Numbers left:
    46, 52, 53, 56, 58, 62, 76, 87, 89, 95, 100
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    People might think the "jumping through various games" idea is too derivative of the movie coming out called Wreck-It Ralph.

    Not my fault I had thought up the idea after seeing the trailer and loving it. >.> You know what they say, no idea is totally original. I scrapped that idea anyway. D:
  4. NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month, an international writing challenge where you strive to write 50,000 words or more in November. I plan to do it again, just like last year. As a tribute to the best MMO I could have asked for and the community that made it awesome, I want to write a novel based around an MMO closing and the community rallying together.

    The problem is that even with narrowing it down to that, there's still so many ideas I could go with. I had an idea before about players helping self-aware avatar jump through different MMOs to escape deletion, but it fizzled once I realized I knew jack squat about other MMOs.
    I figured I'd post this here, since I seem no closer to figuring out what I'm gonna do. What ideas would you suggest or think would be cool? What genres could fit? Fantasy, sci-fi etc. Thanks a million guys!
  5. A video of people with goodbye signs, both their characters and real faces?
  6. This game made my last year of high school so much more lonely and I was filled with awesomeness becuase of it. I am going to miss everyone. *starts to tear up*
  7. Hidden Hero

    I am crying.

    If you are, I do not blame you one bit. You have every reason to.
  8. I am happy and sad at the same time. Man, I was such a Supermartian fangirl. But the big question is, where the heck is Kid Flash and Artemis? I'm an even bigger Spitfire fangirl!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coin View Post
    Gotta love the logic of people happily accepting living Norse Gods, amazing technical armour beyond modern capabilities, a guy who was frozen in ice for 50 odd years and a man who turns in to a massive green guy when he's annoyed about something.....but that man with the bow and arrow? He's doing it wrong!!

    Love it
    Quoted for truth. And for making me laugh merrily.
  10. Hidden Hero

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    I won, with 100 words over! My novel will never ever be finished but it was such a rush! Already planning my next one.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
    No probs, pretty busy right now but I found time to have a quick go:

    Thanks a million!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
    Ok, I'll take another look
    Thanks, I appreciate you taking the time.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
    Hi HH and thanks, time permitting I'd be happy to have a go, but the only Little Professor reference shots I could could find were from the waist up, do you have a full length image or am I looking in the wrong place?
    I don't have actual reference pictures on dA but she's the character in the She was born this way art commission I have there. Her costume is relatively simple, so I think you'd be more than able to use that as a reference.
  14. Wow, NH, you're really on a roll! I think these are really good, and truth be told, I follow your posts when you post them to the CoX group on dA. (As long as the link to my dA page shows up properly) Do you think you could do one of the Little Professor. I have a piece of art that was done of her and minus the miniskirt (wish it looked like the proper leather design in-game) is pretty easy to recognize and copy. I'd be really appreciative if you could do a freebie. I'm just so impressed by what you've done already I couldn't help but want to ask.
  15. Hidden Hero

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    The word count verifier doesn't appear until Nov 25th.

    And my own Day 1 tally: 2530.

    Congrats Let's keep it up!
  16. Hidden Hero

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
    Just a head's up: for anyone doing this, it's always a good idea to use the website's word count as well as your word processor's, as the two aren't always equal (the website's is usually lower). 2018 is definitely a good start though, nice work.

    Edit: Although, I can't actually find their day-to-day counter as of yet, just an option to enter a word count. Hmm...
    Yeah, that's what I found too, did the count on the word document anyway.
    *goes off to look for Samuraiko*
  17. Hidden Hero

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    Already got 2018 words done today. Going to leave it all that, and go to class, do homework etc. And play CoX of course. XD I've been off the last few days preparing for this.
  18. Hidden Hero

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    I am! Writing a story about my current main, too. Need to finish my plot notes though.
  19. Heya guys, it's been a while since I posted any art I've commissioned. Mostly becuase I've been saving my money for other things and waited for the time around my birthday.

    Well, the wait was well worth it. I ended up commissioning Mark Williams, who I heard about after Comrade Hero posted the commissions he got from him. I think the art speaks for itself: http://my.deviantart.com/messages/#/d4c49r6 (Picture won't show up on the forums, but the link looks fine XD)

    I am just utterly amazed such a beautiful piece of art took only two days to make. For the character and for the message I want her to spread, this is a great benefit. And for the NaNoWriMo novel I plan to write about her, it now has a cover. Tell me what you guys think!
  20. Hidden Hero

    I need inf!

    You tempt me, you tempt me very much.......
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Hmmm.... I have a few. Pick and choose as needed.

    Piracat: BS/SR Scrapper
    Character views

    Medikitty - Emp/Rad
    Character views/costumes (need to update, actually.)

    The rarely played Mew Electromage (from "mew mystics" I was messing with at one point.)
    Character view

    Mint Chococat

    Duskvolt (another I need to update the sheet on.)

    Feliney Assault - en/en brute

    Hot Purrsuit - fire/fire blaster (and recent artwork subject.)

    Do have 1-2 male ones - but no shots of them, surprisingly. And the server's... still down,r ight?
    Huh, wasn't Piracat in the City of Heroes comics once?