NaNoWriMo as a tribute to three awesome years- one little problem
Hmm. You'd want a breadth of types, so at least one fantasy, one 'Secret world' (you know, where it turns out all those monsters we think are fictional? arnt) at least one sci fi type. I'd keep it to one of each of those 3 types; remember that the focus needs to be on your protagonist(s) and their journey, not the worlds they are in per sey.
OOO. Just for saftey and or comedy value. Lampoon each of the worlds, using the worst of the popular misconceptions about them. All the worst things you've heard about WoW griefers, etc...
One direction is to take a handful of your characters and follow them from their origins and lead them through the Golden/Silver/Bronze/Iron Ages as you see it in Paragon City until the End-Of-The-World event (leave on an optimistic note, if it is possible.)
Try to do 50,000 but aim for 120,000 words
All interesting ideas.
People might think the "jumping through various games" idea is too derivative of the movie coming out called Wreck-It Ralph.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
People might think the "jumping through various games" idea is too derivative of the movie coming out called Wreck-It Ralph.
Not my fault I had thought up the idea after seeing the trailer and loving it. >.> You know what they say, no idea is totally original. I scrapped that idea anyway. D:
Not my fault I had thought up the idea after seeing the trailer and loving it. >.> You know what they say, no idea is totally original. I scrapped that idea anyway. D:
Hell, just the basic concept of 'jumping MMo's to excape the evil deletion by server shutdown' makes it different enough from Ralph. Wreck it is basicly more the "there is no place like home" storyline from the trailers.
No, don't. this is a perfect example of how its not the conept, its the excution that matters. Even with the similarites its how you write it that would make it completely different from Ralph.
Hell, just the basic concept of 'jumping MMo's to excape the evil deletion by server shutdown' makes it different enough from Ralph. Wreck it is basicly more the "there is no place like home" storyline from the trailers. |
For me, it just seems like it's more trouble than it's worth. Perhaps it would be a good writing exercise, but people are going to compare it to what's gone before and especially to what's currently on the market. That's just the nature of the beast.
I totally get there are limited plots -- and some have argued there are only two: man leaves town, stranger comes to town -- it's just the immediate confluence of a high-profile project having a similar underlying idea tends to undermine whatever you're trying to say.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
The only people needing to worry about what kind of similarities it has, are the writers themselves. Nano is an exercise, not a publishing house.
Myself, I suspect I'll be a bit busier playing my heart out in game, to do much more than my current fic Repuprosed for Nano.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
I like the MMO jumping idea as well. Like others have said, it doesn't really matter too much when it's NaNoWriMo, and you know it'd be a fun read!

NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month, an international writing challenge where you strive to write 50,000 words or more in November. I plan to do it again, just like last year. As a tribute to the best MMO I could have asked for and the community that made it awesome, I want to write a novel based around an MMO closing and the community rallying together.
The problem is that even with narrowing it down to that, there's still so many ideas I could go with. I had an idea before about players helping self-aware avatar jump through different MMOs to escape deletion, but it fizzled once I realized I knew jack squat about other MMOs.
I figured I'd post this here, since I seem no closer to figuring out what I'm gonna do. What ideas would you suggest or think would be cool? What genres could fit? Fantasy, sci-fi etc. Thanks a million guys!