X-Men Movie Discontinuity
I thought that wasn't Emma Frost, but some random mutant in Origins.
Isn't First Class supposed to be basically a restart?
I haven't seen First Class yet, but I remember hearing somewhere that, as Fox realized that people liked the first two movies and not the second two, it was written as a prequel to those first two, but that it (and, presumably, and future ones) will be ignoring X3 and Origins.
Maybe we should just accept that even under ideal conditions, most comic book continuity is so badly screwed up at this point that it's essentially impossible for anyone to "get it right" in relation to anything else that has come before it.
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Maybe we should just accept that even under ideal conditions, most comic book continuity is so badly screwed up at this point that it's essentially impossible for anyone to "get it right" in relation to anything else that has come before it.
But when you can't be arsed to keep continuity within your own movies...yeah...like I said...X:FC could be the greatest cinematic achievement since the invention of film....Fox isn't getting another dime from me for an Xmen film.
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I like to pretend that everything after the adamantium bonding in XO:W is just some twisted mishmash of memories that Wolvie's cobbled together to try and make sense out of everything. And failed. Horribly.
Honestly, a Wolverine origin movie should've been a mix of Memento and Kill Bill.
But yes, First Class does outright contradict a fair number of tidbits, especially from the last two X-Men flicks. Most glaringly, seeing Prof. X still walking around and being buddies with Erik as the (admittedly younger-looking) bald Patrick Stewart in flashbacks and the like. But it's such a good movie, and so much better than the films it contradicts, that I really don't care.
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Something I just realized...
First Class has Emma Frost, a full grown woman, in 1962. Origins: Wolverine has her as a younger version, in her teens. That would place O:W before First Class, logically. Yet it also had teen Cyclops in it, who is still a young man in the modern day X films. Also, it blames the Three Mile Island disaster on the O:W events, which happened in 1979. My brain hurts now. |
As for Charles Xavier, the only flashback we see of Jean, is with Charles and Erik visiting Jean, inwhich Charles was walking (however, he's regained and lost his ability to walk multiple times in the comics). This was somewhere in the 80's.
He was also bald in O:W, this was around 1978, when he was also walking and bald.
Best guess, but 1978, Charles is bald, he regains the use of his legs, and then loses the ability to walk from some point in the 80's till right before the first X-Men movie.
That said, yes, continuity errors, likely because Fox didn't think ahead.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Even if you take the movie as a prequel, you still need to disregard most of X-Men 3 and Wolverine.
The bigger issue that I see is Alex Summers being a teenager in the 60s, which would make him middle-aged by the time of the first X-Men movie where Cyclops is in his 20s(ish). You could cajigger this by saying that in this continuity, Alex is Scott's father. But that's not even addressing the relationship between Mystique and Charles in First Class, which if it were a true prequel would make Mystique's sabotage of Cerebro in X-Men 1 particularly cruel.
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We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
Also Cyclops is the OLDER Brother of Havok. Cyclop's power became permanently on from brain damage he received when he saved his LITTLE brother during a fall from up high, while escaping, when his father was abducted by aliens.
Continuity is EASY if you read the O fficial H andbook O f T he M arvel U niverse (OHOTMU for short) it has EVERYTHING in it and is a really great read. Please, note the word OFFICIAL in the OHOTMU title. Very, very easy to understand Marvel continuity. Unfortunately it requires that the creators of movies be able to read; which it is apparent that they can't.
The history of the X-men is even in a Wikipedia page; including, the entire life story of Cyclops, Havok, and their father. What?!? Movie writers and directors can't look up things on the Internetz? LAME.
"Character is what you are in the dark"-John Warfin
That about sums it up and it's not confusing at all. I can't for the life of me wonder how some film maker would have the gumption to change the continuity when it all makes perfect sense and isn't silly at all.
I can write out Spider-Man's history if anyone would like, but then what would be the point? We all know it's simple to understand and not confusing at all.
Something I just realized...
First Class has Emma Frost, a full grown woman, in 1962. Origins: Wolverine has her as a younger version, in her teens. That would place O:W before First Class, logically. Yet it also had teen Cyclops in it, who is still a young man in the modern day X films. Also, it blames the Three Mile Island disaster on the O:W events, which happened in 1979. My brain hurts now. |
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I just ignore whatever doesn't fit and go on with my life. I realize they've bastardized these films enough sicne X 3 that anything that makes them overall more enjoyable is forgiveable. Tossing out a few pieces of canon here and there is the least of my worries. It's not like comics themselves don't have plenty of WTH moments.
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Something I just realized...
First Class has Emma Frost, a full grown woman, in 1962. Origins: Wolverine has her as a younger version, in her teens. That would place O:W before First Class, logically. Yet it also had teen Cyclops in it, who is still a young man in the modern day X films. Also, it blames the Three Mile Island disaster on the O:W events, which happened in 1979. My brain hurts now. |
Things have been changed. Like a pre-blue Dr. McCoy talking to a Dr. Shaw on the tv in X2.
You guys are forgetting something important:
Continuity with source material is only good if you can get a good movie story out of it. By all accounts I've seen, the story in the movie works. There's nothing wrong with look at the universe First Class created as an alternate take on events, even if it's a "prequel." By saying it's a prequel, all they mean is that the events being shown would have happened before events already depicted, or showing characters in their younger days. It doesn't necessarily have to sync up with what we've already seen.
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One extra 'o' makes a big difference.
Things have been changed. Like a pre-blue Dr. McCoy talking to a Dr. Shaw on the tv in X2.
As for Alex Summer being so much older (and in fact just plain older) than Scott isn't that big of a worry, as to the reason they did it...they needed new mutants to use.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
I am treating the X-men prequels, the same way as I treat the Star Wars prequel except I will probably find the X-men prequel more entertaining. They don't have any bearing on the original movies. The force being bacteria in a person's blood? If they said that midichloridians were bacteria that fed off the force and used as a way to detect force users, then it would make sense.
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
Sorry kids, Star Trek was a great movie and so was this one. There is NO film that has been 100% with everything in the comics. If you take it JUST as it is, a fun mutant comic film, then it is awesome. I thought you were all gonna save your nerdrage for Green Lantern?
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Something I just realized...
First Class has Emma Frost, a full grown woman, in 1962. Origins: Wolverine has her as a younger version, in her teens. That would place O:W before First Class, logically. Yet it also had teen Cyclops in it, who is still a young man in the modern day X films. Also, it blames the Three Mile Island disaster on the O:W events, which happened in 1979. My brain hurts now. |
How i made it through the movie, was 20 minutes in I said outloud in the theater "oooooooooooh! I get it. Pretend that X3 and the Wolverine movies dont exist!"
Followed by a huge SHHHH! from some movie goers. then afterward i got a "hey man, you were right! I enjoyed it better after that!" |
Well, nothing says that those McCoy and Shaw are the same. Yes we know they're suppossed to be, before, but nothing official about it made it so.
As for Alex Summer being so much older (and in fact just plain older) than Scott isn't that big of a worry, as to the reason they did it...they needed new mutants to use. |
They needed different mutants, sure, but why pick one that so thoroughly screws up continuity? You want a mutant with power blasts? How about Sunfire? We haven't seen him in any X-movies yet so throwing him in First Class doesn't affect anything.
(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
Something I just realized...
First Class has Emma Frost, a full grown woman, in 1962.
Origins: Wolverine has her as a younger version, in her teens. That would place O:W before First Class, logically. Yet it also had teen Cyclops in it, who is still a young man in the modern day X films.
Also, it blames the Three Mile Island disaster on the O:W events, which happened in 1979.
My brain hurts now.