PlayStation Network hacked, User Info stolen!




oh snap!



I'm guessing that someone at Sony got one of those viruses that pops up the "Oh Noes!! You've got a virus!" warnings and prompts you to buy their "anti-virus" software (which is actually another virus/trojan) to get rid of the virus. Sony bought the "anti-virus" software, and that is the extent of their protection.



and this is what happens when a company doesnt have a good security system in place.

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Just an FYI but I've read that SONY has basically said PSN AND SOE Online PC systems are down "indefinably".

Epic Fail.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
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Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Just an FYI but I've read that SONY has basically said PSN AND SOE Online PC systems are down "indefinably".

Epic Fail.
Well that really sucks.

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Originally Posted by Lastjustice View Post
Well that really sucks.

That superhero game of theirs was already having problems. I can't imagine what it's like right now. People were already rage-quitting due to the population drop in that game. Now? Who knows what will happen to that game.

Not to mention not being able to go online to play games like Portal 2 or Socom 4.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



I think the fact that they literally didn't have it back up within a day or two goes to show just how utterly borked their security is. The only way to stop their servers being hacked is to not turn them on.

That's pretty sad.



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post

That superhero game of theirs was already having problems. I can't imagine what it's like right now. People were already rage-quitting due to the population drop in that game. Now? Who knows what will happen to that game.
It gets worse. Apparently they're doing a pretty big server merge and sugar-coating it by calling their remaining servers "Super Servers".


Also on Steam



Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
I think the fact that they literally didn't have it back up within a day or two goes to show just how utterly borked their security is. The only way to stop their servers being hacked is to not turn them on.

That's pretty sad.
As far as I can tell from the very sparse information Sony is giving, there is a security flaw inherent in the code for the PSN setup. So in other words, yes, the only way to secure it right now is to turn it off.

This also means that in order to restore PSN services to all the Playstation 3 users, they need to rebuild PSN from the bottom up. Something about hacked consoles would be able to log right back into the admin part of PSN if they just patched it up and turned it back on.

Fatal security flaw: Sony trusted the client. Yes, the PS3 was pretty resilient to hacking, but it wasn't invulnerable, and when it was broken, PSN was, too. THAT is where the Epic Fail comes in.

I hope it's back up soon. I should probably be annoyed, but I'm beginning to find it somewhat hilarious, and I'm one of those affected by it!

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Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
It gets worse. Apparently they're doing a pretty big server merge and sugar-coating it by calling their remaining servers "Super Servers".
Yeah and right before they went down, they mentioned having a TEST server up (yes, to this day they still DON'T have actual test server for that game) to test it during May.

The likelihood of that happening in May is getting closer to ZERO each day. LOL

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Sounds like they've basically killed SOE as a company then.

I imagine that for all their MMOs they'll lose a huge number of subscribers, a couple of days outage I imagine is tolerable but over two weeks, that will be beyond tolerable for probably a huge chunk of players.

As mentioned their subscriber based MMOs were already bleeding subscribers at a high rate or suffered from already low numbers about the only ones they're going to have left is the free to play ones and even then they're more aimed at children, so two weeks of outage more than likely means that they're going to move elsewhere.

I will also point out that working in games retail I've seen a massive upshot in the sale of Xbox 360s (infact 3 customers were all friends buying one so they could play the big name FPS game online with each other).

Since playing online is now a big part of gaming, the lacking of the online component for the PS3 for what appears to be atleast a month, if not longer, will likely cause a lot of people to drop the console itself.

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Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
Sounds like they've basically killed SOE as a company then.
it's not that bad, but i can see it having massive economic impact over the whole of the global economy.

If it turns out that way then...

If this was "Anonymous" they seriously ****** up and now that they've done something with so much lack of forethought and caused such damage they need to be obliterated legally and any of them that disagree really don't believe in what you here people supporting anon say they are all about.

If this was a small unknown group or persons... they need to be made an example of and have the severest punishments we can inflict on them legally.

If this was a terrorist group or cyber war act... just more reasons why governments suck



Good news, folks. It looks like Sony is now planning to have everything back by the end of the month!

*looks at calendar*

Oh dear. That's still a ways off, isn't it. Well, it's good news for all the other online game companies, I guess.



Yup...that'll basically kill Planetside, DCUO and whatever other online subscriber based MMOs they have, the whole idea of an MMO is to get people hooked and logging in every day to play, forcing people to go 'cold turkey' for over a month will usually mean that they will drop the product fairly sharpish.

While it will have a big impact on the regular Sony side, the biggest impact is going to be on SOE side to the point where I reckon the actual service/section of the company itself will be shut down by Sony come towards the end of the year.

Lets be honest, they've never had big hitters and what little they had left will likely be closed down.

Shame really as I enjoyed their superhero MMO but the endgame content SUCKED something fierce.

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Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
Lets be honest, they've never had big hitters
Huh. Really.

I guess Everquest was an insignificant MMO then.


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EQ WAS a big hitter, I wouldn't say it is now unfortunately.

Mind you that's partially because the goalposts have changed with regards a 'big hitter MMO' when the beast was unleashed by Blizzard.

For example I while CoH isn't a big hitter in the MMO market, it's a big hitter in the Superhero sub-genre due to the other two suffering from their own, much larger, problems and coming up against an MMO with seven years worth of content.

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Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
Lets be honest, they've never had big hitters
Only 2 of the top ten subscribed to MMOs currently >.>

When people talk MMOs they tend to be stupid and always think they are dying.

Here's a list of the top 10 MMOs based on their latest known sub base...

01. WoW 10,000,000
02. RuneScape 1,250,000
03. L1 1,000,000
04. L2 1,000,000
05. FFXI 500,000
06. Dofus 450,000
07. EVE <250,000
08. EQ2 200,000
09. EQ ~175,000
10. LOTRO <150,000
10. CoX <150,000

That's right folks to get top 10 you only need to convince 150k people to keep with your title. And CoH/V is a top 10 MMO.

People always think MMOs are dying because they don't have 10,000,000 subs, but as you can see that's a rather extreme out lier that is a full order of magnitude above even it's second place.

A big hit is 100k or higher with MMOs. And having 2 or more in that category... that's pretty rare obviously. SOE has 2. NCsoft has 3. everyone else has 1



Well colour me surprised.

I retract my previous statement, I honestly thought EQ and EQ2 had less subscribers than they actually do (like 50k sub numbers).

Well in that case there is some hope for SOE yet.

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Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Only 2 of the top ten subscribed to MMOs currently >.>

When people talk MMOs they tend to be stupid and always think they are dying.

Here's a list of the top 10 MMOs based on their latest known sub base...

01. WoW 10,000,000
02. RuneScape 1,250,000
03. L1 1,000,000
04. L2 1,000,000
05. FFXI 500,000
06. Dofus 450,000
07. EVE <250,000
08. EQ2 200,000
09. EQ ~175,000
10. LOTRO <150,000
10. CoX <150,000

That's right folks to get top 10 you only need to convince 150k people to keep with your title. And CoH/V is a top 10 MMO.

People always think MMOs are dying because they don't have 10,000,000 subs, but as you can see that's a rather extreme out lier that is a full order of magnitude above even it's second place.

A big hit is 100k or higher with MMOs. And having 2 or more in that category... that's pretty rare obviously. SOE has 2. NCsoft has 3. everyone else has 1

Where'd you get this list from? I find it highly surprising Aion isn't on it.

Also Rift has sold an estimated 1.3 million units, so why isn't it on this list?



It is true. Everquest at least up until 2009 STILL had more active accounts than City of Heroes. I don't have later numbers for them so I don't know if that still holds true, plus the Station Pass that Sony offers muddles the numbers a bit.

At the time CoH came out, developer discussions on the Beta boards indicated that 100K was the "break point" for success on a MMO. That would allow the development money to be paid back to investors in 18 months or so after launch. Which is about the longest many investors would be willing to see a return on their money.

These days, the target number is probably 200K for a new MMO.

And I was more questioning the use of the word "never".


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To be fair, I didn't know the EQ series were SOE games, I've always thought they were made by someone else. Just goes to show, one should research before making posts.

Though I willl question Durraken's chart atleast to being whether it is recent or not.

Still stand by that the month long outage of SOE based MMOs is probably going to be a game breaker for a decent chunk of their subscribers and already failing MMOs like DCUO are effectively either going to be killed stone dead by it or put on the barest of life support.

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Yah, that chart seems a little dated. Dofus for example has passed the half-million active subscriber mark. EVE Online is approaching that point - in fact, EVE passed the 300K mark in 2009.


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

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Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
Where'd you get this list from? I find it highly surprising Aion isn't on it.

Also Rift has sold an estimated 1.3 million units, so why isn't it on this list?
When i looked for numbers i found a chart with the numbers and such on it... searching for that website again lead me to find that those are current to 2008 or 2009...

new list is...

01. WoW - 12,000,000
02. Aion - ~3,500,000
03. RuneScape - ~1,250,000
04. Lineage II - ~750,000
05. Lineage - ~750,000
06. Dofus - ~525,000
07. FFXI - 350,000
08. EvE - 325,000
09. LotR - 210,000
10. CoH - 150,000
11. EQ2 - ~125,000
12. AoC - ~125,000
13. Second Life - 110,000
14. D&D: Online - 109,000
15. EQ - 100,000
15. Ultima Online - 100,000
15. Toontown Online - 100,000
18. Tibia - 95,000
19. Pirates of the Burning Sea - 65,000
20. STO - ~57,000
21. SW:Galaxies - 50,000
22. Vanguard - 40,000
23. Puzzle Pirates - 32,500
24. EQ:OA - 30,000
25. Era of Eidolon - ~26,000
26. DAoC - ~25,000
27. Planetside - 20,000
28. Asheron's Call - 15,000
29. Anarchy Online - ~12,000
30. The Realm Online - ~11,000
30. World War II online - ~11,000
32. Neocron - ~6,000
33. Horizons - Istaria - 5,000
33. Mankind - 5,000
34. A Tale in the Desert - ~1,000

Dead MMOs
Asheron's Call 2
Tabula Rasa
The Matrix Online
Earth & Beyond
The Sims Online
Motor City Online
Auto Assault



Apparently Sony will have ALL services back online by the 31st. Online play could be back sooner. I doubt Sony wants to have online gaming down for the rest of the month.

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