PlayStation Network hacked, User Info stolen!




Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
Surprise, surprise. Looks like someone is slapping Sony with a class-action lawsuit over the network hack.
Have to wonder...will they be able to subpeona and get all of Sony's financial records and hard drives?



What is meant by adequate protection? Any network can be hacked with the right amount of skills, time, and resources. I would assume that if Sony provided the same or greater level of security as other organizations that require to protect their data, then Sony and others would just need to improve their security. If I could hack Sony with a cellphone since my computer skills are as good as the average person, then they should be punished under the full extent of the law

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Originally Posted by Kawkazn View Post
Sad, cause those lawsuit should be focused on the people causing the problems.

I feel bad for Sony. Part of me wonders if this was all related to the business a while back with Anonymous and people just wanting to "get back" at Sony in any way they can. So basically now we have someone attacking Sony and then someone deciding to file a lawsuit against them for being attacked. I'd much rather see the perpetrators of the crime being targeted.

But they don't have pockets as deep as Sony, so why go after them?

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Originally Posted by Arnabas View Post
... I'd much rather see the perpetrators of the crime being targeted.

But they don't have pockets as deep as Sony, so why go after them?
Probably because at the moment, the people who committed this crime have not been discovered, nor claimed credit for it. People are angry and lashing out, and since there is no real identity to pin the blame on the next target is the large soulless company. It's essentially a case of shooting the messenger and doing very bad things to the body.

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Originally Posted by Kawkazn View Post
Sad, cause those lawsuit should be focused on the people causing the problems.
Alot of that problem though was that Sony took almost a week to actually admit that there was any theft of personal information. I wouldnt blame Sony either if someone hacked them and they stole stuff and such, IF sony reported the problems in a timely manner.

However in this case it honestly looks like sony was more worried about the theft of the games that was happening by way of this hack that gave them dev consoles then they were the security of those that intrusted credit cards and personal information to them. And that is there problem to pay for.

A couple weeks back someone hacked the email company for like chase bank, best buy and a few other large outfits. I had not even woken up to hear about it before i had emails explaining what was going on from chase and best buy. That is taking responsibility to your customers. Not just shutting your mouth and hoping no one notices.



It's a PR nightmare for Sony right now. Sure they said they've been investigating since the day it happened, but they didn't even give us (70+ million people) a idea of what was going on till a few days later. Their damage control team didn't do a very good job. They should have warned us the day it happened. I believe they wouldn't have as much heat as they do right now if they just did what they were supposed to do.



Originally Posted by Kawkazn View Post
Sad, cause those lawsuit should be focused on the people causing the problems.
They were storing user passwords if not in plain text then using reversible hashes; they deserve everything they get.

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Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
They were storing user passwords if not in plain text then using reversible hashes; they deserve everything they get.
Wow, did nobody read my earlier post in this thread? The hashes don't have to be reversible to get the passwords. All they have to be is hashes of weak passwords (which is what most people use) and then be compared to a Rainbow Table.



Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
Alot of that problem though was that Sony took almost a week to actually admit that there was any theft of personal information. I wouldnt blame Sony either if someone hacked them and they stole stuff and such, IF sony reported the problems in a timely manner.

However in this case it honestly looks like sony was more worried about the theft of the games that was happening by way of this hack that gave them dev consoles then they were the security of those that intrusted credit cards and personal information to them. And that is there problem to pay for.

A couple weeks back someone hacked the email company for like chase bank, best buy and a few other large outfits. I had not even woken up to hear about it before i had emails explaining what was going on from chase and best buy. That is taking responsibility to your customers. Not just shutting your mouth and hoping no one notices.
There are some Privacy laws that I am sure they can use to justify the class action suit and a delay in notification would certainly hurt any defense..

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Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
Probably because at the moment, the people who committed this crime have not been discovered, nor claimed credit for it. People are angry and lashing out, and since there is no real identity to pin the blame on the next target is the large soulless company. It's essentially a case of shooting the messenger and doing very bad things to the body.
If I were filing a lawsuit against Sony over this on behalf of a class (note that I am not a lawyer), I would target the fact that they took so long to release the information that they were hacked. If anyone had their credit cards used fraudulently in the week it took Sony to fess up, that is clearly Sony's liability. I'd also subpoena their security setup, because the possibility of proving that their security was negligently lax would also make for a big payday, and that's the motivation for a class action lawsuit. I wouldn't hang my hopes on the security thing, though.

Class action lawsuits are a good thing because they make other companies look at their own policies and such, forcing them to tighten things up for fear of liability on their own part.

So, I shed no tears for the big, bad corporation. They're getting sued because they did things wrong.

For the people that did this? You don't sue them. You put them on trial and try to throw them in prison.

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SOE fall down go boom.

This morning Sony Online Entertainment went offline. All of it. They're investigating an issue in their systems, possibly related to the PSN problems. No word yet on what the problem is or when they might be back.

So things are getting worse before they get better.

news link



Originally Posted by sleestack View Post
Wow, did nobody read my earlier post in this thread? The hashes don't have to be reversible to get the passwords. All they have to be is hashes of weak passwords (which is what most people use) and then be compared to a Rainbow Table.
Unless the password was also salted. Although, again, from the comments, it sounds like that might not be the case.

Always kinda amazed when huge companies don't use... good security at all for these sort of things. It's one thing to have your network breached by an unexpected bug, but it's another entirely to have your customers' password information easily accessible inside of said network.

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Wow, am I glad I don't log into the PSN too often.


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Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
Wow, am I glad I don't log into the PSN too often.

I'm... not sure what that has to do with anything. Your information would somehow be less stolen if you haven't logged on in three months?



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
Wow, am I glad I don't log into the PSN too often.

Heads up guys Sony's now saying its PC Online Network was hacked too!

from CNBC article...



Got dang it, Sony.



It looks like all of Sony's online games are down right now. Even the home pages for the games all redirect to the Sony Security warning.

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So when is the network coming back? It's been down for almost 2 weeks. I'm going thru some serious CoD withdrawals. (begins shaking.)

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Originally Posted by Lastjustice View Post
So when is the network coming back? It's been down for almost 2 weeks. I'm going thru some serious CoD withdrawals. (begins shaking.)
Hopefully soon?

But in reality I expect it to be when they feel confident that they plugged what ever security hole the hacker used to get into their network. And apparently it is something in their core security software that was vulnerable because they took down the entire PC online game side due to shared security code between the two systems.

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So... Sony apparently had inadequate protection for its networks. Aged Apache software and no firewalls, according to congressional testimony, although to be fair, it wasn't actually testimony from Sony itself. Sony is looking more and more negligent, which isn't going to look good when they face those huge class action lawsuits. SOE in particular was already having a rough time before the data hack, suffering many layoffs and shutting down three of its five studios.

[groundless speculation] I wonder who SOE will be selling its MMOs to when it goes out of business. [/groundless speculation]



How much more of Epic Fail can this get? Was the physical security measure an unlocked screen door that was coming apart with a sign saying, "Please Don't Enter"?



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
How much more of Epic Fail can this get? Was the physical security measure an unlocked screen door that was coming apart with a sign saying, "Please Don't Enter"?
At this point it wouldn't surprise me if this was true

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They should invest in better security than McAfee...
