Discussion: City of Heroes celebrates its 7th Anniversary!




Can you believe it's been 7 years since City of Heroes first opened access to its live servers? 7 years with 2 expansions and 20 Issues full of exciting and innovative content that have contributed to making City of Heroes the best super-powered MMORPG on the market! It is no small feat indeed!

In order to celebrate 7 super years, we have concocted a humble yet powerful plan of festivities and you are all invited so don't miss any of the fun!

In-Game Meet and Greet with the Devs!

It wouldn't be an Anniversary celebration without the opportunity for us to thank you, our players, in person so join us at the following times in Pocket D on Union for European players and the Training Rooms for our North American players for a celebratory Meet & Greet!

Union - 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. British Summer Time (18:00 - 21:00 Central European Summer Time), Thursday, April 28, 2011*: once you've created a new character (for non-Union dwellers), head over to Atlas Park, under the Atlas statue, Mercy Island, next to Kalinda, and Nova Praetoria, next to Praetor Duncan, where representatives of the Community team will be able to teleport you all the way to Pocket D thanks to their mighty Community gathering powers!

NA Training Room - 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Pacific Time (7pm-10pm Eastern Time), Thursday, April 28, 2011*

*In some cases (and depending on availability), certain Developers may stay beyond their scheduled 'appearance' times.

If you don't currently have a copy of your character on The Training Room, make sure to do it in advance so that you can pay the Devs a visit!

Anniversary UStream Chat with the Community and Development teams!

Come and join us on the Paragon Studios USTREAM channel between 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time (9:00 p.m. Eastern Time / 2:00 a.m. BST / 3:00 CEST) and 7:30 p.m. Pacific Time (10:30 p.m. Eastern Time / 3:30 a.m. BST / 4:30 CEST) ! Chat in a live video environment with with the Paragon Studios Community team, Matt "Positron" Miller, Nate "Second Measure" Birkholz and Gilbert "El Topo" Martinez! You will be able to join hundreds of other players to ask your questions live via Ustream or via Twitter (@coh_ocr) and get a feel of how City of Heroes got to the top thanks to the team of dedicated and passionate people at Paragon Studios!

In Game Events!

Unfortunately, we are not able to run Anniversary In Game events on the Anniversary day. Instead, we are calling for all available troops, heroes and villains to mobilize for what may be a very challenging month of May on Primal Earth. So be sure to check out the official City of Heroes websites and forums in the next few days as scientists in Paragon City and the Rogue Isles discover and realize the imminent threat our universe will soon be facing!

Threats aside, happy 7th Anniversary from us to our amazing City of Heroes community of players! We hope to see many of you on Thursday, April 28th!

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Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
In Game Events!

Unfortunately, we are not able to run Anniversary In Game events on the Anniversary day. Instead, we are calingl for all available troops, heroes and villains to mobilize for what may be a very challenging month of May on Planet Earth. So be sure to check out the official City of Heroes websites and forums in the next few days as scientists in Paragon City and the Rogue Isles discover and realize the imminent threat our universe will soon be facing!

Threats aside, happy7th Anniversary from us to our amazing City of Heroes community of players! We hope to see many of you on Thursday, April 28th!
So, is this more Praetorian stuff or could it be the Coming Storm?

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
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Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
So, is this more Praetorian stuff or could it be the Coming Storm?
Heh, I saw the announcement and thought i'd missed the event! Have to try and be home a little quicker that night and get on here and enjoy the lag.



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post

In Game Events!

Unfortunately, we are not able to run Anniversary In Game events on the Anniversary day. Instead, we are calling for all available troops, heroes and villains to mobilize for what may be a very challenging month of May on Planet Earth. So be sure to check out the official City of Heroes websites and forums in the next few days as scientists in Paragon City and the Rogue Isles discover and realize the imminent threat our universe will soon be facing!

Threats aside, happy 7th Anniversary from us to our amazing City of Heroes community of players! We hope to see many of you on Thursday, April 28th!
While this is disappointing, it is very interesting as well...

Woot 7 years :P Looking forward to upcoming events..

Issue 24 PPM Calculator // The Great Makeover: The Vindicators



Originally Posted by Arkyaeon View Post
While this is disappointing, it is very interesting as well...

Woot 7 years :P Looking forward to upcoming events..
It's not disappointing. Look more closer. If you read it correctly, there will be something happening, they just haven't announced specifics yet.

I predict..... Warwalkers in Atlas Park! Giant robots storming the city streets! All hands to battle stations! ^^



No event? So you mean a bunch of developers will be sitting around with a bunch of helpless players on test for several hours and nothing weird is going to happen?

@Catalystics of the great and honorable Justice server.



I want my mini-HVAS nao



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
So, is this more Praetorian stuff or could it be the Coming Storm?
The Praetorian stuff is leading up to the Coming Storm. They said so in the UStream chat a couple weeks ago.

Sounds to me like more info on the next 2 trials maybe possibly.

"And yes, it worries me that people know how many pipelines their graphics cards have and the bus speed of a PCIe-16x, yet don't know how to convert between bordering time zones."

[COLOR="Yellow"]Avatar by Dragonberry, coloring by Bubbawheat[/COLOR]



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I hope the player side Ustream is heavily moderated.

Besides folks posting the same inane question over and over again causing rapid scrolling. What do you do if someone started posting material not suited for a Teen rating?

I must agree with Zombie here, there has to be an easier way to filter out the trollers -.-



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I hope the player side Ustream is heavily moderated.

Besides folks posting the same inane question over and over again causing rapid scrolling. What do you do if someone started posting material not suited for a Teen rating?
No where does it say on in the Ustream T&Cs that chat and/or conduct needs to be a teen rating. Infact to buy a Ustream gold account you need to be over 18. I am an adult long past the age of 18 and following the rules of the site i do not need to moderate my chat. If you don't wanna see it don't go, not everything needs moderation just for the sake of it.

But I am guessing CoH with their moderation happy moderators (who ignore messages even tho they say they wont) will do everything they can to make the chat sterile and boring.

In any case all this event will do is take ppl of the live servers to go get a temp title (like it matters on test) and some costume codes everyone already has. Guess it's 3 hours that there will be little teaming being done. Another win for pointlessness.

(no personal attacks, no bad language ktnxbai)



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
So, is this more Praetorian stuff or could it be the Coming Storm?
It will be more Rikti invasions. Only this time they will be Praetorian Rikti and you will be able to tell because they will be using the old Rikti look. And the ships will drop propaganda bombs that explode with leaflets.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



A state of the game speech maybe?

A roadmap for the rest of 2011, please?

"I saw my advantage and took it. That's what heroes do." - Homer Simpson.



Originally Posted by _gohan661_ View Post
But I am guessing CoH with their moderation happy moderators (who ignore messages even tho they say they wont) will do everything they can to make the chat sterile and boring.
Wow, moderators moderating? Crazy idea, isn't it?

In any case all this event will do is take ppl of the live servers to go get a temp title (like it matters on test) and some costume codes everyone already has. Guess it's 3 hours that there will be little teaming being done. Another win for pointlessness.
It's a game. The point is fun. If people have fun dancing on the test server and getting temp titles, why should it bug you so much?



The Praetorian bashing gets so lame. Not directing this at anyone in particular, but seriously. Get over it.

Going Rogue introduced Praetoria and brought with it a buttload of new stories, not to mention gave some of the CoH's lore an ACTUAL physical place we could go. It also ties into everything quite well. Why all the hate? So you blew through it all in a week, who's fault is that?

Personally, I <3 Praetoria and everything it's brought with to the game.

We'll see....



Originally Posted by _gohan661_ View Post
Infact to buy a Ustream gold account you need to be over 18.
You make it seem like age restriction really matters in this world.

Not sure what's so hard about being considerate of the people you're around instead of just flying off at the mouth like some 12 year old that discovered anonymity over XBL/PSN.



Originally Posted by Flameshot View Post
The Praetorian bashing gets so lame. Not directing this at anyone in particular, but seriously. Get over it.

Going Rogue introduced Praetoria and brought with it a buttload of new stories, not to mention gave some of the CoH's lore an ACTUAL physical place we could go. It also ties into everything quite well. Why all the hate? So you blew through it all in a week, who's fault is that?

Personally, I <3 Praetoria and everything it's brought with to the game.
I liked the revamping of Praetoria that we got for Going Rogue. It was no longer written as simply being the evil goatee universe, showing that there was lots of grey area in the morality and decision making process. For those of us who wanted solid storytelling, this was great stuff.

Everything since then has been a step backwards, showing that Praetoria is indeed simply the evil goatee universe.

Rather disappointing. And this is why I hate that everything now has to tie into Praetoria somehow.

Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank))
Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.>
Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds))



Originally Posted by The_Demon_Hunter View Post
I liked the revamping of Praetoria that we got for Going Rogue. It was no longer written as simply being the evil goatee universe, showing that there was lots of grey area in the morality and decision making process. For those of us who wanted solid storytelling, this was great stuff.

Everything since then has been a step backwards, showing that Praetoria is indeed simply the evil goatee universe.

Rather disappointing. And this is why I hate that everything now has to tie into Praetoria somehow.
What exactly has changed from GR to I19 and I20?
Is it the crazed, power-mad emperor plotting an invasion in GR turning out to be a crazed, power mad emperor launching an invasion in I19 and I20?
Is it the psycho psychic who runs the emperor's enslavement program in GR turning out to be a psycho psychic who runs the emperor's enslavement program in I20?
Is it the aggressive, loud-mouth thug in charge of the Powers Divison in GR turning out to be a violent, loud-mouthed thug in charge of Lambda Sector in I20?
Is it the evil chief scientist of the emperor and his bimbo catgirl girlfriend in GR turning out to be the evil chief scientist of the emperor with a bimbo catgirl girlfriend in I19?
Or is it just the general discovery of the evil, superpowered fascist dictatorship with its mass-murder, brain-washing, torture and repression turning out to be an evil superpowered fascist dictatorship using mass-murder, brain-washing, torture and repression?

The GR AVs built on their original versions seen in the Maria and Tina arcs, and I19 and I20 have continued to foucs on those same characteristics - GR gave the Paretoriansa change of clothes and environemnts, not a change of personality.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Hmm. Considering that Praetorian Invasion is the 'mega-event super-crossover' going on, I expect that we will see Zone Invasion events.

That could actually be kinda cool.

Still here, even after all this time!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The GR AVs built on their original versions seen in the Maria and Tina arcs, and I19 and I20 have continued to foucs on those same characteristics - GR gave the Paretoriansa change of clothes and environemnts, not a change of personality.
But it should have. A big factor that was interesting about the game was that Praetoria was going to be the land of moral ambiguity, and that's sadly not the case right now. The game treats Resistance as heroes and Loyalist as Villains, no exceptions. I'm okay with praetoria being a "superpowered fascist dictatorship", as you put it, but I think that there needs to be at least something showing that this might not be a bad thing, that the choice is 'Freedom(and probably annihilation) vs. Slavery (And the continued existence of the species)'.

I think Cole needs, evil or not, to be the last, best chance for humanity in praetoria, to give supporting him some legitimacy. As it is, it [SPOILERS] Feels like the end of the Responsibility Arc is steering you toward the resistance, by making you work with Mother Mayhem and then revealing Cole's war efforts toward Primal Earth[/Spoilers], and the revelation that he is the Well's Champion seem to be precluding the notion that loyalists will ever be given the option to choose their homeland over primal earth. And that's terrible.



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
once you've created a new character, head over to Atlas Park, under the Atlas statue, Mercy Island, next to Kalinda, and Nova Praetoria, next to Praetor Duncan, where representatives of the Community team will be able to teleport you all the way to Pocket D thanks to their mighty Community gathering powers!

If I can make this, do I specifically need to role a new character then ? Or can I just bring an existing one ?

Apologies, I may have missed something here (duffer that I am ).

Cheers, @RoboTank

Robotank Inv Tank
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Shadowcall Dark Stalker
Stone Death Stone Controller
Solaise Fire Blaster
Confession Dark Blaster

Sent from my HAL 9000



Originally Posted by The_Demon_Hunter View Post
I liked the revamping of Praetoria that we got for Going Rogue. It was no longer written as simply being the evil goatee universe, showing that there was lots of grey area in the morality and decision making process. For those of us who wanted solid storytelling, this was great stuff.

Everything since then has been a step backwards, showing that Praetoria is indeed simply the evil goatee universe.

Rather disappointing. And this is why I hate that everything now has to tie into Praetoria somehow.
Couldn't have said it better myself.

Regardless, there's a lot to celebrate and I'm glad that my favourite game has reached its seventh anniversary. Looking forward to whatever events are planned.

*Shuffles off to negotiate an evening off with the other half so he can go and hassle the Devs...*

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



City of Heroes (facebook page)
To celebrate City of Heroes' seventh year, we are offering loyalty rewards to players who keep unbroken subscriptions from today, February 1, 2011, to April 18, 2011. Thank you to all our loyal players for supporting City of Heroes! http://bit.ly/gcZLlk
Looking forward to getting the Vanguard Pack in 2 more days! =D



The 7 Years of Super rewards, 84 month badge, and hopefully a tantalizing 7th Year Anniversary/State of the Game address! The 28th can't come soon enough!

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Originally Posted by _gohan661_ View Post
No where does it say on in the Ustream T&Cs that chat and/or conduct needs to be a teen rating. Infact to buy a Ustream gold account you need to be over 18. I am an adult long past the age of 18 and following the rules of the site i do not need to moderate my chat. If you don't wanna see it don't go, not everything needs moderation just for the sake of it.

But I am guessing CoH with their moderation happy moderators (who ignore messages even tho they say they wont) will do everything they can to make the chat sterile and boring.

In any case all this event will do is take ppl of the live servers to go get a temp title (like it matters on test) and some costume codes everyone already has. Guess it's 3 hours that there will be little teaming being done. Another win for pointlessness.

(no personal attacks, no bad language ktnxbai)
You're the guy spamming "Say mah NAAAAAMMMME!" over and over again, aren't you? I was wondering who that was.

Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.