Discussion: City of Heroes celebrates its 7th Anniversary!




Originally Posted by Casual_Player View Post
You're the guy spamming "Say mah NAAAAAMMMME!" over and over again, aren't you? I was wondering who that was.
Nah, he's the guy standing next to that guy, thinking "Wow, that's so cool! I wish I was brave enough to do that too!"

There's honest concern over an overly-homogenized message, and there's duckspeak.

"Strength of numbers is the delight of the timid. The valiant in spirit glory in fighting alone."
- Mahatma Gandhi

Still CoHzy after all these years...



Would be a good time to allow badgers some way to obtain missing anniversary badges. 7 years later and they are still unobtainable. Unlike previous Christmas event badges.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
It wouldn't be an Anniversary celebration without the opportunity for us to thank you, our players, in person so join us at the following times in Pocket D on Union for European players [/B]!
Looks like the Devs have decided its long overdue for Golden Girl to create a character on Union. :rofl:

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant



Aw, I'm disappointed there won't be any Giant Monster Rampages or Hero/Villain invasions like the last two years, but I'm guessing the increased incidents of lag and/or server crashes are preventing this? Is it possible the game has become too popular for its own good?

The good news is, since it looks like there no reason to take Thursday off, that mysterious tickle in my throat suddenly feels a lot better!

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by Scientist_16 View Post
I'm okay with praetoria being a "superpowered fascist dictatorship", as you put it, but I think that there needs to be at least something showing that this might not be a bad thing
But it is a bad thing - and it always will be - there's no justification for what Tyrant is doing to his people.

I think Cole needs, evil or not, to be the last, best chance for humanity in praetoria, to give supporting him some legitimacy.
The set-up in GR is carefully designed to remove any chance of that - they made the water drugged, so even the support of the civilians for Tyrant is doubtful - they made the Seers slaves rather than volunteers, they made people "disappear" for even thinking about opposing Tyrant, they put torture chambers and slaughter houses under the PPD precinct buildings - the only thing Praetoria needs ito protect it the guy who can solo the Hamidon, and the sonic fence - but instead of just making that, the devs piled on every possible type of classic evil dictatorship idea and theme, because Tyrant is a supervillain.

As it is, it [SPOILERS] Feels like the end of the Responsibility Arc is steering you toward the resistance, by making you work with Mother Mayhem and then revealing Cole's war efforts toward Primal Earth[/Spoilers], and the revelation that he is the Well's Champion seem to be precluding the notion that loyalists will ever be given the option to choose their homeland over primal earth. And that's terrible.
GR was being developed at the same time as the Incarnate system - when they were creating Praetoria, they were aware of what Tyrant and the Well were going to do, so they needed to give a few heavy prompts for the stiff-armers shouting "Hail Cole" that that route was a dead-end, and get them to either chose blue or red side so they'd be able to do the Incarnate content later on.

Originally Posted by Dante View Post
Couldn't have said it better myself.
You're lying to yourself if you think GR ever showed Tyrant and his dictatorship as anything other than utterly evil - the Praetorians have not changed From Issue 1.
The only thing that changed was the perspective of the interaction with them - GR let people play as stormtroopers serving Tyrant instead of the usual fighting them that we do in the Maria and Tina arcs, but the basic framework never changed - Tyrant was always a supervillain oppressing his own people, and planning to conquer others.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I think it would be interesting to not only have Hero and Villain AVs spawning in zones, but it would be interesting to see some Praetorian AVs, like Mother Mayhem, spawning as well.

I'm looking forward to the events.



While I know it is far too late to even consider this....
(Unless the Dev's have thought of this themselves and have decided to do it)

But an 'invasion vanguard' of sorts between..

Rularuu - similiar to when they first appeared for us.
Rikti - cause.. they are always screwing around trying to gain more footholds.

And sadly Praetorians - cause they are the current focus group right now.

But if 'event invasions' could be happening featuring all three at once?

Drop ships flying overhead
Eyes in the sky
Troopers on the ground
Oh my!

No place would be safe haha

Could be fun to blast a Rikti, punch a Praetorian and obliterate a Rularuu or two

Member of Team Awesome���
Justice Server




But an 'invasion vanguard' of sorts between..

Rularuu - similiar to when they first appeared for us.
Rikti - cause.. they are always screwing around trying to gain more footholds.

And sadly Praetorians - cause they are the current focus group right now.

But if 'event invasions' could be happening featuring all three at once?...

That would be off the hook, if they could pull that off without Lag Monsters looming throughout Paragon and Isles. It would be great break from the Trial grind and a new use for the League Tool.

...Although a new mini-trial or two would be a pleasant surprise as well.



Originally Posted by Zeph_El View Post

But an 'invasion vanguard' of sorts between..

Rularuu - similiar to when they first appeared for us.
Rikti - cause.. they are always screwing around trying to gain more footholds.

And sadly Praetorians - cause they are the current focus group right now.

But if 'event invasions' could be happening featuring all three at once?...
That would be off the hook, if they could pull that off without Lag Monsters looming throughout Paragon and Isles. It would be great break from the Trial grind and a new use for the League Tool.

...Although a new mini-trial or two would be a pleasant surprise as well.[/QUOTE]

Oh my goodness, can you imagine how many players would rage quit over not being able to run a Numina TF if this occured. It would be ArMaygheddon!

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



So be sure to check out the official City of Heroes websites and forums in the next few days as scientists in Paragon City and the Rogue Isles discover and realize the imminent threat our universe will soon be facing!

This doesn't seem to have any ring of Praetorian/Warwalker zone invasions (unless that's a seperate feature for this next month that also get), so the question is, what do the scientists have to tell us? If this IS an intro to the Coming Storm storyline, what might these scientists be showing us...?

I know, I know. We'll find out Thursday and the month thereafter.

Still, curious to what will be said on this.



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
NA Training Room - 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Pacific Time (7pm-10pm Eastern Time), Thursday, April 28, 2011*

Come and join us on the Paragon Studios USTREAM channel between 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time (9:00 p.m. Eastern Time / 2:00 a.m. BST / 3:00 CEST) and 7:30 p.m. Pacific Time (10:30 p.m. Eastern Time / 3:30 a.m. BST / 4:30 CEST) ! Chat in a live video environment with with the Paragon Studios Community team, Matt "Positron" Miller, Nate "Second Measure" Birkholz and Gilbert "El Topo" Martinez! You will be able to join hundreds of other players to ask your questions live via Ustream or via Twitter (@coh_ocr) and get a feel of how City of Heroes got to the top thanks to the team of dedicated and passionate people at Paragon Studios!
Are the (3rd round) Pocket D and USTREAM meet and greet going to be happening concurrently ... meaning we have to "pick" which one we want to attend?

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
GR was being developed at the same time as the Incarnate system - when they were creating Praetoria, they were aware of what Tyrant and the Well were going to do, so they needed to give a few heavy propmts for the stiff-armers shouting "Hail Cole" that that route was a dead-end, and get them to either chose blue or red side so they'd be able to do the Incarnate content later on.
This is disheartening to see that they [would] pigeon-hole[] an entire expansion. First Cimerora; now Praetoria. Why create another world map and design such a narrow and limited scope to go with it... then add insult to injury by leading the players on with faction choices when, apparently, they amount to nothing.

I, for one, would like to see the 21-50 Praetorian lore that allows for further exploration of the Resistance/Loyalist (Independent) theme; pertaining to both the self-contained affairs as well as the relationship between Praetorian and Primal Earth.


I would like to see player Praetorians have access to Incarnate Abilities with a set of Trials that center around major assaults against Primal Earth (like the destruction of Skyway City); even if those assaults aren't enough to turn the tide of battle. Or even chronicling the internal struggle between civilization and the DE/Hamidon.

Even if Praetorians aren't given access to Incarnate Abilities right away; I wouldn't mind seeing it happen as a precursor to 'The Coming Storm'.

What I don't want to see happen is Praetoria wasting away to nothing/minimalist use after this particular storyline is done. That would be an astronomical waste of resources and a huge mislead, IMO.

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
This is disheartening to see that they pigeon-holed an entire expansion. First Cimerora; now Praetoria. Why create another world map and design such a narrow and limited scope to go with it... then add insult to injury by leading the players on with faction choices when, apparently, they amount to nothing.
They're for flavor - they let players explore Praetoria from different angles, and discover all the various secrets there.

I, for one, would like to see the 21-50 Praetorian lore that allows for further exploration of the Resistance/Loyalist (Independent) theme; pertaining to both the self-contained affairs as well as the relationship between Praetorian and Primal Earth.
That's not the way GR was designed - it was 1-20, with 20 being the exit to the main part of the game - the whole GR storyline ramps up to the escape from Praetoria, when it become obvious how evil Tyrant and his dictatorship is.

I would like to see player Praetorians have access to Incarnate Abilities with a set of Trials that center around major assaults against Primal Earth (like the destruction of Skyway City); even if those assaults aren't enough to turn the tide of battle. Or even chronicling the internal struggle between civilization and the DE/Hamidon.

Even if Praetorians aren't given access to Incarnate Abilities right away; I wouldn't mind seeing it happen as a precursor to 'The Coming Storm'.
That's not really possible with the Incarnate storyline - Tyrant and his loyalists thugs are the target for the Incarnates - they have to be defeated before we can face the Coming Storm.

What I don't want to see happen is Praetoria wasting away to nothing/minimalist use after this particular storyline is done. That would be an astronomical waste of resources and a huge mislead, IMO.
Why would it waste away? It's just another starting option to go with blue and red side.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Unfortunately won't be able to make it - have a seminar and some other things happening that evening.

Who' this Arbiter Hawk, anyways?



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That's not the way GR was designed - it was 1-20, with 20 being the exit to the main part of the game - the whole GR storyline ramps up to the escape from Praetoria, when it become obvious how evil Tyrant and his dictatorship is.
It might not have been designed that way, but what is wrong with expanding it to 50 and in doing so allowing you to become more of a cog in Cole's machine, or a thorn in his side, rather than just a refugee to a world where no one trusts you anyway?

Lord Recluse is pretty freaking evil, so what, if you're of a villainous bent, you flee from one evil dictator to whom you'd begun to ingratiate yourself, and start all over with another one? What sense does that make?

And it makes even less sense if you're a member of the resistance. If you hate Cole and want to bring him down, why would you run off to Primal Earth just as you're coming into your powers? So you could chase down purse snatchers?

Going Rogue will definitely go down as a failure in my eyes if the Praetorian storyline isn't expanded to 50.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
Going Rogue will definitely go down as a failure in my eyes if the Praetorian storyline isn't expanded to 50.

And that's the beauty of the game - while I don't necessarily love Praetoria - I enjoy the mechanics that were introduced with Going Rogue - morality, side-switching, Rogues/Vigilantes - in my eyes, it was a success.

Please note, this response isn't meant as an attack - I simply had an extra helping of ZING! this morning.



Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
This is disheartening to see that they [would] pigeon-hole[] an entire expansion. First Cimerora; now Praetoria. Why create another world map and design such a narrow and limited scope to go with it... then add insult to injury by leading the players on with faction choices when, apparently, they amount to nothing.

I, for one, would like to see the 21-50 Praetorian lore that allows for further exploration of the Resistance/Loyalist (Independent) theme; pertaining to both the self-contained affairs as well as the relationship between Praetorian and Primal Earth.


I would like to see player Praetorians have access to Incarnate Abilities with a set of Trials that center around major assaults against Primal Earth (like the destruction of Skyway City); even if those assaults aren't enough to turn the tide of battle. Or even chronicling the internal struggle between civilization and the DE/Hamidon.

Even if Praetorians aren't given access to Incarnate Abilities right away; I wouldn't mind seeing it happen as a precursor to 'The Coming Storm'.

What I don't want to see happen is Praetoria wasting away to nothing/minimalist use after this particular storyline is done. That would be an astronomical waste of resources and a huge mislead, IMO.
I'd like to see the Responsibility Loyalist arc become something more than a gigantic waste of time.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post

And that's the beauty of the game - while I don't necessarily love Praetoria - I enjoy the mechanics that were introduced with Going Rogue - morality, side-switching, Rogues/Vigilantes - in my eyes, it was a success.

Please note, this response isn't meant as an attack - I simply had an extra helping of ZING! this morning.
I like those things too, but that's all stuff that could have been doled out over the course of a year's worth of free issues. They built a brand-spanking-new world with a rich history and storyline for Going Rogue and to waste it by limiting it forever to level 20 would be a crying shame. Now hand me a tissue.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
Unfortunately, we are not able to run Anniversary In Game events on the Anniversary day.
Aww, rats. The single thing I was actually hoping for from the Anniversary was a chance to get the remaining Hero AV defeat I need so I can finish up the redside badges and swing back blueside.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
I'd like to see the Responsibility Loyalist arc become something more than a gigantic waste of time.
Yep, this.

I have rarely been more disappointed than when any nuance or ambiguity was removed from Praetoria - when the plot team slapped GOOD GUY and BAD GUY labels on the sides, rather than letting the players have a moral choice between an (arguably) necessary despotic state and an (arguably) anarchic rebellion against that state.
It seems like there might be an attempt at an Author's Saving Throw with the 'Primals Shot First' business with Maelstrom, but as currently presented, there's no moral tension.

Which for me is a real pity, as it was the reason I was willing to tough it out through the at-times brutal Gold-side starting content. Without it, I've rerolled my Praetorian characters to be pure Red or Blue to save myself the trouble of a painful 1-20.

What a wasted opportunity. Of course, YMMV.

"Strength of numbers is the delight of the timid. The valiant in spirit glory in fighting alone."
- Mahatma Gandhi

Still CoHzy after all these years...



Originally Posted by Tetsuko_NA View Post
an (arguably) necessary despotic state
There's no possible argument in favor of what Tyrant does to the people of Praetoria - Praetoria only needs the guy who can solo the Hamidon and the sonic fence - everything else is there only to keep Tyrant in power, which is clearly shown in the entire GR storyline - the DE don't feature as enemies at all - the entire efforts of the loyalists are aimed at "keeping the peace" and hunting down "traitors" and helping keep the Seers enslaved, and sending people to be tortured and murdered, and keeping the population docile, and hiding the truth about the dictatorship from them and generally helping to support the evil machine Tyrant has set up.
Everything's focused inwards on represisng the people, rather than focused outwards on defeating the DE - which is understandable, as the DE are the entire excuse for Tyrant to crush Praetoriain his iron fist the way he does.

Originally Posted by Tetsuko_NA View Post
any nuance or ambiguity was removed from Praetoria - when the plot team slapped GOOD GUY and BAD GUY labels on the sides
The "anbiguity" was never removed, because it was never there in the first place.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
There's no possible argument in favor of what Tyrant does to the people of Praetoria - Praetoria only needs the guy who can solo the Hamidon and the sonic fence - everything else is there only to keep Tyrant in power, which is clearly shown in the entire GR storyline - the DE don't feature as enemies at all - the entire efforts of the loyalists are aimed at "keeping the peace" and hunting down "traitors" and helping keep the Seers enslaved, and sending people to be tortured and murdered, and keeping the population docile, and hiding the truth about the dictatorship from them and generally helping to support the evil machine Tyrant has set up.
Everything's focused inwards on represisng the people, rather than focused outwards on defeating the DE - which is understandable, as the DE are the entire excuse for Tyrant to crush Praetoriain his iron fist the way he does.
I have made arguments for the admittedly despotic treatment of the people by Tyrant.

That you choose to ignore these arguments does not mean they do not exist.

It simply means I (and many, many others, I suspect) stopped presenting them to you.

"Strength of numbers is the delight of the timid. The valiant in spirit glory in fighting alone."
- Mahatma Gandhi

Still CoHzy after all these years...



Originally Posted by Tetsuko_NA View Post
I have made arguments for the admittedly despotic treatment of the people by Tyrant.
And none of them stand up - which is the whole point of GR - Tyrant and his loyalist thugs are the bad guys, and GR set that up very well - the devs took the vague hints from the original Maria and Tina arcs, and fleshed them out into a whole new world of evil.
They took a few bits of evil text said by Tyrant and his Praetors in the ogirinal arcs, and turned them into entire evil story arcs - people like Mother Mayhem and Chimera got turned up to 11, and went form being more generic villains into totally evil monsters, and the crime sof Tyrant, which were only vaguely inted at in the orignal arcs were fleshed out fully in GR, with several new layers of evil added to them.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
So, is this more Praetorian stuff or could it be the Coming Storm?
Call me cynical, but I'm gonna go with Rikti raids, Zombie attacks, and random outbreaks of supernatural activity. Plus a random reappearance of Snaptooth, Baby New Year, and a bit of skiing.

Based on previous experience.

Or I could just be being a bit cynical in my old age...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Call me cynical, but I'm gonna go with Rikti raids, Zombie attacks, and random outbreaks of supernatural activity. Plus a random reappearance of Snaptooth, Baby New Year, and a bit of skiing.

Based on previous experience.

Or I could just be being a bit cynical in my old age...
I was thinking the same thing.

The anniversary where the GMs were spawning AVs and GMs in random zones was a LOT of fun, albeit a lag fest.

Still, one can hope...

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