PAX EAST coh live panel feed

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
I distinctly remember reading something in the past months about a dev (still think it was Positron, could've been WW too.) saying that the PvP revamp hadn't turned out exactly how they'd hoped in hindsight. Think it might've been in that RL newspaper article from a while back.
the new community rep said this. someone who is in a significantly lower position of power and wasn't the main guy behind the changes. it would have been much different had it been posi saying it.

I don't know where the perception that PVP requires a lot of resources to maintain, or fix comes from to be honest. PVP is not resources intensive like an end game for example. Minimal story telling, maybe none at all, is needed to be updated. No new currencies to worry about, or progressing paths, or new grouping encounters. Bug fixes, and some changes to coefficients really. Most MMORPG's would love to have PVP powers acting differently from PVE like it is in CoX. It would allow PVE balance to not change so wildly, and PVP would not be effected by any PVE changes. It keeps both the PVE, and PVP player bases content.
to do it correctly, it would take a complete overhaul. if they wanted to put a band aid on it, then yes, all they need to do is change a few numbers to fix alot of the bugs that have been in game since i13 launched.

and thats really what i was hoping someone asked, is if they are planning to spend any time fixing those bugs.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
They got what they asked for.
I don't think I've gotten anything I've asked for.

Well, okay, they are finally increasing the radius of the MM version of Twilight Grasp. I guess that's something I asked for.



Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
Devs hate pvpers more then soloists or nonpraetorian content. DooOoOoOoOm!



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
I don't think I've gotten anything I've asked for.
There have been issues in the past that have contained nothing that I've "asked for". Welcome to the club :P

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
There have been issues in the past that have contained nothing that I've "asked for". Welcome to the club :P
I meant pretty much ever, not just this issue.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
I don't think I've gotten anything I've asked for.

Well, okay, they are finally increasing the radius of the MM version of Twilight Grasp. I guess that's something I asked for.
Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
There have been issues in the past that have contained nothing that I've "asked for". Welcome to the club :P
Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
I meant pretty much ever, not just this issue.
Well, i didn't actually ask for City of Heroes. i mean, i was intrigued by the premise of a superhero-themed MMO, but the earlier pre-Alpha/Alpha stuff i'd seen was so-so and i was dubious about how well the game would emulate superheroic action considering how limited most MMOs were in allowing players to move through their environments at that time. (i had a number of friends into games like Evercrack and the like and had watched them play a bit.) Then i sort of lost track of the game's development until shortly before launch. Shortly after CoH launched i decided to pick up a copy and give my first MMO a try.

It wasn't what i'd asked for, but it was better than i'd hoped. Oddly enough i've been subscribed ever since.

It sounds rather depressing that you've pretty much never gotten what you've asked for. i hope that you've at least occasionally gotten things you loved even if they weren't what you asked for.

Dr. Todt's theme.
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Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
"Bring a stealth member..."

Great. So now we're planning stuff around "must have" powers? Or even "Strongly suggested" powers? Really guys?

Remember the "Casual" theme? Or is someone drinking the "pity slot" nonsense?
Watch the video of the panel. The reporter made quite a few errors. The video makes it clear there is an optional role for a stealther, not one is needed.

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Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
I don't think I've gotten anything I've asked for.
I've gotten one or two things - but there are still a few left

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think they might even make Hasten an exception, because of how often it's been requested - just like they did with adding an extra animation to Integration to let players get rid of the chest-beating animation.
Can they make Combat Jumping and Super Jumping an exception as well? I'm tired of having urine vapor coming out of my hands and feet and ghostly onion-rings appear whenever I jump about.

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I've gotten one or two things - but there are still a few left
No moving hair or ponies. Denied :P

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
You need to stop your habit of being so unbelievably wrong. The Team Up Teleport system, explicitly described in the very panel we're discussing as only for Incarnate Trials, was also, one breath later, outlined as a boon for CASUAL PLAYERS.

Someone here is wrong. Am I suppose to assume it was Avatea, not you?
It is a boon for casual players, not casual content (yet).

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



A few people have been talking about the writing quality going down. I can't help but wonder from when are they talking about.
The best thing you can say about Praetoria is that they did an adequate job harvesting low-hanging fruit.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
You mean the "continually updated system" they're talking about... which, by definition, means it *can't* be completed? (And which, frankly, I expect them to put aside for some reason and end up leaving laying around... kind of like "Oh, well, we'll keep giving Player/Dev Choice rewards to AE arcs to free up slots!" and "We'll revisit PVP once these changes settle in and tweak/change what's needed" (or even Castle's statement, in a sub-set of that, that even HE wasn't happy with having to essentially kill Teleport as "suppression" and wanted a better solution... that never came.)

What's unfinished about the AE? They still put new maps and enemy types in there and fix exploits.
Hmm, in the very quote you used:

kind of like "Oh, well, we'll keep giving Player/Dev Choice rewards to AE arcs to free up slots!"
When was the last one added? When was the last time we had any indication a dev so much as looked at anything besides Aeon's little (few and far between) challenges? I believe the last time I asked, "Over a year" was mentioned.

Rolled out, bug fix or two, then forgotten by the devs.

I didn't bother reading further than this. The level of arrogance radiating of this comment and (a lot of your others) is really grating on my nerves.
Then put me on ignore and you don't have to worry about it. Otherwise, well, all you're doing is the very thing you complain about - whining.

And if you want to talk about attitude, look at yourself first. "You don't agree with me, you're whiners."

YES, IT F'ING IS. Really. If I say I find Praetoria more interesting I mean just that. I know what I like. Don't presume that you know better what I find fun and interesting than I do.
If you tell me that in a year, I'll believe it. (Not the I know better, but that you find it interesting.) Why? Because after that it won't be "new mechanics" and "new shiny."

Meanwhile, don't tell me MY opinion of it is wrong when YOU decide to speak in absolutes.



Originally Posted by Blue_Mourning View Post
it's my opinion that we're kind of viewing some of the old Praetorian stuff with rose colored glasses. I....wasn't impressed with the old storyline. I mean it really was just a generic goatee universe. The world they set up is much richer and much deeper - even if it doesn't interest everyone.
"New" Praetoria is only interesting when you're actually doing the Praetorian thing and forced to think that maybe there's a legitimate reason for Cole doing what Cole does.

Once you leave Praetoria and get into the "real" world, it's just "Rrwar! Cole! Evil! Rrwar! Evil BABS! Evil Positron! Rrwarr! Evil Valkyrie! Evil Sister Psyche! Rrwarr! Stop them from destroying all you love! Rrwarrr!!!!" and any depth is immediately blown away by Goatee Universe once more.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
Once you leave Praetoria and get into the "real" world, it's just "Rrwar! Cole! Evil! Rrwar! Evil BABS! Evil Positron! Rrwarr! Evil Valkyrie! Evil Sister Psyche! Rrwarr! Stop them from destroying all you love! Rrwarrr!!!!" and any depth is immediately blown away by Goatee Universe once more.
Yes and old content's writing is profound.

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



I don't remember saying that it was but... good point?

The actual point is that Praetoria, for whatever virtues it may hold from 1-20 if you're running gold side, is the exact same generic Goatee Universe the devs said it wouldn't be for the rest of the game. It's boring and, for whatever panache the older content lacks, at least there's a little variety beyond Everything Is About Praetoria.



The devs said right from the start that Tyrant and the loyalists were the bad guys in Praetoria.

On May 11th, 2009, we first heard about GR via the semi-leak of the e-mails announcing it being sent out slightly early. The next day, the official press release came out, which said:

"In the Going Rogue expansion, hero and villain characters will become immersed in the new parallel universe known as Praetoria, which is governed by Tyrant, the evil incarnation of the game's main protagonist, Statesman."
Along with the press release, they also put out the trailer:

On October 24th 2009, at Hero Con, we got the first major info dump about Praetoria at the Going Rogue presentation:

Highlights from the presentaion include:

"Emperor Cole is an actual tyrant, and he's doing things to humanity and the freedoms that we're losing because of this".

"The real threat is not the Resistance, it's the Praetorian Police Department, and Clockwork and the Seers and the Praetorian Guard...and the Powers Division, who kill more than the other four combined."

And that "1984"Brave New World" and Fahrenheit 451" were used as inspiration for Praetoria.
On January 22nd, 2010, the GR website got its first big update with Tyrant's bio, which ended with:

"Emperor Cole is a savior, but his story has more to it than what is written in history books. Most citizens of Praetorian Earth respect him or love him. Some who know the truth fear him, and fewer still dare to stand against his lies. No matter what he is called officially and publicly, no one can stop the hushed whispers in the streets and back alleys of his empire. There he is called by another name: Tyrant."

In April 2010, the GR closed beta began, and Tyrant made an appearance at the end of the loyalist storyline, where he says:

“People are weak. At least when it comes to doing the right thing. That is why you cannot give them the choice to do what is wrong. I have done so in Praetoria, and look at how it has flourished. Primal Earth, however, allows this to continue, even with some of the worst examples of humanity. That is why it must be wiped away. They know of our perfect world and already, as you have seen, they seek to destroy us.
People, when left to their own free will, will seek only to destroy that which is good, that which is pure, <character name>. I will not give them the option to do that. I will strike them down before they can act and ensure that no others ever get the chance to make that choice, the choice to destroy. Humanity cannot be trusted with that choice of destruction; only someone like myself can.”
On June 10th, 2010, John "Protean" Hegner gave an interview to, where he said:

“Tyrant needed to be someone that people could empathize with, despite the fact that he was a villain. We made Tyrant into a version of Statesman who believed a little less in the inherent good in people, and a little more in his own. This minute change was all it took for Primal Earth’s greatest hero to become Praetoria Earth’s greatest villain.”
On October 15th, 2010, at the New York Comic Con presentation, Jesse Ghost Falcon" Caceres said:

“At one of our prior panels we revealed that loyalists were actually villains, and Resistance were heroes.”

“We made it actually really cool to be a villain, right? And that’s awesome. And players were just choosing like “yeah I want to be loyalist, I want to be the guy that’s supporting the dictatorship””.
At the same presentaiton, the contents of "Issue 19: Alpha Strike" were first revealed, showing Tyrant ann the loyalists begining the invasion of Primal Earth, as detailed in the invasion plans discovered in GR, and as foreshadowed at the end fo the orignal GR trailer back in May 2009.

On March 1st, 2011, the "Issue 20:Incarnates" overview was released, including further information on Tyrant and his followers:

"The Well of the Furies, a sentient source of cosmic super powers, has started taking an active role in the universe again, but appears to have gone mad! It has empowered Emperor Cole, ruler of Praetoria, with nearly limitless energy. Emperor Cole has shared his newly imbued power with his lieutenants, turning them from already powerful Archvillains into cosmic menaces."

"Emperor Cole's ultimate goal is not to hold ultimate sway over our Earth, but to conquer the entire multiverse."
On the same day, there was the first I20 sneak peek, where anyone could go onto the Beta server to test the enw content, inclduing seeing what Pormetheus had to say about Tyrant and the Praetorian situation:

"The most immediate challenge humanity faces is that presented by Tyrant. Even though the path of the Incarnate has been opened to innumerable heroes, The Well of the Furies believes that it requires a champion. It has tested each of those who have come before you, and found each candidate wanting. Statesman, Lord Recluse, Reichsman, many others... none have proven themselves worthy to be the Well's champion. None, that is, until Tyrant.

Tyrant has given himself over to the Well's influence so thoroughly that it is almost as if he has become the Well in the flesh. He has been granted ever greater power by the Well, and as his dominion over Praetoria expands, so too does the Well's favor. It is now to the point where the favor of the Well extends even to his lieutenants, making them mightier foes than you may recall from past encounters.

Tyrant will soon be nigh unstoppable, at which point his fate, and the fate of humanity, will be sealed. Whether he is consumed by the Well, or simply remains its servant matters not, for neither would have the strength to stave off the greater threats that loom in the future."

"What you must do is bring the war Tyrant has already initiated to its conclusion. You must persist in bringing the assault to Praetoria. You must destroy his ability to wage war across the dimensions. You must eliminate his control over his people. You must free his world from his iron grip. You must do all this, and you must do it while not sacrificing their world to the Hamidon."

And today, March 12th, the I20 trailer was released, with a very brief description of Tyrant and his army:

"His rule is absolute".
His forces are unstoppable"
And then we were shown large areas of Skyway City in ruins on the new hero TF, as Tyrant's invasion continues.


The idea that Tyrant has ever been anything other than a power-crazed supervillain planning world conquest, and that he was somehow a "good tyrant" in the 1-20 GR content, and that the Incarnate system content is inconsistant with what's shown in GR is a ridiculous claim for even the most deluded stiff-armed loyalist to make.

For almost 2 years now, from our very first glimpse of GR in the trailer back in May 2009, right up to today's I20 trailer, and in everything that's come between, the devs have done nothing but present Tyrant as a force of evil in his own world, and a threat to Primal Earth and beyond - the single biggest villain we've ever faced in the game.

The Praetorians are unchanged from the original Portal Corp arcs - they're the same evil psychos that they've always been - GR just gave them fleshed out bios and cleaner streets.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
"New" Praetoria is only interesting when you're actually doing the Praetorian thing and forced to think that maybe there's a legitimate reason for Cole doing what Cole does.

Once you leave Praetoria and get into the "real" world, it's just "Rrwar! Cole! Evil! Rrwar! Evil BABS! Evil Positron! Rrwarr! Evil Valkyrie! Evil Sister Psyche! Rrwarr! Stop them from destroying all you love! Rrwarrr!!!!" and any depth is immediately blown away by Goatee Universe once more.
Golden Girl's usual schtick aside, that's kinda the point.

To most Primal Earthers, every Praetorian is evil, as they really don't have anything to go on aside from the original Praeotrian invasion attempt and the kidnapping of Statesman. This point is brought up several times in various Praetorian story arcs, with members of Longbow, Wyvern, and Vanguard being hesitant to work with the Resistance, and being amazed that every single person on Praetorian Earth isn't evil! I forget which factions this exists for, but one of the reasons for Praetorian characters to go to Primal Earth is to show that there are indeed good Praetorians, and that those good Praetorians - which include the vast majority of the civilian population - will likely be caught in the cross-fire should there be a full-scale interdimensional war between the Primal and Praetorian Earths.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Yeah I love how all of the i20 content looks like it will be heavy on the Praetoria stuff. Oh joy. I can't wait....

Yes, folks, that was SARCASM!



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
Am I the only one who finds this to be very disappointing, and a bit of a disservice? For a game that touts customization, saying "Oh, you can't have a street clothe wearing hero, it's not heroic." strikes me as being a big mistake.

Heroes can be caught offguard, or maybe not have time to get into their costume. We have Pocket D and Studio 55 for roleplaying, there are characters that aren't spandex clad heroes, that street clothing would suit, it would suit villains to for similar reasons.

Also, if street clothes 'aren't very heroic', then what the hell, Party Pack? How heroic is dancing like Michael Jackson, or bouncing a basketball?
I am a villain most of the time. We don't DO spandex!

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
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Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
Half a moment here...

This whole "merge the EU/US servers" thing... does that mean that everyone will have complete access to all servers? If it does then that means more character slots for free, doesn't it?

Dear lord... more servers means I need to expand out my tournament so I still have a team on every server... which means more spreadsheets... which means re-vamping the spreadsheets I already have...

Wait a second... but... but... would it be fair to the newer characters I create that they will be going up against veteran characters that have had so much more play time than them....?

Oh no...
Poor Steel. But.. but I think I might have a solution to you Steel. Your new entries have had less playtime certainly. Just give a booster of game time. That would be fair to your tournament and I'm sure your other contestees would say "Its fair!". After all I think they might just enjoy a few days of vacation (or whatever time you deem appropriate) so that your new tournees get the fair treatment.
Right Steelclaw?

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Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
"New" Praetoria is only interesting when you're actually doing the Praetorian thing and forced to think that maybe there's a legitimate reason for Cole doing what Cole does.

Once you leave Praetoria and get into the "real" world, it's just "Rrwar! Cole! Evil! Rrwar! Evil BABS! Evil Positron! Rrwarr! Evil Valkyrie! Evil Sister Psyche! Rrwarr! Stop them from destroying all you love! Rrwarrr!!!!" and any depth is immediately blown away by Goatee Universe once more.
This is one of my two main issues with Praetoria. I really like the idea of being a Loyalist, it was different, it was fresh. It allowed me to be a real villain for a while (namely levels 1 - 20). But that option ends the moment we're dumped into Primal Earth. It feels like I've been mis-sold. Don't get me wrong, I love the new Praetoria, I like the look, the missions but the disconnect between level 20 and the rest of the game is huge.

Secondly, I'll agree that there should be a story around unlocking Incarnate powers but I dislike how it is tied to just one story. Although I admire the Devs for sticking with one story and wanting to finish it, IMHO, there are better stories to explore, some of which the players have been begging to see continued for years. Sticking solely to one plot means that it will sour very quickly and in a few years time players will probably tire of it once they've run all their alts through them. Far better to have a number of routes to gain your powers in the same way that Patron Arcs at least have four different stories to explore while unlocking their pools.

Anyway, I'm pleased people like Praetoria, I kind of do too, I just wish it could fulfil the potential that was promised in Going Rogue allowing people to truly choose their side and that other plots weren't being sidelined in favour of it. In the meantime, there'll be other things I can do in game including rolling up new alts on the formerly NA servers.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
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Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
"Bring a stealth member..."
So the makers of the game are encouraging people to SKIP chunks of it? To NOT play the game?

Oh well that's a fantastic plan. Speaking as someone who gets annoyed with the speed/stealthers when I'm doing a TF to ... you know ... LEVEL, the last thing I need is encouragement for that behaviour.

The shard drops did slow down the stealthers. Then the WTF/Notices came along and all anyone wants to do is skip to the end for it. Make the TF's startable by one person. Then the speed merchants can do so on their own and I can play a TF solo, slowly, for XP.

Frankly, f you can't make a TF which is enjoyable to play then please don't bother. Don't say "It's so tiresome, you'll want to skip half of it". That's a dumb plan. *epic facepalm*

As for the rest of it ...

Praetorian content is very pretty but too annoying. Being sick of "City of Ambushes" I won't start a character there. The last thing I want to see is more of it. Keep the story quality and ditch the ambushes. I blame the Freak-farms in AE skewing the data mining and making devs think everyone wants to be up to their armpits in ambushes. People on pimped out 50s do, those of us on a low level squishy really don't. It's called 'variety' please remember that was the attraction of this game to a lot of us.

Some of the arcs in Praet are decently written; so there does seem to be someone capable of writing decent content. So get them to do it. Numina TF should be a start, it's an awful TF.

As for the guy who managed to fail a 7 hour Citadel ... this is obviously someone who shouldn't be anywhere near doing anything with CoX because he obviously has no clue about the game.

I don't expect to see any work on bases even though a lot of us get great pleasure from decorating them. But at least give ALL team members the ability to enter a leaders base if they have the permissions set that way. That would eliminate MUCH of the REALLY ANNOYING BLUESIDE TRAVEL ISSUES when you're a rogue. Listening to Vigilantes whine about a trip from Grandville to St Martial is really laughable when you're a Rogue trying to get from FF to Perez.

I don't really care about Incarnate stuff. It's too grindy and I have zero interest in Raids. I sincerely hope that upcoming issues has content for the rest of us because if it doesn't it isn't worth me paying for two accounts.

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
So for the love of all things good, go Union!

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The idea that Tyrant has ever been anything other than a power-crazed supervillain planning world conquest, and that he was somehow a "good tyrant" in the 1-20 GR content, and that the Incarnate system content is inconsistant with what's shown in GR is a ridiculous claim...
Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
To most Primal Earthers, every Praetorian is evil...
So it's nothing more than Evil Goatee Earth.

This is what everyone who's sick of Evil Goatee Earth is saying so I'm not sure where there's any argument. I was responding to Blue_Mourning's assertion that Praetoria 2.0 is somehow "deeper" than before. That's only true from 1-20 Gold side. Anywhere else and it's still as generic as you can get... "Yes, but it's EVIL Synapse!"