Level Shift Mapserver Crash/Reward Rollback Issue




Hi everyone, we are aware that some users are experiencing issues losing connection to the mapserver and/or losing their rewards after completing the Strike Target when a team member has a Rare Alpha boost, or when crafting the Rare on the mission map. We are currently investigating the issue, and we will keep you updated. For the time being, it is recommended that you unslot any Rares, and do not attempt to craft or slot a Rare while running the Strike Target.

Thank you all for your paience while we endeavour to resolve this issue.

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This is not just limited to the Weekly Strike Target - see my post here.

I'd recommend not using a Rare Alpha slot at all inside of an instanced mission while Paragon Studios look into the issue.



Originally Posted by Eisenzahn View Post

Unbelievable. I'd like to make a suggestion; never time an open beta to coincide almost entirely with a Double EXP Weekend again. In fact, never have an open beta overlap with a Double EXP Weekend at all.

Write that down in big bold letters in your company policy manual, possibly with underlining for emphasis and humorous clip-art. Have it engraved to the brass plaque affixed to a marble bust of Fusionette facepalming. Have it tattooed on every one of your QA team members, using ink mixed with the blood of whoever scheduled this.
I have to agree with that. Even with no rares slotted, we still got map-kicked just after clearing everything for a second attempt on Lord Recluse.

Talk about a crappy way to end a launch day.

Still here, even after all this time!



Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to rush this out.. you know.. ?

Obviously the only people that were actually testing it on training room were less than a handful, and even then.. the Strike Target wasn't active. You really should have waited at least a week after this made it to test before rushing it to live.

I suggest you folks not plan so many overlapping events to avoid something like this again.

Story arcs:
The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]

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What a joke.



Thank you QA.



I had the Spiritual Partial Radial Revamp (tier 3 Spiritual) slotted and I got mapserved while trying to kill Eochai in Croatoa...



I'm curious as to what ATs are having this problem. A friend and I were discussing this over a global channel and the blasters have had no problems.

Hardly enough evidence to support any kind of conclusion, but I don't get to see the code, so conjecture is all I have. : )

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




I completed a LRSF after slotting my rare on my scrapper; no mapserving occured.



Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
I'm curious as to what ATs are having this problem. A friend and I were discussing this over a global channel and the blasters have had no problems.

Hardly enough evidence to support any kind of conclusion, but I don't get to see the code, so conjecture is all I have. : )
After slotting my rare on my Defender I ran two additional STFs, no issues at all.

Additionally, my SG mates have slotted: Scrapper, Blaster, Tanker and Controller none of which reported any issues.

Story arcs:
The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]

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Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
I'm curious as to what ATs are having this problem. A friend and I were discussing this over a global channel and the blasters have had no problems.

Hardly enough evidence to support any kind of conclusion, but I don't get to see the code, so conjecture is all I have. : )
I'm playing a level 50 Vigilante Dominator that started in Praetoria.

I did an STF level shifted and mapserved the team 3 times before folks in a global channel suggested it might be the level shift.

I thought maybe it was just the STF, and kept the tier 3 slotted on an RSF, after we mapserved once, I unslotted it.

I got bored and went to kill Eochai with the tier 3 slotted, and that's when I was mapserved fighting Eochai.



Running Cardiac Partial Core Revamp.

Ran many missions this morning (instanced, indoors, outdoors, etc), no mapserv. Ran an ITF an hour ago, me and an MM had rare (he had a Nerve one), resulted in epic team mapserve. Removed rares, did okay on mission 1. Mission 2, I put the rare back on with no mapserve for the rest of the TF.

I'm using a Crab with all 3 spider pets. Was thinking perhaps it may be related to some sort of player/pet level shift issue. Not sure.

I personally haven't had any issues with this aside from the ITF with that other MM. I'm always wondering if perhaps this is character specific or specific to a certain Rare(s).

In summary, "The problem is not me so don't ask me to remove my rare!"

Currently on Virtue:
Jinrazuo - Crab Spider

RWZ All-Pylon Solo Run



Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
I'm curious as to what ATs are having this problem. A friend and I were discussing this over a global channel and the blasters have had no problems.

Hardly enough evidence to support any kind of conclusion, but I don't get to see the code, so conjecture is all I have. : )
There's a thread in City Life about this problem. It looks like the problem has to do with level shifted pets.

If you can't summon any pets, you shouldn't have any problems (though I'm not sure how this affects pseudopets summoned by powers like Burn or Lightning Rod).




Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
There's a thread in City Life about this problem. It looks like the problem has to do with level shifted pets.

If you can't summon any pets, you shouldn't have any problems (though I'm not sure how this affects pseudopets summoned by powers like Burn or Lightning Rod).
Well, I did some testing earlier today on the two characters I'd shifted.

My Ill/Rad Controller [Spiritual Total Radial Revamp] may have been personally been responsible for Mapserving Independence Port, and later (when it occurred to me that testing server disconnect bugs on the most heavily populated map at the time may not have been a Good Idea(tm) >.>; ) Dark Astoria - and in the latter case, I checked, the character was the only one present in the zone. This all occurred during combats with grey-con mobs in which her Phantom Army was heavily involved; just using her attacks did not, after some 5 minutes, result in a crash, whereas the Phantom Army caused a crash on all occasions within that timeframe.

My Fire/Shield Scrapper [Musculature Total Core Revamp] experienced no crash issues in any of a number of zones I had her fight inside; She was able to mow down zombies in Dark Astoria more or less nonstop. pseudopet attack Shield Charge was utilized and presented no issues. I even had her summon a Shivan to test the pet hypothesis; No crashes occurred.



Part of the problem here is NCSoft's policy that puts a blackout period on non-critical patches during and before scheduled events; the devs had to either release it now, or wait until after Spring Fling was over. At least this way, they get the feature out, and are permitted to do a hotfix to solve it.

Yeah, that's retarded, but the devs don't have control over this. That's from their overlords.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Softcapping an Invuln is fantastic. Softcapping a Willpower is amazing. Softcapping SR is kissing your sister.



Originally Posted by Void_Huntress View Post
Part of the problem here is NCSoft's policy that puts a blackout period on non-critical patches during and before scheduled events; the devs had to either release it now, or wait until after Spring Fling was over. At least this way, they get the feature out, and are permitted to do a hotfix to solve it.

Yeah, that's retarded, but the devs don't have control over this. That's from their overlords.
Wouldn't be the first time that policy/procedure has caused problems, but I thought after the last time it happened they had decided to change things to avoid that in the future. It was pretty bad when they went a week [or was it 2? been so long] without actually addressing the exploit issues in AE just because it was a week when they had free gametime going on.

That said, I think there may be a difference between the in-game cyclic events and the meta events such as the Return to Action weeks, the Double XP Weekends, and perhaps the 7 year annivesary event.

Let's Dance!



Running STF on my blaster on Pinnacle Server Tuesday afternoon. Team had only 1 character with the level shift slotted - a Shields/Electric Tank. We got epic mapserved in the final mission just after taking down the third tower. After reforming a new team (I'm not sure if anyone was level shifted on that one) we got team mapserved 3 in the second mission - including once where upon logging in, two team members logged back in into the mission (not PI where the rest of us got dumped) but they were no longer part of the task force. Whatever this issue is, it is *bad* and made the TF unplayable.


Originally Posted by Mystic_Fortune View Post
Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to rush this out.. you know.. ?

Obviously the only people that were actually testing it on training room were less than a handful, and even then.. the Strike Target wasn't active. You really should have waited at least a week after this made it to test before rushing it to live.

This patch was on test for less than a week. According to the patch notes, all it contained was the Strike Target and the Rare/Very rare incarnate levels. However, since no Strike Target was ever announced, there was no way anyone could have tested any of it, Double XP or not.

This patch was rushed to live with inadequate testing. Period. Personally, I suspect that marketing is responsible for this, not the Devs, but I have no proof one way or the other to back up this conjecture. Regardless, it is completely unacceptable.

I'm a 78 month vet and have been here since almost the beginning. Speaking personally, and this is the first time I've felt this way, I feel let down by the folks who make this game. We can all argue about whether or not nerfs or changes are justified, but in the end they come down to game balance decisions.

But this problem is not due to a balance or design decision, this is just plain bad management decision making. The shame of it is that, I was so disgusted with the STF crashes, I took a friend of mine up on his offer of a trial code to join him in some other superhero MMO for a few hours - which I'm sure is exactly the opposite reaction that whomever is responsible for the decision to push this live untested was hoping for.

The Lich-King (50 Elec/Energy/Elec Blaster)
Co-Founder & Base Architect, Great Minds SG
Pinnacle Server (@Lich-King)

MA: "Death to Disco" (Arc ID# 167748)

- "Go. Hunt. Kill Numina."



I was on 3 STFs last night, pretty much back to back to back.

STF #1 - I was hosting. There was one level 50+1 on the team (I think it was only one) and we had no issues aside from a little lag. We had one disconnect but the person returned shortly.

STF #2 - I was a member and was now level 50+1. No issues aside from a little lag.

STF #3 - See above.

For what it's worth, I had the Nerve Core Partial Revamp slotted and I was using my Fire / Kinetics Controller.

Sadly, no Hamidons were spawned due to dancing yesterday evening

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Dear Devs,

I just wanted to throw in that while this bug may be quite annoying, I still really appreciate you guys getting us new content as quickly as possible. I'm sure that things can be done in the future to keep large bugs like this from discouraging players, but don't let the complaints blind you all to the fact that we were all really really excited to see i19.5 go live yesterday, and more people had a ton of fun without issue than got mapservered.

~Masked Secretary of Champion Server




Originally Posted by Mary Deluce View Post
Dear Devs,

I just wanted to throw in that while this bug may be quite annoying, I still really appreciate you guys getting us new content as quickly as possible. I'm sure that things can be done in the future to keep large bugs like this from discouraging players, but don't let the complaints blind you all to the fact that we were all really really excited to see i19.5 go live yesterday, and more people had a ton of fun without issue than got mapservered.

~Masked Secretary of Champion Server

It was a pleasant surprise to see this go live yesterday. Im really happy about it, and even though crashed happened I would go and say that more people had fun than crashes so, keep the good work devs!



Thank you, Devs, for all your hard work. I really appreciate it, and I know many others who do as well. I also understand that your crystal ball may be dusty, making it difficult for you to see into the future and anticipate every single problem that could possibly occur.

I heard about this problem before I ever ran one of my level shifted characters through a TF, but I did craft the rare ON the map for just about every character, and often slotted it on the map. There was never a crash involved.



While I appriciate that this was put out before the Spring Fling event, and I appriciate the extended winter event, and I greatly appriciate DXP this past weekend, I do not enjoy the fact this was pushed to test during said DXP weekend. I was JUST about to move over there and start testing it on Tuesday only to find that it went LIVE (!!) I told my friends "This is probably gonna be a huge mistake, there's no way they had time to test this." And that's exactly what it was. I would highly suggest not doing that again in the future. Thanks.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Yeah it's not really the devs fault that this was rushed out. Methinks marketing or the NCSoft Overlords might have something to do with it.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
Thank you, Devs, for all your hard work. I really appreciate it, and I know many others who do as well. I also understand that your crystal ball may be dusty, making it difficult for you to see into the future and anticipate every single problem that could possibly occur.
See, that's the nice thing about actually *testing* stuff before pushing it live. You actually get to find out about potential game crashing bugs that render content unplayable *before* they become a problem. No crystal ball required!

And lets all bear in mind Avatea's suggested work-around: Don't slot Rare Incarnate abilities. So we have a bugged publish that, according to the patch notes, serves no purpose other than unlocking the second two tiers of the Alpha slot, and the suggestion for dealing with it is don't use any enhancements from the second two tiers of the alpha slot?

I reiterate my position that these problems all could have been avoided if this publish had been adequately tested and that whomever is responsible for pushing it live dropped the ball big time.

The Lich-King (50 Elec/Energy/Elec Blaster)
Co-Founder & Base Architect, Great Minds SG
Pinnacle Server (@Lich-King)

MA: "Death to Disco" (Arc ID# 167748)

- "Go. Hunt. Kill Numina."