Mary Deluce

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  1. Quick question, are we under any kind of NDA, or are we free to talk about this to whomever, wherever we want?
  2. Good news everyone,

    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    I come bearing tidings of good news:

    For the purposes of the VIP Beta (and the VIP Beta only, so no, you can't keep them when we go live ), we will be seeding all currently active accounts with 10,000 Paragon Points, so you can spend to your hearts desire in the Paragon Market.

    This will be live when Beta comes up tonight (fingers crossed, knock on wood, spin around in a circle and spit over your left shoulder).

  3. Mary Deluce

    Keyes Badge Run

    Grats on the run guys!
  4. Welcome to the server New Silas,
    Hope you enjoy your stay,
    Good luck.

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dinah Might View Post
    Engine Engine number nine....

    Damn. Now I have that song stuck in my head.
    If my train falls off the track, I pick it up, pick it up, pick it up!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Horusaurus View Post
    I'd like to see Ready Aim Fire back and Masked Secretary.
    Man, I miss RAF too.
    ... and that other person you mentioned.

    ((Just got married btw, moving in a week. Will post pictures when I get a chance, and hopefully be free to start jumping back on every now and then.))
  7. Mary Deluce

    solo apex

    Impressive as always!
  8. 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888

    *Passes out little red envelopes filled with money.*

  9. Dear Devs,

    I just wanted to throw in that while this bug may be quite annoying, I still really appreciate you guys getting us new content as quickly as possible. I'm sure that things can be done in the future to keep large bugs like this from discouraging players, but don't let the complaints blind you all to the fact that we were all really really excited to see i19.5 go live yesterday, and more people had a ton of fun without issue than got mapservered.

    ~Masked Secretary of Champion Server
  10. Mary Deluce

    solo Master LRSF

    Color me impressed. Great job!
  11. Mary Deluce


    So, I just read the official statements on how this works, and I just want to outline it here to see if I've got it right.

    Once per week, on Tuesday, they're going to say "do this TF for super rewards", and once per week, per character you can do that (either a co-op tf, or mirrored TFs on Red/Blue).

    If that Toon is Incarnated, you'll get a special Doo-Dad that is required for for the 3rd tier of incarnate.

    You'll then need 2 more of those for the fourth tier of incarnate.

    So, the soonest anyone will be level 3 incarnate is tonight, and the soonest they'll be level 4 is two weeks from tonight.

    Also, there will be a badge (/badges?) for running those TFs more than once per week on the same toon, and not getting the other rewards.

    Then, i20 will come out with new tougher content that will get us those Doo-Dads without having weekly incentives.

    Did I miss anything, or get anything incorrect?

    Also, with most of us having multiple toons that need want those benefits, but with only one week windows, won't we just be running the same TF every night for a week, then rotating to a new one?

    Also also, doesn't this imply that i20 is still at minimum 3 weeks away, and likely much farther?

    Edit: Now that I'm in game, I see that making a very rare takes having 2 rares unlocked, so add a week to very rare, and a step of "unlock a second rare in the same tree" before getting to it.
  12. Sweet!

    Sounds like the Heart/Spade/Club/Diamond model. No linkey, cause I forget who it was.
    I can't wait to click on the link and read it.

    Edit: That's because it is that model.
    Still, I haven't read it in a while, so once I have a free hour I'll do that. Thanks again.
  13. No time for a long response, sorry.
    Thanks for keeping the conversation alive Amy.

    As for the random drops issue,
    I was trying to use it just as a single example, games have lots of other ways to keep you coming back for more. MMOs, for example, use the human desire for interpersonal relations as a hook, they know that if you make friends, you'll stay. Some bars, clubs, and churches do the same thing. Personally, the feeling of accomplishment when I get a new level is a strong motivator that makes me want to keep playing a game, but there are dozens of other 'types of fun', and it really is a fascinating study (If anyone has any good articles on types of fun/enjoyment, I'd love to read them, I can't get enough of them). But, a game *COULD* be made of nothing but random drops, and still be addictive. Example: Slot machines.
    Just... one... more... pull!
  14. Sorry for missing out on so much, I'll try to keep the commentary short (for me).

    Originally Posted by Horusaurus View Post
    Everything has a price! Including my soul! One soul for sale! One partially used soul for sale! Rare raptor soul for sale! Any takers?
    *Places bid*

    Originally Posted by Tank_Washington View Post
    There's a reason mmo players are depicted the way they are.

    If the bulk of your personal connections can be literally unplugged, you can't be living a fulfilling life with family and friends.

    Coh is made up of mostly casual players, but there are some, I'll be away on business come home and they're on, go to a bbq with my family come back and they're on, go on vacation get back and they're on.

    And those people who've played for years and still are logging in heavy hours aren't happy fulfilled people, they live in stages of denial about the reason why.

    If you quickly dismiss that quote as stupid the authors as morons et cetera, then you've answered the titles inquiry.

    Me, I play with my boys now and then, so very casual.
    So, warning sign number one: Joel Ostean as your avatar pic.

    Warning sign number two: juxtaposition of your busy work life and your family outings vs. the dismal abhorant lifestyle of google image search: WoW nerds.

    Warning sign number three: you list yourself as 'very casual' and then list 7 level 50s.

    Warning sign number four: you list two different home servers.

    Warning sign number five: all of your listed 50s are tanks (and one token brute).

    I'm not going to make offensive blanket statements about psychological issues that I might presume you to have after reading two posts you've made. I think that'd be rude. Just like I think it'd be rude to claim that people who you know almost nothing about are necessarily unfulfilled and living a life of denial. I think that if you honestly go back and look at what you said, you should be able to see why people might have taken it as a bit offensive... and why "dude, call a mod, I didn't say any names *wink wink*" is a really insufficient defense.

    I wonder if the topic had been one of the following, how you'd've responded:
    "New study shows, parents are dumb! Parents just don't get enough time interacting with people with fully developed brains, and therefore become stupid"
    or "Opiate of the Masses? People who practice a religion clearly have self esteem problems and difficulty coping with real life issues!"
    or "Workaholics anonymous. If you love your family so much, why do you keep going on those long business trips? Clearly you're repressing negative emotions while overcompensating at your job."

    As a person who deeply loves her family, who has to go away on business trips from time to time, who is actively and deeply involved in her religion, and who enjoys social gaming, I would find all four of these 'studies' to be offensive, and would never think to say "well, yeah, that makes sense, you all are stupid and unfulfilled". Even if I didn't fall into any of those categories, (for example, I'm not yet a parent) I'd still be very reluctant to tell people who found it worthwhile that I know more about their life experiences than they do.

    Originally Posted by Amily View Post
    It is fact that some gaming companies hire consultants to advise on how to make their games more addictive. So whether we believe the science or not the intent is there is some cases.
    Has anyone else here every made a game? I mean really really made a game. Like, tried to ship a product, or at very least made something somewhat complex that you intend to have some replayability. "Addiction" is part of game design. Honestly. Happy neurochemical responses from positive outcomes of risk-reward scenarios -is- gaming. Why do we get loot in random drops? It's because random reward stimulus is more bodily impacting than fixed reward stimulus. From rats up to humans, we get more out of a reward if it's random. Game theory isn't just applied to games either, why do minimum wage employees sometimes get a quarterly bonus check if the store did well, or if they performed their job adequately? Why not just give them that money on their paycheck? It's because when they 'don't know if they're going to get it at all' and then they do, they feel special, and feel a stronger sense of duty and loyalty to the company.
    Has anyone ever been addicted to tic tac toe? Probably not. Why? Because it's solvable. There's nothing fresh to it; you know what the outcome will be. Proper reward stimulus is one of the most important aspects of game design, and yes, any group making a game needs to consult with someone who understands the psychology or neurophysiology of pleasure stimulus if they want their game to succeed. This isn't really ground breaking, or devious. Entertainment seeks to keep you gripped to it. Which is more fun, a predictable movie in which nothing exciting or surprising happens, or one that keeps you guessing with a riveting moving plotline? Which tastes better: candy (or bacon) or white rice? This is no different than game companies trying to make their games 'addictive'. All else being equal, people would rather do a pleasurable thing than a neutral or unpleasurable thing.

    But, I've rambled for far too long, and I have to get back to work now. I'd love to hear more thoughts on these topics. Tata for now.
  15. Wait, People think these TFs are too difficult?

    I love them, and kinda think that they're still a tad too easy.

    I haven't gotten a team together for speed or anything, but my records are 20:34 and 24:something on them. And I've probably only run them 5 or 6 times. :-/
  16. 24 hours in a day
    8 or so sleeping
    2 or so eating
    8 or so working
    1 or so traveling.

    That's pretty typical for people I know. That leaves 5 hours in most days of "discretionary behavior", of which one or two will get wasted somewhere.

    Now, in the 20 accounted for hours, most people have similar amounts of human interaction. Family/roommates, people at work, people at the store. The question here is really just the remaining 4 hours. Now, in my opinion if I spend those four hours playing an online game with some friends whom I've never met face-to-face, I'm getting more social interaction (even if it's not limbic) than the guy who spends those four hours watching tv. And we have the same amount of face-to-face time in the rest of our life.

    ((Now sure, those of us who work from home it gets a little trickier, but, m'eh, that's a different topic.))

    So, I'm'a call busted on the thesis.
  17. Oh great, now I've got the spider-pig song stuck in my head!
  18. What surprises me most is how few people (who have listed so far) have characters who are their global chat handle.
  19. Mary Deluce


    I'm just glad to finally be back in a state where I can have CoH, winter, and cook again.
  20. Just yesterday, and I still don't have any idea how it happened, I apparently put an Apoc Acc/Dam/Rech on the market for 30mill. I could swear that I was putting the Absolute Amazement that I had just gotten up for sale.
  21. Probably should add a step before all of that:
    Respec into 3 (4) new powers for free.
  22. Awww!
    Happy Berfday Horus!

    *huge hug*