So Champs... What's Your Setup
The progression o' my concept Cobalts from my Nrg/Nrg Blaster to my Elec/Elec Dom, followed by my Hami Raiders, followed by assorted riff-raff.
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
My order hasn't changed much. The one 50 I transferred from a different server I put in with the rest of the 50s I have, which are at the top as I get them there. The rest are from highest level on down, which is usually how often they get played as well.
Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.
Page 1 is my active heroes, starting with seven 50s, in order of reaching 50, then five more descending by level.
Page 2 is a couple backup heroes, followed by my three Praetorians.
Page 3 is my villains, starting with the three I've played significantly descending by level then four level 3s.
Sure', I'l bite
Page 1:
Page 2:
Page 1 is my characters I play all the time. Starting with my SS/FA Brute (largely an agricultural tool), Fire/Dark Corr, Rad/Kin Corr, Rad/Therm Corr, my Fortunata, Fire/Sonic Corr, Arch/TA Corr (soon to be replaced), Fire/Pain Corr, Ice/Storm Corr, Fire/Traps Corr, Fire/Rad Corr and my Ice/Cold Corr.
Corrscorrscorrscorrscorrs. God, they're beautiful.
Page 2 is half characters I play semi-often and half misfits who I've not bothered to shift off the server or nuke. My KM/SD Scrapper, Fire/Fire Dom, DM/Nin Stalker, Mind/Ice Dom are all on the good list. Helio is a Fire/TA who will replace Zaiteki if I ever bother to finish leveling him. The rest of the characters on that page (FM/DA Brute, Spine/Regen Scrapper, Fire/Psi Dom, Claw/WP Stalker) are all in various states of disarray.
Page 3 is characters I never play and probably never will again. My old Sonic/Rad Corr, my Soldier, DM/SD Brute, Fire/MM Blaster, Earth/Kin Controller and Mind/Elec Dom. All persona non grata and will be deleted or moved off the server when I can next be bothered :3
Edit: that's right, I broke your H-Scroll and I broke it hard.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
I only play like two non-PvP toons, and they're at the top of page 1. Then my PvP toons follow that. The rest of page 1, and page two is full of random 50's I hate, and am currently leveling.
The progression o' my concept Cobalts from my Nrg/Nrg Blaster to my Elec/Elec Dom, followed by my Hami Raiders, followed by assorted riff-raff.
All my slots are filled with 50s in no order other than I know where they are>
on every server

Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.

He said "Riff-Raff"
Lolz All my slots are filled with 50s in no order other than I know where they are> on every server |

On my 2 accounts... I had them ordered rom most played to least and new toons on last page... but they got messed up a few times and I never went back and fix'd them. Maybe I should do that sometime soon.

Page 1
Dollmistress - Mind/Psi Dom ***
Dollmistress II - Bots/FF MM **
Dollmistress III - Sonic/Therm Corr **
Dollmistress IV - Elec/Elec Brute **
Dollmistress X - Claws/Regen Stalk **
Widow's Dark Hand - Night Widow **
Operative Doll - Crab Spider *
Deadmistress - Mace/WP Brute **
Darth Doll - Nin/Nin Stalk *
Dollmajestrix - AR/Therm Corr *
Emperor Rut Ro - NRG/Rad Corr *
Supercell Tsarina - Elec/Weather Corr *
Page 2
Dollmistress Omega - Rad/Pain Corr *
Plinkmistress - Arch/TA Corr * (not completed Invader yet)
Gunmistress - DP/Kin Corr * (not completed Invader yet)
Drenmistress - Spine/SR Stalk * (new 50, still needs all Accolades!)
Jadegirl - Mind/Emp Troller *
Dollmistress - Warshade *
Tee Hee - PB *
Seer 1459 - Mind/Psi Dom (only level 20)
Hellmistress - DB/Dark Scrap (only level 5)
* = Remiel arc done
** = alpha boost slotted
*** = uncommon boost slotted
The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!

Mine are separated by lvl, then by archetype, then alliance.
Mine are just in the natural server order of when they were created. I guess I'm boring.
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too
Mine used to be all heroes on page one, all villains on page two. Needless to say, GR messed that up.
(Yes, I have more 50s than this, they got transfered to a nursing home.)
A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.
What surprises me most is how few people (who have listed so far) have characters who are their global chat handle.
Mary Deluce, An interesting point. Especially since when I think about it, the vast majority of my global friends have namesake characters.
For me personally, I didn't actually try to make a character called just Silas for ages. My first Silas (and first 50) was a D3 called Silas Midnight. Even if it weren't taken, I haven't a clue what kind of character I'd make it.
Hell, I've got more non-Silas characters than Silas characters. I've only kept Banefire and Darkstar because I quite like them. I had several other Silas x characters but since renamed them to stuff I think is cooler, more creative and interesting.
A lot of the people who have namesake characters have a global that's a noun, title or well, more superheroic/fantasy name. Silas is just a name
AngieB, Vixens, vixens. Vixens everywhere.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
That's, like, a lot of Corrs.
Tragically, no Fire/Cold goodness.
I had no idea that Ash was "Not a Rikti Spy".
The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!

That's, like, a lot of Corrs. Tragically, no Fire/Cold goodness. |

Besides, Blizzard is fantastic.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
I tend to have my 50's at the top in the order they reached that level, and then everyone else in descending lvl. So things change when I find a favorite toon and play them; every level they get may cause their position on the list change.
You all are way too organized for me! I have my most played 50's on top with perhaps a lowbie I am leveling up there too. However, I find the idea of arranging them by AT very appealing....
Phantom Flight / Villainous Llewthorous
I may be too lazy to post up a picture.... yup this just in, I am in fact too lazy.
However a slight rundown off the top of my head:
Top of page 1 is where I keep my main 7. DM/SD Scrap, Fire/Cold & Fire/Kin Corrs, Earth/Psi Dom, Fortunata, Emp, Tank.
Below that are the 3 mid-low level toons I play when I'm not on a 50. All other slots are full of 50s that are in-line to be axed once I finish wiping them, 50s I can't delete for attachment reasons, or random 50s that I might get around to enjoying again some day so I havn't killed them yet.
The pages go something like this.
Force of ________ Force of ________ Force of ________
Force of ________ Force of ________ Force of ________
Force of ________ Force of ________ Force of ________
Force of ________ Force of ________ Force of ________
Force's Empath
Force of ________ Force of ________ Force of ________
Force of ________ Force of ________ Force of ________
Force of ________ Force of ________ Force of ________
Force of ________ Force of ________ Force of ________
Force of ________ Force of ________ Force of ________
You get the idea... Oh and they all look exactly the same, fun.
Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...
Mine are just in the order that they were created. I've never moved one. And, until I read this post, I wasn't even aware that you could move them around. Goes to show what I know.
�Life's hard. It's even harder when you're stupid.� ― John Wayne
�Just think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are even stupider!� - George Carlin
until I read this post, I wasn't even aware that you could move them around. Goes to show what I know. |
Mine are now arranged in order of level, namesake being first in the lineup.
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
Goofing around with toons lately got me wondering what other Championite's do with character selection.
How do you arrange your characters, are your first 50's at top, is it by favorability, alphabetically, hero/villain, male/female... Maybe even list what they are/when they were created for the heck Ov it.
Share your smexy setup, you might find some common proclivities with your fellow Champs.
I'll throw mine out, the first three 50s created are tops and the rest are basically likelihood of use...I don't remember exactly what they all are atm. =B