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  1. Bumping this thread because it is starting to get buried a bit.

    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    [*]Keep NCsoft from shutting down City of Heroes petition: An effort to convey to NCsoft the importance of keeping City of Heroes active.
    Also, I would like to encourage anyone who has not already done so to sign the petition. We are currently 711 supporters away from the 10,000 supporter threshold. Getting 10,000 people to officially voice there support for this game over one extended holiday weekend carries weight because it illustrates an ability to rapidly mobilize committed people.

    Please make sure you add your voice to the chorus.
  2. Just chiming in to say my good-byes as well...

    CoH was my first MMO and I don't consider one moment of the 8 years I've spent fighting crime on Pinnacle to be wasted.

    I'll miss you all. Even NOIS...

    There are many of you I hope to see in game over the next few months to run a last mission, trial or task force with you.

    But to anyone I don't have the opportunity to say good-bye to personally, good luck and godspeed.

    Until the servers go down...
  3. Also, I don't see Shock Rifles or Devastator listed under Weapon Options for Beam Rifle.
  4. Updating....

    Rolling back my video drivers did nothing to resolve the problem. However, I noticed 2 things. First, it is only using the Windows button to pull up the task bar that causes the problem. I can ALT+Tab to my web browser or whatever else I have running without incident.

    Second, and most importantly, I seem to be able to run in Windowed mode with no problems whatsoever. So, it looks like that is what I'm going to do.

    Still, if anyone could explain exactly what is causing the problem and suggest a fix, I would appreciate it. I'm just utterly perplexed as to why this problem suddenly appeared out of no where. As I said, the only change I made to my system was updating my Nvidia drivers and my DirectX (which this game doesn't use anyway).
  5. Hey folks...

    I discovered a new problem today. The game seems to run fine until I hit the 'Windows' Button to pull up my Task Bar while running in full-screen mode. When I click back to the game, my mouse pointer zips around the screen wildly and uncontrollably the windows button even gets locked out. I used a key command to get to the chat line to let my team know I was having tech problems and I got a string of 'wwwwwww' as though the 'w' key was depressed. I updated the drivers and firmware on my mouse and tried the game again and the problem was still the same. Everything is fine until I hit the Windows button to pull up my task bar. Then everything goes ker-sploowy.

    The only thing I can think of that I changed recently was updating my DirectX and my Nvidia video card drivers.

    Any suggestions about what the problem might be and how I can go about correcting it?

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
    The hotfix solved the issue indeed and no rollback was required.
    That's great to hear. It is nice to see this bug squashed as quickly as it was. I still contend that this problem never should have made it live, and wouldn't have if this publish had been subjected to adequate testing, but I'm glad to see it fixed. Now, hopefully, this fix will be accompanied by a re-evaluation of whatever internal decision-making processes allowed it to be pushed live in the first place.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DanZero View Post
    You can always run at 50, get all your Alpha components, make your enhancements, and be ready when the bug is fixed. That's better than NOT being able to get the components at all.
    Agreed. Assuming that you can actually complete the Strike Target without dealing with constant crashes or that you don't have your Notice of the Well just disappear upon completion like some folks are reporting....
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
    Thank you, Devs, for all your hard work. I really appreciate it, and I know many others who do as well. I also understand that your crystal ball may be dusty, making it difficult for you to see into the future and anticipate every single problem that could possibly occur.
    See, that's the nice thing about actually *testing* stuff before pushing it live. You actually get to find out about potential game crashing bugs that render content unplayable *before* they become a problem. No crystal ball required!

    And lets all bear in mind Avatea's suggested work-around: Don't slot Rare Incarnate abilities. So we have a bugged publish that, according to the patch notes, serves no purpose other than unlocking the second two tiers of the Alpha slot, and the suggestion for dealing with it is don't use any enhancements from the second two tiers of the alpha slot?

    I reiterate my position that these problems all could have been avoided if this publish had been adequately tested and that whomever is responsible for pushing it live dropped the ball big time.
  9. Running STF on my blaster on Pinnacle Server Tuesday afternoon. Team had only 1 character with the level shift slotted - a Shields/Electric Tank. We got epic mapserved in the final mission just after taking down the third tower. After reforming a new team (I'm not sure if anyone was level shifted on that one) we got team mapserved 3 in the second mission - including once where upon logging in, two team members logged back in into the mission (not PI where the rest of us got dumped) but they were no longer part of the task force. Whatever this issue is, it is *bad* and made the TF unplayable.


    Originally Posted by Mystic_Fortune View Post
    Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to rush this out.. you know.. ?

    Obviously the only people that were actually testing it on training room were less than a handful, and even then.. the Strike Target wasn't active. You really should have waited at least a week after this made it to test before rushing it to live.

    This patch was on test for less than a week. According to the patch notes, all it contained was the Strike Target and the Rare/Very rare incarnate levels. However, since no Strike Target was ever announced, there was no way anyone could have tested any of it, Double XP or not.

    This patch was rushed to live with inadequate testing. Period. Personally, I suspect that marketing is responsible for this, not the Devs, but I have no proof one way or the other to back up this conjecture. Regardless, it is completely unacceptable.

    I'm a 78 month vet and have been here since almost the beginning. Speaking personally, and this is the first time I've felt this way, I feel let down by the folks who make this game. We can all argue about whether or not nerfs or changes are justified, but in the end they come down to game balance decisions.

    But this problem is not due to a balance or design decision, this is just plain bad management decision making. The shame of it is that, I was so disgusted with the STF crashes, I took a friend of mine up on his offer of a trial code to join him in some other superhero MMO for a few hours - which I'm sure is exactly the opposite reaction that whomever is responsible for the decision to push this live untested was hoping for.
  10. You can see how scared I am of Big-John's voodoo. I've got both Troy *and* Larry in this league. Nah, the Ronin curse is what did me in. Thanks for the vote of confidence, btw, Evie. Sorry my squad wasn't up to the challenge.
  11. No worries...

    An in-game draft will be an interesting experience...

    Admittedly, fictional superheroes getting together to play fantasy football is a bit... meta... but, should be fun.

    See you guys around 10 this evening...
  12. I should be available around 9:30 Eastern or so. I, too, will be on my namesake.

    @Lich-King is my global.

    I've never done a yahoo league before. Is there a particular reason we aren't drafting through the league website? I know espn has a very nice online draft utility.
  13. This Sunday at 10pm Eastern seems to accommodate everybody.

    I can make that work.
  14. I don't foresee any problems with Sunday 9/6. What time were you thinking, Jimmy?
  15. After 5pm eastern is great for me as long as we stick to Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. Wednesday and Friday, however, might present issues. Friday would pretty much need to be after 9:30 eastern, and I would need to be *done* by 6pm eastern.

    But I'm willing to work with whatever is good for everyone.
  16. Count me in with Buck and Hawk. I've done ESPN online drafts for the last few years and we've been reliably able to get 6 folks on at the same time. An 8 team league should only take about an hour. If we can get a time thats good for at least 75% of the league, I would prefer to *not* use the autopick.
  17. I had wanted to get in on this last year, Jimmy.

    Sign me up.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): Vista
    User Client (Mac/PC/Linux): PC
    Server: Freedom
    Zone: "Grandville" instance
    Character name: Paragon's Wrath
    Time: between 11:30 PM and 12:30 AM
    Archetype: Controller
    Level: 46
    Mission: Statesman's Task Force, final mission ("Stop Lord Recluse!")
    Mission Contact: Statesman
    Bug Description: The Tower Repairmen's heals seem to be uniterruptible, even following death. This makes the TF essentually unbeatable; we have 3 teams running it simultaneously and not one is able to bring even a single tower down.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Pinnacle Server, 10 to 11 pm Eastern Daylight Time. The repairman heals are uninterruptable. Used to be that if you killed them as they were drawing the tricorder, the heal was interrupted. Tonight, if you didn't kill them pretty much the second they spawned, they got their heals off. Made taking out a single tower impossible and I don't remember having this problem when I ran the same Task Force Sunday night before Issue 15 went live.
  19. I've also got a recently published arc that I wouldn't mind getting some feedback on.

    It's a 1 mission arc called 'Death to Disco' (#167748).

    Give it a go, shoot me some feedback, and I'd be happy to return the favor.
  20. Base Repricing
    1) How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?

    It will allow me to greatly expand the size of our base. This will have absolutely zero impact on base functionality as we already have every functional item we need, but it will allow for all sorts or cool new RP spaces.

    2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?

    Absolutley. I think I will net about 10 million prestige in the process.

    3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?

    A few days, maybe a week. Depends on how much time I have to work on it. Of course, that's just to rebuild. Expanding will take more time.

    4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?

    Other than having to take the one time timesink of rebuilding the base to get the 'Prestige Grant', there are really no negatives. The big positive is that, with reduced rent costs, we can actually afford some of the larger plots. As a small SG, we simply don't generate enough prestige to afford the old rent on the biggest secure plots. This is now no longer an issue.

    5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?

    In the very short term, there will be the hassle of rebuilding. Beyond that however, there is years worth of gaming at our prestige gathering pace before we fill up the largest secure plot with completely decorated rooms.

    Base Salvage Exchange to Invention Salvage
    1) What is the negative effect on your base for this feature implementation?

    It means that, as base architect, I need to actually shell out my own influence for components *or* hit up the SG for donations. Now, I can convert enough base components into invention salvage that upgrading is unlikely to leave me out of pocket, but the issue here is that I'll be sacrificing an unlimited stream of incoming components that are only useful for base building and getting nothing to replace them. When the cash generated by liquidating whatever I get for converting my existing component supply is gone, the rest is coming from my pockets.

    2) What is the positive effect on your base for this feature implementation?

    None really.

    3) How long will it take you to adjust to learning this new system?

    I've already pretty much mastered it. It was not really more difficult than the whole walking and chewing gum thing...

    4) What side effects to this system do you currently see from transitioning the old to new system?

    For my SG? None. Save for it actually costing me Influence to do base upgrades in the future...

    5) What security concerns do you have regarding this change?

    I don't really see it creating security concerns any worse than the current Enhancement storage system. Storing a crafted Numina Unique in SG storage is no more or less risky than storing a Hami Goo or Deific Weapon in SG storage.
  21. LichKing

    Blaster Changes?

    Any buffs is good buffs.

    I'm starting to get my hopes up that they might *finally* debug the base damage of Voltaic Sentinel....
  22. Beware our Blaster Necromancy Devs.....

    You have been warned....
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Defiance seems to reward a more cautious playstyle, which I don't find very fun.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Funny you should say that....

    I tend to have a fairly cautious playstyle. And I always said to myself "Lich, it's a shame that defiance seems to reward a more aggressive playstyle, because you just don't get any benefit from your inherent 95% of the time."

    So if aggressive players thing the cautious players benefit from it, and the cautious players think the aggressive players benefit from it...hmmmm...