Star my arc, and I'll star yours!
Hmm... star exchanges?
My Guide to the Hero-side Venomous badge
(622 Badges on my badge-guy)
number of lvl 50's: 24
number in the 40's: 3
Hmm... star exchanges?
[/ QUOTE ] Yeah, I posted something similar to this in my server forum as well. I thought it would be a useful way to promote an arc. Unfortunately, it seems there are MANY people that don't even know how the MA system works.
I've logged in and had comments from people telling me their arc number so I can rate them, but I didn't have any tickets to claim. It seems they are entering the comment, sending it, then clicking finished, without even clicking on the stars! It seems kinda pointless to me. They should make you rate an arc before you can close that screen. lol
And besides that, I had a guy angry at me because I didn't rate his arc yet... Um.. I was at work and had 3 other arcs on my list to do first. People are too impatient and if they don't get results "NAO!", they think it's a scam.
Anyway, I'm doing the OP's arc now. I'll leave my Arc# in the comment line. If he gets back to me today, tomorrow, or the next day.. that's fine. I know how it is.
In the meantime, if anybody wants to do my arc(5314) after they run the OP's, I offer the same thing. My arc is about earning your Hero's License. You have to get the Outbreak drug back from the Contaminated before they sell it to the Hellions. When the Skulls want in on the action, you'll have to save the Crey Scientists they hired to make a new drug for them. The third task towards earning your license involves your ability to seek out and arrest Kurse, the leader of the Lost. You heard he was hiding in the woods, and you have to figure out where first. Your final test takes place at The Zig, where some Rogue Arachnos have been freed by the Freakshow. The PPD is there to help you bring them back to justice. Your task is to bring a few of the leaders to the Arachnos chopper for transport to a higher security facility on the Rogue isles.
It's not a very long arc, and I've got positive feedback so far. All you have to do is leave your ArcID in the comment line.. Just please don't forget the click the stars too. lol
Frankly, I think if we want some badges, then this is going to be a valid tactic. There are too many farms as it is crowding out the "story" arcs. We all know that the Dev's choice and HoF badges are going to be tough to get, if at all.
Baffling to me as well is when I get feedback like, "I enjoyed your mission - funny dialog and a clever idea. Well done!", followed by 3 stars. Seriously, folks. Giving 3 stars is like giving someone a "C" on their report card. And 3 stars just sends a good story down to the dregs below the farming missions.
See a good story? Five stars and don't look back.
Having said that - my two arcs of interest:
Arc #46534 - "Mayhem at the Playbunny Mansion" - one mission, custom baddies and boss. Defeat the nefarious plans of Hugh Hafner and his deadly Playbunnies.
Arc #39890 - "The Axis Strikes Back!" - three shortish missions - Axis America, 5th Column, Requiem. Travel to 1943 to undo the damage done to the timestream by Requiem and the 5th Column. Save the world!
"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21
Guide to Base Teleporters
Good idea, or you could do what others are doing.
I wasn't too shocked when I seen people actually spamming this in broadcast. What was really funny is people were actually doing it.
I think the rate was 5 million for 5
But either way works, except for one costs ya influence.
But I too will return the stars I receive. There are a lot of farm missions out there and they seem to be rated better than most of the real mission arcs.
[B]Leading Badge Holder in the City of Community[/B]
Owner & Operator of...
[URL=""][/URL] & [URL=""][/URL]
[URL=""][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkorange]Challenge My Brute[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/URL]
Good idea, or you could do what others are doing.
I wasn't too shocked when I seen people actually spamming this in broadcast. What was really funny is people were actually doing it.
I think the rate was 5 million for 5
But either way works, except for one costs ya influence.
But I too will return the stars I receive. There are a lot of farm missions out there and they seem to be rated better than most of the real mission arcs.
[/ QUOTE ]
Or they make contest out of it. 300 mil for figureing out the clues or the 100 million challenge.
Both are just saying I want badges play my arc.
@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill
I'm in. Mine are:
#35500 - Atlas Wept - 1 mission. Mildly humorous.
#74255 - November-Charlie - Long, Story Driven. Discover why It's All a Nemesis Plot!
I too will play other people's arcs and I promise to click the stars.
Might as well join the fun, I have a lot of time this week to play arcs:
#2936 -- A Translator is the Wind or the Thunder in Turns

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.
I swore I made this forum already....mine even had a sweet Dr. Suess quote...oh well seems better recieved in this post. Just got a bunch of negative response in mine...except for Wen-Ho who's arc rocks I'll rate the OP's arc once I get logged in today. Many hands make light work, and I want to help folks get some stars upon thars
My arc is #68650. Hope ya'll enjoy it.
Mine has basically no play-throughs, just some SGmates who ran it and some random other person...just a silly short comedy arc, it's in my signature.
Really fun for those who were hit hard by the Controller Pet # Limit patch! Not as fun as you'd LIKE, but I do what I can.
Enemy Resistances - Damage, Mez and Defense
Enemy XP Mods
(Drag my avatar into your mp3 player!)
OK, I'll be trying all mentioned here. Please run through mine!
Name: The Emerald Chesticles of DOOOM!! (search "chesticles")
Length: Short, 1 mish
Difficulty: on Heroic, only tough on low dmg AT's, but still doable. Higher difficulty is a challenge, especially solo.
Time to complete: less than 30 minutes
Features: Custom mobs, custom allies, lots of badging ops, sophomoric humor.
Story: BadStorms nipplez have been stolen by an evil genius, who is using them to create BadStorm clones to take over the world. You must save your friends who tried to help you, stop him by destroying his cloning machines and defeat his l'il green and almost nekkid BadStorm clones!
If this isn't breaking any rules, im #80830. You'll love the 3rd mission, you get to fight me!
I'm getting sick of people low-starring my arc for dumb reasons: "oh, your arc is a little short," "oh, your critter's AI is strange." Until the devs scrap the UBB rating system in favor of something that isn't utterly retarded -- see Youtube, eBay, or just about any successful site on the Internet for ideas -- I'm going to say swapping 5-stars is fair game.
I'm happy to trade arc plays, rates and such, though I tend to prioritize return plays of people who've left comments over random participant lists.
My own arc is #1288: Villainous Values, which is medium length and full of villains (values not guaranteed).
I swore I made this forum already....mine even had a sweet Dr. Suess quote...oh well seems better recieved in this post. Just got a bunch of negative response in mine...
[/ QUOTE ]
IIRC, the negativity was over your attitude towards people having discussions, not over your OP.
Arc Name: Alice in Wonderland Part 1
Arc ID: 59657
Arc Name: Alice in Wonderland Part 2
Arc ID: 59650
These 2 are mine.. Anytime someone leaves me feedback leave your mission # I will return the favor. Though I forget to leave comments when i finish but i usually leave 4 or 5. 4 if I play.. 5 if it was great...
I already played Beefcakes earlier this week (sorry I didn't leave comment but did give a 5).
I swore I made this forum already....mine even had a sweet Dr. Suess quote...oh well seems better recieved in this post. Just got a bunch of negative response in mine...
[/ QUOTE ]
IIRC, the negativity was over your attitude towards people having discussions, not over your OP.
[/ QUOTE ]
Sure it was.
Well if everyone in this thread plans on doing this, may I request that we all send a feedback comment with your arc id numbers so we can return the favor so we don't have to tab back and forth between the forums and the game. It will help a great deal.
[B]Leading Badge Holder in the City of Community[/B]
Owner & Operator of...
[URL=""][/URL] & [URL=""][/URL]
[URL=""][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkorange]Challenge My Brute[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/URL]
Good idea, BC.
"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21
Guide to Base Teleporters
you know what... this IS a good idea...
I have an arc (forgot the id and am not in game atm) called Death's Head Army that got rateed well as soon as I published it and would like more feed back. I also wanted to be able to return the favor to those that rate mine...
really good idea!
I'm in for this as well, and will start on the arcs on this page.
My arcs:
the great cookie caper--2720
obesity is killing US--18854
Thanks all--great idea.
destiny morna lvl 50 emp /psi defender
mysteria morna lvl 50 ice/kin corruptor
Ok I rated and commented on all of your story arcs.
Egos_Shadow, I already ran your a day or so ago so I couldn't do it again.
BadStorm...all I can say is OMG! hahaha awesome!
And destiny_morna, I too ran your arcs a few days ago as well.
Hopefullly we will get more people in on this. It could help us all out in the long run
[B]Leading Badge Holder in the City of Community[/B]
Owner & Operator of...
[URL=""][/URL] & [URL=""][/URL]
[URL=""][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkorange]Challenge My Brute[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/URL]
Definitely a good idea.
Would love people to try my first arc, Save the Spiderlings! Works for all levels, but best for low levels.
Easier to keep the little guys alive.
Might as well join in.
Willy Wheeler and the Weapons Factory
Arc ID# 1790
I'm throwing my hat in on this, but honest stars please. I'm not looking for an auto-5 from people, but am hoping you play the arc and give constructive feedback.
Arc #1013 - Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine (Act I of III)
More info is linked in my sig. Thanks.

@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE

Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!
Arc #97358 Shift Awesome!
Morality: Heroic
Length: Medium
Global: @Markus V8.0
Type: Alien adventure!
My hope is that you play, and enjoy the arc, I am open to criticism, as I want it to be as good as possible.
I will return any ratings I get the next time I play in order of who's comments I received first.
Thanks so much.
Have fun!