An "I Quit" Post

Adeon Hawkwood



the fact that high lvl stuff now comes into play is the ONLY reason im still here.

im not into playing the same low lvl arcs ..i wanna play my 50s and as long as they stick to their word on the incarnate stuff then ill be here.

im all about the high lvl stuff so this issue was the greatest in a long time!



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
I'm unlikely to quit. Only way a company has ever gotten me to leave their MMO is telling me that they don't want me and that they don't care whether people are injured or die as a result of their proposed policies.
That would be pretty cataclysmic.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Y'know, it's interesting--I routinely complain about the same-old, same-old when playing the low lvl game, but occasionally, I'll hit the base crystal and see and arc and think "??? I don't remember playing that arc", and Viola! what's old is new again.

And I feel your pain--I quit everytime my blaster gets stunned by Brawl


--who's NO LONGER waiting for the Elec 'Troller

Bunches of good and evil scattered across all servers--



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
I quit City of Heroes.

No, really, I did. A few weeks ago, I told some of the people closer to me that I was quitting, sent my feedback quietly to a red name, and even reevaluated my budget now that this $15 a month as freed up. One of the last things said red name told me was "I hope that you find something in a future Issue that can bring you back." I politely told them something akin to "Ya right" and resumed closing up shop.

Then I read the Issue 19 notes in detail on I19's launch day.

"Character switching without logging out? Cool, now I can mix up my play styles in one sitting more easily. Nifty, if I were staying."

"Power Animations? Well, Marcian, the only reason you didn't pick supernatural powers was because it bothered you that all characters used the same animations. So, that opens up whole new power sets for you."

"Incarnates... so now my level 50 is relevant again. Wait, and the story makes him stronger than Statesman or Recluse!?"

"Praetoria got fleshed out some more!? Didn't I just vent that there was no auto mission generator? Did they read my mind!? You said you'd only use Seers for good!"


In all seriousness, Issue 19 handily takes care of the vast majority of the reasons I'm quitting. I knew the update was coming for a while. There's a difference, however, between hearing something will be happening soon and actually logging on and having said options laid out before you.

I tried to leave, but they keep me in. Again and again. I can only imagine that I20, in all its shrouded secrecy, is going to crabshell us with some incredible other feature that keeps me in the game.

Good job, Red Names. You all collaborate on a fine project.
Sure, I20 will have a lot of cool new features. Unfortunately, if I19 and Going rogue is any marker for how they will disseminate said coolness, it will require you to "buy" I20 before you can play any of said cool features.....=P



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post

I mean even if I were to think of leaving CoH, say for another game set in a major comics publisher's universe, I wouldn't at this point. I dare say that if such a game existed, it might be pretty, but it has nothing on my beloved City of Heroes!
I understand this on many for those who are barely hanging on to CoX and not overly excitied about i19 and the upcoming i20 it might be a good time for some i21 news however small it may be...and soon™ wont cover it!



Originally Posted by Sex_Bomb_V View Post
Sure, I20 will have a lot of cool new features. Unfortunately, if I19 and Going rogue is any marker for how they will disseminate said coolness, it will require you to "buy" I20 before you can play any of said cool features.....=P
My guess is that some of said cool features will be contingent on GR, but that's it for stuff you have to buy until the next expansion, which I'd expect would be a year or two out.



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
...And I think that's the key; the developers here strike me as wanting to challenge themselves and their game, and I get the sense that they treat the game and all its code as their 'old girl' and care for it deeply...
I hope you don't mind me snipping this out of the rest of your fine post, but this, that you speak of here, is exactly how I feel about the team and this product and something that I greatly love and appreciate.

Add to it that the existing game and the things they like to do are different from the industry standard and you really capture what I love most about this game from an artistic/craftsmanship standpoint.

Anyways... well said and agreed on that and the rest of your post!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



I have quit so many times I cant even count them all. I have been gone this time since i12, i19 with side switching and the beginning of actual endgame content has brought me back yet again. See you guys in the game.



Originally Posted by Exodus_V View Post
I understand this on many for those who are barely hanging on to CoX and not overly excitied about i19 and the upcoming i20 it might be a good time for some i21 news however small it may be...and soon™ wont cover it!
Is there any part of this post that I can actually take seriously?

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
Sorry, Marcian. For the last time, there is no moon base in I20.
One of two things is happening here.

1.) You're saying this with no hard information, and therefor speaking entirely out of ignorance...

2.) Or You're breaking the NDA.

Now which is it? Are there 3 lights, or 5 lights? TELL ME!

srsly, can I haz moon bass now plz?

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
Is there any part of this post that I can actually take seriously?

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
One of two things is happening here.

1.) You're saying this with no hard information, and therefor speaking entirely out of ignorance...

2.) Or You're breaking the NDA.

Now which is it? Are there 3 lights, or 5 lights? TELL ME!

srsly, can I haz moon bass now plz?
pffft the moon. You can have the moon. I'm taking the galaxy.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



I'll admit, given the friendly, casual nature the game had for the last 6 years, i was looking forward to endgame and the personality conflicts that it often brings about as much as unrestricted all-zone pvp with permadeath. but so far posi has taken a path that is still doable without me needing to update my resume, so i'm cautiously enthused about it.



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
I quit City of Heroes.

No, really, I did. A few weeks ago, I told some of the people closer to me that I was quitting, sent my feedback quietly to a red name, and even reevaluated my budget now that this $15 a month as freed up. One of the last things said red name told me was "I hope that you find something in a future Issue that can bring you back." I politely told them something akin to "Ya right" and resumed closing up shop.

Then I read the Issue 19 notes in detail on I19's launch day.

"Character switching without logging out? Cool, now I can mix up my play styles in one sitting more easily. Nifty, if I were staying."

"Power Animations? Well, Marcian, the only reason you didn't pick supernatural powers was because it bothered you that all characters used the same animations. So, that opens up whole new power sets for you."

"Incarnates... so now my level 50 is relevant again. Wait, and the story makes him stronger than Statesman or Recluse!?"

"Praetoria got fleshed out some more!? Didn't I just vent that there was no auto mission generator? Did they read my mind!? You said you'd only use Seers for good!"


In all seriousness, Issue 19 handily takes care of the vast majority of the reasons I'm quitting. I knew the update was coming for a while. There's a difference, however, between hearing something will be happening soon and actually logging on and having said options laid out before you.

I tried to leave, but they keep me in. Again and again. I can only imagine that I20, in all its shrouded secrecy, is going to crabshell us with some incredible other feature that keeps me in the game.

Good job, Red Names. You all collaborate on a fine project.
Oh, suuuuuuuuure. You toss me off the video throne, and then you QUIT before I can lawfully challenge you and reclaim it. I accuse thee of cowardice, neglect, and dereliction of your duty in providing videos for the community.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
My guess is that some of said cool features will be contingent on GR, but that's it for stuff you have to buy until the next expansion, which I'd expect would be a year or two out.
Given the quote marks I think he meant "buy" in the sense that you will have to re-run existing content before being allowed to do the I20 content. The I19 example being that you have to get shards/components from older content before being able to do Apex/Tin Mage



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
I quit City of Heroes.

No, really, I did. A few weeks ago, I told some of the people closer to me that I was quitting, sent my feedback quietly to a red name, and even reevaluated my budget now that this $15 a month as freed up. One of the last things said red name told me was "I hope that you find something in a future Issue that can bring you back." I politely told them something akin to "Ya right" and resumed closing up shop.

Then I read the Issue 19 notes in detail on I19's launch day.

"Character switching without logging out? Cool, now I can mix up my play styles in one sitting more easily. Nifty, if I were staying."

"Power Animations? Well, Marcian, the only reason you didn't pick supernatural powers was because it bothered you that all characters used the same animations. So, that opens up whole new power sets for you."

"Incarnates... so now my level 50 is relevant again. Wait, and the story makes him stronger than Statesman or Recluse!?"

"Praetoria got fleshed out some more!? Didn't I just vent that there was no auto mission generator? Did they read my mind!? You said you'd only use Seers for good!"


In all seriousness, Issue 19 handily takes care of the vast majority of the reasons I'm quitting. I knew the update was coming for a while. There's a difference, however, between hearing something will be happening soon and actually logging on and having said options laid out before you.

I tried to leave, but they keep me in. Again and again. I can only imagine that I20, in all its shrouded secrecy, is going to crabshell us with some incredible other feature that keeps me in the game.

Good job, Red Names. You all collaborate on a fine project.
Did they have you at hello?

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by sleestack View Post
Well if Marcian's quitting then I'm quitting too!

Hey everyone, I'm back! What's changed in the game since I've been gone?
LOL that's Super funny



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
I quit every night.
LMAO - reminds me of a customer my boss had one time;

"Do you rotate your tires ma'am"?

"Yes, I rotate them everyday"?

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
I quit City of Heroes.

No, really, I did. A few weeks ago, I told some of the people closer to me that I was quitting, sent my feedback quietly to a red name, and even reevaluated my budget now that this $15 a month as freed up. One of the last things said red name told me was "I hope that you find something in a future Issue that can bring you back." I politely told them something akin to "Ya right" and resumed closing up shop.

[. . .]

In all seriousness, Issue 19 handily takes care of the vast majority of the reasons I'm quitting. I knew the update was coming for a while. There's a difference, however, between hearing something will be happening soon and actually logging on and having said options laid out before you.

I tried to leave, but they keep me in. Again and again. I can only imagine that I20, in all its shrouded secrecy, is going to crabshell us with some incredible other feature that keeps me in the game.

Good job, Red Names. You all collaborate on a fine project.
Yeah. I 'quit' once. About two weeks after I unsubscribed, while I could still log in, I jumped in on a whim, ended up meeting some new people to play with, and played for the next three days straight. ... I don't think my account ever actually lapsed.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by ebon3 View Post
LMAO - reminds me of a customer my boss had one time;

"Do you rotate your tires ma'am"?

"Yes, I rotate them everyday"?
While doing tech support I was once asked, "How do I floor mat a disk?"



Originally Posted by Indiramourning View Post
While doing tech support I was once asked, "How do I floor mat a disk?"
I actually had someone try return a PC back in the 90's "because the cupholder broke"

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



I'm glad I didn't get sucked in to Marcian's ploy and read this whole thread... again.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville