So those obsolete ATs
Too early, but there seems to be a nice mix so far. If something is on the lower side for being played it's tanks and defenders, but those were the lesser played ATs before anyway. I would even say there is still a decent number of defenders, but defenders numbers drop off more compared to other ATs as you get higher in levels. Right now I have been vastly playing in Praetoria so I'm restricted to 1-20.
Would be cool to see refreshed numbers on what ATs have been created since GR go live. I think it was BAB that gave us those last time, but he's gone incommunicado.
Be well, people of CoH.

defender and tanker are both obsolete.
Thanks, I needed a laugh.
Too early, but there seems to be a nice mix so far. If something is on the lower side for being played it's tanks and defenders, but those were the lesser played ATs before anyway. I would even say there is still a decent number of defenders, but defenders numbers drop off more compared to other ATs as you get higher in levels. Right now I have been vastly playing in Praetoria so I'm restricted to 1-20.
Nothing beats the solo-ease of a Tanker or the Team Support of a Defender. Although I also liked Controllers, Blasters and Scrappers prior to GR, my only level 50s are a Defender and a Tanker.
With GR, I seem to be spending all my time in Praetoria trying out new combinations and ATs, so I agree with you Amy that it could be too early to tell.
My personal opinion on most "obsolete" AT arguments;
Tankers/Scrappers being replaced by Brutes : NOPE, definitely not replacing Tanks. no opinion on scrappers really, because they seem to be different flavors, so one will appeal to some folks more than others.
Defenders being replaced by Corruptors : Maybe. Corruptors bring to a team something that I always wanted to bring with my defenders, which is a mini-blaster that also protects the team. Corruptors are REALLY fun on teams and solo pretty well too. I cannot say enough good things about SCOURGE. However, where the defender "niche" will shine is on Exemplared TF runs like POSI. Think about what powers your typical Defender or Corruptor will have at level 20. Not so sure that is the Legacy that Defenders deserve, but its just an opinion.
Dominators/Masterminds : I both Like and Dislike these ATs. Dominators play like Blasters on "easy-mode", at least until you start needing 2 applications of a Hold to stop a Lieutenant. Dominators are too Jekhyl and Hyde for me. I prefer a controller. But they are a total blast from 1-20. I am sure once Domination is perma they get better again.
Masterminds, Love them solo, HATE HATE HATE teaming with them. Especially multiple Masterminds. Those pets can clog up any hallway, blocking the path of real Heroes.
They really should have to make a choice on their pets. Use 3 little ones, 2 medium ones, or just one big one. Once you summon one type, it despawns all the rest. I realize this will probably not happen, but Masterminds, yuck.
Stalkers: This AT will not replace anyone. Its kinda fun to play. The DPS is pretty amazing, but so is their squishi-ness. I can barely handle scrapper's at lower level, but they at least get tougher and are completely survivable by the early 20s. Stalkers seem like an AT that sacrified WAY too much survival for the amount of DPS that they got.
I will not be trading in any of my Tankers, Scrappers or Controllers today. I will not be inviting any Masterminds to join my team, and Don't talk to me about Defenders. I am still working on a public statement.

Obsolescence is the state of being which occurs when an object, service or practice is no longer wanted even though it may still be in good working order. Obsolescence frequently occurs because a replacement has become available that is superior in one or more aspects. |
Be well, people of CoH.

No one was ever worried about Stalkers replacing anyone.
Stalkers are worried about being replaced by everyone else.
I personally am worried for the state of Stalkers come I19 when we get The Alpha Incarnate Slot and content, that's supposed to be heavily team focused form the last news we had.
So stalkers are screwed then?
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
I'll stick with my tank, thanks.
LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control
List of obsolete ATs:
Funny . . . I took my Invuln/Axe tank Vigilante, was invited to a red-side team with several ATs including a couple of Brutes. My tank walked into the biggest mess and did what he does while his green bar barely moved. The brutes ran off and tried to do what they do . . . and faceplanted.
I'll stick with my tank, thanks. |
I could, but it would have as little meaning as your post.
Just like the "my tank and my partner's defender can duo that GM." So? I've got a cor and a dom that can duo the same GM.
In the end, all of these statements are completely useless beyond showing that no AT is obsolete as long as people continue playing them. Including stalkers.
Be well, people of CoH.

In the end, all of these statements are completely useless beyond showing that no AT is obsolete as long as people continue playing them. Including stalkers.
Although, Tanks have always been obsolete in my eyes.

Repeat After Me
No AT has ever been needed for anything in this game.
Every time I see a team searching for one AT (or heaven forbid powerset) I die a little inside.
I've seen the least number of Tankers and then followed by Defenders in the new zone.
I am surprised to see quite a few mew Stalkers but Stalker's problem is more about retention. How well does Stalker AT retain the player's interest?
I see tons Dominator by the way. And the most number is Brute for sure. Every zone I go, I see Brute. In fact, one I was in Brickstown and I saw more Brute than Hero AT.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
Well, I don't see many controllers.
Dark Bard, Zoobait, Debacle
Por vezes d� vontade...
speak american godamnit
I've seen the least number of Tankers and then followed by Defenders in the new zone.
I am surprised to see quite a few mew Stalkers but Stalker's problem is more about retention. How well does Stalker AT retain the player's interest? I see tons Dominator by the way. And the most number is Brute for sure. Every zone I go, I see Brute. In fact, one I was in Brickstown and I saw more Brute than Hero AT. |
"Mommy, what's a peacebringer?"
"It's something like a koala. I mean..."
From a powergaming perspective (i.e. just about everything I do, such as balls-to-the-wall fast TFs/SFs), every melee AT except Brutes - and Scrappers, now, thanks to the I18 Brute nerfs - are largely obsolete simply because you can stack a team full of buff/debuff, add a Blaster in for the extra damage, and you can steamroll 99% of content in the game. I'll take a mixed team of 8 Defenders/Corruptors/Controllers over just about anything, thanks.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Stalkers are still obsolete, but thats not exactly a new thing.
As I recall, there were numerous threads on such&such AT becoming obsolete after GR came out. Just curious, but from my limited view on Victory, I am seeing pretty much every AT in mixed teams. I always thought people will play what they want to play. Tankers will tank, brutes will be brutish, defenders defend those dastardly corruptors, and so forth.
Anyone else seeing this or are some of the predictions coming true? Too early?