Yeah, I gave that NPC the what-for!




I liked the way he said it but I didn't like what he said so I had to respond!

On a related note, does anybody else talk back to NPCs or am I the only one here cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs? Heck, I do it whether or not there are other players around to hear it. :/

@Spawn of Santa
SoS thuggin' bio
The Gang's All Here



well, kind of.
In RP we sometimes do.
A particularly funny incident was my main Rogue: Redcoat was winding down a bit of teamage with his wife, she was telling him how everyone thought he was a big dog these days and he insisted he wasn't.
Cue no less than SEVEN passing NPCs all making some comment about him and something he did recently in some mission or another.
Then cue him facepalming and wondering if these people are looking him up on google or wikipedia.

Click here to find all the All Things Art Threads!
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



An Arbiter in name only. But that's besides the point.

I tend to talk back to NPCs of all kinds, but only in my head. As I see it, typing in chat has one purpose and one purpose only - interaction. Since you can't interact with the NPCs, there's no need to put in the effort of typing something out when I can just say it to my screen, or just say it in my head.

Nevertheless, I've noticed that whenever I start quipping back at NPCs, it's a good sign I'm having fun and I'm deep in the experience. When a boss says "I will crush you to dust!" and my reaction is "I would love to see you try!" then I know I enjoy what I'm doing.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
An Arbiter in name only. But that's besides the point.
Well of course. I have no delusions that I'm anything more than a fake Arbiter.

Besides, no real Arbiter in his right mind would wear blue & gold in September!

@Spawn of Santa
SoS thuggin' bio
The Gang's All Here



I find myself doing it all the time, but only in my head.

Triumph Charactors: Tabby Cat: 50 Claws/Regen
Isabella Ice: 50 ice/ice
Wondderland: 50 ice/cold
Mindfull: 50/Kin



Last night I made an Elec/Energy Domi called Concussion Blast.

Doing the Loyalist Responsibility arcs I got these parting words from Monroe on one of the missions.

"Knockout job Concussion Blast"

which made me smile.



I talk back to NPCs a lot. Sometimes I even bother typing it into the chat box.



My RP group talks back to NPC dialogue all the time. If we're responding to an NPC, we do it in /local, otherwise we RP with each other in /team.



Originally Posted by captzoom View Post
I find myself doing it all the time, but only in my head.
This is how I do it as well. Complete with little ranty speeches about how "they'll never get away with it."

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is a natural manure. -Thomas Jefferson

Read the Patriot newsletter. It's right, it's free.



My brother and I do this all the time! Only when we're in a team, though. There's no point typing that out if there's no actual person there to enjoy it.

Much like other posters, I do respond in my head when solo. I agree with Sam. When I'm compelled to reply, either in-game, or in my head, it proves I'm really in the moment!



sometimes I'll reply to the NPCs. Heck when I was going through the RWZ arcs I had several choice things to say to various NPC's along the way. Sometimes I said it out loud, sometimes I said it to myself and sometimes I typed it in.

Although one time I was meeting up with a friend and I had finally designed a civilian costume for my character. So I was waiting around in the civilain outfit when he came by also in Civilian clothing so I actaully Spouted something about one his previous missions like an NPC would.

We bot hahd alol and thought it was agreat way to kick off that particular RP moment.



Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
sometimes I'll reply to the NPCs. Heck when I was going through the RWZ arcs I had several choice things to say to various NPC's along the way. Sometimes I said it out loud, sometimes I said it to myself and sometimes I typed it in.

Although one time I was meeting up with a friend and I had finally designed a civilian costume for my character. So I was waiting around in the civilain outfit when he came by also in Civilian clothing so I actaully Spouted something about one his previous missions like an NPC would.

We bot hahd alol and thought it was agreat way to kick off that particular RP moment.
That's great!



I do it a few times. Mostly when I save a woman from a mugging and she says: "Every Week/Day someone tries to steal my purse!"

I'll say something like: "Perhaps you should take martial arts" or "Maybe it wouldn't happen if you just left the purse at home."



Recently, one of my Loyalist Praetorians fought a group of Resistance fighters. When aggroed, the Resistance said something like: "You messed with the wrong slammers today!" My response: "It appears YOU messed with the wrong 'blueberry.'

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



I did a slow clap when Nemesis revealed his plan in the final RWZ arc. "You may applaud my audacity." So I did. That was a pretty nice plan. Then I beat him up.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



I occasionally double back to beat on PPD NPC's who say something snide as I bounce by on my way to a mission.

By "occasionally" I mean, I do it every time until I get flight so I don't have to see the bubbles.



I do frequently in RP but there was one the other night that stands out.

I was soloing a tip mission on my Sonic/Em Blaster when that glorious idiot Flambeaux turns up (I swear she's Fusionette's evil sister). We duke it out and she Infernos just as I'm about to get my last shot it. She decides to finish our battle by jeering:

"In your face! No, in your STUPID face!"

Feeling a bit annoyed, I rez, break free and shove on PFF. Once I've healed and toggled up in front of her, I hit Build Up, drop the forcefield and let rip. Once I've Shockwaved her across the room, followed up by some more blasts, I finished off with Total Focus. As it was animating, I rapidly typed:

"No, in YOUR STUID FACE! Moron!"

Something about that girl irritates me...

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



My SG decided to throw my toon a party in Pocket D when that toon earned a promotion to be second in command of the SG. When we got there we were all kibutzing in the Hero Side lounge when I commented on how pretty I thought War Witches' eyes were. Then War Witch responded with a comment like "It's nice to be noticed, even when you're dead." And for the next 30 mins 10+ members of my SG watched me 'chat up' War Witch laying my best Desperate-Guy Mack down, and saw that her replies seemed very interactive and accepting. I asked if she wanted anything to drink, and she asked my toon to bring her a cup of coffee. I bounded off to the bartender and when I bounced back, I said here is your coffee 'Love', she responded by saying there was nothing she liked better than a good cup of joe. My SG members were dumbfounded with the whole 'interactive' conversation, my SG Leader said 'Leave it to you to get promoted AND end up War Witches' boy toy at the same party. I never even got her to say hi to me before.' Ahh, good times, good times. I remain a bit saddened that they made her a Trainer and there-by silenced her. She used to be fairly funny.

"Character is what you are in the dark"-John Warfin



An old SG-mate of mine used to tell a story about interacting with NPCs. Seems he had just gotten his very first extra costume on his first level 20 character. When an NPC complimented him on his new costume he proceeded to have an entire (though one-sided) conversation with him, thanking him and explaining what it was he was trying to do with it, how he thought it turned out, etc. All in Local and under Atlas, no less.



Originally Posted by Spawn_of_Santa View Post
On a related note, does anybody else talk back to NPCs or am I the only one here cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs? Heck, I do it whether or not there are other players around to hear it. :/
Sometimes while standing over the body of a particularly difficult boss, my people will say something long the lines of, "....And STAY DEAD" in Local. They do this both solo and on teams






Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
sometimes I'll reply to the NPCs. Heck when I was going through the RWZ arcs I had several choice things to say to various NPC's along the way. Sometimes I said it out loud, sometimes I said it to myself and sometimes I typed it in.

Although one time I was meeting up with a friend and I had finally designed a civilian costume for my character. So I was waiting around in the civilain outfit when he came by also in Civilian clothing so I actaully Spouted something about one his previous missions like an NPC would.

We bot hahd alol and thought it was agreat way to kick off that particular RP moment.
That's awesome. I don't RP, but now I'm tempted to make a toon with a regular NPC name and dress them in civi clothes and go around the zones talking about people I pass, and making up stories. "Did you hear? Captain Amazingman threw a baby out the window!" "It sure is a good thing McAmazingPants was there to stop the monkeys from pooping on Statesman!" etc...

More on topic though, I respond to NPCs all the time. Usually I just talk to the screen, but sometimes I type it in and send it, even if I'm not on a team, depends on how crazy I'm feeling at the time.

@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
Something about that girl irritates me...
Which means she's well-written since that's exactly the response they wanted.

@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters



Originally Posted by The Lone Hero View Post
I do it a few times. Mostly when I save a woman from a mugging and she says: "Every Week/Day someone tries to steal my purse!"

I'll say something like: "Perhaps you should take martial arts" or "Maybe it wouldn't happen if you just left the purse at home."
Or when they say they hope their child grows up to be just like you...

And you are playing a Kheld or alien race.