Going Rogue/Issue 18 - Patch notes for build 1850.201009101722.1T




This Patch is Epic Fail.

Everyone else has pretty much covered how I feel. The No Nukes on CoP is ******* ******** retarded, uncalled for, unwanted, and unnessecary. The problem isn't the Nukes, it's the broken piece of WoW that is the GM.

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:



Originally Posted by Starjammer View Post

If they removed the Warburg option and won't say why -- exploit.
Pretty sure that's the reason why. Trying to figure out in my head what the actual exploits are and I'm getting a few ideas.

I think CoP is another example where rewards = time fails. As far as I've been able to tell from my own server, it's either 15 minute perfect runs with well oiled SGs or the trial fails. The 15 minute runs are driving down the reward averages while the failures don't even get factored into the average.



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
Pretty sure that's the reason why. Trying to figure out in my head what the actual exploits are and I'm getting a few ideas.
If that's the case, that's a fair reson to remove them. However, if they hadn't made it so stupid hard in the first place, there probably never would have been a Nuke Exploit...

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:



the trial itself isn't all that hard, it's just the AV PFF hax that makes it overly difficult, once that gets fixed (don't know why it hasn't yet) it'll be cake again.



My initial reaction to the low rewards for Cathedral of Pain was that they were low-balling the reward until they could see how we could “break it”. I’m expecting this "nerf" is a step to fix the risk versus reward ratio on CoP.

I'm going to reserve judgment for now.



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
Pretty sure that's the reason why. Trying to figure out in my head what the actual exploits are and I'm getting a few ideas.

I think CoP is another example where rewards = time fails. As far as I've been able to tell from my own server, it's either 15 minute perfect runs with well oiled SGs or the trial fails. The 15 minute runs are driving down the reward averages while the failures don't even get factored into the average.
I sure hope the data mining is more sophisticated than this. I'm guessing most failures don't stick around for the clock to reach 0:00 either. I don't do this thing a lot and I'm 2-1. On the failure, everyone dropped out with about 5 minutes to go, so if data mining is only including failures that reach 0:00, well, that's a failure too. I'm speculating that the data mining must be showing an average completion time in the neighborhood of 15 minutes, because, as mentioned above, you either finish it fast or you don't finish at all (my 2 "wins" were between 10 and 15 minutes).

What's also not factored in (and I know you can't), is the time spent assembling the team. At this point, finding the right composition for all 3 teams takes more time than successfully executing the trial once the clock starts. That is, trading the Rad Def from team 1 for the Blaster on team 2, etc. One could do an ITF in the time spent before even entering the Trial instance.

I'm sure someone has an anecdote about their l33t SG needing 5 minutes to assemble and 10 minutes to win with, as mentioned above, Walk and Brawl. That's the outlier. Unfortunately I'm guessing for data mining purposes, that's showing up as the average.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
the trial itself isn't all that hard, it's just the AV PFF hax that makes it overly difficult, once that gets fixed (don't know why it hasn't yet) it'll be cake again.
Anyone been on test yet? I would expect that this got silently fixed in the same patch that they take out warbug nukes from being used (which I find hilarious since warburg nukes can be used to speed just about every other TF and trail in the game . . . but hey somehow they are overpowering in this trial which only gives 20 merits as compared to Sister Psyche which gives what, 50? Just saying).

Cause fixing a major bug in the trail at the same time as you remove an option from player to use in the trail would only be fair and logical. Amirite?

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Well I know my VG is running the COP on Saturday, has this posted yet?

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Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
Pretty sure that's the reason why. Trying to figure out in my head what the actual exploits are and I'm getting a few ideas.

I think CoP is another example where rewards = time fails. As far as I've been able to tell from my own server, it's either 15 minute perfect runs with well oiled SGs or the trial fails. The 15 minute runs are driving down the reward averages while the failures don't even get factored into the average.
The amount of prep time (organizing, forming teams, balancing teams, going over strategy if there are new people, and acquiring any temps if you used them) isn't factored either.



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
but hey somehow they are overpowering in this trial which only gives 20 merits as compared to Sister Psyche which gives what, 50? Just saying).
Woah, your CoP's are paying out 20 merits? Hax.



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
  • Warburg Missiles can no longer be used in the Cathedral of Pain.
As much as some posters are eating their own heads, gnashing against the Wailing Wall, or invoking the undead spirit of Jack, I will just say, in the simplest of terms, that I don't understand the reason behind this apparently arbitrary change. It's the first time that I can think of that a certain set of powers was explicitly banned from an encounter (besides the "Master of" challenges or Ouroboros challenges, of course).

Would anyone with a red name care to elaborate. Not that I expect anyone to do so, of course

Also, corrected patch note below:

Known Issue:
  • 3D Sounds intentionally removed from Windows Vista and Windows 7 without OpenAL alternative. Currently, only 3rd party software can correct this issue.



Originally Posted by twelfth View Post
Well I know my VG is running the COP on Saturday, has this posted yet?
Think this patch is still on test.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
... somehow [nukes] are overpowering in this trial which only gives 20 merits as compared to Sister Psyche which gives what, 50? Just saying.
Doesn't CoP only give 10 Reward Merits (or 6 with a personal Item of Power)?

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



So how about them stalker pools?

Also lol at disabling warburg nukes.



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
Pretty sure that's the reason why. Trying to figure out in my head what the actual exploits are and I'm getting a few ideas.

I think CoP is another example where rewards = time fails. As far as I've been able to tell from my own server, it's either 15 minute perfect runs with well oiled SGs or the trial fails. The 15 minute runs are driving down the reward averages while the failures don't even get factored into the average.
Another use of "median" times that doesn't take into account failed attempts.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
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Originally Posted by StormSurvivor View Post
I can kinda of see why this has changed, but I don't think this is the way to do it. It's true that it's rare for twenty-four players being availiable to stack the same power, but if players think it's that needed, it may be that the trial itself needs looking at, rather than hampering the method that players are using to beat it.
I think the developers are fixing the wrong things:

Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
The main problems with the CoP trial right now are that:
A) The AVs can shoot through their "affect only self" shields. This is an obvious bug that needs to be fixed.
B) The AVs Regen rate is quite likely set way too high, especially on the "stormy" AV.
These are the right things to fix.

Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
How does the restriction of an unrelated temp power affect those two things?

As long as these two problems exist Warburg nukes are almost REQUIRED to have a successful CoP trial. Now if the Devs plan to have the two actual problems fixed very soon after this "no Warburg nuke" patch goes in then maybe it'll work together as a multi-part solution to the balancing problem. With those two problems fixed Warburg nukes would (in all fairness) probably be overkill on the AV.
The rockets do three things:

Biological Payload: Maxes most/all of the player's regen rate to survive the damage that the AV+combined spawns can dish out and increases damage output. (PBAoE, Ally +Regeneration, +Dam)

Chemical Payload: Floors the AV's defences so the nukes deal full damage. (Ranged AoE Foe -Res(All), -DEF)

Nuclear Payload: Deals a whole bunch of direct damage in a single burst and reduces the AV's End and Recovery. (Ranged AoE, Extreme DoT(Energy), Foe -End, -Recovery)

Note that these could be considered to be working as Intended, but not when the developer's pet is getting its butt whipped. I hate GMs that have tantrums that their "baby" was taken out too easily.

Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
=/ Are you sure the AVs' bubbles are bugged? They could just be Untouchable bubbles, not OAS bubbles. I like it that way.
Absolutely positive. Castle posted that the AV's shields were "Only Affects Self". When a developer posts something like that, I tend to take his word. The only reason I'm not linking to that post is that it was in the Beta section. If you want confirmation, you can ask him yourself.

Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
the trial itself isn't all that hard, it's just the AV PFF hax that makes it overly difficult, once that gets fixed (don't know why it hasn't yet) it'll be cake again.
You forgot the insane regen rate that the AV has. Players have 45 seconds of "damage time" and while he is in the PFF hax he has a good chance to heal half his hit points even if the shields are brought down again quickly. The trial was never "cake", except for a tiny while in Beta. Most beta testers didn't get to see those 2-3 runs.

Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Anyone been on test yet? I would expect that this got silently fixed in the same patch that they take out warbug nukes from being used (which I find hilarious since warburg nukes can be used to speed just about every other TF and trail in the game . . . but hey somehow they are overpowering in this trial which only gives 20 merits as compared to Sister Psyche which gives what, 50? Just saying).

Cause fixing a major bug in the trail at the same time as you remove an option from player to use in the trail would only be fair and logical. Amirite?
Current rewards (as of last week) were 10 merits or 6 merits plus a 7 day temp power. I don't know where you get the 20 merit reward from, but it isn't the case.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Yeah I'll have to agree that the "no Warburg nukes in the CoP Trial" change seems, when considered by itself, like a very random and nonsensical reaction from the Devs.

The main problems with the CoP trial right now are that:
A) The AVs can shoot through their "affect only self" shields. This is an obvious bug that needs to be fixed.
B) The AVs Regen rate is quite likely set way too high, especially on the "stormy" AV.

How does the restriction of an unrelated temp power affect those two things?

As long as these two problems exist Warburg nukes are almost REQUIRED to have a successful CoP trial. Now if the Devs plan to have the two actual problems fixed very soon after this "no Warburg nuke" patch goes in then maybe it'll work together as a multi-part solution to the balancing problem. With those two problems fixed Warburg nukes would (in all fairness) probably be overkill on the AV.

But that still raises the bigger question others have mentioned here: How can the Devs arbitrarily decide that a certain temp power will not be allowed in a given trial? That's almost like the first step towards forcing everyone to have to play the CoP Trial as if it were a "Master of CoP" Trial. I think this is a slippery slope the Devs are going to ultimately regret: having the OPTION to run a Master of CoP is one thing, FORCING people to run it that way is a very bad precedent to set.
This was just stated so well and eloquently that I don't know how to say it any better.
My feelings are if you didn't have an Archvillain that CHEATED, you wouldn't have people using nukes to overcome it. Firing through the force field and regen should have been fixed FIRST.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



Originally Posted by Starjammer View Post

If they removed the Warburg option and won't say why -- exploit.
the exploit being that the STUPID amount of regen given to an AV with a 45 second attack window can, unreliably, be overcome thus making the trial completeable without having to wire together 24 sg mates who live in the same basement and pvp each other all day for the perfect setups...

thats a really retarded change and I fully support the suggestion to cut the AV's overpowered regen and ability to fire through his shield.

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
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Originally Posted by Avatea View Post

  • Warburg Missiles can no longer be used in the Cathedral of Pain.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Nit pick time:

The rockets do three things:
Bio: Maxes most/all of the player's regen rate to survive the damage that the AV+combined spawns can dish out.
Chem: Floors the AV's regen rate.
Nuke: Deals a whole bunch of direct damage in a single burst
Chem is a -Def, -Res power. I think the value is -30% for each. I don't see any indication it affects -Regen.

Bio is also a substantial +Dmg buff (150%)

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



Originally Posted by Deacon_NA View Post
Nit pick time:

Chem is a -Def, -Res power. I think the value is -30% for each. I don't see any indication it affects -Regen.
correct, the amount of 24 nukes would be enough to basically floor any resistance the AV has thus making it able to overcome regen through sheer dmg and whatever -regen debuffs poeple have through secondary effects of powers

the warburg nuke not allowed in CoP was one of the stupidest changes so far, aside from the low reward and now this making it more difficult, im gonna have a hard time finding a reason for doing this outside of the badge and possible future for incarnate salvage



I'm actually really annoyed with this, probably more than I should be!!! If the patch notes suggested about removing the Warburg nukes, but they have made the trial more achieveable through a regen reduction (heck even just that and leaving the big fat overpowered cheap jerk to fire through his shields would be a start) thats ok, but as it stands, they have just potentially wasted the large amount of time i've spent earning the prestige to get the equipment to even do this trial EU side, let alone sinking the ability for a lot of people to get the badge.

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide



Originally Posted by TsumijuZero View Post
I'm actually really annoyed with this, probably more than I should be!!! If the patch notes suggested about removing the Warburg nukes, but they have made the trial more achieveable through a regen reduction (heck even just that and leaving the big fat overpowered cheap jerk to fire through his shields would be a start) thats ok, but as it stands, they have just potentially wasted the large amount of time i've spent earning the prestige to get the equipment to even do this trial EU side, let alone sinking the ability for a lot of people to get the badge.
i think it was discussed earlier in the thread that the 2 main priorities that need to be fixes is the AVs haxxor PFF and the insane regen rate of the AVs

as to why they did this little shenanigan, we still have yet to hear some reasoning



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
i think it was discussed earlier in the thread that the 2 main priorities that need to be fixes is the AVs haxxor PFF and the insane regen rate of the AVs

as to why they did this little shenanigan, we still have yet to hear some reasoning
sorry, an out of character additional rant from me, but I have just spent a rather large amount of my time getting my SG base raid equipped (and im solo so it wasnt easy)

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide



Colour me unimpressed and baffled by the no-nuke change, too. Are any devs looking at feedback here or regarding the party pack?

On the other hand, the stormy AV obviously needs to be reworked. Let's look at some logs.

08-27-2010 18:42:09 Aspect of Rularuu HITS you! Ion Burst power had a 42.37% chance to hit and rolled a 37.51.
08-27-2010 18:42:11 Aspect of Rularuu HITS you! Ion Burst power had a 95.00% chance to hit and rolled a 17.65.
08-27-2010 18:42:14 Aspect of Rularuu HITS you! Ion Burst power had a 74.47% chance to hit and rolled a 25.18.
08-27-2010 18:42:16 Aspect of Rularuu HITS you! Ion Burst power had a 15.75% chance to hit and rolled a 8.68.
08-27-2010 18:42:19 Aspect of Rularuu MISSES! Ion Burst power had a 15.75% chance to hit, but rolled a 51.52.
08-27-2010 18:42:21 Aspect of Rularuu MISSES! Ion Burst power had a 15.75% chance to hit, but rolled a 49.68.

A massive AoE every 2-3 seconds (1 second animating, 1 second recharge, and then server delay). Did someone misplace a zero again? His hurricane does -57.6% tohit debuff. He's constantly spamming blizzard, freezing rain, and ice storm in and out of barriers. He regens back to full in seconds, even if taken to one third of his health before barrier comes up. Please fix this encounter before taking away the last-resort tools of the few who are even bothering with this trial, whose difficulty is already substantial without this buggy AV.

08-27-2010 18:43:23 Aspect of Rularuu HITS you! Ion Burst power had a 95.00% chance to hit and rolled a 6.56.
08-27-2010 18:43:24 Aspect of Rularuu blasts you with his Ion Burst for 1328.47 points of energy damage and drains some of your Endurance!

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