Going Rogue/Issue 18 - Patch notes for build 1850.201009101722.1T




Originally Posted by Brynstar View Post
They use nukes on Justice to make Hami raids only 3 rounds. They aren't needed, but they help speed up the process. I fail to see how this is any different. You can succeed in the CoP without them, but taking the time to get nukes makes the trial go faster.

It would seem to me since Hami is worth 52 merits it would make more sense to not allow them there than in a Trial worth 6-8 merits and a random passive power.

What is the point of taking 30-45 minutes to get a One shot massive buff/debuff if you can't use it in a part of the game where it is most useful?
The raid/trial is still new, I can promise you that it won't take everyone 30-45 minutes all the time and that in fact it will get faster for people as they practice it. But my post was not arguing the time/reward fraction of it. I'm arguing the fact that is in fact able to be completed as long as you keep a balanced team.

I'll always be a "Champion" at heart. My server away from home.

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

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Originally Posted by Mattwo7 View Post
I think the fact that the devs have NOT commented on the matter is proof enough it's an exploit. If it wasn't the CR team would already be here coving up the truth. Replacing logic with rage is a BAD idea
That would make the party pack an exploit.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



We had a CoP planned for tonight, we read this, we canceled. It is bad enough to spend 30 - 45 minutes organizing, 10 -20 getting everyone in sync for the 3 towers, the 50-50 crap shoot you get the Storm AV and have to bail. Then finally getting everyone focused on monsters - AV- monsters - AV all for 10 merits or a silly temp that goes away after a week. Thanks Devs for another Boomtown / Dark Astoria

We decided to go back to MSTF and MLRSF , they are easier, less stressfull and way way bigger rewards for the effort.



Originally Posted by tanstaafl View Post
That would make the party pack an exploit.
The party pack doesn't contain a single attack power as far as I'm aware. Unless there's something that when combined with an attack power causes a bug, but who the heck would use emotes in combat?



Originally Posted by James_Donner View Post
That said would some of you folks that are talking about already doing nukeless raids start posting up some information about how you are doing it in the guides section.
I've posted a guide to the CoP without using nukes, Shivans or HVAS in the Player Guides section. I hope the information is useful.

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Originally Posted by Mattwo7 View Post
The party pack doesn't contain a single attack power as far as I'm aware. Unless there's something that when combined with an attack power causes a bug, but who the heck would use emotes in combat?
The devs haven't commented on the feedback from the party pack, have they? Thus it's an exploit by your logic.

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Originally Posted by Demonic_Gerbil View Post
The devs haven't commented on the feedback from the party pack, have they? Thus it's an exploit by your logic.
Please, read the post you quoted THEN reply.



Did this patch not get applied last week? They seem to have dropped this whole patch and moved on to then next ( with a single fix in it ) Did it blow up or something?



It's possible that there were behind the scenes things that needed to be addressed, so they did them, and threw in the button patch so they would have note(s) to post. We tend to foam at the mouth when there's a patch, and no notes... >.>

Anyway, I expect that they'll combine them into one patch and roll them out to Live all at once. We might see another patch or two before then, depending on what they're working on.

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