Castle, explain THIS running mob. Nosferatu is a wuss.




Originally Posted by Peregrine_Falcon View Post
Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I know. Imagine him saying, "soft corinthian leather."
Yeah. Leo really does have quite the exotic voice, doesn't he?

That's who he reminds me of! Leandro, you're like a younger, cooler version of Ricardo Montalban!
Leandro is City of Heroes' Latin Lover.

((Sorry, Leo, you shouldn't have left your Mesmerize toggle on while recording!))

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Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
Then Nosferatu spawned.

I was ready to die against him, because I remember he was very hard to fight in an Ouro arc. So imagine my surprise when he started running all over the map. He didn't even attack me! Nosferatu has some really nasty attacks, but he decided to practice for a marathon instead.

Nosferatu: 1 2 3 4 5
You asked him about Team Edward to him, didn't you?

EDIT: Hot voice too

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Nosferatu has always had a running problem. A few years back I was trying to solo him on my Rad/Traps Corruptor in the Mender Lazarus arc. The moment he got hit by my Acid Mortar he took off and ran all the way across the map.



Impromptu half-marathons by mobs has been steadily annoying me more and more over recent issues. There's been a definite change over the years I've been playing, but I couldn't say for certain when and where it occurred.

If we're on the subject of mob AI, then there was a change an issue or so ago which made certain groups significantly easier to deal with.

Mainly, Carnies and Council/5th Column/Council Empire.

Is used to be that Carnie Attendants and Jugglers would stand at range and throw things at you and Marksmem/Riflemen would stay at range and shoot, forever. To deal with these mobs as a melee toon, you had to either move to them all individually, or find a piece of geometry to use to break LoS and force them to close on you.

Now, if I take my Stone/Fire scranker into a Carnie mission, I can lumber into a spawn, Taunt the one next door, and then just stand there and burn things, and as the number of mobs around me is reduced, the ones still at range start to run into melee. The same works with Council marksmen, but not Nemesis snipers.

Yes, I've reported this. I also keep reporting my own bet bugbear.

Mastermind pet AI. Specifically the Robotics pet AI, which INSISTS on running into melee range to fire a ranged attack, thus annoying the living wossname out of me, since I'm Bots/Traps/Mace and fully capable of keeping things at range through the application of Webs and caltrops.

Bots used to have an AI that was slightly screwy, but on the most part they'd stay at range and shoot. Not any more, and not for several issues now. It doesn't matter what orders I've got them on. They run into melee, and the only reliable way I've got to get them out of melee is Follow/Passive, any other order set leads to the pets going all over the place.

Apologies, I seem to have diverged from the point of the thread somewhat.


The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.



Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
Nosferatu has always had a running problem. A few years back I was trying to solo him on my Rad/Traps Corruptor in the Mender Lazarus arc. The moment he got hit by my Acid Mortar he took off and ran all the way across the map.
I'm not sure if traps is the best example to prove a running problem with Nos explicitly. IME mobs NOT fleeing from acid mortar are the exception. I know I needed powerpool taunt for every single GM I solo'd with my fire/traps/mace and of the nearly 100 AVs that toon has taken out the vast majority either had to be immob'd via webnade or taunted or they too would flee all over the map due to acid mortar.



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
Based on some of the reactions Leo's video has gotten, I have deduced that Nosferatu was running to the drug store for some Trojans.



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post

When I make my "The Most Interesting Man in Praetoria" video, regardless of who does the narration, Leandro has GOT to do the MIMIP's voice.

Agreed. He would be great for that.

Too bad women don't swoon over my voice.
I don't have enough of a redneck accent.

Although, I could probably work on that some...

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



There is clearly some weird glitch in the running AI that wasn't there before.

Since GR I've had mobs that ran so far that:

They completely unaggroed
Their targeting reticles cancelled
They ran, then came sort of close, then ran again

Sometimes there were mobs that were required objectives, leading to huge map searches only to go back to a place I'd checked before and find that deaggroed mob.

They do it much more often and with greater distance.

But the thing that proved to me it was not WAI was when they did this to my defender with attacks not even slotted, solo, not using debuff anchors. The situation did not fit any of the criteria Castle posted. It was more like the polar opposite.

Level 2x Storm Elec
2 lightning blasts (unslotted)
Ball Lightning (1 recharge/acc/endurance IO)
Hurricane (which did not even hit the mob that ran)
Snow Storm not used, not sure if that mob took Freezing Rain

The spawn was either 1 lt 1 minion or 3 minions, and one of them went into a LONG run mode.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Originally Posted by ChaosExMachina View Post
Since GR I've had mobs that ran so far that:

They completely unaggroed
Their targeting reticles cancelled
If you've seen that in Praetoria, it MIGHT be WAI. Since there are no drones in Praetoria to protect players in exposed areas, the mobs have a "leashing" system: if they wander more than (I think) 200 yds from their spawn point, they will deaggro, turn invincible, and run back to their spawn point.

If you saw it elsewhere, it might be possible that those mobs are leashing when they shouldn't. Calls to Action and Events Calendar
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I wondered if it was leashing that had mucked something up.

Also: leashing is still a bad idea in CoH/V.



Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Critters run away for one of two reasons: A power or script forces them to or their "grief" flag has been set to true.

The Grief flag gets set to true when the enemy's morale breaks. Morale can break because a team mate died too quickly, or because they cannot attack their enemy effectively. So, if a group of softcapped players AoE nuke half a spawn down, the rest are pretty likely to run away -- a bunch of their team just died AND their odds of being able to retaliate are at minimal levels.

Players of COH know that the above quote does not reflect the reality of the game. Critters run away whenever they feel like. Maybe you could somehow break the morale of a level 10 minion by killing a boss next to him, but come on. Nosferatu? A level 50 archvillain? I didn't even attack his minions! I was too busy running all over the place to try to get his attention.
I think you're being a little unfair on Castle with some selective quoting there. His full post reads like this:

Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Critters run away for one of two reasons: A power or script forces them to or their "grief" flag has been set to true.

The Grief flag gets set to true when the enemy's morale breaks. Morale can break because a team mate died too quickly, or because they cannot attack their enemy effectively. So, if a group of softcapped players AoE nuke half a spawn down, the rest are pretty likely to run away -- a bunch of their team just died AND their odds of being able to retaliate are at minimal levels.

I'm not saying there isn't a problem; I am giving you, the players, more information regarding how it works internally. You should also know that runners are a part of the game and eliminating that aspect of the game isn't really likely to happen.
Emphasis mine on the bit you left out. To me that implies there probably is a problem and they are looking at it. I could be wrong, but I think you at least owe it to him to provide the full quote.



A friend and I were leveling two MM's together a while back. Robot/Storm (me) and Robot/Pain. We made Scrapyard run from us. That's right, a Giant Monster. He ran all over the place only a few seconds after we engaged. We eventually gave up. We didn't have the damage output at level 30 (that's right, 30) to kill him, and he didn't seem to want to stand still and let us try anyway.

I agree with Leandro, there is something seriously wrong with the run away code.



Mobs often run around wildly if you are on a different height level to them. In this case, could it be that Nos was trying to reach his buddy The Centre, but due to the unique composition of the map locking The Centre out of harm's way Nos went crazy as commands to find how to get into the enclosed space drove him haywire?

Mobs often run to higher ground, a corner or some vaguely useful piece of terrain from which they can counter-attack. Maybe Nos really badly wanted to find a way to his boss.

Alternatively, maybe some fleeing waypoint exists on the map that no longer connects with the actual map geometry, causing him to dart about trying to find a way physically out of the map.

The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
I think you're being a little unfair on Castle with some selective quoting there.
Not at all. I quoted the part where he describes the mechanics, because that's what I am replying to. "I'm not saying there isn't a problem" is not saying "there is a problem" either, so I don't feel that statement adds anything to the quote. Now, if he'd said "I do know there is a problem that we have not been able to address", now that's different. I expect running mobs to be very low on the priority of things to fix, since they don't really "break" anything, they just make some fights immensely annoying.. Calls to Action and Events Calendar
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The AI has always been a bit buggy, a sprinting Romulus Augustus in practically a free range map is highly annoying. I know going in, looking at the code to pinpoint wtf is exactly wrong would make me go "jesus ****..."



Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
Not at all. I quoted the part where he describes the mechanics, because that's what I am replying to. "I'm not saying there isn't a problem" is not saying "there is a problem" either, so I don't feel that statement adds anything to the quote. Now, if he'd said "I do know there is a problem that we have not been able to address", now that's different. I expect running mobs to be very low on the priority of things to fix, since they don't really "break" anything, they just make some fights immensely annoying..
Except without the second part of his quote you make it sound like he is saying there isn't a problem. Especially with your original wording:

Players of COH know that the above quote is blatantly false.
Yes, it would be better if he had said there was a problem but there may be a reason he didn't. I just feel your post implies they are denying the problem exists which they aren't.



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
I just feel your post implies they are denying the problem exists which they aren't.
You're reading too much into it. They are not denying it, but they're not confirming it either. The post from Castle describes how the mechanics are supposed to work -- and if they're not doing that, that makes those mechanics "false" in my head, thus my original wording. False due to who knows what line of code or piece of data is doing something it shouldn't, not because Castle intends for it to be false.

To make it crystal clear: I am calling the quoted description false, but I am not shooting the messenger. Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
You're reading too much into it. They are not denying it, but they're not confirming it either. The post from Castle describes how the mechanics are supposed to work -- and if they're not doing that, that makes those mechanics "false" in my head, thus my original wording. False due to who knows what line of code or piece of data is doing something it shouldn't, not because Castle intends for it to be false.

To make it crystal clear: I am calling the quoted description false, but I am not shooting the messenger.
Good thing, too. These bullet proof vests are expensive.

FWIW, I forwarded your original post in it's entirety to QA and Engineering, along with the AI scripts used for Nosferatu.



Castle, is it possible that debuffs may be generating too much morale loss? Perhaps someone moved the decimal (would not be the first time somehting like this happened, after all). Debuffs, especially -res and -regen debuffs seem to cause highly disproportionate running in mobs, even if the debuff values are minimal (such as a widow's/fort's dart attacks).



Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
You're reading too much into it. They are not denying it, but they're not confirming it either. The post from Castle describes how the mechanics are supposed to work -- and if they're not doing that, that makes those mechanics "false" in my head, thus my original wording. False due to who knows what line of code or piece of data is doing something it shouldn't, not because Castle intends for it to be false.

To make it crystal clear: I am calling the quoted description false, but I am not shooting the messenger.
OK, fair enough. False is definitely not the word I would have used. False to me implies he is lying. I agree it is clearly bugged, or if it's WAI then it's a massive design flaw. And I would take Castle's post below as acknowledgement that there is a problem.



Originally Posted by Dollymistress View Post
Mobs often run around wildly if you are on a different height level to them.
I see this all the time. With Hover blasters/dominators, +1 bosses will often appear to be running away, but are just looking for something to climb on to get closer to you.

Another big part of mobs running away appears to be to lure you into another spawn. Mobs running away on a big open map often make a bee-line for the closest spawn.

Nosferatu's behavior in the video is weird, though. I wonder if the OP has tried making an AE mission with Nosferatu and see if the behavior can be easily and quickly be replicated. There might be a particular power that causes it (you can see how Phantom Army might create a race condition because they can't be harmed), or some combination of high defense and to-hit debuffs.



Geez, you guys. If you'd just seen some dude take out Burkholder, Maestro and Vandal, you'd run away, too!

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I clicked the link ... heard the voice over.... and.... what were we talking about again ?

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~Dr. Seuss.
"Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. "



Enemies NEVER run from me.

I feel decidedly less awesome. I'm gonna go cry now =(


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)