Are OCR (and Marketing) missing the marks?
I think each of our lead community people has had a unique style and preferences. Some people will like some approaches better than others.
I find Ocho to be a very straight shooter with a good sense of humor, but he is very careful with his words -- he never overstates and always tows the company line. I have no problem with that. In fact, I prefer that to Black Pebble's market-speak. Avatea is a sweetheart that has the unenviable job of having to translate all official notifications into multiple languages and be the main European and Oceanic contact.
David/Noble Savage has a very easy going style and he has been very prolific lately. I'd rather have the discussions straight with the devs than filtered through the community rep, whoever that may be.
I do miss BaBs posts. He has certainly cut down on his postings. He is very funny and unfiltered but too many people don't get his humor or just want to play word games.
Castle is a quick wit and a deep thinker that is into all sorts of nerd culture -- games, sci-fi authors, movies, you-name-it. But he also has a temper that I think he strains to control at times when certain posters get unnecessarily rude.
But all in all, I don't find that we are getting less communication overall. Perhaps less from OCR than in the past but that doesn't bother me so long as there is an active, ongoing dialogue between the players and its creators.
50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM
Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad
<nitpick>Toes the line. Not tows. Toes. (Sorry, that just drives me up the wall.) "Tows" the line would be dragging it behind you. Toe the Line means just that - stand directly at, not over, not behind, a specific line. I believe the reference *tends* to be military, boot-camp-ish, though I've seen similar things at school - everyone line up, toe the line and pay attention to what you're being told.
(This isn't "pick on Bionic Flea," either. I see this constantly. It, along with "could care less," "for all intensive purposes" and a few others just bug me.)
As far as lack of communication? They've been a touch busy with GR, and I20 sounds like it's big, so I wouldn't really expect as much chattiness as we've gotten used to for a while.
That said, yes, some feedback on things like the reaction to the party pack would be good. And waaaaaaaaay back when, we were supposedly getting "section reps" or "AT reps." I think we got one, perhaps two, for a week or so.
Like everything in life, it's all relative.
This game sets itself apart from other MMOs by having an incredibly interactive, responsive Dev team (compared to other games).
Could it be *more* interactive & responsive? I suppose so, if all they had to do all day was chat with us and brainstorm ways to bring all our requests into the game.
But they do have other responsibilities. Even the Ocho has far more threads to police than those you or I or anyone else frequents on a regular basis (c'mon who really spends time in ALL the forums on these boards?).
Me, I'm a glass-half-full type, and I'm really just in awe of how much the Devs *do* listen, and respond to player concerns.
Toe the Line means just that - stand directly at, not over, not behind, a specific line. I believe the reference *tends* to be military, boot-camp-ish, |
Actually, I think folks like me that make it very hard for the Devs to effectively and directly communicate. We get defensive, suspicious to the point of becoming accusatory and down right angry at times with the way decisions are made or the way certain information is (and is not) communicated.
Some days I have my regrets about sharing my opinions openly; other days I know that regardless of good or bad, as long as I remain objective, they'll listen (but not always comment). I don't always remain objective though - and for people who take this game passionately, sometimes its really hard to remain objective. But I do realize that I (among others) haven't made it easy for them to talk openly, and quite frankly some days I really do have the wrong end of the stick when it comes to *why* changes are being made. In those instances, its best that I step back from the forum, catch my breath, and check back in later once i've cooled down a bit. It doesn't always work but I try.
Right now, I also think its best for everyone if the Devs/OCRS *don't* comment directly - but rather, let Going Rogue sell itself. Perfect time to catch a breath, relax, and burn some vacation hours. Eventually the Devs will come back and comment. OCR? Not so sure but they're always welcome to be a lot more directly involved with the community. I think we were all definitely spoiled by Ex Libris and Cuppa always trying to keep us informed and acknowledging what was happening with certain events/inquiries on a regular basis. They didn't have to do that - but it was sure nice that they did.
Castle did ask us what powers we would like alternate animations for, that is a query, perhaps not a poll though.
I do miss BABs. I think most of the community does. I really hope Castle never decides that silence is better.
I guess like all things we just want more. I do wish that someone would respond in the official discussion thread. The party pack thread really needed someone to step in and comment, and it is kinda sad no one ever did.
Types of Swords
My Portfolio
Well, I think the way GR is running staright onto I19 and I120, which sound also sound like they're going have some overlapping test time, means that the devs are super busy right now.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Thanks, I appreciate all the candid, civil feedback. Sometimes when I put stuff like this out, I'm afraid I'm just going to get trolled to death, but what I'm really looking for are some different PoVs and perspective.
What got me thinking about this, initially, was the debacle in regards to the CHVC forums the week or so before GR launched. Ocho gave some feedback, and some concessions were made, but in the end, it still ended up creating a lot of community resentment. I'll more than admit that the whole mess left a sour taste in my mouth.
Combined with the latest debacle re: the Party Pack with no OCR feedback on that front at all (and finding out while I was typing up the OP about the in-game event that leans towards no changes to the pack before it launches), and that sour taste came back up.
At least with the CHCV debate, Ocho actually replied and did make some concessions, even if some of the sticking points ended up being "tough luck" choices. With the Party Pack feedback, we got silence from OCR. Even a response like "We hear you but aren't going to make any changes for this Booster" would have been better than nothing.
I guess that every rep has his / her own style, but I dunno. Perhaps I've just been high on the hog with reps in the past. I certainly don't believe OCR is being "lazy"; on the contrary, they're probably busy as hell. But even when she was uber busy, Ex would drop a line or two when she could.
Again, thanks for the constructive comments all, I appreciate all the PoVs.
Sorry to perpetuate the threadjack, but...
I think we are really lucky to have some Devs who post, as we don't get much at all from the community managers any longer.
Actually I expected them to post less (and not surprised) with the pace they have been keeping since GR.
I also don't think hearing from OCR about the Party Pack would have been relevant or important. Hearing from Marketing (especially now that one of them has a RED NAME) would have made more sense.
To be honest with you I'd rather have OCR post when they have something to say than just step in to shoot the breeze.
I'm also NOT surprised that BaBs posts less. People used to twist everything he said (and joked about) into a pretzel.
Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!

If I'm going to want to hear about what one is working on (animation, art, revamping the world, endgame content, powers, etc) I'd rather hear DIRECTLY from BaBs, Castle, Noble Savage, War Witch, and Positron . . . (which we most certainly have been except for BaBs most recently)
NOT a community rep/manager.
EDIT: To clarify part of my post is responding to GG's comments that the devs are busy. My response is: ummm yeah, they've still been posting EVEN WHILE BUSY, which is a good thing. Sorry, but I'd rather hear from them than a community rep.
Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!

There is a cycle to their posting. When things are very quiet on their end it's usually because they are about to publish a new issue or major new tech either on live or test.
Once they publish (or a few days before), there is a lot of chatter back and forth talking about the new stuff, explaining things, and even goofing off in off-topic threads. Then it tapers off indicating it's time for them to grind those hours away making new stuff again.
We are currently in the tapering phase as I19 winds its way to test.
I have also been noticing an increase in information being released at conventions or to trade magazines first. I was initially irked that they would chose those venues (where I am not) versus this one (where I and their other paying customers are). But this community is so awesome and on top of things that the forum has links to the articles, twitter feeds, and youtube links seconds after the words leave their mouth.
I have only made brief visits to other game forums, but from everything I have seen and heard, this is probably the best forum around for both community and interaction with the game-makers.
50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM
Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad
I have only made brief visits to other game forums, but from everything I have seen and heard, this is probably the best forum around for both community and interaction with the game-makers.

<nitpick>Toes the line. Not tows. Toes. (Sorry, that just drives me up the wall.) "Tows" the line would be dragging it behind you. Toe the Line means just that - stand directly at, not over, not behind, a specific line. I believe the reference *tends* to be military, boot-camp-ish, though I've seen similar things at school - everyone line up, toe the line and pay attention to what you're being told.
(This isn't "pick on Bionic Flea," either. I see this constantly. It, along with "could care less," "for all intensive purposes" and a few others just bug me.) </nitpick> |
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
Sorry to perpetuate the threadjack, but...
I always thought it was a circus reference, in particular to the acrobats who literally keep their toes, and nothing else, on the line (tightrope). Doing anything else causes them to fall. |
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
Come to think of it, you know who hasn't posted in a geological era? Sexy Jay. Obviously not OCR related, but still, that guy has only posted once since we migrated to the new forums over a year ago. Heck, it's been so long I can't even remember his forum handle any more. I miss Jay
Wikipedia says the origin is disputed, but leans toward the military usage. I always assumed it was a term from theater; actors who followed the director's instructions faithfully would keep their toes on the tape lines that are part of stage direction. But I have no citation supporting that.
O'Brian (may he rest in peace) was a stickler for authentic naval dialogue and terminology. His stories were all based on factual naval activities & engagements gleaned from actual ship logs, official documents, and period newspaper reports, tweaked just enough to make them "historical fiction".
There's even a stand-alone glossary available called "Sea of Words" that explains meaning, usage, and origin. I'll check it when I get home and see if "Toe the Line" is in there with more citations.
I actually have to say I agree with Obsidius on this.
When I first joined the forums back in 'o7, there was a definite sense that certain community reps were more involved with the community. For example, it was commonly understood that Ex Libris "carried the flag" for the PvP and, to some extent, the Base Builder's communities.
There used to be more of a sense that our community reps were more interactive, keeping a finger on the pulse of the community. If the community voiced a concern, you could almost count on a community rep stepping in to say they'd bring it up to so-in-so and keep us posted... and they would follow through on it.
Perhaps it is simply a matter of perception, but it really does feel like the current OCR team is keeping a certain distance, perhaps in the name of impartiality, or something, who knows. In any case, to me, the feel is definitely "cooler" than what it used to be.
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

I'm not really one to point fingers and throw blame around, but it definitely seems that whoever pitched the idea for the party pack is a bit out of touch with the community.
A circle forms, everybody comes round
Just to hear the incredible sound
Of a genius smashing expectations
- Jonathan Coulton
The impression I've gotten over the past few months is that it seems as though OCR has gone from a casual, friendly relationship with the community to one that's a bit more cold as impersonal. |
Coming from the EU where we had outstanding and responsive OCRs in the forms of Brdger, Kerensky and Ghost Raptor, we now have cold efficiency at best.

Thelonious Monk
ORC= Overrated Rikti Cury
and who got this survey? i dont remember ever doing any survey since ive been here.

Warning: block of text, mild rant, nostalgia, possible Appeal to Antiquity
Remember back to August 2008 when a mysterious Marketing Survey was sent to random City of Heroes/ Villain players asking them what they wanted for the future of the game? I do, although I did't receive the survey personally, I only read about it here on the forums and on related gaming sites. And almost all of it has come to pass, and some of it may still be waiting in the wings.
The reason I bring this up is because, for the past several months, there hasn't been a lot of communications from the Community Relations staff. Good communications implies bidirectional interchanges. Recently, we've been recieveing a lot of announcements about contests, some forum-run contests that ended a month ago, and general game announcements and patch notes... but nothing in the way of communicating with the community on a more casual level.
You might get told about how to buy or win the latest booster pack or costume power. You might get told about the latest GR contest from a third party, or get the latest patch notes. You might get told by a moderator why your thread was closed or your post was deleted (if you're lucky). But OCR, as of late, hasn't been really doing much asking as to what player want, nor have they been responding to player concerns over certain bugs, problems, booster packs, etc.
What happened to casual community queries and banter? Where have the polls and surveys gone? Looking back on the "Community Digest", there's not a lot of replies to any particular player-created threads... just a litany of one announcement after another, or clarification of an announcement, or clarification of some contest rules. No communications, just mostly, for lack of better words, mouthpiece talk.
Lately, it seems as if developers themselves (Noble Savage, for instance) are the only people communicating with the community - not necessarily a bad thing (we love it when devs post), but by appearances, it seems like OCR could be doing something similar to increase the level of communication between the developers and community.
The impression I've gotten over the past few months is that it seems as though OCR has gone from a casual, friendly relationship with the community to one that's a bit more cold as impersonal.
Understandably, OCR isn't an easy role, especially following in the footsteps of people like CuppaJo, Cricket, Lighthouse, Ex Libris, Nivienne, Bridger, Kerensky and Ghost Raptor. That's not to put down the current OCR staff, but most of those people were community powerhouses... and big shoes to fill.
And understandably, OCR has been busy lately. Even without HeroCon this year, between SDCC, the launch of GR, and PAX, all within the matter of a few months, things are undoubtedly busy for Paragon Studios with all the press junkets and Meet & Greets. And now add to that the beta testing of Issue 19 and 20, and one more event to come, not to mention in-game events.
Even so, that's not a reason to post more on the forums, to remark about concerns players may have over upcoming booster packs, persistent bugs, game feedback, and a gamut of other player issues. Even if you are reading and making note, saying something as "We're looking into it" would be better than the silence that has greeted even the official "feedback" threads as of late.
Some of the more recent examples and pet peeves include:
Speaking of which...
And please update the Fan Site Kit even if you get rid of the Fan Site portal (it hasn't been updated since Ex Libris was a redname). People still want to make sites for their SGs, and updating the kits would be a boon towards those goals.
Alright, that's it, I'm spent. Just talk to your community OCR - contests are nice and fun, but some real communication would be a lot better.