Pros and Cons of CoH: A Video Review




Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
And that is reflective of the new player experience how, exactly? I didn't do anything to slow myself down. I soloed my way through all of the missions, a few hours a day while at the same time exploring the new landscapes, chatting with friends, working on costumes and designing new characters.
Exactly. You didn't spend all that time actually trying to level. You jerked around, yet want to say that is proof of how long it took to go through the new content?

Sorry but that isn't flying with me. The review is accurate.

Whether it affects your review or not, you are obligated to include it if you want to have a claim at an objective review, which yours isn't. If you want to go on a rant about the game, that's fine, but don't pretend you're doing fair and objective criticism, especially since new players HAVE TO START IN PRAETORIA. Period.
I am not obligated to include "new characters start in Praetoria" when that has NOTHING to do with my criticism of the game.

And btw? You are full of it with this "must start in Praetoria" nonsense. I just rolled a hero (with the Going Rogue expansion) who started in Atlas Park.



Originally Posted by Peacemoon View Post
Try replying to my previous post, I thought it was quite reasonable and I even tried to be a tad constructive.
At this point, he's just trolling, butt hurt and confused at why his poorly presented review could be so badly received. Right now, though he's acting upset, he's actually happy since this is probably the absolute most attention he'll ever receive.

The more I think of it, this "review," and I really can't call that at this point because it's really more of rant about how CoH isn't WoW, is just a troll by an attention seeking wannabe.

I just laugh at his attempts to "debate" people who play this game, sometimes every day, and his attempts at convincing them that his shallow perspective of the game is the "correct" one and ours is obviously wrong since supposedly we're too far in the forest to notice the trees. Supposedly, that makes him more "objective" than we are no matter how much we point out his sloppy research, his obvious bias and general inability to grasp simple things like enhancements (30 mins to buy SOs lol).

About a week from now, we'll still be enjoying the game he thinks is fatally flawed, and he'll still be in a basement in his sweat pants, wondering why no one from this community ever pays attention to this videos. I, for one, hope he discovers deodorant and a shower. While no one can save the bridges he's burning, at least he'll be clean for his next rant.



Originally Posted by GKaiser View Post
However, less than 7 hours a week is like way beneath casual gamer expectations. Sure, developers like it since it means they dont have to work too hard to maintain those kind of players, but as I pointed out it is hard to maintain an online community who supports both casuals and hardcores if you don't satisfy the hardcores.
I will freely admit that I am not the most focused leveller out there. I definitely played for more than 7 hours, but I did more with my time than grinding XP. I spent a lot of time designing costumes, perfecting concepts and deciding powersets. I had four characters I wanted to make when Going Rogue launched, and they needed to be finalised by the time I got around to making them. I also spent a lot of time chatting with my friends, who had all congregated to play, as well. They're chatty. I also spent an inordinate amount of time reading clues, mission briefings, contact dialogue, NPC dialogue and so forth. I also spent a good deal of time just running around Praetoria, taking in the sights. I managed to nearly got myself killed by the Sonic Barrier at least twice, I managed to get trapped in the BAF where you can't jump over the wall, I explored Keyes island and climbed Anti-Matter's reactors. I spent a good deal of time Walking (as in, using Walk) because my characters came out so damn perfect I couldn't take my eyes off them.

I goofed around, as I would in any game I step in for the first time, which is exactly what I'd expect a new player to do. Frankly, I don't know why you'd expect a new player to go "OK, I made a character. Now what's the fastest way to powerlevel? Go, go, go!" It ain't been my experience, and I should tell you - I level pretty much the fastest of all the people I see on my friends screen every day. In fact, I have a friend who keeps being amazed at how I can make a character on Monday and be level 18 on Friday, though he solos a lot of Defenders, so I can kind of see that.

I did better on my second playthrough. Got through Praetoria in about three or four days, but that was some serious playtime put in there, and with a lot less sightseeing. And now that I'm back at work and now that I post on the forums more, now that I'm starting to write again... I play even less.

Seriously, getting to 50 in two weeks is not the norm for VETERANS, let alone new players.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I tried to provide some feedback but he is beyond help or so it seems. Mr. P.S. strikes me as an immature adolescent who is trying to review a game he dislikes. What makes him different than any other 'troll'? Not much. His video isn't a review and he doesn't know what is required for a credible review.

I take pity on Mr. P.S. in his new apartment and stained clothing. One day he will learn and I pray he does. I would like to see our society flourish (and bathe); I would like to see someone debate intelligently (not rant)...oh, I could go on but I won't. I hope the OP doesn't go off the deep end and harm himself or others.

Mr. P.S., I would be happy to mail you some soap and shampoo if you like. Perhaps some cologne for when you have the ladies over to your mom's basement? Perhaps some sweets for the ladies (or will you just eat them)? Let me know how I may be of help...if I may quote Bon Jovi, "I'll be there for you. These five words I swear to you."




Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
[INDENT]Future endgame content is supposedly only available if you've purchased GR

The specific system mentioned (Incarnates), is not in currently. There's also not a hard release date other than "Fall 2010".
It's not in the game and no one knows what the hell they are actually releasing.

As for the other endgame content, there are plenty of Task Forces and Strike Forces, Trials, and oh, yeah... there's that whole Cathedral of Pain Trial that takes a few teams working in coordination that came out with Going Rogue (and with coordination happens quickly, and without it falls apart). But I suppose you already knew about all of that, since you "did your research".
18 minute task force that gives merit rewards. Strategy involves destroying some objects and then engaging the archvillain HP pinata. For merit rewards, like every one task force. To get rewards you dont need merit rewards to get and ultimately just give you inventor origins so you can do....well, certainly not PVP much since hardly anyone PVPs, so I guess solo arch villains for money I might spend should anything ever be added to the game that requires as much influence as the cap?

No. It's not a random zone event, and you DO get xp for killing things before "completing" it. Why don't you learn something about the game before you try to come up with an "objective" review?
Other events I tried doing did not give xp, so I stopped bothering. Now, that doesn't change I don't really care about some zone event that I basically need to wait around for to trigger and has rewards I'm not terribly interested in to begin with.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I will freely admit that I am not the most focused leveller out there. I definitely played for more than 7 hours, but I did more with my time than grinding XP. I spent a lot of time designing costumes, perfecting concepts and deciding powersets. I had four characters I wanted to make when Going Rogue launched, and they needed to be finalised by the time I got around to making them. I also spent a lot of time chatting with my friends, who had all congregated to play, as well. They're chatty. I also spent an inordinate amount of time reading clues, mission briefings, contact dialogue, NPC dialogue and so forth. I also spent a good deal of time just running around Praetoria, taking in the sights. I managed to nearly got myself killed by the Sonic Barrier at least twice, I managed to get trapped in the BAF where you can't jump over the wall, I explored Keyes island and climbed Anti-Matter's reactors. I spent a good deal of time Walking (as in, using Walk) because my characters came out so damn perfect I couldn't take my eyes off them.

I goofed around, as I would in any game I step in for the first time, which is exactly what I'd expect a new player to do. Frankly, I don't know why you'd expect a new player to go "OK, I made a character. Now what's the fastest way to powerlevel? Go, go, go!" It ain't been my experience, and I should tell you - I level pretty much the fastest of all the people I see on my friends screen every day. In fact, I have a friend who keeps being amazed at how I can make a character on Monday and be level 18 on Friday, though he solos a lot of Defenders, so I can kind of see that.

I did better on my second playthrough. Got through Praetoria in about three or four days, but that was some serious playtime put in there, and with a lot less sightseeing. And now that I'm back at work and now that I post on the forums more, now that I'm starting to write again... I play even less.

Seriously, getting to 50 in two weeks is not the norm for VETERANS, let alone new players.
Samuel I did not power level and I got to 50 in that amount of time. Do not for a minute believe I spent 7 hours every day leveling, because that is impossible given the population level of the game. 7 hours playing (including all the goofing off and jerking around with the AE stuff). I did not plot out my leveling path; I simply did whatever missions people in a party had available.

The average MMORPG player is not going to spend weeks getting to level 20. And given you believe all new players start in the new zone (totally false, I just checked) I'm less likely to believe your whole, "I'm a super knowledgeable veteran player" thing.

What is funny is that it doesn't even matter what was released because, again, it has no bearing whatsoever on my criticisms. Going from 1 to 50 is boring as hell. The endgame content is not on par with endgame content expected in MMORPGs today. The PVP content is extremely lacking. There is weird design elements like the extremely limited inventory space.




Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post

It's not in the game and no one knows what the hell they are actually releasing.

18 minute task force that gives merit rewards. Strategy involves destroying some objects and then engaging the archvillain HP pinata. For merit rewards, like every one task force. To get rewards you dont need merit rewards to get and ultimately just give you inventor origins so you can do....well, certainly not PVP much since hardly anyone PVPs, so I guess solo arch villains for money I might spend should anything ever be added to the game that requires as much influence as the cap?

Other events I tried doing did not give xp, so I stopped bothering. Now, that doesn't change I don't really care about some zone event that I basically need to wait around for to trigger and has rewards I'm not terribly interested in to begin with.
Mr. P.S., could you please tell me which zone event does not give you XP? I have yet to find it! Perhaps it will be the Moby Dick to my Capt. Ahab?! Ya ever been to sea, Mr. P.S.?!



events I tried doing did not give xp, so I stopped bothering.
In the review (that I painstakingly managed to watch to the end.. My hernia is less painful really) and in here, basically all I'm hearing you say is if it don't get me no XP or fat lewt, it sucks monkey nuts!

The game has improved immensely since starting way back when, there are other things besides powerlevelling or PvP (granted though, PvP is underpopulated in CoX, but it's not an area of interest of mine to be honest).

In an earlier post another review was linked, please do yourself a favor and learn from it before doing something like this again. Also, to be taken seriously as a reviewer... don't swear as much as you did or raise your voice. It's pretty immature..

[CENTER][B]Radix malorum est cupiditas[/B][/CENTER]



Originally Posted by GKaiser View Post
Samuel I did not power level and I got to 50 in that amount of time. Do not for a minute believe I spent 7 hours every day leveling, because that is impossible given the population level of the game. 7 hours playing (including all the goofing off and jerking around with the AE stuff). I did not plot out my leveling path; I simply did whatever missions people in a party had available.

The average MMORPG player is not going to spend weeks getting to level 20. And given you believe all new players start in the new zone (totally false, I just checked) I'm less likely to believe your whole, "I'm a super knowledgeable veteran player" thing.

What is funny is that it doesn't even matter what was released because, again, it has no bearing whatsoever on my criticisms. Going from 1 to 50 is boring as hell. The endgame content is not on par with endgame content expected in MMORPGs today. The PVP content is extremely lacking. There is weird design elements like the extremely limited inventory space.
Mr. P.S., could you please tell me which game(s) you find, overall, superior to CoH? I'd love to try 'em!



Originally Posted by GKaiser View Post
The average MMORPG player is not going to spend weeks getting to level 20. And given you believe all new players start in the new zone (totally false, I just checked) I'm less likely to believe your whole, "I'm a super knowledgeable veteran player" thing.
How, pray tell, did you check? Positron was pretty clear that players who had no characters created on their account would only have Praetorian as an option, and would only be given Hero and Villain options once they had created their Praetorian. You are not, in fact, a new player as you have played before and this limitation clearly does not apply to you, but this is what was officially said with GR's release.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.




Originally Posted by GKaiser View Post

Mr. P.S., could you please tell me which zone event does not give you XP? I have yet to find it! Perhaps it will be the Moby Dick to my Capt. Ahab?! Ya ever been to sea, Mr. P.S.?!
Mr. P.S. How clever you must be.

I tried the Troll Rave, Ghost Ship and something involving circle of thorns, I think. Noticed I wasn't getting any xp so I left, because I really don't care about badges.




Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post

Mr. P.S. How clever you must be.

I tried the Troll Rave, Ghost Ship and something involving circle of thorns, I think. Noticed I wasn't getting any xp so I left, because I really don't care about badges.
Mr. P.S., maybe your XP was turned off?



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
How, pray tell, did you check? Positron was pretty clear that players who had no characters created on their account would only have Praetorian as an option, and would only be given Hero and Villain options once they had created their Praetorian. You are not, in fact, a new player as you have played before and this limitation clearly does not apply to you, but this is what was officially said with GR's release.
I checked on my account. If it's just for totally new accounts, I have no way of verifying that.

I do know this: NO part of my review deals with tutorials or is specific to level 1-20 other than not having 3 bank slots and 3 salvage slots. That is still true, as is most leveling takes place outside that new zone.

Someone said earlier that had I mentioned Going Rogue, it would have consumed 1 minute of time. That's probably true and all I'd have said is that there is an alignment system that lets you become a hero or a villain.

Doesn't change anything I disliked about the game.

Originally Posted by GKaiser View Post

Mr. P.S., maybe your XP was turned off?
Nope. And if you're gonna come up with insults you should at least come up with some decent ones.



Originally Posted by GKaiser View Post
It's not in the game and no one knows what the hell they are actually releasing.
We know it's the next expansion and we've been told it will be linked to more traditional 'end game' type content. One can then fairly safely assume they're at least trying to provide us with an end game, the lack of which is a key complaint you have towards the game.

While yes, it's not in now, a good review would at least acknowledge that they're at least trying. I'm not saying you have to be positive about it if you don't think you should be. I'm certainly not saying you need to change your review from critical to positive. I'm just saying that you could have a good critical review that acknowledges these sorts of things. It won't harm your point if done well and in fact could lend credence to your review because you come off as a more unbiased reviewer than as someone who just flat out doesn't like the game.

18 minute task force that gives merit rewards. Strategy involves destroying some objects and then engaging the archvillain HP pinata. For merit rewards, like every one task force.
Also some self-buff temp powers that only last for an in-game week, and isn't that sort of what you're complaining that CoH doesn't have? Sure it's not as fancy as some of the triggers in other games, but it's a step up from what CoH has had in the past. You have a tight timing issue on taking down some objects, then you go and can only punch on said HP pinata at certain points when you've cleared out its defenses.

Other events I tried doing did not give xp, so I stopped bothering. Now, that doesn't change I don't really care about some zone event that I basically need to wait around for to trigger and has rewards I'm not terribly interested in to begin with.
There are a couple zone events that might possibly have you fighting grey con enemies (troll rave, ghost ship, Steel Canyon fire). No matter what you're doing in CoH fighting grey cons won't actually give you XP though they will count for badges and if they weren't grey con they would have given you XP. All of the zone invasion type events will spawn 'level-less' enemies which give you XP regardless of your level. That's the rikti invasion, zombie apocalypse and deadly apocalypse. You were running that last one at one point in your video. All of those will give you XP.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by GKaiser View Post
I do know this: NO part of my review deals with tutorials or is specific to level 1-20 other than not having 3 bank slots and 3 salvage slots. That is still true, as is most leveling takes place outside that new zone.
Yeah, that's kind of like reviewing life in WW2 France and not mentioning the Germans. It's part of the game. If you want an objective review, you need to mention EVERYTHING, not just the apparently narrow field of interest you have in the game.

Again - listing only the things you care about in a game is all fine and good. For a blog. But that is not a review, not should it be called one.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



[QUOTE=GKaiser;3183537]I checked on my account. If it's just for totally new accounts, I have no way of verifying that.

I do know this: NO part of my review deals with tutorials or is specific to level 1-20 other than not having 3 bank slots and 3 salvage slots. That is still true, as is most leveling takes place outside that new zone.

Someone said earlier that had I mentioned Going Rogue, it would have consumed 1 minute of time. That's probably true and all I'd have said is that there is an alignment system that lets you become a hero or a villain.

Doesn't change anything I disliked about the game.

Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post

Nope. And if you're gonna come up with insults you should at least come up with some decent ones.
It's not an insult. It's a fact

Also, another post noted you may have been beyond the level of some of those events (some of them are level specific). Gee. Another basic element you missed. Shocking.

I also don't get your gripe about salvage slots for low levels. You don't need that stuff at low levels. A non-issue for most. It'd be better to have more slots but I could care less.

Again, Mr. P.S., you failed.

When did you look for teams at 6-8 CST? Which server? Some of them used to be dead but not anymore. I play on Virtue and never have an issue teaming.

Anyway, I don't think you've learned much here and just have no idea what you're doing. Good luck with whatever you do.



Originally Posted by GKaiser View Post
I do know this: NO part of my review deals with tutorials or is specific to level 1-20 other than not having 3 bank slots and 3 salvage slots. That is still true, as is most leveling takes place outside that new zone.
Zack Tanner is level 10, Praetorian, Katana/SR Scrapper.

He has 30 Invention Inventory Spaces (Well, 35 due to having one of the vet badges that grants 5 extra), 7 Recipe Spaces (Well, 13, due to having one of the vet badges that grants five extra.) He has 30 Personal Inventory Storage spaces (That'd be the bank stuff) and 10 Auction House slots (Well, 11, due to having one of the vet badges that grants 1 extra)

Glacier's Edge is level 6, Praetorian, Ice Armour/Dual Blades Tanker.

He has 30 Invention Inventory Spaces (Well, 35 due to having one of the vet badges that grants 5 extra), 4 Recipe Spaces (Well, 9, due to having one of the vet badges that grants five extra.) He has 30 Personal Inventory Storage spaces (That'd be the bank stuff)

Now, at very, very low levels, you have a small amount of storage space. About enough to hold a costume recipe and the components to make it.

Invention salvage doesn't drop till level 4. Recipes don't start dropping till over level 10 IIRC.

I find that soloing or teaming, it takes a good few missions to fill up one of anything. CoH and CoV side, there's plenty of Wentworths/Black Markets/Vault Reserve buildings to go and stash your stuff in. Some, like Steel Canyon and Talos Island's, are near two of the major transport hubs through the CoH (The Yellow and Green Tram Lines), and Cap Au Diable's is right by the Rogue Isles Ferry port and the University.

Praetoria has a Imperial Bank of Praetoria/Underground Storage area in each zone.

The travel time in City of Heroes/Villains is nothing to what other games have. I've played other games. Area to area travel, the only game that's quick IMO is due to map travel, and even then the zones you travel to are huge.

When it comes to slotting enhancements, it takes me much quicker to do it here than on other games, where I have to check auction houses for gems, enchants and so forth, or find the mats, or check alts, mail things to myself, so on. You complain about optional powers and pre-requisites, other games have things like Tiered Talent systems, where you have to take not great pre-reqs to get to the good stuff at a higher level.

Regarding the mission/quest things, if I were doing a review, I'd have a note at the start of the review, or just before getting into missions saying something like this:

"City of Heroes uses some different terminology for those of you more used to other, Fantasy MMO's. What you'd call quests are termed missions, and their equivalent of raids and dungeons are trials and task forces, or on the Villains side, Strike Forces." And from there, refer to them as Missions, Trials, Strike Forces and Task Forces.

While there's IO sets and Common IO's available at a low level, I tend to find that holding out for the level 30 IO's and higher level set IO's is much better for me. There are scant few low level IO's worth bothering with, and those ones are typically the ones with good effects. (Steadfast Protection's +Res/Global +3% Defence All, Steadfast Protection's Knockback Protection, Kismet +6% Accuracy, so on.)

And lastly, again, if you rush through all the content, pay no heed to what you dub 'the flavour text', and don't pay attention to the missions, of course it's going to be a grind and not be fun. It's like buying a well made, lovingly baked pie and cramming it all in your mouth, gulping it down and then complaining that you couldn't really taste it and it was over too quick. The 'Get to the end' mentality is one that is common place in other games but here, thankfully, not so much.

If you slow down and savour the pie, you can enjoy such missions where you get to take on a horde of drug-crazed minions as a reporter comments when you layeth the smack down on them.

And doing that on a Stalker, solo?

I was having the time of my life running, jumping, sneak attacking from around corners, and scaling buildings to rest up on a handy sign before jumping back down into the fray.



I've not watched the review.

I've only read the first 70 or so posts in this thread.

I'm not going to watch the review because there has been, thus far, an overwhelming sense that many people who claim to have watched it are biased.

But even if they are wrong, the petulant reactions by the OP to negative criticism (and there is plenty of negative criticism) tell me that this review isn't going to be fair, biased or even that interesting.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



If you want to use basic IOs all you have to do is throw you dropped recipes you aren't using on the market and buy the missing basic one from the crafting table itself if the market price is too high. This will earn you more then enough to purchase the missing salvage.

You can also toss any leftover salvage up for sell if you like and turn some more profit before you get enough new slots to worry about it again.

I don't see what the point of a GR review would be since you've predetermined the outcome. You can't write an objective review if you know what you want to say before hand. Also I don't see the point it paying a monthly fee for a game you plan to grind out levels in without enjoying your play time.

You are the RPG reviewer who doesn't like to role play.



I watched the review and have read most of the replies and all of yours GKaiser.

My views of the review:

The presentation was unprofessional. I don't expect to see the reviewer in reviews, I expect to see the product. And if I do see the reviewer I expect them to be well turned out.

I'm not going to go over the glaring errors in the review as you appear to have ignored everyone else who pointed them out but they were very misleading to the new player.

In the end I felt it became a rant on what you expect from a game, rather than a commentary on what is there.

On your forum posts:

You appear to want the following:

PvP, End Game Raids, Phat Loot and XP

We all agree PvP in this game sucks and there isn't a huge End Game available. However, you have demonstrated you haven't tried the endgame that is there (Your assessment of the Mothership Raid is laughable.) As for Loot, enhancements are it at the moment and no one is going to sympathise with you if you want it NAO and can't get it.

As for XP, this game is about the story and the leveling, not what you do when you get there. You keep saying no one can comment on whats comming in the future issues but are quite happy to comment on GR which you admit to not having played.

But I can see you won't like GR as it does nothing for PvP and has no endgame yet and is only 1-20. The story and the mechanics are fantastic and I have stopped XP a couple of times to avoid missing arcs.

In summary, not everyone wants the same things from a game as you. Fortunatly for us this game is aimed at those people. Enjoy WoW or whatever other F2P game you decide is more fun.



My biggest issue with this review, and indeed your comments in this thread, is that, for an informative review (as opposed to a humerous one), you are far too subjective, and worse than that, you're subjective in a rather egocentric manner. Particularly your comments here read like:

"I like MMOs to be made in a particular way and any that do it differently are badly designed"

Now, of course reviews are going to be subjective to some extent, but a good reviewer will understand that his opinions do not hold true for everyone, and that him disliking some part of the subject matter does not make it bad. Indeed, more than that, a lot of the features you appear to dislike are the very things that keeps fans of the game playing.

You complain about the lack of endgame, yet for many of us, this is a great thing. Instead of grinding our way to the level cap, and then griding up our gear and grinding through raids, we can just, well, play the game without the pressure of "needing" anything. There's a huge amount of content out there in CoX. Just because it's not concentrated in a single part of the game doesn't mean it's not there.

On a related note, you criticise content for not providing experience and/or loot, but, so what? Can't you just play a game for the pleasure of playing it? From my point of view, if the only reason for doing content is for the reward at the end, then that is just an admission that the content cannot entertain me on it's own merits.

You seem to be under the impression that every minute in the game should be spent "progressing", for lack of a better word. Why? Why not look around the world. Why not read the content? Why not interact with other players? Oh, I forgot, these things would count as "wasting my life" right? Well, if I'm having fun, how is it any different from spending a hour getting the "Unholy Shirt of Armpit Sweat +5"?

You complain about bosses being simple. But again, to many people, including myself, this is a good thing. I don't play CoX to solve puzzles. I certainly don't play it to organize and manage 25 people each with specific roles and responsibilites. I play it cos, after a long day at work, I can log on, find some friendly people and blow up bad guys. There are some AVs/Heroes that could do a rework (yes Reichsman, I am looking at you), but in general, they don't last long enough to get boring IMO.

You go on about "min/maxing". Well, a lot of people love the fact that you can do every single bit of content in the game, as the devs designed it, with out a hint of min/maxing, let alone the ridiculous gear requirements many MMOs have. Why should I be locked out of content purely because I don't want to grind away for weeks and calculate my effectiveness to 5 decimal places?

Just because it's different, just because you don't like it, doesn't make it bad. That's not to say a review should have be posistive - by all means highlight where the game is weak, but do so in a more balanced manner. Try to explain how it could appeal to other people. Reviewing with such a closed minded "I'm right and everyone else is wrong" attitude is utterly useless when it comes to helping people make an informed decision about a game. And without that, unless it's damn funny, which you're not, what's the point of a review?



Originally Posted by GKaiser View Post
You point out that my review is bad because the newest model of the toaster, Toastinator 500-A has an additional setting just for toasting bagels. I point out that Toastinator 500-A still doesn't even ******* work, but you don't care because I didn't talk about the option for toasting bagels.

Does that make sense to you?
No, but if the review led me to believe that reviewer couldn't even plug in the Toastinator correctly, much less figure out how to work the settings and spent his review claiming that setting it to "Light" was too hard... I guess him missing the 500-A model would be one more reason to write off his review.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
ok, first thing to jump out at me, you could tighten up the tiem a lot by rehearsing a bit more, the um's and ah's around the 3 minute mark were really distracting, i know that can be tough, but tightening it up can really make it easier to listen to.
Your editorials completely aside, your delivery is pretty terrible. You might want to write it down, rehearse a few time before you turn on the camera, and make sure you're pronouncing words correctly... unless you really did find the game play "monomonus."

Speak clearly, speak slowly if you have to. I know there's plenty of software that can tighten up the dialogue by editing out the pauses. Sounds like Yahtzee uses that to get his rapid-fire speech style.

Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.



Originally Posted by GKaiser View Post
The previous time I played, Inventor origins were around. Still, the design hasn't changed that much, they are just enhancements.
I just wanted to address this one point.
Invention Origin enhancement sets are not "just enhancements". The right combination of sets can drastically alter the playstyle of a character.

For example: a Dominator that has been made PermaDom through sets is far more powerful than a Dom who hasn't. Every single power recharges so fast he can belt out CC and attacks at a pace a non-perma Dom simply can't begin to match. Also all those sets give a myriad of "incidental" bonuses besides just the recharge rate: recovery, regen, to hit, bonus damage, bonus health.

If all you know of the Invention system is that it's "just enhancements" you didn't even begin to really look at what is possible there, which is a pretty huge oversight from a review standpoint.



Originally Posted by GKaiser View Post
Exactly. You didn't spend all that time actually trying to level.
This statement here (I apologise if anyone else has already picked up on this but I have to get back to work) gives me an idea of what the problem is.

I get the impression that you spent all your time while playing desperately trying to get to 50, resentful of any time you had to spend not actually trying to reach 50.

For me, that is not the point of this game. It is not a race to reach the highest level. It is about developing your character (and that doesn't just mean getting more powers). Sometimes that involves min/maxing, but by no means do all of my characters achieve the most they possibly could with more time, thought, money and effort. But then I enjoy a bit of variety

If you see all of the story as just a bit of flavour that you have to click through to get to the action where you beat up another group of enemies (differently costumed xp bags) then of course the game is going to be horrendous and a grind. If your focus is on reaching the top level then everything that slows you from reaching that level is something that is bad.

If something is wrong with the game then is it the game is wrong or is it that the game doesn't do what you want it to? Or is there only one way to play a game and any game that doesn't pander to that method is badly designed?

I would suggest that you consider not just your own personal play style while reviewing and consider who may actually like a game even if you don't yourself.

For example; I enjoy this type of book. It entertains me. This book on the other hand doesn't have the same pace, writing style, characterisation or whatever. This doesn't necessarily mean it is a bad book, but I may not enjoy it. Somebody out there will enjoy it and if you are this type of person/enjoy this type of book, then perhaps you might find something in it for you.