Pros and Cons of CoH: A Video Review




Originally Posted by Vivace View Post
MISSION. Not quest. Quest is for a fantasy game. MISSION in City of Heroes. The fact that you persist in calling missions "quests" shows that you don't even give a rat's *** about the game at all.
I am using a game design term. A well documented game design term. Flavor text does not change the meaning of a term. "Mission" is flavor text for the in-game world of CoH. All missions are quests.

You should calm down and stop going off the deep end over trivial nonsense. It makes it harder to take you seriously.



LOL. Oh, I'm calm. I'm just saying, the least you can do is actually refer to the things we do in the game in the game's vernacular.

Trust me, I've played plenty of games, including *gasp* WoW. I know what they're called in other games.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
holy irony batman.
I know!! *high fives rian*



Originally Posted by SynakulOne View Post
Wow you are still online. Just wanted to leave a comment for your video review. You made a video about the flaws of city of heroes and you threw it into the den of coh fanbois. You know you are gonna get flamed right? I can't wait until you make a video about the flaws of world of warcraft and throw it into the wow forums. If you're actions are for hilarity of seeing rabid fanbois flame you while frothing at the mouth smashing keys on their keyboards then bravo.

Like what i read on the first page you got a few things absolutely right and missed a few updates to the gameplay. Some things you try and diagnose about gameplay.... why? Its a wasted effort to try and fix gameplay when you havent grasped all of the essence of city of heroes. All of this oberservation im giving is vague i know, but its just not worth it to give you criticism of your flawed points.

Im not flaming you, its just your method of review can be improved upon.
I once had an occupation where I spent all day reading angry flames from customers. My job was to decipher what the actual problem was, if any, based on the feedback. I'm used to this kind of thing.

Like I said, I'm interested in what people have to say and if they might persuade me to change my opinion. I'm willing to tolerate a certain amount of flaming if I gets to the heart of the matter. Even Socrates had people flaming him and yet he interacted with them, and learned a lot by doing so.



Originally Posted by GKaiser View Post
You should calm down and stop going off the deep end over trivial nonsense.
Isn't this what the whole thread is about?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by GKaiser View Post
Even Socrates had people flaming him and yet he interacted with them, and learned a lot by doing so.
You, sir, are no Socrates.

One of Six, Cannibal 6



Originally Posted by GKaiser View Post
You should calm down and stop going off the deep end over trivial nonsense. It makes it harder to take you seriously.
Irony is you.

I find it funny that when people have criticisms about your review (it's style, tone, content, etc.), you gripe about how you're misunderstood or misconstrued.

I think the community so far has spoken and gave your review a thumbs down for a variety of reasons. Please continue to launch personal attacks on your critics. All it does is paint a picture of someone who can give but can't take.

There's a positive that can be gained from this. You can actually try to objectively look at the feedback you've been given (which is valuable) and try to improve with this. Or you can sulk and believe your rather unprofessional presentation style will eventually win us over (pro tip: it won't).

Reviewing / writing is a two way street. If you can't stand the heat in the kitchen, get out.



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
Irony is you.

I find it funny that when people have criticisms about your review (it's style, tone, content, etc.), you gripe about how you're misunderstood or misconstrued.

I think the community so far has spoken and gave your review a thumbs down for a variety of reasons. Please continue to launch personal attacks on your critics. All it does is paint a picture of someone who can give but can't take.

There's a positive that can be gained from this. You can actually try to objectively look at the feedback you've been given (which is valuable) and try to improve with this. Or you can sulk and believe your rather unprofessional presentation style will eventually win us over (pro tip: it won't).

Reviewing / writing is a two way street. If you can't stand the heat in the kitchen, get out.
Its fine, he is like Socrates, we just don't understand.

"An army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps, fights as a team. This individuality stuff is a bunch of BS." -General George Patton

-Lord Azazel



Originally Posted by Lord_Thanatos View Post
Its fine, he is like Socrates, we just don't understand.
Actually, one could make a pretty good argument that Socrates was killed for trolling Athens.

One of Six, Cannibal 6



Originally Posted by GKaiser View Post
I once had an occupation where I spent all day reading angry flames from customers. My job was to decipher what the actual problem was, if any, based on the feedback. I'm used to this kind of thing.
I hope you were more competent at reviewing complaints than you are at reviewing games

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I hope you were more competent at reviewing complaints than you are at reviewing games
Hopefully, better than what he's showing us in this thread.



Originally Posted by GKaiser View Post
I do think WoW is better designed than CoH. WoW still has a lot of design elements I highly dislike and is why I'm not playing it anymore.
Right, but your constant commenting on how WoW does it better could easily be seen as your being a fan of WoW, that's all I'm saying.

Using WoW as an example (only because I think most people are familiar with it), WoW has changed substantially over the years, to the point its target audience isn't even the same audience it as when it first launched. This can be seen in the raid and pvp design; sure, leveling was much easier than say EQ and the penalties for death were much less severe, but it was still very much for a hardcore gamer audience. It's become much more casual friendly in recent years, with optional hard modes for the hardcore players. The newest expansion is completely re-designing the original game content to follow the new design philosophy.
And yet wow itself hasn't changed any more or less than CoH has. We've seen a significant shift towards casual players over time here and they added the amazingly flexible difficulty sliders for the more hardcore among us. To top it off the quality and difficulty of the content provided to us by the devs has been significantly improved on over time and they even went and created a whole new low-level game based on that.

Heck, the devs even went and did a complete overhaul of the PvP system a few issues ago. It was something close to an unmitigated disaster for the PvP community but they did it.

Seriously, we've had the same sort of changes over the years that every other MMO I've ever played has had. You can't talk about how one game's getting new zones based upon their evolved design philosophy and then not even try the new zones in CoH because they're just more of the same. That's just lazy reviewing.

If I were to review WoW, I wouldn't go and review their current content, complain about it and then release the review after Cataclysm and entirely neglect to mention the expansion.

I did play CoV a'bit more, and the quest lines did seem a'bit more polished in that I didn't spend nearly as much time running around all over the world. However, CoV still has the same problems in terms of the content not really challenging, no end game, little developed pvp, enhancements taking too long to swap, most achievements have no tangible reward, auction house monopolized by long term players, etc.
But one of your notable complaints was about zone travel and contacts sending you all over the place for '30 minutes' before a mission can start. CoV zones mostly have their story arcs contained to just the one zone or at least have minimal inter-zone travel and even when you do travel most zones are linked by just one ferry instead of the two separate trains. That's the sort of thing you should include in a review. You point out a very clear problem with the CoH content, but acknowledge that it's not there or at least not as bad in CoVs.

Oh, and out of curiosity, did you try fiddling with your difficulty sliders at all. They can provide a significant bump in the challenge provided to you.

I don't think I should say, "Well it might get better in the future" because I honestly don't know that it will. I will only comment on the parts of the game I can actually play with.
I'm not saying you should say it might get better in the future, I'm saying you should acknowledge currently existing and upcoming changes to the game. Something like, "The next issue is supposed to have some sort of end game content attached to it, but I don't know if it would make enough of a difference for me." Something, anything but rants about nonexistant end-game content when that's an announced upcoming feature.

Also for future reference, when you're talking about a game it's best to try and use the nomenclature of that game. You might offer a short explanation of what a 'mission' or an 'archetype' is in relation to other games out there but it will generally come off better if you use that game's terminology.

And I'd also like to mention that not only is it incredibly difficult for just anybody to soft-cap their defense but just about as many tanks are resistance based as are defense based. I agree that the def cap shouldn't be the same across all ATs but the resistance cap isn't so that's something at least.

Generally I think the big issue is your review seems more designed like something one would see from one of those movie reviewers who sit around and make fun of bad movies. That can certainly work, but you can't really structure it like an actual review as that style is mostly done for entertainment purposes instead of an informative one.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by GKaiser View Post
If we are to consider enhancements are "gear" like in most RPG games, I believe the acquisition of gear upgrades shouldn't be terribly painful. A big problem with just making some low level IOs is the bonuses don't increase to match the character's level, which is needed for how enemies are balanced. Because of the limited salvage space, it's more of a pain to make IOs than it should be given how replacable they are.

Ex. Having lv 20 IOs for your Defense enhancements isn't gonna help you a lot against level 30+ enemies, and you're gonna get hit more than you should be for that level.

So while the bonus from an IOs cannot be outleveled, you need to replace them anyway because the bonus they give is too small against higher level opponents.
1) Actually ALL my character use level 30 IO enhancements where they can.

Want to know why?

Because level 50 IO enhancements and especially level 40 IO enhancements offer only a tiny 2% additional bonus at most and they tend to be a lot cheaper then the level 50 stuff. Most of them I'll even use level 25 IOs...because once again the difference isn't amazingly major compared to level 50 IOs. Just because their lower level, doesn't stop them being rubbish.

Heck, by level 30 on a brand new character when on the US account side of things, I had 10 million inf by then, that is enough to sort you out for SOs up until level 50 or sort yourself out the basic level 30 IOs.

2) In every MMO I've played...I've had to replace my entire gear every 5 levels, so your point with SOs goes out the window.

3) SOs and IOs are not gear, you can't compare them to your Rok'delar bow (given to you by the hunter epic quest started in Molten Core in the chest drop from Major Domo!) or your Tier gear in MMOs.

You want to know why? SOs are your bog standard shop bought white items, they're easy to get hold of, I have yet to see any game where I can go raid in stuff bought from a shop! The game is balanced around said vendor bought items, not around IOs.

IOs let you do some downright crazy things and unlike tier gear in Fantasy MMOs (which will only offer more tohit, more crit etc.) IOs allow builds to massively varied.

My Invuln/SS tanker has one build which has 40% resistance to Psionic damage, purely through IOs, the other build has her softcapped to every type of damage by Psi with one enemy standing next to her. Name another game where my build could be that amazingly varied and each build still be viable for end gaming stuff?

In WoW, there is no variation in high end raiding specs, when I left for Hunters you either had to go survival or gtfo, during Burning Crusade, you had to go Beast Mastery or gtfo. While which build is the best changes, the fact that one build is the best does not change.

__________________________________________________ __________________________

On to the next thing, you mentioned that the game is not really challenging.

You do know that we have difficulty adjuster NPCs in the game, go talk to them, if you feel the game is too easy solo, bump up the missions so that you're the equivilent of eight heroes, that you want bosses while you solo and at +4 difficulty level...while you're say...hmmm level 20?

Or do that with a team orientated AT, like say a controller who Isn't a fire/kin.

Would that be challenging enough for you?

The fact is that City of Heroes can be played a lot of different ways, you can RP (which you seem to dislike...), you can min/max like a motherlover, or you can come home from a hard day at work and just kick the crap out of the badguys on your scrapper.

You don't have to be raid focused in order to play the endgame, you don't have to even be specced that well to be able to do it.

Oh and PvP...yes it sucks...infact a lot of people think it shouldn't have ever been implemented in this game, that is the one thing you did get right.

Edit: Also you claim to want 'feedback' and 'to see things from a different perspective' yet you continually shout out how 'you are right and they are wrong!', I've yet to see you actually take some of the good points from peoples posts and actually have a discussion.



I'd bet, quite frankly, I can do a far more informative and fair review (written, thanks.) Yes, including criticism, as much as some try on occasion to throw a "fanboi" label on me. (Fan, yes, mindlessly so and accepting everything, no.)



Oh, just as an example this is a much better actual review of CoH's content. It's admittedly a review of GR specifically but it addresses the good and bad we get from GR and mentions upcoming changes without making any promises.

Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
Oh and PvP...yes it sucks...infact a lot of people think it shouldn't have ever been implemented in this game, that is the one thing you did get right.
Well no, you have to admit that the travel in the original CoH content's annoying like he says. It may not really take as long to do some of the fedex quests as he claims but they're certainly an annoying speed-bump in the game. Then there's the repetitive nature of our instanced missions which is a certainly true. I don't mind it and I'm guessing neither do you, but it's still something many see as a fault.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
I'd bet, quite frankly, I can do a far more informative and fair review (written, thanks.) Yes, including criticism, as much as some try on occasion to throw a "fanboi" label on me. (Fan, yes, mindlessly so and accepting everything, no.)
Challenge issued! I honestly wouldn't mind seeing that Memphis

Also Mr're the type of player CoH isn't aimed at, unlike your typical fantasy MMO where levelling is a PITA purely to get to the good stuff at level cap and you only roll alts because your guild needs a 'healer'.

CoH is the complete opposite of this. Perhaps you should have pointed it out in your review that CoH isn't aimed at the atypical fantasy playing MMO player and frankly I think I speak for a good 95% of the current people playing CoH when I say...


I hated the fact that I hated the fact it was raid or gtfo in WoW, atleast in CoH levelling alts isn't like pulling teeth.

Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
Well no, you have to admit that the travel in the original CoH content's annoying like he says. It may not really take as long to do some of the fedex quests as he claims but they're certainly an annoying speed-bump in the game. Then there's the repetitive nature of our instanced missions which is a certainly true. I don't mind it and I'm guessing neither do you, but it's still something many see as a fault.
Which is why there have been so many cries that the basic non-CoV, non-Praetoria content needs a dire revamp, I will agree that the fedex's and hunts of the legacy content are something that needs to be delt with and quickly. Honestly though, travel time in other MMOs is a hell of a lot worse, in WoW at low levels it could take me 5-10 minutes of running (sometimes even longer) just to get to the area the mobs I needed to kill were in. Or 8 minutes of flight pathing from say Ironforge where I do my AH using to get to the Eastern plaguelands.

So CoH travel is definitely not worse than what he keeps praising in WoW.

The instance maps do need a sprucing I agree on that as well.



I'm going to review your review the same way you seem to have reviewed the game, by completely ignoring facts.

19 minutes long is 1/3 of an hour. you're asking me to devote 1/72nd of my day to watching your review. Keep dreaming.

There were not enough pie references.

You know nothing about economics.

Basically don't review things you don't know jack about.



The saddest part of this thread is if the OP had come these forums with questions about how to afford things and make money on the market, how best to find teams on his server (global channels go a LONG way, and my experience is with traditionally empty-seeming Euro servers,) what content is the most up to date and thus more enjoyable, started actual discussions about what he wanted to see in endgame, PVP or badges, or if he'd posted to the tech support forum about his graphical glitches (wow, NEVER seen ones like that before) he'd have found a friendly and welcoming community that's EXTREMELY eager to help other players and can, mostly, keep things flame free and have some fun. He could have enjoyed his time ingame more and produced a more accurate video.

Instead he stormed in with an ill-informed, slightly arrogant vanity piece that advocated things that were either highly impractical, already under development, out of date or based on incomplete info, sidelining the many positive aspects of the game and how its differences, not its similarities to other games make it more attractive to people who do not want the WoW or Korean Grinder experiences. In response he found a cold, bitchy and unhelpful response, a mix of people who were angry, flaming and outright trolling. Not the best day for either side.

My only response is that money talks, and to the best of my knowledge while this game never had and never will have the fluke sub numbers of WoW, it has never been unprofitable either. It has never needed to merge servers, and I believe a dev at PAX stated that the sales of GR were quite healthy.

Yeah, this post is about as horrible as everything else in this thread. Sorry 'bout that.

"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
Which is why there have been so many cries that the basic non-CoV, non-Praetoria content needs a dire revamp, I will agree that the fedex's and hunts of the legacy content are something that needs to be delt with and quickly. Honestly though, travel time in other MMOs is a hell of a lot worse, in WoW at low levels it could take me 5-10 minutes of running (sometimes even longer) just to get to the area the mobs I needed to kill were in. Or 8 minutes of flight pathing from say Ironforge where I do my AH using to get to the Eastern plaguelands.

So CoH travel is definitely not worse than what he keeps praising in WoW.

The instance maps do need a sprucing I agree on that as well.
Oh no. Travel times in CoH are downright speedy compared to every other game I've ever played. I'd get on a horse in DAoC and go off to make a sandwitch, and I distinctly remember getting a group in EQ after much trying ... down in the Overthere when I was in Freeport that was easily 45 minutes of travel for me. I'd be a little leery of saying it took 30 minutes to get anywhere in CoH once I had travel powers, but of course I've never really tested that.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Judas_Ace View Post
I can't comment on the review, because I couldn't get past the first few minutes. It might have only been the first few seconds.

It felt like two hours.

Some random guy, no personality, no style, slumped on a couch mumbling to an animated talking sword.

I couldn't take it, sorry.
Same here, the shot composition, sound, and enthusiasm just made me not care. The editing needs some serious work to get some energy up and keep the viewers interest.
I started watching, noticed the 20 minute timer and said "oh F--- that"



Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
Oh no. Travel times in CoH are downright speedy compared to every other game I've ever played. I'd get on a horse in DAoC and go off to make a sandwitch, and I distinctly remember getting a group in EQ after much trying ... down in the Overthere when I was in Freeport that was easily 45 minutes of travel for me. I'd be a little leery of saying it took 30 minutes to get anywhere in CoH once I had travel powers, but of course I've never really tested that.
even better, ffXI's boat, only came every half hour, took over 10 mins to go to port, and you could be attacked either by some fisher pulling up a monster or a pirate , both of which were stupidly above your level, get killed, and be sent back to the stone you were bound to..and lets not even get into deleveling from said death. also, star wars galaxies and their space shuttles. think they were 10 min timers, compared to coh's click and go trams, its a difficult connection to make.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
even better, ffXI's boat, only came every half hour, took over 10 mins to go to port, and you could be attacked either by some fisher pulling up a monster or a pirate , both of which were stupidly above your level, get killed, and be sent back to the stone you were bound to..and lets not even get into deleveling from said death.
No, that's about how it was trying to get to The Overthere. Right down to the delevling too.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812