Pros and Cons of CoH: A Video Review




Meh, another thread where some bloated ego goes off half cocked and spreads misinformation and wastes peoples time. Yay for the Internet and +1!

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



Originally Posted by GKaiser View Post
You're not getting it, are you?

Does the boxed expansion change...

-low level salvage, recipes and enhancements being worth millions of influence on the AH?
Some are. But that price is set by the players. And if they're worth millions of INF on the auction house... how are you not having money as a lowbie?
-Enhancement system upgrade taking way too much downtime?
I don't know why yours took "30 minutes" to do. My 50s - several of which, by the way, are quite effective while still primarily on SOs - don't take anywhere near that to do.
-Not enough inventory space for low lv characters.
... "Enough" being what? You have the same 10 enhancement slots (more than you have slots in powers, in fact, when you start.) Recipes and Enhancements don't start dropping for several levels. You can use them to craft, you can dump them at a vendor, you can put them on the market.
-Repetitive and boring mission design for levels 1-50.
Run any task forces? Wait, no, you didn't. Read any of the explanation of WHY you're doing these things? Oh, that's right, you dismissed that. Yes, the maps get repetitive - we're an instanced game, in a modern city, so to a point it actually makes SENSE one warehouse will look like another. The devs know this, you can see almost every map in game by looking in AE as well.

And you say this like this is not found in any other MMO. Let's see, what have I played lately - Aion. Level 1-40 (see also "Grind burnout") - get money to pay for skills. Kill specific character. Require team to kill specific character. Collect this item and come back. Go talk to NPCs. Get item, take to NPC. Kill specific character. PVP. Collect item. Talk to NPC. Kill baddies 'til you get 10 of item. Talk to NPC. PVP. Collect item. ... hmmm, seems repetitive.

OK, APB. Steal item. Break in and steal item. Arson. Steal car. Steal item. Take or ignore call for backup (PVP.) Steal car. Steal item. Arson. PVP. Steal car. Break in and steal item - god, the game's even more repetitive.

The late Tabula Rasa. Defend base. Kill until you get 10 of item. Talk to NPC. Get item/logos. Defend base. Run around (no travel powers, btw) and talk to NPC. Get item/logos. Talk to chain of NPCs. Kill until you get 10 of item. Talk to NPC.... look, repetitive. Of course, you're also competing with everyone ELSE in the area to kill those same mobs to get 10 of item X, so it takes longer.

DDO - Go to dungeon. Kill all. Get item. Kill rats until you have 10 bat ears. Get item. Talk to NPC. Talk to other NPC. Kill all. Go to dungeon. Kill bats until you have 10 bat ears. Etc, etc, etc.

Sorry, Charlie, ALL MMOs get stuck in repetitive design.
-Lack of pvp content.
One you actually got right! Of course, the game shipped without PVP, and even at its peak there just wasn't that much interest. Bit of a cycle there - no real interest in PVP = little incentive to do more with PVP = no real interest generated in PVP.

-Lack of endgame content.
"Research" would have shown that this is being addressed.
-Boring boss design.
To a point.
-Needing to take several optional powers just to unlock the ones you actually want to use?
In which case? Travel powers require *one.* And those earlier powers are often quite useful (Hasten, Combat Jumping, etc.)
Or, you know, anything else I was critical of in my review?
Several of which have been corrected by people here. The fighting pool is not needed. Min/maxing is not needed - some do it because they *enjoy* it, yes, and they'll look into certain pools. Acrobatics is not needed - and I don't just mean "Fire tanks can take it," or "IOs are an option." Almost *zero* of my (200+, by the way) characters have it. Yes, some use IOs. Most just flat out *do not need it.* Your "required" powers and pools *are not required.*

Market use. You CAN be a marketeer if you want. Otherwise, drag item to market, list for a price of 6, hit "List item." Item might sell, might not. Might only get 6 inf for it. Might get several million. All depends on what someone's willing to pay. How is this difficult?

Travel - I'm going to have to try to find some case where you actually need to travel for 10-20 minutes, skipping supergroup teleporters, in any case someone over level 5 (where you can get a temporary jetpack by doing the newspaper/radio missions the contact you're *automatically directed to* sends you on) will see. Travel only gets faster as you level up. Were you perhaps just jogging from place to place, not even using sprint? Wait, no, the poorly done review shows you using a jetpack, so we can use that as the baseline.

System performance - I have to think you weren't even using the mac client, as you showed a powermac. Did you look into the settings, or did you just assume "Put everything to max?" There's exactly two times I've seen any reaction that bad - and one time was many, many server upgrades and many years ago, when they released a new issue, pushed trials and had a "come back" event on labor day. The other being their first (around the time of COV) graphics update, where they introduced things like Depth of Field and bloom, and I was running (I believe) a Geforce 5100. That was YEARS ago. No, I don't have high end rigs.

Frankly, your review is unprofessional, poorly presented - it's a rant more than a review, and as I said before, given how you STARTED it, I expected nothing less.



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
But I can see you won't like GR as it does nothing for PvP and has no endgame yet and is only 1-20. The story and the mechanics are fantastic and I have stopped XP a couple of times to avoid missing arcs.
I've done this as well, including on a couple of static teams who meet for one play session a week, since large teams tend to level too fast to hit all of the arcs and get the moral choice missions. I left it as an option to the team members, and the entire team decided to turn off XP in order to follow along.

Though, maybe we shouldn't talk too much about that. The idea of intentionally turning off XP in order to read the story content (sorry, I mean "flavor text") might make the OP's head explode.



I find it amusing that several hundred posts later, the reviewer has yet to acknowledge any flaws in his review and continues to say that he's right, we can never change his mind and we just don't get it.

Good thing he was requesting feedback!



I am surprised the thread hasn't been modded or locked yet.

The OP started as a troll, and we (me included) fed him.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



After skimming this thread. It's pretty clear the OP is just trolling with his so called review and his posts.



Originally Posted by Ashcraft View Post
Congratulations! You've caused enough forum drama to equal that of a Champion thread. Please accept this award as thanks for all of the enjoyment you have given your reading audience.

No badge?



Originally Posted by GKaiser View Post
I am using a game design term. A well documented game design term. Flavor text does not change the meaning of a term. "Mission" is flavor text for the in-game world of CoH. All missions are quests.
Technically, you're right; the discipline of writing mission content for MMOs is pretty universally referred to as 'quest design' irrespective of genre.

However, I don't quite see your reason for using generic terms that the game itself doesn't. You don't refer to powers as 'spells' or Endurance as 'mana', do you?



Originally Posted by GKaiser View Post
Does the boxed expansion change...

-Repetitive and boring mission design for levels 1-50.
Um... yes, it does, actually. At least, for part of that level span (1-20). The missions in GR have features that the missions in regular CoH don't, such as the use of factions, the ability to do 'undercover' missions with different objectives, and (most importantly) branching content that requires you to make moral choices in the middle of a mission.

-Boring boss design.
Based on my experiences, that's another yes, though a qualified one. I was playing some of the new L50 content, the rewitten Maria Jenkins stuff, and went up against the new Siege. Old Siege was basically an energy blaster. However, New Siege had clearly been upgraded, because shortly into the fight I got a huge red text warning that he was about to use his orbital laser of d00m. And an equally huge red target mark appeared right where I was standing. I dived out of the way just as a flurry of missiles nearly turned my spandex clad backside into guacamole, thinking 'eep, this fight isn't going to be so predictable as it used to be'.

You won't have seen this because you didn't play CoV, but the Reichsman battle from the Barracuda SF was designed to be a 'gadget fight' involving special powers and tactical gizmos. It wasn't everyone's cup of tea, but it does prove that the Devs are evolving boss battles all the time.



Originally Posted by GKaiser View Post
Hello. I have a web show called The RPG Fanatic where I review computer rpg games. I decided to make CoH my first MMORPG review and while I had played the game before (in Dec 2004), I recently re-visited it, playing from level 1 to 50. After doing this I concluded that CoH has some innovative game design elements I wish other MMORPG developers would incorporate into their designs, but CoH also lacks a lot of content I expect an MMORPG to have today. I dissect the game in the review.

I will be reviewing the Mission Architect system in an upcoming review, and thought some of you might like to see my review for the game overall and add your comments. I might include and/or respond to some of those comments in my next review for the MA system.

You seem to compare COH to WOW a great deal. On a side note, since when was "Tank and Spank" + "Spam Healing" = Stragety to defeat Bosses?



Originally Posted by Ashcraft View Post
You need five awards to get the badge.

Do you get you badge before or after your temp ban?



I wonder if the OP will be doing an updated review, with the constructive criticisms in mind. As in, he takes the fair criticism seriously (ignoring the personal attacks/heated debates) and tightens up the video quite a bit.

I'm not trying to be mean or offensive or anything, but I literally couldn't watch the entire video - I had to watch chunks of it. Ideally you should show as little of you and your apartment, game consoles, computer, etc as possible, to make the presentation more palatable. It's fair to have a torso shot of you in the beginning, and perhaps some graphics on the side. But as soon as possible the actual review should start, and it should be more relevant, use the proper terminology for things (ideally explaining things like "quests are called missions" and so forth), and as concise as possible.

You have a certain level of experience and equipment, which is undercut by the flaws in the presentation. And while I am not petitioning that you change your view on the game, I believe you should improve the presentation. That's probably about 15 minutes worth of content stretched out to 20, and it's highly unpolished.



I like in the youtube comments, the reviewer refers to Tanks as "glass canons"...

The stupid hurts... someone make it stop...



Pretty much this is what I see...

Guy who played a long time ago and never really liked the game... found something else he liked better...

Came back to say why this isnt like the game I like better...

Review sucked.. badly..

Epic Fail ate a review. Wasnt honest was extremely biased and by the reponses here the reviewer is obviously biased AGAINST the game and therefore cannot give an objective review..

What he has given is a rant.. not a reveiw..

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
I like in the youtube comments, the reviewer refers to Tanks as "glass canons"...

The stupid hurts... someone make it stop...
Oh, by the way - you think his reaction HERE to criticism is bad (not to mention his refusal to learn?) You should see his Youtube channel's comments. Talk about total unwillingness to even CONSIDER that he's wrong about things. I'm agreeing this is nothing more than a troll thread. Someone check and see if he works for Cryptic.



Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
I like in the youtube comments, the reviewer refers to Tanks as "glass canons"...

The stupid hurts... someone make it stop...

Coupled with his inability to say "Monotony" I'm beginning to question his grasp of the English language and its terms in general.