The Best Villain Lairs Ever
Which Scifi/Action/Fantasy Villain Lair do you find to be the most impressive?
From Volcano Bases to Floating Sky Citadels, Orbital Space Platforms to Underwater Empires, Impregnable Fortresses to Subterranean Strongholds, and Sub-Zero Arctic Stations; which one do you like best? Feel free to list from any source. (Films, TV, Novels, Comics, Anime etc…) |
I liked the submersible Atlantis base in The Spy Who Loved Me.
For sheer practicality (yet still extremely stylish) the Nautilus from Disney's 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea. I'm not certain, though, that an organ onboard a submerged submarine would be something to which I'd want to listen as crew. Nothing louder than a harpsicord, but then I've got sensitive hearing.
as a kid I was blown away by the Legion of Doom base from the Super Friends.

I mean, come only had one tiny flaw in it's design. Had the rebels not gotten a hold of the blueprints this thing would have been causing carnage all over the place. PLUS, the power to destroy a whole freaking planet. Also, it does count as a Villain Lair due to the fact Darth Vader 'lives' inside of it throughout most of the series.
as a kid I was blown away by the Legion of Doom base from the Super Friends.
Syndrome's base stands out for me. As I think about it, most villains really do not have permanent lairs. I mean, a permanent lair means the hero knows where to find you. Look at Kim Possible and Duff Killigan.
Nope, you're all wrong, clearly it's the bases of Heinz Doofenshmirtz.
He has some amazing bases
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

Nope, you're all wrong, clearly it's the bases of Heinz Doofenshmirtz.
He has some amazing bases ![]() |
Blofelds volcanic base is, for me, #1. Syndrome was just an homage to it.
I mean, come only had one tiny flaw in it's design.* |
That's right, Dr. Doom's villain lair is AN ENTIRE FREAKIN' COUNTRY!
There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Um, I guess it'd be a spoiler to actually say whose it really is, so let's just say Bubastis lived there too. What can I say, I dig Arctic bases, especially when you can have any climate you want inside.
Ur-supervillain Captain Nemo pioneered the concept of the secret volcanic island lair in the novel The Mysterious Island and should be getting royalties from Dr. No and Blofeld.
Um, I guess it'd be a spoiler to actually say whose it really is, so let's just say Bubastis lived there too.
That said, My vote also goes to Watchmen's would-be ubermensch and world savior Adrian Veidt for his Antarctic retreat, Karnak. The locale evokes the Fortress of Solitude of Superman/Doc Savage, but the design advertises "supervillain inside". It's that element of ambiguity that makes Watchmen - the comic, I mean - a masterpiece.
My vote also goes to Watchmen's would-be ubermensch and world savior Adrian Veidt for his Antarctic retreat, Karnak.
What's a super-villain to do?
* * *
I would have to say some of my favorites are the "pocket-universes" from Philip Jose Farmer's 'World of Tiers' series of novels. An entire country for a lair, like Doctor Doom? Bah! Small potatoes! A space-station the size of a moon, like the Death Star? Hah! Laughable! An entire world, like Darkseid's Apokolips? Nothing more than a child's tree house. Give me an entire UNIVERSE, designed to suit my whim. Now THAT'S a lair!
Well, I'm guessing Syndrome's volcanic island base (from The Incredibles) would be high on most geeks' list. I find the parallels to Blowfeld's volcanic island in You Only Live Twice to be beyond coincidence, so I'd probably lump them together.
Leather chair, stroking a cat, trapdoors, "you have failed me for the last time minion!".
Love it.

One of my favourite parodies was (and is) the '' site and their recruitment videos for henchmen.
Heheh, genius!.
I'm gonna buck the trend and say my favorite villainous lair is the Mound of Forgotten Seeds run by the Dowager of the Irreverent Vulgate in Unrent Veils. (Source: Exalted tabletop RPG)
The Mound of Forgotten Seeds is based in Noss Fens, somewhere in the East.
Static Defenses: None to speak of. Most of the humans living in Noss Fens were raised by the Dowager, but they're simple peasants. (Every decade or so, the Dowager kills the adults in Noss Fens, raises the children, and sends them back to rebuild their villages.)
Active Defenses: None to speak of, though the Dowager is an expert marksman with her soulsteel bow "Root of Scorn". Anyone killed with her bow becomes a ghost bound as her servant. She's also a skilled necromancer and necrosurgeon.
Guardians: A single female child, Shoat of the Mire. An Abyssal Exalted serving the Dowager. When Shoat dies, the Dowager exalts another female child and gives her the same title.
Natural Hazards: The Well of Udr lies within the Dowager's throne room. Even being near it can drive you insane, and looking into it can kill you. (The Dowager and her servants, of course, enjoy protections from its effects.) The Well is a connection point between every universe, and the Dowager spends her time searching the Well for devastation she can unleash upon the world.
I like the idea of a pirate island.......... that's one with wenches and grog not one with nerds and torrents. My base would probably be behind a waterfall on the quite side and I'd have to own the only bar allowed to operate obviously.
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
To give another defense example: While more neutral than villainous, attempting to access the M'Kraan Crystal takes Defense to an infinite level. If you want to get to the Crystal, you have to defeat an extremely powerful guardian. No biggie, right? Assuming you are either powerful enough or lucky enough to defeat the guardian, guess what? Another guardian appears, who is 1,000 times more powerful than the previous one was.
I think the X-Men were actually able to defeat the first guardian, an android named Jahf. When they did, the massive robot Modt took it's place, and so far, no one in the Marvel Universe has been able to defeat Modt.
......and even if they did, the cycle continues. A guardian 1,000 times more powerful than Modt would appear. (And the line of guardians is stated to be infinite. Even Goku would quickly find his limit if he were to run that gauntlet.)
What an overkill of a defense system.

Can't come up with a name? Click the link!
Dr. Totenkopf's island lair from Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow is certainly one to consider. Fairly similar to Syndrome's lair, but with more of a pulp feel.
The Labyrinth from the movie Labyrinth. Mostly because I really like mazes and Jareth made one hell of a maze.
Work in progress no more. I have decided that I'm going to put my worst spelling errors here. Triage Bacon, Had this baster idea, TL

"I'm going to beat the Jesus out of Satan!" My Wife while playing Dante's Inferno
The iPad. What can be more secure and easy to access than a lair that fits in your pocket?
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
Sewer system hasn't been mentioned has it?, using the city's own infrastructure against itself.
Kinda repellant in enviroment, Religious overtones re: Hell and danger coming from underground, and springing up to surprise/snatch you before disappearing back down.
Gene Hackman's Luther setup (abandoned underground railway station) was kinda cool. Refurbished to be very opulant and luxurious. He even had a monologue ready for what 'people were shelling out for a few measly...' above ground.
Spider-Skull Island.
Features include, but are not limited to:
Turret-mounted weaponry
Private marina
Museum capable of hosting formal events.
Runner up:
Giant Flying Cocoon.
"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle
my neighbour many many years ago owned one of these
when I was 10 it was impressive.

Which Scifi/Action/Fantasy Villain Lair do you find to be the most impressive?
From Volcano Bases to Floating Sky Citadels, Orbital Space Platforms to Underwater Empires, Impregnable Fortresses to Subterranean Strongholds, and Sub-Zero Arctic Stations; which one do you like best?
Feel free to list from any source. (Films, TV, Novels, Comics, Anime etcÂ…)