Scott Pilgrim vs The World....




I predict an epic special edition DVD and a cult following that never dies. Only drawback: Most un-shadowcastable movie ever.




Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
I predict an epic special edition DVD and a cult following that never dies. Only drawback: Most un-shadowcastable movie ever.

Two words: pulley system

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Yea, it looks like a two week before option to bail contract. It was pulled from 44% of the screens for this weekend. It did drop below the magical $2K per theater weekend threshold that usually foreshadows a film being dropped for something new.

I think it'll do well on DVD/Blu-Ray, unless the nation has evolved past owning copies of a movie.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
C.f. similar sentiments in Sydney.

Meanwhile, the New York Times's video game critic has published a dissenting review of the film from his gaming perspective, lambasting it as "annoying, contrived and as emotionally meaningful as a chalupa" while the NYT's lead movie reviewer called it "the best video game movie ever." While the game reviewer admits he doesn't go to movies much, he seems pleased to have found mainstream entertainment that he can run down in order to build up contemporary video games: "The film also fails where today’s best video games succeed: in creating an emotional investment. {...} Today’s top game makers have learned an incredible amount from, and owe a great debt to, the storytelling vernacular of cinema. Perhaps it is time for the makers of 'video game movies' to catch up." (Ah well, it's a shame that a lot of critics have been reviewing videogame culture instead of the movie.)

Anyway, here's a mashup of the SPvtW trailer and Avatar: The Last Airbender.



in hindsight, Jesse Eisenberg probably would have made a better Scott Pilgrim and might have been less harmful to the movie's sales, since Cera hate seems to be everywhere.



Originally Posted by Turbo_Ski View Post
Cera hate seems to be everywhere.
Unfortunately, he's coming off a streak of underperforming movies: Youth in Revolt, Year One, and Paper Heart (the last one being a precious little indie flick that no-one saw). However much he's been hit by hipster backlash, the cinema owners are going to look at his track record if they're still deciding about keeping SPvtW in theaters. They're certainly not in my area.



Paper Heart was an enjoyable documentary... To see once. The girl... I can only take her in small doses.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Originally Posted by Turbo_Ski View Post
in hindsight, Jesse Eisenberg probably would have made a better Scott Pilgrim and might have been less harmful to the movie's sales, since Cera hate seems to be everywhere.
There is some Eisenberg hate building, mainly because some people view him as Cera-lite. I will say this about Jesse, he picks more varied roles, case in point, the upcoming Facebook movie. He seems to want to branch out a bit more than Cera currently is.

Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
Paper Heart was an enjoyable documentary... To see once. The gairl... I can only take her in small doses.
Was that an actual documentary? I read some reviews saying it was a docu in the spirit of Spinal Tap in that it was really put upon and that the girl and Cera weren't really dating in real life.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




I don't know, I just got it from Netflix off the cuff. Curious.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
I don't know, I just got it from Netflix off the cuff. Curious.

Would you recommend it?


"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie





I would say it's worth watching, yes, but not great by any means. I would probably give it like a 6/10. My wife really liked it though.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
However much he's been hit by hipster backlash, the cinema owners are going to look at his track record if they're still deciding about keeping SPvtW in theaters. They're certainly not in my area.
Oddly enough in my area they've moved the film to the 'bigger' theater. It doesn't really make much sense to me.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



I haven't seen it, but all I can say is that people should be thankful for getting a well reviewed movie that sticks to the source without having to span more movies that won't be made. At least this didn't end up like the Losers, Terminator: Salvation, or The Last Airbender.



Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
I haven't seen it, but all I can say is that people should be thankful for getting a well reviewed movie that sticks to the source without having to span more movies that won't be made. At least this didn't end up like the Losers, Terminator: Salvation, or The Last Airbender.
or Eragon



Uh, that guy sucks. I will now not see this movie in theaters because I had to listen to "intellectual" nerd critic calling me a conformist because I went to see the Expendables. Seriously, your not going to get non-hipsters to see a hipster movie by being a hipster as loud as you can. I'll just wait for blu-ray I guess.



Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
Uh, that guy sucks. I will now not see this movie in theaters because I had to listen to "intellectual" nerd critic calling me a conformist because I went to see the Expendables. Seriously, your not going to get non-hipsters to see a hipster movie by being a hipster as loud as you can. I'll just wait for blu-ray I guess.
eh, i wouldn't go that far, good franchises will always have people who go too far in defending them, the makers of the movie didnt do this to you, so denying them box office revenue only makes their case worse before the big studios. I'd say that moviebob's impassioned entreaties to moviegoers is a lot more representative of the guys who should be pushing for the movie. a loud elitist amnesiac in a 3.5 richter scale earthquake is really just one of the chorus of opinions on the internet.



Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
Uh, that guy sucks. I will now not see this movie in theaters because I had to listen to "intellectual" nerd critic calling me a conformist because I went to see the Expendables. Seriously, your not going to get non-hipsters to see a hipster movie by being a hipster as loud as you can. I'll just wait for blu-ray I guess.
Being as loud as you can is a sacred tradition of the internet critic...

I thoroughly enjoyed the comic books, but I found the film to be lacking. I don't find it as true to the source material as many people are claiming. In fact, I think the movie really gutted the heart out of the story by downplaying the secondary characters.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
eh, i wouldn't go that far, good franchises will always have people who go too far in defending them, the makers of the movie didnt do this to you, so denying them box office revenue only makes their case worse before the big studios. I'd say that moviebob's impassioned entreaties to moviegoers is a lot more representative of the guys who should be pushing for the movie. a loud elitist amnesiac in a 3.5 richter scale earthquake is really just one of the chorus of opinions on the internet.
Why is it my geek card is suddenly in question if I haven't seen this movie? (I saw it and got all references and still found it delightfully average.) Internet reviewers seem be trying really hard to champion this film. To point they suggest we're a bunch of sheep for it doing poorly or stupid as distressed watcher does. (which he pretty much said people should be send to internment camps for liking screw that guy. )

Moviebob (which again he insults the public for not liking what he does in his revenge of the fallen and the expendables review.) whines about people rather wanting see the expendables over Scott Pilgrim. Because the public doesn't have the point of view or tastes they're all suddenly idiots? No, because main people have different sensiblities than what geekdom does. People go for alot of different reasons....and whether people really want to be honest with themselves or not; this movie is incredibly niche.

The internet geeks need face the fact...they are the target audience for most part. They get all inside jokes of it all. This was for them, but they are too small of a group of people for this to ever be profitable. Which just including a bunch of fanwank doesn't make a movie good. I don't feel like this movie earns the rallying it's getting online. I feel like these's something bigger going on here instead.

This isn't Scott Pilgrim vs the's Geekdom vs the world...and it's getting it's butt handed to it by the big dumb jocks of the world all over again in a metaphoric sense with the Expendables. That seems to be the notion behind all the butt hurt.(for some, I won't go and make a sweeping overgeneralization as I'm sure people who liked it just simply would liked to seen something they liked do better.) Between all surge in popularity of geek culture some of us are getting the cold reality check the world still doesn't belong to us.

Sure super heroes and comics have found their way into pop culture. Just there's the huge difference they've been distilled thru hollywood's lens and most of the hard edges sanded off for main stream audiences. (There's plenty of characters with needlessly complicatedd backstories that would never fly in a movie.)Why those properties actually enjoy success besides just being good movies. This movie didn't as it was pure undistill geekdom and it's no shocker people are turning their noses up at it. The world just isn't ready for it.

Ultimately I feel like people are fighting for what this represents than what it really is. Is there really anything in this movie hasn't been done or done better somewhere else? No. Like I said this movie really a C- to the general public and just won't fly with them. It plays out like a giant inside joke they aren't going get. All character development is glossed over, the pacing is disjointed (angry joe gave it 9/10 and still even was honest enough say the beginning was crap.), and the beginning sucked hard. A movie can't be great and have an awful start. Again just seems like internet reviewers just really want to see this win too badly. (or are getting paid.)

With the way people are fanboying it up like the distressed watcher....I can't actually help but take some enjoyment in this movie flopping.(like the universe is crushing fanboys for me.) If I had to see people raving like the Dark Knight all over again (which the Dark knight atleast had alittle more to it.) over this film...I might have lost it.(and I don't think Mod 8 could handled another film on my s**t list.) It had some redeemable parts...but lets not go crazy people. This is no Star wars , or something other geekdom movie that morphs our very essense at the core like a religious awakening. This was just another film, and completely forgettable outside of it's stylizing in video games.This movie is getting the box office it deserves...not the box office it needed hehe.

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As much as I wanted to, life kept me from seeing this on opening night. That being said, I will still watch it in theatre either tomorrow, or Tuesday, alone if I must. This is an action flick with special fx that will rock my socks. I niether know or care about Cera. The trailers alone sold me on this film, and learning it was a comic book as well is icing on the cake.

I was bored with the 80's action flick in the 80's. They became the rental flick due to poor dialogue, poor acting, and redundant plot points. Watching an 80's flick on 2010.... not so much on my things to do.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
he needs to stand still and rehearse his stuff better, that was painful to watch, too many held word endings that made it sound like he was unsure or forgot his lines, and the weaving was really distracting. also, quit yelling.
In His Best Sam L Jackson Voice: He's Not Yelling!!!! This is the way he talks!!!!!!!


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I wonder if the Cera hatred is merely an amplified internet meme that after enough repetition over the years people would simply assume it's true and trot it out as a reason whenever any of his films don't knock it out of the box office park.

I never quite understood the dislike for actors like Cera, Justin Long or Shia LeBeouf (other than the over saturation of Shia).

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
I wonder if the Cera hatred is merely an amplified internet meme that after enough repetition over the years people would simply assume it's true and trot it out as a reason whenever any of his films don't knock it out of the box office park.

I never quite understood the dislike for actors like Cera, Justin Long or Shia LeBeouf (other than the over saturation of Shia).
Yeah because hatred of Shia Lebeouf has totally stopped the Transformers series from making money. (or all other block busters he's been in..) There was definitely something wrong in how this all went down, and probably an important lesson to be learned for the future to avoid repeating this sort of loss, but pinning all blame purely on Cera isn't it. (though as distress watcher did make as a valid point he probably won't see too many big budget lead roles for a good long time for this box office bust.)

- Justice
Lastjustice- lvl 50 defender
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Lastjudgment - lvl 50 corruptor
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Originally Posted by OzzieArcane View Post
Just watched an interesting little video from Distressed Watcher.

Top 5 Reasons Scott Pilgrim Flopped
Why do some people on the internet think I want to watch a video of them reading a list? This isn't TV, just post your five reasons. It would also spare us his mispronunciation of "Cera".