Scott Pilgrim vs The World....




Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Yea, it looks like a two week before option to bail contract. It was pulled from 44% of the screens for this weekend. It did drop below the magical $2K per theater weekend threshold that usually foreshadows a film being dropped for something new.

I think it'll do well on DVD/Blu-Ray, unless the nation has evolved past owning copies of a movie.
I just looked and it came in at 14th and after next week's drops in theaters I can't see it all but being hardly shown in the US. I don't see it lasting a 5th week. On the plus side, the foreign sales have gone from 1mil to 6mil so it's finally getting shown outside of the US and it's past 30mil for total sales.



Yes it dropped by another 53% in the box office but it's per theater numbers didn't drop as much, only 15%. Still it's under $2K per theater number will put it on the short list of movies to drop when something new comes along.

It may last longer in theaters near colleges as students come back and are looking to rebond with friends.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Vox Populi View Post
Why do some people on the internet think I want to watch a video of them reading a list? This isn't TV, just post your five reasons. It would also spare us his mispronunciation of "Cera".
Because they don't get paid ad revenue for posting. Well they can if they have ads on their site but even if you don't like it. Video reviewers get more viewers then text bloggers get readers. Guess reading is too hard.

Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Shia LeBeouf (other than the over saturation of Shia).
I'd probably hate Shia less if he didn't get put in roles that felt tacked on. Yahtzee randomly pointed out that he's in Transformers because we can't relate to robots and he's in Indiana Jones because we can't relate to a man who's past his 30s.



When I go see a giant robot move or an Indiana Jones movie, I don't give two ***** about if I can relate to it. I did like him in Eagle Eye.



Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
When I go see a giant robot move or an Indiana Jones movie, I don't give two ***** about if I can relate to it. I did like him in Eagle Eye.
Yeah but the Corporate nitwits in charge of these things don't believe that.



I'm embarrassed it took me this long to realize a Scott Pilgrim vs The World AE arc needs to exist. BRB...



I saw it twice last week...I'm thinking about going again this week.

And I'm buying the sountrack as soon as I get paid. Beck did a great job.



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
I'm embarrassed it took me this long to realize a Scott Pilgrim vs The World AE arc needs to exist. BRB...
Let us know when it is done!

You should include a clue in the first mission about defeats leaving coins

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
I'm embarrassed it took me this long to realize a Scott Pilgrim vs The World AE arc needs to exist. BRB...
What would you say Scott is? A KM/ or Kat/ Scrapper?

There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy



Originally Posted by Hazmatter View Post
What would you say Scott is? A KM/ or Kat/ Scrapper?
I'm really torn on how to do it. The following issues I have to overcome:

1) The arc clearly would shine under six missions. I have five.

2) The story is very much told from the narrator's point of view, which is Scott. You are not Scott.

3) For some reason, I can't design Matthew Patel in the character creation system.

The rest I'm working on.



Why not say in the intro that Scott (who I assume would be the contact) is taking you into a world which he created? Or at least heavily imply that the story, as it unfolds, is really masterminded by Scott and not "Fate" or even Gideon.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Originally Posted by BafflingBeerMan View Post
Why not say in the intro that Scott (who I assume would be the contact) is taking you into a world which he created? Or at least heavily imply that the story, as it unfolds, is really masterminded by Scott and not "Fate" or even Gideon.
Interesting. I was considering Ramona Flowers as the narrator...



I would so like it if you wrote it as Wallace Wells. His snark + your snark = comedic goldmine!

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Originally Posted by BafflingBeerMan View Post
I would so like it if you wrote it as Wallace Wells. His snark + your snark = comedic goldmine!
That's... that's perfect! I'm going that route. Thank you!



Originally Posted by BafflingBeerMan View Post
I would so like it if you wrote it as Wallace Wells. His snark + your snark = comedic goldmine!
With his M.O. being have you help Scott defeat the evil Exs to get him out of his apartment hehe.

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Originally Posted by OzzieArcane View Post
Just watched an interesting little video from Distressed Watcher.

Top 5 Reasons Scott Pilgrim Flopped
That guy needs to **** off. Insulting "movie audiences" is not the way to earn fans. Especially when he later says he had intended to see "Piranha 3D."

Originally Posted by Dalantia View Post
Didn't see the ending (of the game) coming. Amused by it. Would not be surprised if that's how the comic ended.
Similar... But not quite.

Originally Posted by Divus View Post
I saw it twice last week...I'm thinking about going again this week.

And I'm buying the sountrack as soon as I get paid. Beck did a great job.
It's a good one. Make sure you get the deluxe version (May be only on iTunes). The Score is great as well.

Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
I'm really torn on how to do it. The following issues I have to overcome:

1) The arc clearly would shine under six missions. I have five.

2) The story is very much told from the narrator's point of view, which is Scott. You are not Scott.

3) For some reason, I can't design Matthew Patel in the character creation system.

The rest I'm working on.
One mission per evil ex (except the twins are together, naturally).

If you can adjust Scott, begin him as a Martial Arts Scrapper who turns into a Katana Scrapper when he earns "the Power of Love."

Please let me know when you've completed this! And you have to have like every enemy drop inspirations/enhancements to simulate the coin-drops.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
That guy needs to **** off. Insulting "movie audiences" is not the way to earn fans. Especially when he later says he had intended to see "Piranha 3D."
I'd probably agree with you up until I remember that movie audiences allowed Transformers 2 to be successful which is just not acceptable.



Oh, Marcian!

All exil Exes are Elite Bosses.

Have Ramona, Stephen Still, Kim Pine, Young Neil and Knives Chau fight alongside you at points.

Non-Ex bosses: Nega Scott, Mr. Chau, Julie Powers (Sonic attacks, naturally), The Clash of Demonhead (cyborg-armed drummer, Envy Adams, then a boss version of Todd Ingram who uses Revive on himseelf and becomes an EB), Crash and the Boys (Crash is a boss, the Boys are minions), Little and Giant Robots as bosses leading up to the Twins fight...

Oh my god. make this, quick!

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
One mission per evil ex (except the twins are together, naturally).

If you can adjust Scott, begin him as a Martial Arts Scrapper who turns into a Katana Scrapper when he earns "the Power of Love."

Please let me know when you've completed this! And you have to have like every enemy drop inspirations/enhancements to simulate the coin-drops.

1) You just counted six missions. Hence my problem. Also, a lot of what's great about Scott isn't the fighting. It's the moments of self-revelation. Trying to figure out how to ohonor that.

2) While I was walking to order breakfast this morning, I figured out the Katana thing. I want Wallace (The contact) to say something like:

Originally Posted by W.W.
Well, he finally said the "L" word. Well, first he said "Lesbians", but I think that's just a Roxy punch talking. After that he said love. The kid's in love. It's a far cry from the "in like" he was with Knives and the "in freckles" with Kim. Kinda proud of him. Kinda sad he didn't realize this until he went to the Chaos Theater and got his head handed to him.

Thanks for watching out for the little guy. I asked you to help guide Scott through the ultra-violent world of dating, and you did. I gotta ask you one last thing, though. Scott went to the Chaos Theater again to tell Ramona how he feels, but he's no match for Gideon. I need you to go the Chaos Theater and save Scott.

It's dangerous to go alone. Take this.

Wallace hands you a sealed katana. Even in its case, you can feel the heat.

This is my flaming katana of love. It's only effective in the hands of someone that has something worth dying for. Give it to Scott. If he really is in lesbians with Ramona, this should turn the table.

Now $hero, go. Go and fight for what's right. Fight for Scott's love. Fight for justice. And most importantly, fight for Scott's moving off the floor of my apartment.
(That was off the top of my head. What do you think?)

3) I can't change enemy drop rates. I've been going over that in my head for a bit. I'm not entirely sure how to do the coins thing. I'm going to tweak it a lot. My goal would be to honor O'Malley's universe; not mimic it perfectly.



Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
Oh, Marcian!

All exil Exes are Elite Bosses.

Have Ramona, Stephen Still, Kim Pine, Young Neil and Knives Chau fight alongside you at points.

Non-Ex bosses: Nega Scott, Mr. Chau, Julie Powers (Sonic attacks, naturally), The Clash of Demonhead (cyborg-armed drummer, Envy Adams, then a boss version of Todd Ingram who uses Revive on himseelf and becomes an EB), Crash and the Boys (Crash is a boss, the Boys are minions), Little and Giant Robots as bosses leading up to the Twins fight...

Oh my god. make this, quick!
Thoughts on characters:

1) Each Ex will be a Boss, with the exception of the Vegan and Gideon. Vegan will be an Elite Boss, Gideon will be an Archvillain.

2) Still torn on allies. May go with Knives, as there's a "Betray on Exit" policy that could capture Knives' side-switch quite nicely. Not sure how to tag the other allies.

3) I want to go cameo crazy, but I also want this to feel like a complete 5-part mission arc instead of a laundry list of Scott Pilgrim things I liked.



That guy needs to **** off. Insulting "movie audiences" is not the way to earn fans. Especially when he later says he had intended to see "Piranha 3D."
Originally Posted by OzzieArcane View Post
I'd probably agree with you up until I remember that movie audiences allowed Transformers 2 to be successful which is just not acceptable.
Somehow that still doesn't mean people should be rounded up in internment camps for liking as he suggested. Like Chris said...he wanted to see Piranha 3-D. Somehow I doubt that was a better movie than Revenge of the Fallen.

Distressed Watcher can not seem go too many vids without insulting the human race. Being such a joyless individual who seems hate everything makes it really hard put much stock in his stance. It's one thing to nerdrage it up, It's really hard to get fans when you're taking such sweeping over generalizes on the public all the time. There's movie I didn't like the public did.(which i nerdrage over plenty.) I'm not going suggest the world needs reeducation because of it. He crosses that line all too often.

- Justice
Lastjustice- lvl 50 defender
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- Freedom
Lastjudgment - lvl 50 corruptor
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Should Wallace give you the Power/Sword of Love or the Power/Sword of Self-Respect? The way you make it seem in the dialogue is Wallace is telling you to help Scott in his retry at the Chaos Theatre, which would be the Self-Respect Power.

Also, you can have Kim, Stills, and Young Neil be hostages you need to rescue in the Chaos Theatre.

Julie Powers can be a secondary boss in one of the levels, maybe as a boss-level enemy and not a "named" boss per se. Also, Envy needs to be the second boss on the Vegan level, though you can set that up to be an optional mission objective.

If you want to go all out and create a villain group for each evil ex, Matthew Patel's group should include Evil Goth Cheerleaders and Crash 'n the Boys. Then Lucas Lee's group can be all clones of himself, and so on.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Originally Posted by BafflingBeerMan View Post
Then Lucas Lee's group can be all clones of himself, and so on.
This was literally the first decision I made on the enemies days ago. A whole enemy group of stunt doubles and people that decided to joint he cosplay community when they realized that cosplaying Lucas Lee involves stick-on mullets and a denim jacket.


Good point on the sword. Give me a sec on that. Ooh! What if he was dual blades...?

(Easter Egg: The way Wallace describes Scott's death in my proposed dialogue is the same way the narrator tells Ness he died in Earthbound. Chaos Theater and all that. )



Dual Blades would be excellent!

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie