Scott Pilgrim vs The World....




I knew nothing about Scott Pilgrim (outside of a recent familiar in kingdom of loathing), so I didn't know what to really expect when I saw it last night. At first I was put off by it, but after a few minutes I got used to the way they did things in it, and everything started to work for me. Ultimately it was an enjoyable movie.

I was amused though that two people got up and left in the middle of the movie during the showing I was in. But I'm not particularly surprised, given that they were probably in their eighties.



This has been bugging me since I saw it yesterday. Besides the hair, was there a DBZ allusion in one of the fight scenes? I missed out on a good deal of the show, but from what I've picked up I keep thinking there was.



Originally Posted by Friggin_Taser View Post
Culkin's little brother stole the entire show.

I was so jealous of him.

Originally Posted by Bystander View Post
At first I was put off by it, but after a few minutes I got used to the way they did things in it, and everything started to work for me. Ultimately it was an enjoyable movie.
Totally my thoughts on it.
I found probably one of the funniest bits was with the bar that emptied as he used the bathroom. It was just so completely out there and superfluous that I loved it.

Usually, I have a problem with suspension of disbelief with movies set in the "real world" but this one started with the crazy early enough that I got used to it. And used it often enough that it was simply how things worked in this "world" and the times when they actively acknowledged the weirdness helped a lot for me. (Like asking the one girl why her mouth did that when she swore.)



Originally Posted by PownUnoobs View Post
This has been bugging me since I saw it yesterday. Besides the hair, was there a DBZ allusion in one of the fight scenes? I missed out on a good deal of the show, but from what I've picked up I keep thinking there was.
There were several around the fight with Brandon Routh's character.

Oh yea, it was a really fun movie. The whole theater had a blast at the showing I went to.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Saw it. Loved it.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Usually, I have a problem with suspension of disbelief with movies set in the "real world" but this one started with the crazy early enough that I got used to it. And used it often enough that it was simply how things worked in this "world" and the times when they actively acknowledged the weirdness helped a lot for me. (Like asking the one girl why her mouth did that when she swore.)
I always thought that how things just work in Canadaland. When you die there you explode into money, that's how they can afford the free health care.

The movie was full of EPIC! I agree with one critic that said the movie was basically a love story to video games. The fight scenes were way funny and cool, the music was! I totally geeked out when I saw Thomas Jane, Brandon Routhe, and Chris Evans. That guy with Thomas Jane was obviously supposed to be RDJ, too bad they couldn't get him to do the role. Anyone waiting in the wings, or are turned off by their perception of it or of Michael Cerra...seriously, get over yourself. Go see it NOW!



Originally Posted by Innovator View Post
Anyone waiting in the wings, or are turned off by their perception of it or of Michael Cerra...seriously, get over yourself. Go see it NOW!

Though I went and saw it again with my mom today. She loved it more then I did. Yes my mom is a geek.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



Loved it. Thought I had already said so here but I must have been mistaken. So I'll doubly reinforce that. Loved it.

It was one of those rare movies which I wanted to see again immediately after seeing it the first time.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



That's the thing... On they have a section about "opening this week" with SP, Expendables and Eat, Pray, Love listed. Next to that it has their critical and fan response.

Scott Pilgrim - 80%
Expendables - 50% (ish)
EPL - 30% (ish)

But then there was the grosses, and you may as well flip it.

Apparently fan and critical support aren't enough. I don't know what to blame it on - Probably Cera-hate? I thought the marketing campaign was really well done (but then again, I don't think I ever saw a preview on network TV, so maybe not).

I'll definitely be buying the blu-ray. I can already picture how awesome it will look and the extras will be. I've already heard that they had to cut Knives Chau's father entirely, so that will be cool to see in the deleted scenes.

I was hoping to see it again today, both because I wanted to and to help the weekend grosses even a little bit (though does Sunday even count?), but I don't have the time. Perhaps a mid-week showing.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



I don't think it can really be blamed on anything - it simply doesn't have enough appeal to a normal audience to make it a hit - like I'd never even heard about it until I saw this thread, and I live in the geekosphere

For a studio to throw 60 million at something this obscure was box office suicide.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Honestly? Expendables and Scott Pilgrim split the guy vote on tickets and the movie, as well as it was marketed, didn't reach out to the casual female audience like Julia Roberts does in EPL.

I'm surprised the Other Guys held out as well as it did to stay in the top 5 and beat Scott Pilgrim, but I'd imagine that's almost entirely on word of mouth from people who saw it last week and liked it. Inception still being in the top 5 doesn't surprise me as it's a movie with mass appeal that benefits from multiple viewings.

I think they definitely made a mistake releasing this film in the summertime. If it were released in winter, it could have been a sleeper #1 hit like Cloverfield was. As it stands now it's a big fish in a very very tiny pond where critical praise means absolutely nothing.

I think it's definitely going to make its budget back in theaters and then become profitable on blu-ray/DVD.

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Basically, both the Expendables and Eat, Pray, Love were going to kick Scott Pilgrim's butt because EPL draws in the females and has a big box office star in Julia Roberts and The Expendables have the "red blooded" male audience with a big action star in Sly.

SPvTW is a niche-type film, with no big stars, with limited appeal across generations. It is Cloverfield-like in that its characters are twentysomethings (or younger), it is an "odd" film and the story sorta takes a backseat to how the movie is made. Releasing it in the wintertime, when there is lesscompetition may have boasted its take, but again, it dpeends on what exact movies it would be going against.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Originally Posted by Friggin_Taser View Post
I think it's definitely going to make its budget back in theaters and then become profitable on blu-ray/DVD.
That might be hard - on average, the opening weekend of a movie represents between 33-25% of its final total, expecially in the summer when each weekend usually has a big-ish new release - and if a movie opens poorly, theaters don't tend to let it hang around to build up an audience - it gets yanked out in favor of the next blockbuster hopeful, and loses screens too fast to recover.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That might be hard - on average, the opening weekend of a movie represents between 33-25% of its final total, expecially in the summer when each weekend usually has a big-ish new release - and if a movie opens poorly, theaters don't tend to let it hang around to build up an audience - it gets yanked out in favor of the next blockbuster hopeful, and loses screens too fast to recover.
There is a slight possibility that through word of mouth it manages to hold onto or increase its BO despite new releases and sticks around, despite not opening at number one. There's Something About Mary did this, not getting the number one slot until maybe its 4th or 5th week of release.

I don't think that's going to happen with this movie, but one of the advantages of opening this late, near the end of the summer season when studios start dumping films is that you don't have 7 evil blockbusters waiting to take you on for the right to make some dough.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




The problem is that there are 3 more big-ish comedies opening next weekend - there's a danger it's going to get squeezed out even further.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
The film from British director Edgar Wright, with a budget of $60 million, was a huge hit at Comic-Con that hasn’t translated to the real world.
"hasn’t translated to the real world", sort of puts the geekdom community into perspective. Personally I thought SP would either take the weekend or come in a close 2nd. The 5th spot even with great reviews is surprising.
$10.5 is down from even the disappointing Friday night projection of $11M. Word-of-mouth, Twitter, and reviews haven't boosted its weekend performance. And to my annoyance, it hasn't opened at nearby cinemas, so if I want to see it next weekend, I'll have to plan a trip for it (depending on whether it stays on the same screens or not). At least there shouldn't be heavy competition from next week's opening movies, unless SPvtW can't stand up against Piranha 3D, The Switch, and Nanny McPhee Returns.



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
$10.5 is down from even the disappointing Friday night projection of $11M. Word-of-mouth, Twitter, and reviews haven't boosted its weekend performance. And to my annoyance, it hasn't opened at nearby cinemas, so if I want to see it next weekend, I'll have to plan a trip for it (depending on whether it stays on the same screens or not). At least there shouldn't be heavy competition from next week's opening movies, unless SPvtW can't stand up against Piranha 3D, The Switch, and Nanny McPhee Returns.
Don't discount "Vampires Suck" either - sure, it's going to be bad, but it'll probably do quite well for the first couple of days, before word of mouth can spread.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Don't discount "Vampires Suck" either - sure, it's going to be bad, but it'll probably do quite well for the first couple of days, before word of mouth can spread.
Vampires Suck is opening on Wednesday. This is a classic gambit to inflate the first week's opening numbers - this movie won't be screened for critics. The Jason Friedberg-Aaron Seltzer team of deeply mediocre "spoof" movies have been delivering diminishing returns for a while now, but since they always wind up in the black, they keep getting greenlit.

Right now, the task of the SPvtW marketing team is to convince the next weekend's potential audience that their movie is the best bet for entertainment. If they can't, Universal should fire the lot.



Vampires Suck won't open number one. It may open in the top 5. The [Blank] Movie movies keep on getting made not because of big BO, but because they are relatively cheap to make and recoup those expensives during their runs.

I expect the Expendables and Eat, Pray, Love to fight it out for number one again next weekend, with an outside shot for Piranhas 3D (which may suffer from the same problem SPvsTW: lots of good buzz within the geekosphere, very little talk outside of it) or Nanny McPhee (never underestimate kiddie flicks, especially this time of year when they are back from summer camps and right before school starts again)

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




(Piranha 3D's box office will receive a significant buff from the extra ticket revenue that theaters can charge for 3D movies.)



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
(Piranha 3D's box office will receive a significant buff from the extra ticket revenue that theaters can charge for 3D movies.)
Exactly. Which is why I give it a fighting chance to open huge. Well, relatively huge.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
unless SPvtW can't stand up against Nanny McPhee Returns.

Here's a sickening thought to SP supporters, Nanny McPhee is going to kick Scott's azz next weekend.

Me and my wife are still looking forward to it, unfortunately we ran out of time this Sat.



Concerning Vampires Suck:

There been a high quality workprint of that movie available on the internet for almost a month. The fact that people are already watching that movie in their own homes is gonna have to drag this movie's potential box office numbers down. Way down.