Scott Pilgrim vs The World....




Originally Posted by NiVra View Post
Saw it.

Loved it.

Confused/Curious on two points made in the movie that might be present in the comic books (my theatre crowd enjoyed it too much and laughter cut out some dialogue)...


a. Was the fact that Scott could never beat that White Ninja in the Ninja Ninja Revolution game a foreshadowing of his fight with Gideon? Or am i stretching it?

b. Someone said aloud walking out the theatre that something Scott did earlier actually created Nega-Scott, but i didnt pick it up and it was a surprise to me at the end. What did i miss?
Sadly, I still haven't gotten to the movie (tomorrow or Friday a crew is going; had to spend opening weekend out of town helping some friends get married). That said, from the comic perspective, not knowing if the movie covers this:


2. Nega-Scott was created by Scott living in denial of his past mistakes, the biggest of which were how he handled his high school romances.



Saw it Friday. It was superb. It's very heavily geared towards a specific mindset (aka mine) but it was hilarious fun with smart characters and really solid action and effects. It's a very different experience compared to the comic after about the third evil ex, with the attacks coming together really quickly in order to cram them all in. Truth be told though, while #5+6 are glossed over pretty severely in the movie, they contributed little to the comic either so its not a great loss (it would have been nice to include their one real addition though, and the game joke that went along with their defeat).

I did really like how Mary Elizabeth Winstead portrayed Ramona though. She's a very different character than her comic counterpart, but mostly for the better. In the comics I liken her to Haru from FLCL; older and worldly, but with more of a Japanese magic girl slant. Winstead as the jaded american hipster fit the setup a lot better overall. The only real disappointment is that you never really feel like Ramona falls for Scott and truth be told, the last couple scenes feel oddly disjointed because of this. Gideon being in her head was sort of cheated in and while not terribly problematic, it would have been much better for the meaning of the idea for Ramona to accept Scott like she does in the comics. Also, Nega-Scott is woefully misplaced and misused, particularly since his purpose in the comic is a big part of the movie and he would have been fantastic used just a little bit earlier.

All that's pretty minor in the grand scope of things though. Terrific film, wonderful cast, brilliantly realized world and a strong, heartfelt story. All three pillars of the franchise are a great experience in their own way and luckily, they're all different enough to enjoy in their own way.



The AV Club invented the term Manic Pixie Dream Girl which describes the female part in a romantic movie that is carefree and drags the straightlaced, no fun male character out of his rut and teaches him to enjoy life. Basically, this female character is supposed to serve as a lesson giver for the male protagnist and doesn't exist in the real world. A walking, crazy plot device, in other words.

I feel like Ramona in the movie sorta subverts that trope. While she is the literal girl of Scott's dreams and does serve a pseudo-plot device to get to the fighting, she isn't changing Scott's lifestyle. She isn't carefree, comes with her own problems, and isn't bubbly. She's realistic. In fact, it can be argued that Scott is her "Manic Pixie Dream Guy" in that he helps her break free of her own dating trappings and, as Ramona herself says, is someone so unlike who she has ever dated before.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Saw it again. Still flawed. Still forgiveably so. An incredible movie.



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
Saw it again. Still flawed. Still forgiveably so. An incredible movie.
When I rewatched it, I found myself like Bart and Milhouse when watching Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie:

"When are they going to get to the fireworks factory?"

Except, sub-in Chaos Theatre for Fireworks Factory and Scott and Gideon for Itchy and Scratchy.

Also, I want Todd's Number 3 t-shirt and Gideon's 3 G/Inverted Triforce t-shirt.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Originally Posted by BafflingBeerMan View Post
When I rewatched it, I found myself like Bart and Milhouse when watching Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie:

"When are they going to get to the fireworks factory?"

Except, sub-in Chaos Theatre for Fireworks Factory and Scott and Gideon for Itchy and Scratchy.

Also, I want Todd's Number 3 t-shirt and Gideon's 3 G/Inverted Triforce t-shirt.
Same here. I forgot how much character establishment is done before the Demon Hipster Chicks...



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
Same here. I forgot how much character establishment is done before the Demon Hipster Chicks...
Tell them, Matty!

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




I saw it sunday. Both my girlfriend and I were horribly bored by the first half(seriously feel free go to bathroom any time during the won't miss anything.) as it lacked any action beats or particularly funny jokes. The pacing was just disjointed. It tried win me back in the second half, but then the pace just tried cram all the evil exs into it before the movie ended. The battles really need started at the 20 min mark since it was supposed be the hook of the movie based off the trailers....not the end of the first hour.

There might have been some people this movie scored major points with. It wasn't me or my girlfriend. It's really a niche film. I got all the old school gaming references, she didn't. We both ultimately felt it was a rental. I didn't hate it (despite seriously considering walking out during the first half. Cera crosses the Spider man 3 bar dancing scene awkwardness levels at a couple points. I was not amused as I felt embaressed for him.) I'd skip it in the theathers or catch it at a cheap show. C-.

And for love of pete if you re going have a fake band in a movie...don't have them suck as a constant gag or show them constantly play.

- Justice
Lastjustice- lvl 50 defender
Leader of Eternal Vigilance.
- Freedom
Lastjudgment - lvl 50 corruptor
Member of V.A.M.P.




Well I liked the music. True the Scott Pilgrim character isn't a very talented bass player. Sex Bob-omb reminds me of a lot of college bands in the mold of alternative pop groups like The Ramones, The Pixies, Shonen Knife, etc.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



In any case, I personally enjoyed scott pilgrim immensely. I found the quirky humor very welcome and I thought the casting was perfect.

Yes I know Cera is the epitome of everything that's wrong in the world....

and yes, I know I suck for not hating him....

and yes, Im sure it's wonderful to be you....

but honestly I felt he and the rest of the cast did a perfect job and I can't see anyone else fitting that role now. The begining was wonderful and filled with humor and many other 'gamer' type jokes that *I* found funny and then it all gets amped up to 11 with the over the top fighting in the second half. Now I haven't read the comic so perhaps I'm just an ignorant commoner and am missing some large glaring flaw but ya know what? I don't care, this was by far my pick for greatest movie of the year.



Wasn't even really the fanboyism...just that response of "see it anyway for x,y,z even if you can't stand the lead actor" came off way over the top to me, someone who doesn't have strong feelings one way or the other towards the guy.

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Well I liked the music. True the Scott Pilgrim character isn't a very talented bass player. Sex Bob-omb reminds me of a lot of college bands in the mold of alternative pop groups like The Ramones, The Pixies, Shonen Knife, etc.
I'm actually curious how Sex Bob-omb compares to their comic counterpart. The guitar chart is in the comic when they play, but I don't read guitar cords well enough to be able to tell you what it actually sounds like.



Rare opportunity to go out and see a movie this past weekend and we chose this. I liked it, more than I thought. Very different. Beginning was kind of slow, but I really didn't expect it to be an action flick anyway.

I have no comparisons between it and the actual comic. But as a movie, thumbs up from me.

I've already forgotten about most of you



So, it's ok to like something as long as you don't like too much to the point were it personally offends you? That's thought provoking, truly.

You're new around these parts...clearly. I love smacking down fanboys/girls. (start a batman thread and watch the magic.) I've kept from nerdraging outof control since this movie actually has plenty of redeeming values..just the parts I didn't like I really didn't like. This definitely a film I could make a fan edit of and like 10 times better.

Originally Posted by Furio View Post
Wasn't even really the fanboyism...just that response of "see it anyway for x,y,z even if you can't stand the lead actor" came off way over the top to me, someone who doesn't have strong feelings one way or the other towards the guy.

Yeah well that is being a fanboy. I dont mind Cera , as I found him fine in super bad.(I could relate to his character as I was that big of a noob in high school with girls.) I just found him meh in scott Pilgrim. Nothing to hate but nothing to really get excited over. I can see his constant hipster roles grinding people's gears. (Put a can of PBR in his hands and a dozen frat boys would descend on him like ninjas to haze him as he'd be the epitome of what they pick on.)

- Justice
Lastjustice- lvl 50 defender
Leader of Eternal Vigilance.
- Freedom
Lastjudgment - lvl 50 corruptor
Member of V.A.M.P.




Originally Posted by Lastjustice View Post
I saw it sunday. Both my girlfriend and I were horribly bored by the first half(seriously feel free go to bathroom any time during the won't miss anything.) as it lacked any action beats or particularly funny jokes. The pacing was just disjointed. It tried win me back in the second half, but then the pace just tried cram all the evil exs into it before the movie ended. The battles really need started at the 20 min mark since it was supposed be the hook of the movie based off the trailers....not the end of the first hour.
I saw it a second time on Saturday, and I felt that the first half did focus a little too much on establishing everything. I was never bored, because as a fan of the books I liked to see that stuff (though after my initial viewing mentioned earlier in this thread, I did comment that some of the scenes felt long). I was seeing it with a friend unfamiliar with the subject matter and I was thinking at that point, "oh, I doubt he's enjoying this." However, it turns out that he loved the movie and wants to see it again. He didn't want to read the book after seeing it though, which seems odd to me, just because if there is a book or movie or any other sort of adaptation of material I enjoyed, I'm interested in it. But this friend also played through the game with me, so perhaps between the game and the movie he feels he got enough of the story.

I think he got the skeleton of the story between the two, but there are some subplots missing, such as Scott's job, Stills' "preferences," Knives' father, etc.

There might have been some people this movie scored major points with. It wasn't me or my girlfriend. It's really a niche film. I got all the old school gaming references, she didn't. We both ultimately felt it was a rental. I didn't hate it (despite seriously considering walking out during the first half. Cera crosses the Spider man 3 bar dancing scene awkwardness levels at a couple points. I was not amused as I felt embaressed for him.) I'd skip it in the theathers or catch it at a cheap show. C-.
Do you recall what parts specifically bothered you (regarding the embarrassment thing)? I never caught that.

And for love of pete if you re going have a fake band in a movie...don't have them suck as a constant gag or show them constantly play.
I didn't think they were all that bad. Particularly later in the movie, the performances are actually Beck and Cornelius rather than the actors playing (as it is in earlier parts). The fight with the twins I know off the top of my head was Beck.

Well Furio wasn't trying tell people not to talk about said topic of the thread. He was trying to tell you to STOP BEING SUCH A FANBOY! As part of the anti-fanboy/girl coalition myself I will send you a cease and desist order. Once I get done sending Captain Foamy one for all his batman and nolan anyways. It might be awhile. It's cool love something, but there's a clear line in the sand between being a fan and being a fanboy.
This again?

Originally Posted by ViralShard View Post
So, it's ok to like something as long as you don't like too much to the point were it personally offends you? That's thought provoking, truly.

In any case, I personally enjoyed scott pilgrim immensely. I found the quirky humor very welcome and I thought the casting was perfect.

Yes I know Cera is the epitome of everything that's wrong in the world....

and yes, I know I suck for not hating him....

and yes, Im sure it's wonderful to be you....

but honestly I felt he and the rest of the cast did a perfect job and I can't see anyone else fitting that role now. The begining was wonderful and filled with humor and many other 'gamer' type jokes that *I* found funny and then it all gets amped up to 11 with the over the top fighting in the second half. Now I haven't read the comic so perhaps I'm just an ignorant commoner and am missing some large glaring flaw but ya know what? I don't care, this was by far my pick for greatest movie of the year.
I don't know about my favorite film of the year, but I will definitely be getting the blu-ray, for what I'm sure will be an epic dose of special features.

Michael Cera was a great Scott for his self-deprecating moments, but I don't think he was the best ADD-addled Scott. However, I don't think there is a young actor out there who would have been better, and you couldn't cast an unknown to be the headliner of the movie due to the property being licensed.

Originally Posted by Furio View Post
Wasn't even really the fanboyism...just that response of "see it anyway for x,y,z even if you can't stand the lead actor" came off way over the top to me, someone who doesn't have strong feelings one way or the other towards the guy.
Hadn't we moved on? It had been quite a few days since this topic was last bumped.

To clarify, my opinion was that if you dislike one actor due to some past similar roles he may have been in, you should still allow yourself to be open-minded enough to see that actor tackle a much different role. I mean, I don't remember George-Michael Bluth (Arrested Development) or Paulie Bleaker (Juno) ever pulling off a 65-hit combo.

And if you're not open-minded, then hey, here are some things you may also like.

I wasn't saying "SEE IT AT ALL COSTS!!!" but merely that if you're interested in seeing it, (an inference made because you're in the thread to begin with - Perhaps an incorrect assumption due to some of the trollish behavior evidenced) here are examples of things you may enjoy. I reinforced this by flat-out saying I didn't care if you saw it, I was just suggesting examples that those on the fence may find interesting.

Originally Posted by LunarKnight View Post
I'm actually curious how Sex Bob-omb compares to their comic counterpart. The guitar chart is in the comic when they play, but I don't read guitar cords well enough to be able to tell you what it actually sounds like.
I think they're supposed to be much worse in the comics than they are in the movie. The record-label deal is never mentioned in the comics because I think they're just plain terrible in the books, whereas in the movie they're presented as at least serviceable.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Originally Posted by Lastjustice View Post
You're new around these parts...clearly. I love smacking down fanboys/girls.
Aww what gave it away? Must have been the accent. And wow ya love smacking down fanboys huh? Well I love my rampant fanboyism! Let's be friends.

But really all seriousness aside...

Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
I don't know about my favorite film of the year, but I will definitely be getting the blu-ray, for what I'm sure will be an epic dose of special features.
Well to be fair I've only seen four movies this year and this one makes the top. I'm not the most demanding movie goer in the world just a rather simple fellow and this was a fun, humorous, and overall awesome experience so that's good enough for me.



I can't recall each movie that I have seen this year (Was Shutter Island this year? If so, that as well), but Inception is definitely the better movie.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Originally Posted by Lastjustice View Post
I can see his constant hipster roles grinding people's gears. (Put a can of PBR in his hands and a dozen frat boys would descend on him like ninjas to haze him as he'd be the epitome of what they pick on.)
Cera doesn't play the hipster. Maybe in Scott Pilgrim. He usually plays the awkward teen. That's why most people don't like him or his roles, the awkward humor that comes from his similar roles grates on people. I find that reaction to awkward humor is usually one of two ways: either you love/can stand the cringeworthiness or you hate being forced to cringe and you find that sorta humor terrible and painful to watch. And when comedy "hurts," it tends to sear a negative feeling into the opinion more so than just bad, lame humor.

Jason Schwartzman (Gideon) often plays a hipster, if you want to compare.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




In order:

  • The video game 8-Bit soundtrack
  • Songs of the Scott Pilgrim movie
  • Score of the Scott Pilgrim movie

I guess I'm glad it got some victory somewhere. It's just weird that its music is doing so significantly better than the movie.



To be fair, that's the ranking for soundtracks, which aren't terribly high sellers and don't face a lot of competition.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
I guess I'm glad it got some victory somewhere. It's just weird that its music is doing so significantly better than the movie.
Edgar Wright makes consistently excellent choices for his soundtracks (even if on the CDs dialogue from the movies tends to overlap the tracks). And O'Malley has his own lo-fi solo project, Kupek, to bolster his indie rock cred. Their collaboration on the SPvtW soundtrack makes for good fun.



heh, there must be a large subsection of Scott Pilgrim fans who also pay for their music.

I bought the extended sountrack off of iTunes 8/10 when it released. I haven't decided if I'm getting the game soundtrack or not... Probably not. I already have the tracks branded into my brain from having played it so much... Especially the tracks that play over the final, Gideon-centric levels. Eff those.

The score is really good. I prefer it to the soundtrack.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Originally Posted by BafflingBeerMan View Post
To be fair, that's the ranking for soundtracks, which aren't terribly high sellers and don't face a lot of competition.
True, but on the other hand:

Hell, I bought the soundtrack, and I haven't even played the game yet. (Stupid timed exclusivity...) I'm a big fan of Anamanaguchi's work.

[Edit:] Not quite the same thing on the iTunes front, but there is still this:



I posted this on another boards, but my two favorite romantic comedies are Scott Pilgrim and Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind. Both are unconventional, in terms of the relationship itself and how the movie is executed. Both's ending leave the status of the relationship somewhat up in the air.

So, who do you think last longer together after the movie is done:

Joel and Clementine from ESotSM


Scott and Ramona for SPvsTW

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




I still dislike calling either movie Rom-Coms...

But I never thought Joel and Clementine would have lasted. It's still a great movie though.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.