Scott Pilgrim vs The World....




In the Vegan level you may want to include Roxy as a Lt., then when you get to her mission, she is ramped up to be a boss.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
This was literally the first decision I made on the enemies days ago. A whole enemy group of stunt doubles and people that decided to joint he cosplay community when they realized that cosplaying Lucas Lee involves stick-on mullets and a denim jacket.


Good point on the sword. Give me a sec on that. Ooh! What if he was dual blades...?

(Easter Egg: The way Wallace describes Scott's death in my proposed dialogue is the same way the narrator tells Ness he died in Earthbound. Chaos Theater and all that. )
Maybe the Sword of Love as Katana. The sword of self-respect as Broadsword. Then he goes all dual-wield crazy with both.

AWESOME on the EarthBound tie-in.

I'm @ChrisMoses in-game. Make sure I know as soon as it's ready!

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Every time I read one of your or Beerman's suggestions, my first thought is "Don't panic, they doubled the AE kb size."



I attempted to make an AE mission about two years ago before my account lapsed. I never got through it...

So... I don't know what limitations there are. But still; make it happen, Marcian!

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Originally Posted by Lastjustice View Post
Somehow that still doesn't mean people should be rounded up in internment camps for liking as he suggested. Like Chris said...he wanted to see Piranha 3-D. Somehow I doubt that was a better movie than Revenge of the Fallen.

Distressed Watcher can not seem go too many vids without insulting the human race. Being such a joyless individual who seems hate everything makes it really hard put much stock in his stance. It's one thing to nerdrage it up, It's really hard to get fans when you're taking such sweeping over generalizes on the public all the time. There's movie I didn't like the public did.(which i nerdrage over plenty.) I'm not going suggest the world needs reeducation because of it. He crosses that line all too often.
You're taking him too seriously. Plenty of the internet critics exagerrate things, including the Nostalgia Critic who pretends to hate something just to justify ripping into it.



Originally Posted by OzzieArcane View Post
You're taking him too seriously. Plenty of the internet critics exagerrate things, including the Nostalgia Critic who pretends to hate something just to justify ripping into it.
No this the second time he's done it. He didn't have any haha I'm just kidding or trying back peddle when he did it the first time. (the second time he tried down play being a total tool about it.) Just watch This. Between him and Movie bob basically both insulting everyone who happened like the expendables and transformers like really you guys want to drive off potential fans that badly?

I dont mind people disliking something...especially if they manage to make an intelligent point to why (such as Natedog on youtube does when he bashes transformers..I actually learned something from his rant I wouldn't have otherwise known.) These guys just spewed nothing but vemon toward what they re talking about. If you regoing basically sound like a rabid 5 year old make it a whole min or less. No one needs sit thru more than that waiting see if you actually have a greater point.

It's not like Distressed watcher cant make an amusing vid as I liked his disassemblimg of signs. He wasn't insulting anyone for liking it, simply stated what quirks made really no sense.(Linkara rips stuff a new one all time without insulting any fans of stuff.) Unfornately other stuff he's done proved to be a waste of time. I try avoid watching him since I dont feel he deserves any of my views till he matures as an internet reviewer.

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Great movie.

The audience loved it, annoyingly at times due to laughing and drowning out the lines of the characters.

I will be getting the soundtrack, and this will definately be a purchase on DVD.

Some of the visuals were great, such as the ice melting as Ramona roller bladed, and the number of what ever ex being everywhere.

I loved the story, and didn't yopu say that the ending in the comics is different Chris?

Knives got the short end of the stick though, and I confess, while Wallace was funny, he did not steal the show for me.

As for Cera, he did good, but the man is just to weak in appearance. He was a very weak chin and it shows in his personality in every trailer I have seen him in, and well as his performance in the movie. I won't avoid his films unless they are simply not my cuppa, but I won't go out of my way to see a movie just because he is in it.

Oh yeah Shojo Mallet FTW!!!



Only in the minor details. The main conclusion is the same.

However, in an earlier script of the movie, Scott ends up with Knives.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
However, in an earlier script of the movie, Scott ends up with Knives.
I strongly prefer this.



I don't know, I think Young Neil...excuse me, Neil and Knives would be perfect for each other as well.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Originally Posted by BafflingBeerMan View Post
I don't know, I think Young Neil...excuse me, Neil and Knives would be perfect for each other as well.
Heyuh, he's Neil.

And I'd settle for a shot of Knives taking Neil's hand, then.



Yeah, that would have been nice...we see Scott running towards Ramona and in the background, Neil approaches Knives and they walk off, hand in hand. Nothing more than that, no dialogue, just something in the background.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Originally Posted by BafflingBeerMan View Post
I don't know, I think Young Neil...excuse me, Neil and Knives would be perfect for each other as well.
I agree BBM. Those two would be a good couple.



Neil has an innocence around him that would mesh well with Knives's innocence.

Neil is Scott without the baggage and that makes him both a better match and a better bass player!

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Originally Posted by BafflingBeerMan View Post
Yeah, that would have been nice...we see Scott running towards Ramona and in the background, Neil approaches Knives and they walk off, hand in hand. Nothing more than that, no dialogue, just something in the background.
But I like the game metaphor at the end.

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Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
But I like the game metaphor at the end.
Do you mean the door then the "Continue?"

Before that we already got a shot of Scott running towards Ramona that appeared "straight" (i.e. no overt gaming reference). In that scene, it is easy to imagine Neil could have walked up and gone off with Knives with no real change to the meaning of the scene or the ending.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
I strongly prefer this.
If you see the movie again, look for it. I think it's built for that ending. I wonder if they had any last-minute re-shoots to get the change.

I would have preferred the Knives ending, or even a Kim Pine one if the movie had managed to build up her character any more than they did. Like Gideon says, she (Kim) was the one who was "there for him all along."

The Ramonas of the world will always be fleeting. But I guess that's the point. Scott Pilgrim is kind of the same way and they're supposed to be growing out of the capriciousness of youth together.

The book really nailed it. I wish I could find the scene online because I know I'm not going to be able to do this justice, but I'll try.

Ramona disappears at the end of Book 5 and it's a really dramatic, sudden thing. In the movie this is when she returns to Gideon, and it's alluded to be the same in the book. However, one of the final scenes is Ramona says, "Do you really want to know where I've been?"

Everyone says yes. (Pardon my paraphrasing).

"I went and stayed with my uncle for a few days. I planned on just, you know, finding myself, but I ended up playing Nintendo and sleeping too much and kind of lost track of time."

Supporting characters' faces fall and they groan, and Kim mutters, "You two really do deserve each other."

The movie was missing that scene. A scene that made it quite clear that they actually related to one another outside of Scott's infatuation.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Originally Posted by Lastjustice View Post
No this the second time he's done it. He didn't have any haha I'm just kidding or trying back peddle when he did it the first time.
And Spoony has said he thinks fans of certain things should be dragged into the street and shot. Yet Spoony is one of the most popular guys out there, most people think he's better then Nostalgia Critic or AVGN.



Originally Posted by OzzieArcane View Post
And Spoony has said he thinks fans of certain things should be dragged into the street and shot. Yet Spoony is one of the most popular guys out there, most people think he's better then Nostalgia Critic or AVGN.
Spoony is a completely different animal than this guy. (whether hes better than any other internet personality is debateable but he has far more charmisa than DW does.)There's a line in the sand he doesn't make it a point to cross so regularly you get the impression he's just here to abuse his audience or geniunely thinks he's better than everyone.(which he makes it a point to state he apreciate people who are watching.)

The majority of distressed watchers stuff is just so negative, he isn't actting or over actting. He just comes across as that bitter of a person at times. There's never any jokes about his overreactions, its just F this or F you...thats just someone being a spazz on camera.(plus the fact his delievery is too poor to look like someone actting.) He has no charmisa or doesn't claim the distressed watcher is just an act like AVGN does as we see James roth just talk and again he doesnt say all people who like something are the scum of the earth even when he is in character.(and what he does insult is in such a over the top silly way no one would take offense to it particularly.)

Ultimately he just rubs me the wrong way. It's not like he's just saying overly offensive stuff purely for shock value like say Yahtzee does. It's just looks like standard process for distressed watcher. (if I wanted view something that talks down to my audience I'd read something by Mark Millar.) He's just not a likeable person to watch so I dont. It's just that simple.

- Justice
Lastjustice- lvl 50 defender
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Lastjudgment - lvl 50 corruptor
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Originally Posted by Lastjustice View Post
Ultimately he just rubs me the wrong way. It's not like he's just saying overly offensive stuff purely for shock value like say Yahtzee does. It's just looks like standard process for distressed watcher. (if I wanted view something that talks down to my audience I'd read something by Mark Millar.) He's just not a likeable person to watch so I dont. It's just that simple.
I can understand why you don't like to watch him. But I still feel he doesn't really talk down to his audience, you're just not part of his target audience. Whenever he talks crap about movie audiences, it never effects him negatively because his target audience are the people who agree with him. He's not trying to change anyone's mind, he's preeching to the choir which can often be apparent by the comments that are left on his videos.



So I watched the Epic of Epic Epicness last Monday...



Brie Larson's (Envy/Natalie) shoes during the concert were SOOOOO hot!!! She even has a screenshot from the movie of those shoes as her MySpace profile pic right now. Squeeee!

The pic!
Favorite random moment:

Scott Pilgrim: "Your haircut sucks!" *Poof!* Dude turns into coins...pure awesome!

Bunny Power for the win!!!



Originally Posted by OzzieArcane View Post
I can understand why you don't like to watch him. But I still feel he doesn't really talk down to his audience, you're just not part of his target audience. Whenever he talks crap about movie audiences, it never effects him negatively because his target audience are the people who agree with him. He's not trying to change anyone's mind, he's preeching to the choir which can often be apparent by the comments that are left on his videos.
I'd agree I'm not part of his audience. Basically everyone in his comments is like preach on distressed preach on! They all want to be a bastion of hate together that's their business. I didn't feel being dragged down into the muck with him and his cronies trying argue with them as I started type out a response(and if you know me I love to type out long responses.) but ultimately felt the best way show him what for was to ignore him altogether. People like that are just bad for the soul to deal with.

- Justice
Lastjustice- lvl 50 defender
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Lastjudgment - lvl 50 corruptor
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so hey, the dvd is out, i got it. really good movie. I loved it, can totally see people over the age of the references having no @#$%ing clue what is going on though, luckily i pretty much just fit in the bracket to get all of it. hopefully dvd will cult it.

Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
I strongly prefer this.
watch the deleted scenes.