Obligatory "Back in the Day" Rant in Honor of i18




Originally Posted by RobertoLyon View Post
But does no one remember (without throwing up a little in your mouth) seeing

Mentors who would go afk without warning you; sidekicks who suddenly spaz out to investigate a glowie making you try to locate them before they level drop; a personal favorite, watching all my MM pets die because someone wandered away.

Oh, yeah, and back when MM pets couldn't zone and you had to upgrade them one at a time. What did the whole process take, 1:30? 2:30?

I really feel my age when I see all these new-fangled MMs running around with their pets out in zones. In MY day, the only excuse to have your pet out in a zone was because you were expecting an ambush or were forced onto a hunt mission. And I still haven't come to terms with this Bodyguard business or MMs taking attacks from their primaries.

"I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You're wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides." Lord Vetinari, Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett.



Forgot a couple

I remember when enabling Whirlwind allowed you to bypass power animations...

And I also remember when doing the Atta mission meant devoting at least 1 hour to handle it...Oh wait..it still can..>_>

My 50's:
Fiya Man: Fiya/ Fiya/ Flame Blaster -Protector
Ethros: Dark/Dark/Dark Defender - Protector
Ja-Ja: Fire/Kin/Earth Controller- Protector
Shadow Flux: Fortunata
Daily Forecast: Fire/Storm/Mace Corruptor- Infinity

"XP is for sissies. Real men collect debt." -Adelie




Originally Posted by Cipher View Post
I wasn't around for the CoH end-of-beta, but I sure was for the CoV. Statesman's Strike was goofy fun, even though it was intensely laggy. Personal highlight was getting KO Blow one-shotted by ol' Red-White-and-Blue himself (all I said was "Very well, I shall tell you my evil plan... before I kill you," and the next thing I knew I was face down in the Mercy Island dirt).
I read this and suddenly renew my wish for at least ONE of the Marcus Cole incarnations to shout "HERE COMES THE COLE TRAIN!" As they wind up for KB Blow.

Click here to find all the All Things Art Threads!
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Hrm. Back in the day:

Instant Healing was a toggle...
Tanks would routinely lead enormous Skullion parades aorund Perez Park...

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Unyielding was unyielding stance, you couldn't move at all, ditto rooted.

Infernal had 100% or close fire resistance, Aim, Build up and the fire blast snipe did 3 damage.

There was no difficulty slider, so my first 50 ran every bit of content solo, and ran out at level 38.2 so had to street sweep to 40 to get more missions.

Playing hydra hockey in the frozen perez park was fun.

Farming kraken in the AST was one of the PL tools of choice. Farming the spawns from CoT portals was another.

Everybody 6 slotted hasten and stamina.

Where people had killed a sky raider ambush in a lowbie zone, the force field generators would last till the server reset, meaning your level 5 in KR might have to take on a load of hellions with buffed defences, not funny at that level.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Ah.. nostalgia, so many things I remember... and somethings I don't (cause I was not playing at the earliest).
Thanks for your moments.

Weird thing is that I do remember playing the game, teaming with an Ar/Dev blaster as a fire/frost blaster. He was kind, and it was awesome how he would simply go invisible and start peppering things...
He showed me where the magic shop was (There is a magic shop?)...
There are maps? (vidiotmaps horray)
All I could say was thank you.

How about Doing the Numina task force and having to wait for nighttime in faultline to hunt them Vazhiloks?
And a talking about Faultline. I remember hovering over lots of Vazhilok in big, big groups (I was a single blaster darnit) and Fire Rain (and lots of other fire stuff from above).

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



I played at release with an AR/Fire Blaster.

I remember hovering over Red/Purple (20's) con Family bosses in Steel Canyon at certain spots killing them without them fighting back. (No ranged attacks for them then) I think they were replaced with Tsoo or something later on.
I did the same thing in Brickstown before they nerfed the exp rewards from Prisoners.

I remember dinging 19 and still having 2-3 bubbles of debt from the previous level.

Street sweeping was all the rage once you got past Kings Row. And in some cases you did it in Kings Row along the southern road..

"Where can I find the Lost at?" was pretty common in KR's Broadcast back then.

Those terminals that were around the city actually were updated with stats on a regular basis. Not sure if they are even still used now.

I recall having to hike back to AP to train/sell when you were leveling in KR.

Someone mentioned about how they hated hitting 35 because it meant alot of grinding to 40. The above mentioned Blaster is stuck at 35 with zero storyarcs left. I think all of his contacts want me to setup in Crey's Folly and take down 25+ of whomever they feel like.

Oh yeah I remember when there used to be multiple sniper spawns right inside the entrance of Crey's Folly. You would get picked off as soon as you left the big doors.

The infamous sewer stairmaster next to KR's tram.

Does anyone remember when buildings didn't pop up suddenly in the city? I can recall the construction sites that were setup for both the Arenas and the Universities.



Melancton: Back in my day: [...] *we had to run... RUN! across Grendel's Gulch in the Hollows and then up the mountain past the banner that read "WELCOME ANNUAL +6 DEATH MAGE CONVENTION" to get to the blasted mission door! We didn't have fancy shmancy flightpacks, temp powers or anything but our FEET!
I remember those days well. I was running across Mercy and Port Oakes [seemingly] all but barefoot instead of across the Hollows, which I will grant you is a lot worse than Mercy... but still pretty bad. Especially for a new player.

I remember Hovering across that stupid bay to talk to Drea the Hook. This was before the Hover speed buff and I would get pretty high up, hit Autorun and then go make a sandwich or something. When I got back I might be most of the way to Drea. My people got smart pretty fast and started swimming across, but I remember a lot of Hovering. Sloooooooooooooow Hovering.

The only salvage we had was base salvage. IMagine some very poor lowbie villains, it was awful. We had nothing TO sell.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I remember those days well. I was running across Mercy and Port Oakes [seemingly] all but barefoot instead of across the Hollows, which I will grant you is a lot worse than Mercy... but still pretty bad. Especially for a new player.
Ergh...Mercy...there was that stupid mission to defeat some infected in a warehouse on the opposite side of the map. Not hard, but so boring. Made doubly annoying by the fact that I was generally too tough for the mobs outside there to kill me, so no n00b teleport after the mish. I was delighted when I ran a villain through Mercy recently to find that it'd been moved nearer Kalindra. Or was it Burke? Either way, it's closer to the contact.



Originally Posted by RobertoLyon View Post
QFT I remember weekly - sometimes DAILY - debates in Broadcast "No, Unyielding is harder than Tenacious, but not as hard as Invincible." "But I thought Rugged was easier than Heroic" "Yes Rugged is harder than Tenacious but Unyeilding is still not as hard as Invincible" "Yeah but...."

And don't forget you HAD TO PAY for the privilege of changing your Difficulty setting.
I remember when you were "Hard Boiled" instead of Heroic! I loved that term, and still use it to describe when I'm on my standard settings.



Originally Posted by RobertoLyon View Post
Lordy, I don't miss that.

I remember almost all of the stuff in this thread.

A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.



Originally Posted by Seismic Phoenix View Post
"Where can I find the Lost at?" was pretty common in KR's Broadcast back then.
I know not what others have seen, but I saw this as long ago as my first week of play and as recently as a week ago. The Lost are, uh, hard to find.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Originally Posted by Gammos View Post
And I also remember when doing the Atta mission meant devoting at least 1 hour to handle it...Oh wait..it still can..>_>
Lies. There was never a time when people ran the Atta mission.



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
I remember when the game was so new we didn't have "Back in the Day" threads.
+Rep for you!


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
I remember when the game was so new we didn't have "Back in the Day" threads.
I remember when the game was so new that "Back in the Day" threads were about other games...

Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
<snip>WALKED<snip>WALKED<snip>WALKED<snip>WALKED<s nip>WALKED<snip>
Except we RAN because no one could WALK.

That's right, we RAN everywhere, none of this takin yer time balderdash.



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Lies. There was never a time when people ran the Atta mission.

My 50's:
Fiya Man: Fiya/ Fiya/ Flame Blaster -Protector
Ethros: Dark/Dark/Dark Defender - Protector
Ja-Ja: Fire/Kin/Earth Controller- Protector
Shadow Flux: Fortunata
Daily Forecast: Fire/Storm/Mace Corruptor- Infinity

"XP is for sissies. Real men collect debt." -Adelie




Originally Posted by Gammos View Post
And I also remember when doing the Atta mission meant devoting at least 1 hour to handle it...Oh wait..it still can..>_>
Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Lies. There was never a time when people ran the Atta mission.
Well, Sonny, back in Oh-Five we did!

Problem was three-fold:

1) We had 8 players on the team

2) Difficulty was apparently maxed out, providing not only caverns filled to overflowing with Trolls but packed with Bosses galore, and

3) We were Newbs that barely knew how to play. I was playing my first Blaster and had no idea about tactics. It was a success for me just getting to the mission in the Hollows!

The result was that we got overrun with every group. My Electric blasts were not the most powerful against Trolls, and the concept of a Pull did not exist with us. It did not help that the Controllers either did not have or did not use their AoE Immobs, but the Fire Blaster invariably led off with Rain of Fire, leading to a charge every time. The Trolls were all over us constantly. The Empath about wore out their rezzer.

It took about 3 hours to get it done but we didn't know any better. And we were GRATEFUL to have done it!

I would not doubt that the Caves of Atta don't get run much nowadays... I have not run it in forever myself. It was certainly an Epic when I did it then, by cracky!

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
Well, Sonny, back in aught-Five we did!

If you're gonna do the cranky-oldster thing, do it right.

Now, come play on my lawn - no, ignore the little lumps, they're not Trip Mines, I promise!

p.s. @ Ashcraft:
I remember almost all of the stuff in this thread.
*looks at Ashcraft's Join Date*

You don't say!

I can haz sum Inf?




Remember when Rikti Portals used to give a bunch of xp and people would portal farm?

My 50's:
Fiya Man: Fiya/ Fiya/ Flame Blaster -Protector
Ethros: Dark/Dark/Dark Defender - Protector
Ja-Ja: Fire/Kin/Earth Controller- Protector
Shadow Flux: Fortunata
Daily Forecast: Fire/Storm/Mace Corruptor- Infinity

"XP is for sissies. Real men collect debt." -Adelie




I remember when UniqueDragon only had 1 post.



Back in my day.

I remember herding up entire maps in a corner, getting them to stack, and then not pressing Energy Transfer, because if you did, you died.

In damage abilities, you slotted damage or accuracy.... thats it.

There would be a crowd of lowbies in PI just a hoping, praying and begging for a farm spot... and they had to bring someone to sidekick them.

I hit 38, ran out of contacts. Had nothing todo.... because we actually had to use contacts for missions, and sending in a ticket. The GM told me that they designed it that way, because they wanted people to team at that level and work together before getting to the next contact.

Winning a costume contest meant going somewhere and spending an hour transferring that million you just won... and a million was a helluva lot.

Getting hit by the global defense nerf.... then getting hit by ED... then wondering what is was like to look forward to a patch.

Edit: I forgot perma-Elude. SR got elude and could then drop every other power in their secondary, because they just weren't needed.

@TinyTim. - Champion

TaraBite 50 Inv/EM Tank
GooberKiller 44 Kat/Regen Scrapper
TaraBiteReborn 38 Warshade
ArcticAvenger 32 Ice/Storm Troller
AggroMatic 8000 15 Fire/Fire Tank
Medic Tim 4 Emp/Dark Defender

"I've gone to find myself.
If I get back before I find me,
Please keep me here"



I remember... well umm... I remember the 6 months I actually got to play. And then life hit me in the face with the planet and all i got to do was say, "Ah man, wish I was still playin that game."

Well Back to basics for me.

Now I remember waiting and waiting and logging and logging to get onto the freedom server and then hoping never to drop because I didn't want to try to log in again...

Stupid me playing with crappy connection only during the busiest possible times on a desktop that had passed its prime a year before the original release...

I remember playing a controller and hoping that until 32 someone wouldn't mind carrying me around in there backpack and helping me level. Or at least that is how I felt with all the "Useless Controller, why would I want you to stop them," comments being thrown around by all the Fire Tanks.

I remember taking Hasten for the first time and thinking, "why does this take so freaking long to recharge, it is suppose to make things recharge faster..." What a newb I was...

P.s. I still have an aversion to Hasten... and my post count just hit 15 :-)



I remember back in the day when Fire/Kins in PI were tops because they could PL people.

I remember when level 50 players knew how to play the game. And had been a player more than a weekend.

I remember when Infinity Server was overrun with players on any given day.

...memories! .....



I'd forgotten about the lack of store map pips. That's what made vidiotmaps such a lifesaver, I recall now.

Haven't seen these mentioned:

* The zones were crowded. Yes, yes, there's still plenty of server population, fine. Not like it was, though. There were heroes EVERYWHERE on the streets, in every zone. Mind you, a lot of this was due to people street-sweeping as if it was Everquest or something (rather than doing "door missions"), but still.

* If you were a defender, you were Empathy - excuse me, I mean a healer - or you did not get teams. At all. "Debuff? Never heard of it, how much can you heal?" "Forcefields? Look, do they.. do they heal me, or something? No? Learn to play, noob! *kick*"

* Every scrapper was Martial Arts or Claws.

* There were four kinds of characters: blasters (mostly energy, @&*##$^ knockback), Fire/ tankers, scrappers, and healers.

I also want to say that the team-finding system was either nonexistant, or might as well have been nonexistant for how useless it was.

Also, weren't you unable to decide how to apply your supergroup colors? You couldn't run in SG mode and not be decked out with whatever stupid color scheme and emblem the leader had picked, yeah?



nunix brings back bad memories:

* If you were a defender, you were Empathy - excuse me, I mean a healer - or you did not get teams. At all. "Debuff? Never heard of it, how much can you heal?" "Forcefields? Look, do they.. do they heal me, or something? No? Learn to play, noob! *kick*"
And don't you DARE show up as an archer. Mine still has the "TA/Archery; no heals" tag in the team box because I got tired of showing up at missions only to get kicked when they saw me.

Dec out.