Obligatory "Back in the Day" Rant in Honor of i18




The Terra Volta trial was the only way to change your powers if you didn't want to delete and reroll, and it was VERY HARD
And the people doing the TV trial (including your character, probably) were the ones that NEEDED to do it due to bad builds! That made it twice as hard!

Ideally, the tank will die precisely as everyone else starts fighting, allowing aggro to be spread evenly among the blaster. -seebs, "How to Suck at CoH/CoV" Guide



Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
I can't find anything about this on ParagonWiki, but wasn't the debt cap also drastically lowered at some point? I remember having at least 5 bubbles of debt in the 40s before.
The debt cap was cut in half at the same time we got the "no debt" level raised to 10 (and I want to say the same time debt got halved in missions.) Old cap at 50 = 1.1 (or 1.4?) million. Went from zero to that in one Hami raid.

And the old debt *sucked* when, playing well, you'd pretty much fizzle out of content at 38. Hated seeing 35, since I knew it'd be a horrible drag for five levels to get to 40.

Originally Posted by Neuronia
We used to "defeat" Sally 11 times or something crazy,
... and the timer was broken. Something like 10 hours between spawns - and hordes of rabid badgers hovering around watching. I didn't bother with it at all, useful accolade be damned, 'til that was fixed.



Level 50s would pay lower level players just for a chance to get on the Rescue Fortune Teller mission in Perez park.

You had to remember where the Enhancement Stores were. . . They were not on the map.

You learned the route from the Atlas Park Hospital to the Hollows by level 6.



Accuracy and Endurance problems plagued everyone at lower levels. Oh wait...



Ah, memories. Ok, here's a blast from the past: say you were Illusion/Radiation back at the beginning of time. Three different mechanical changes (toggle ranges, aggro limits, fear mechanics) made this combo slightly different than it is now. This could only have happened to you back then:

1. Lock a rad toggle onto a target in a large spawn.
2. While fighting, deploy Spectral Terror.
3. Watch the ST's fear blast cause a bunch of targets to flee for their lives in all directions.
4. Fail to notice one of them was a toggle anchor.
5. Notice about sixty seconds later when that runner comes back with half the map trailing behind him to on stomp you.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



If you were Dark Armor or Ice Armor, you could only have one toggle shield on at a time. You were either protected against S/L damage or not, there was no stacking.

If you were on melee and an enemy started to run, you would be lucky to get a hit in on him. Even if you were right behind him, melee powers didn't fire off if they were on the move. The best you could hope for was running in front of him and praying it worked.

Fold Space.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



-You unlocked Epic Archtypes once you got a character to level 50.
-Players were excited about what AE might have to offer.
-You had to run to the far end of Mercy to "Eliminate the Infected."
-Dual Pistols? Demon Summoning?! Shields?!? Someone's been posting while drunk again.
-Hazard zones had level restrictions to get in.
-Sidekicking. You're too far away from your sidekick. You're too far away from your sidekick...
-There was no Cimerora.
-You'll look like Popeye when you deliver a Knock-Out Blow and you'll like it!
-There was no Oroborous.
-There were no IOs.
-We don't need no salvage here.
-There were no day jobs.
-No Patrol XP either.
-Oh c'mon, we'll never get to alter the colors of the powers.
-Powerset Prolifer-whatnow?
-There were no Markets.
-There were no customizable weapons.
-Burke wasn't hanging out in Mercy Island.
-There was no soft-capping.
-There were no Boosters.
-Blasters used to deal more damage the closer they were to dying.
-There were no Vet powers.
-There were no VEATS.
-Villains only went up to level 40.
-Rogue Isles? What Rogues Isles?
-What are these Arenas you speak of?
-There were no "temporary" powers tied in to origins.
-PVP? Here?
-You could six slot a power with, say, accuracy and not have to think about diminishing returns.

Originally Posted by Gehnen View Post
...stores didn't have map markers. You had to remember where to go.

Of all the QoL improvements, this ranks second only to Super Side-kicking in my book
Oh man, I had forgotten how much that used to drive me crazy.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



There used to be separate types of enhancements for Endurance Drain and Endurance Recovery . . . before they were combined as Endurance Modification.

The only way to get knockback protection for most characters was to take Super Jump and then Acrobatics. Fire Tanks and Dark Shield Scrappers were virtually REQUIRED to use the Jumping Pool for travel.

Spectral Terror used to make most of the foes run away in terror -- it was considered to be a really bad power. And each casting of Phantom Army would bring 2-5 Phantoms. Six-Slotting Hasten to make it permanent was common.

Joe Chott created everyone's favorite character builder.

Level 50 characters had nothing to do with the 2-3 Million Influence they had since they had a full set of SO's, so they would give it away to low level characters in maximum amounts of 9,999.

Hami-O's were worth about 1.5 times a standard SO.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



The one thing that I recall that nobody else ever seems to bring up in these things is, "Hero X has defeated <mob name here>, but Hero Y did the most damage." You usually only saw this on teams, and they took out the second part with Issue 1, I believe. When I play a damage dealer with friends, I sometimes wish that it was still there, simply for bragging rights.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
Tips? Here's a tip for ya sonny!

Play the gorram game for once in your life and stop bellyaching because your catgirl can't get pompoms for her cheerleading outfit. Be grateful you even have tails available at all. I remember back in the day we talked in broadcast because global channels didn't exist. Now you have TEN global channels. That's like having TEN TELEPHONES. Back in my day we had our global friend list and it had 20 spots on it. AND IT MADE US BETTER PLAYERS.

You kids don't know how good you have it here.
I've been tempted to post something like this for real, what with all the insensate hatred for Going Rogue/i18 getting spewed all over these boards. I just don't understand why people are so ready to run something down just because it isn't exactly what they want.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



I remember when the game was so new we didn't have "Back in the Day" threads.

Fire Tanks were still overpowered and pulling dozens of mobs in Perez Park (sometimes into dumpsters to maximize their PBAoEs), and Dr. Vahzilok was a major threat because he didn't scale down to an EB.

We had teams to take out Praetorians because here was no Flashbacks system, and if you missed the first arc, you might be out of luck unless you found a kind soul to let you tag along (and no Exemping existed either). Especially since badges weren't retroactive when introduced. "How am I supposed to get the Infected badge?" You didn't that's how! (Of course, Posi threw a bone with Recluse's Victory, and then a major boon with Ouroboros, but those were years off).

I could go on and on.



Back in my day, you didn't get a warning when those Hellion scoundrels were lighting up a building in Steel Canyon or the Clockwork were building one 'o them Paladins. You either got lucky and just caught them in the act or no badges for you!

You take that Archery set for granted, but I remember when my bow was so shiny I nearly blinded myself with it!

You guys are lucky you get that fancy Jetpack. I remember when you had to Hover over that gulch in the Hollows. You had to pray that your team had Recall Friend or else!

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



*Streetsweeping in a team in Perez Park was a great way to make xp. (I miss this)
*When the invention system went live, streetsweeping Hellions in Perez Park was a great way to farm magic salvage for inf at earlier levels.
*Patrol Missions forced you to run around a big circle on outdoor maps and click the yellow call boxes (yes, they had a purpose!). Often one would pop an ambush AND people would broadcast about killsteaing if someone "helped" out.




What sticks in my mind the most is the memory of the SG Base's Hollows Transporter letting you off at the bottom of Grendal's Gulch....or at least I think it was Grendal's Gulch...wherever the location was, it was sucide for a lowbie without a raptor Pack

And yes, I vividly recall running back and forth from the Hospital to The Hollows

Oh, and I remember the first day of the XP smoothing. I was flabberghasted at seeing my debt just melting away. It was like Double XP weekend every day .

And I remember when buying SOs was a major expense. We had no Wentworths, or Invention Salvage, or Recipes to sell, so all the influence we had, we got from playing the game and selling our enhancement drops to the correct store.

Grin. First day WW went live, and I sold my newfangled salvage and IO recipes for the first time, I felt super RICH

Lisa-Loving this thread and all the memories it stirs up

Edit-And I just remembered how happy I was when Blasters were given the ability to use their first three powers while mezzed

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by Peacemoon View Post
And we slotted it!! Wait.. was that just me?

Occasionally some still do!

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Most of the posts thus far have been nostalgic and that's a good thing.

My biggest gripe with the direction that Paragon has taken it is the way it's been dumbed down constantly. I would gladly admit it was probably too tough back in I6 when I joined but now it's too easy - and whilst I'm sure I'll have people disagree I'm sure I'll have plenty that do.

It's a balance question and we shouldn't be too hard on the Devs sometimes but they just need to pay attention to the ease of progress.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



I joined August 15, 2005...

And Back in my day...

-There was no Croatoa

-RWZ was the Rikti Crash Site

-Players used to be able to herd Gian Monsters into the middle of the Portal Corp lawn to wreak havoc on the innocent bystanders (Hehehehe) or to get a large group of heroes to band together and send the GM packin'.

-Having more than 2 50s was incredible

-There was no Hospital in the Hollows so if you dies you had to go to Sky or Atlas depending on what gate you used. Also, players such as myself became navigation experts to avoid have to RUN (yea, no temp jet packs back then) back to the Hollows.

-You worked your buns off to get your first million! One time someone I casually teamed with gave me 20million and I blacked out and ended up here!

-The Emailing system was largely useless and ignored. We didnt have the fancy schmancy ability to e-mail inf or other items...

-CuppaJo was still around...:/

-Energy Melee's pink pom-poms of d00m spelled instant trouble in PvP

-Blasters would drop off the highest building to get enough Defiance to blast everything to oblivion!

- "The Web of Arachnos" and "Freedom Phalanx" novels were still being discussed with promise of a third book titled "The Rikti Invasion(?)"

-People would to ask permission to grab the glowie in a mission that wasnt your own because they used to give XP.

- Arranging sidekicks to mentors so that everyone still got XP was an art.

- People actually READ THE CONTENT!!!

Thats all i can think of for now...

My 50's:
Fiya Man: Fiya/ Fiya/ Flame Blaster -Protector
Ethros: Dark/Dark/Dark Defender - Protector
Ja-Ja: Fire/Kin/Earth Controller- Protector
Shadow Flux: Fortunata
Daily Forecast: Fire/Storm/Mace Corruptor- Infinity

"XP is for sissies. Real men collect debt." -Adelie




Back when if you wanted an enhancement from the 'Power 10' you couldn't buy them at the normal shops, you had to find a specific contact that sold your origin and you could only then buy them at vastly overinflated prices.

Back when you'd get repeatedly defeated and teamwiped doing the Respec because those damn Sky Raiders had Force field Generators and you couldn't clear one wave before the other wave arrived! I failed it 9 times before I completed it!

Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief



Originally Posted by Wonderslug View Post
Oh, and Infernal's portal used to have Archvillain-level HP! And it kept summoning demons so long as it was aggroed, scads of the little buggers, not the paltry pittance you get today, if it even works! So if you were on a team, say, where the defender and the blaster thought it was a good idea to hang back at the far end of the hall and kill it exclusively with snipes, by the time it finally dropped, whoa Nelly.* There weren't no aggro cap back then, neither.
The Infernal mission was very, very tough as a result. Team wipes were common. If there were too many demons out, you had to reset the bloody thing, because you sure couldn't DROP it, Sonny! *waves cane*

One way that could work was getting the entire team invisible and up to the portal and then everyone but the Tank would pound on the portal with everything they had, and hopefully, not TOO many demons would get out before the portal went down while the Tank waltzed with Infernal.

My Ice/FF Controller granted everyone Invis and had everyone bubbled up and another teammate Team Teleported us to the portal. At which point my Jack Frost immediately smacked Infernal in the kisser with an iceball.

I hadn't thought of that.

Something immediately ensued, it was not hilarity.

Well, it was sort of funny if ultimately grim. Jack had the Heart of a Lion and the Brain of a Duck. Pet AI is much better nowadays, kids, MUCH better.

Well, except for Imps, who are about the same.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
Most of the posts thus far have been nostalgic and that's a good thing.

My biggest gripe with the direction that Paragon has taken it is the way it's been dumbed down constantly. I would gladly admit it was probably too tough back in I6 when I joined but now it's too easy - and whilst I'm sure I'll have people disagree I'm sure I'll have plenty that do.

It's a balance question and we shouldn't be too hard on the Devs sometimes but they just need to pay attention to the ease of progress.
I feel like the Dev's have done a good job in the Praetoria arcs. Soloing my Elec/Elec Dom on the beta server, I noticed that taking on more than 2 or 3 enemies at once was dangerous. The pace was considerably slowed down, but it was more enjoyable because the arcs are so well made.



I remember...
When enemies didn't scale for solo players. Bosses were bosses and AVs were AVs. I gave up on a number of low-level characters because they couldn't handle the first Skulls boss you encountered in Perez Park (this was pre-Hollows, obviously).

How excited I was when I got a character to the level where he could Hover. I took him right up to the top of Atlas' globe. There were no badges, then, but it was still the obvious first move.

Toggling Unyielding Stance on and off so I could move between spawns.

Six-slotted perma-hasten and Accelerate Metabolism would get you multiple instances of Phantom Army. /sigh

Which reminds me of one of my most dubious memories of soloing my Ill/Rad -- pre-containment, pre-almost-everything-else, in order to beat Frostfire and Atta, I had to Deceive a nearby minion into killing them. It took forever and I got no xp for it. In retrospect, teaming would have been much, much less pain.

The pre-launch strategy guide (which I still have) which promised a Faultline trial that never materialized. It also lists "Fold Space" still in Gravity Control, so that might be a blast from the past for some of the longest term among us -- it had already been replaced by Singularity when I started, but maybe someone else can offer a memory. It looks to have been a Recall Teammate-type power. Very little about the guide remains accurate, but it's still interesting to flip through when these threads arise.

I wasn't around for the CoH end-of-beta, but I sure was for the CoV. Statesman's Strike was goofy fun, even though it was intensely laggy. Personal highlight was getting KO Blow one-shotted by ol' Red-White-and-Blue himself (all I said was "Very well, I shall tell you my evil plan... before I kill you," and the next thing I knew I was face down in the Mercy Island dirt).

"I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You're wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides." Lord Vetinari, Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett.



These threads always surprise me. Not because I didn't know things were missing once (I was here with launch) but because quite often I didn't know things had changed.



Three pages of posts - a handful of mentions - but I don't feel that anyone has truly captured the horror of the old SideKick/Mentor system (maybe because SuperSideKicking is still so fresh).

But does no one remember (without throwing up a little in your mouth) seeing


Or the Mentor who forgot he was a Mentor and hospitaled after faceplanting, leaving you staring at +36 level mobs with a large, dusty brick in your throat?

Or SideKick Tetris in general; pairing up, finding the best match, switching up, people who simply refused to Mentor, SideKicks who wouldn't stay with their Mentor, Mentors who wouldn't stay with their SideKicks....etc. etc. omg I'm feeling a little faint.

O and:

There was a difficulty system, but it had many fewer options than what exists now, all with names that you had to learn like a code
QFT I remember weekly - sometimes DAILY - debates in Broadcast "No, Unyielding is harder than Tenacious, but not as hard as Invincible." "But I thought Rugged was easier than Heroic" "Yes Rugged is harder than Tenacious but Unyeilding is still not as hard as Invincible" "Yeah but...."

And don't forget you HAD TO PAY for the privilege of changing your Difficulty setting.



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
I remember when the game was so new we didn't have "Back in the Day" threads.
And those go back a long, long time. In July of '04, with the game barely two months old, people were posting "I remember back in the day when there was no level 50..." Sometimes in jest, sometimes not.

I think people were even reminiscing about beta shortly after launch, saying things like I remember back in the day when Illusion did no damage, or I remember when there was no game and just the old discussion forum. Then they would start muttering about cows and sabercat and other things no one else had heard of and have to be taken away.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



I remember when Claws was a toggle power and we could attack specific body parts.

Too far back?

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict