Batman to get costume redesign




Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I'm not sure a big codpiece is any improvement....

That's no codpiece.



Originally Posted by Antigonus View Post
The fight between Ultraman and Martian Manhunter is only 4 panels but well worth the price of admission alone.
"I can read your mind and change my shape to anticipate any possible attack you make. This is not a fight. You were defeated the moment you chose to engage me."


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered



While the yellow oval makes sense and calls to mind the classic Batman look of days gone by, I never liked it. I did, however actually think once or twice that it would be good on Nolan's Batman, if only to let you see that he has a bat symbol.

Last time they took away the bat-briefs, they came back within what? A year?

I do kind of like that it has a bit of the Arkham Asylum look, which I think was a brilliant version of his costume and would have been great in theaters.

Est sularis oth Mithas



Originally Posted by Arnabas View Post
While the yellow oval makes sense and calls to mind the classic Batman look of days gone by, I never liked it. I did, however actually think once or twice that it would be good on Nolan's Batman, if only to let you see that he has a bat symbol.

Last time they took away the bat-briefs, they came back within what? A year?

I do kind of like that it has a bit of the Arkham Asylum look, which I think was a brilliant version of his costume and would have been great in theaters.
On the Nolan Bat-suit it doesn't make sense... they use different methods of protection.

For example if you double-up on chain mail that might serve as more protective if constructed specifically to be dual layer because it makes the spaces smaller and keeps more things from piercing.. It does nothing to stop blunt instruments though...

On the other hand plate armor stop blunt force pretty handily, but you can pierce right through it pretty easily with standard weaponry.

The bat suit in the comics use kevlar and to create more protection you need more layers... the more layers, the harder it is to move. You obviously don't want 100 layers of kevlar all over your body so if you can heavily layer yourself somewhere you want to direct the attack there.

The Nolan-suit on the other hand uses ceramics and you can't have multiple layers, but rather when you get shot the piece gets shattered and spreads the damage out. Also, because these plates are all the same all over you don't need to direct attention anywhere. You just don't want to take direct bullet fire or happen to get hit between the plates.

This means you don't want the symbol on the Nolan suit because where it would be is between plates and frankly he'd be sacrificing the stealth with no benefits.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
On the Nolan Bat-suit it doesn't make sense... they use different methods of protection.

For example if you double-up on chain mail that might serve as more protective if constructed specifically to be dual layer because it makes the spaces smaller and keeps more things from piercing.. It does nothing to stop blunt instruments though...

On the other hand plate armor stop blunt force pretty handily, but you can pierce right through it pretty easily with standard weaponry.

The bat suit in the comics use kevlar and to create more protection you need more layers... the more layers, the harder it is to move. You obviously don't want 100 layers of kevlar all over your body so if you can heavily layer yourself somewhere you want to direct the attack there.

The Nolan-suit on the other hand uses ceramics and you can't have multiple layers, but rather when you get shot the piece gets shattered and spreads the damage out. Also, because these plates are all the same all over you don't need to direct attention anywhere. You just don't want to take direct bullet fire or happen to get hit between the plates.

This means you don't want the symbol on the Nolan suit because where it would be is between plates and frankly he'd be sacrificing the stealth with no benefits.
Oh, I understand all that. I just wanted to have a Batman costume where you could see the bat symbol. I would have been just as happy with the costume being largely grey with the cape, gloves, boots and bat being black.

Est sularis oth Mithas



Originally Posted by Mr_Samoa View Post
That's no codpiece.
I'd listen to this guy; sounds like he knows his codpieces. *quicknod*



Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
I dont remember what series it was in, but at one point i recall in the comics him saying why he had a yellow chest symbol. Apparently he found it created a subconcious effect in the bad guys to shoot at the center of his body mass where he had the most protection.
It is in The Dark Knight Returns, but may also be mentioned in other stories as well.

Go Team Venture!



Originally Posted by Crim_the_Cold View Post
You forgot the Bat Fries, the Utility Melt, and the Cowl Cup.
That all comes in the McBats Special but the question you should have asked can we SUPER-size it!



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I'm not sure a big codpiece is any improvement....

You might if that was your junk getting protected.

As to the changes, I actually liked the yellow background going away (again). I am okay with it being back but I still preferred its absence.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
As to the changes, I actually liked the yellow background going away (again). I am okay with it being back but I still preferred its absence.
It comes and goes in cycles. Here today, gone tomorrow. Nothing to really get worked up over.



Still looks like Batman to me!

I love the line "If it aint broke" yet it wasn't broke with Wonder Woman

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Nah sir, don't like the yellow. not at all.



With such a radical change isn't he afraid of people not recognizing him? I mean, he needs to protect his brand!


We've seen how many bat costumes? Nothing new here. Nothing at all to make me take notice.

He changes costumes so often between so many books and other media that a slight cosmetic tweak does nothing to thrill.



Not a bad tweak IMO. i'll admit i dug it more without the yellow background on the symbol, but i have kinda missed it. As to the rest of it, yeah, it does look like the redesign they tried the FIRST time Bruce came back and took the mantle from Grayson. so, meh.



I like it.

Now let's see how they handle this Batman, Inc. business.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Lets see....Bruce Wayne/Batman is a millionare/billionare (depending whose writing one of the books), so why wouldn't there be costume changes? IMO it would be very natural for Bruce to change up the look of his costume depending on what new advances are made in the world protective gear......

That said...the new costume, I kinda like, the only issue I have is that symbol on the looks like it should have a friggin gold chain attached to it.

You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully

Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave

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Eh, it looks fine.

Never been a big fan of the yellow circle. Always reminds me that they added it just so they could trademark it. But hey, it comes and goes. I can deal.



I don't mind the new suit, I grew up with a yellow emblem (TAS). I'm just completely lost now as to what comic series I should be reading....

Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster

That Stinging Sensation #482183



Originally Posted by Night-Hawk07 View Post
I don't mind the new suit, I grew up with a yellow emblem (TAS). I'm just completely lost now as to what comic series I should be reading....
all of them.



Heck it could be worse. It could be this.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



Originally Posted by Night-Hawk07 View Post
I don't mind the new suit, I grew up with a yellow emblem (TAS). I'm just completely lost now as to what comic series I should be reading....
Depends on who you want to follow and what you want to read about >.>

Currently my reading list is...

#01. Batman ------------- 96+
#02. Detective Comics --- 96+
#03. LotDK -------------- 96+
#04. SotB --------------- 95+
#05. Catwoman v1 -------- 95+
#06. Azrael ------------- 96+
#07. The Batman Chrons -- 96+
#08. Nightwing v2 ------- 96+
#09. Birds of Prey ------ 99+
#10. Gotham Knights ----- 00+
#11. Harley Quinn ------- 00+
#12. Gotham Central ----- 02+
#13. Catwoman v2 -------- 02+
#14. Superman/Batman ---- 03+
#15. Batman Confidential 07+
#16. Batman and Robin --- 09+
#17. Streets of Gotham -- 09+
#18. Red Robin ---------- 10
#19. Batgirl v3 --------- 10
#20. Birds of Prey ------ 10+

Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne
Batman: The Dark Knight
Batman, Inc.

It's an insane amount of reading and would take a month of reading for 10 hours nonstop each day to complete from where I am right now.

But right now i read roughly a year from each series a day in chronological order...some times 2 titles, sometimes 3...depends on how i'm feeling that day and how good the story is.

Personally I find the story so far that I've read of Azrael to be good and regret that I had to pause to go back to other titles. Nightwing v1 was ok, but totally skipable. LotDK and SotB are both hit or miss, I absolutely hated Watchtower but loved Sleeping from LotDK. Batman is fairly consistently good and Detective Comics is... not really my cup of tea, but a decent read even for those not completely into the style. The Batman Chronicles that I've read is pretty good so far...while Catwoman v1 is ok, but not the greatest...

Robin v4, Batgirl v1, v2, and v3, and Red Robin are awesome reads and you should read them ^.^

As far as the symbol... I had to get used to the not yellow disc version but after I was informed as to why its there in the first place (in story) and got used to the suit without...I prefer the without version.



Originally Posted by Veritech View Post
all of them.
Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Depends on who you want to follow and what you want to read about >.>

I don't have that kind of spare cash atm, lol.

Right now I'm trying to catch up on Batman and Robin (alas no where I look has back issues, specifically 9, 10, and 12), Return of Bruce Wayne, and then Batman Beyond (which sadly is a temporary deal). Basically, I just want to keep up to date with the main Batman story line. It sounds like my near future is going to consist of at least B&R, the end of RoBW, TDK, and then Batman Inc.

I guess I'm just trying to figure out if I should also be reading Streets of Gotham, Batman, and Detective Comics among others as well, (and by not reading them, I'll miss something important) or if I'm good at my current position.

Hope that makes sense.

Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster

That Stinging Sensation #482183