I'm not a dev apologist




A couple of nights ago I got into a rather raucous argument with a person who belongs to the same global chat channel. He was going on and on about how Going Rogue will fail, how the developers don't know what they're doing and that current studio is using software development methodologies one step removed from card readers and vacuum tubes.

Having done some software development in my past (though not recently) and a fair amount of project management for software projects, I asked him how he knows this. Well apparently, this fellow is somewhat of a developer fanboy and obsessively follows tweets from BaBs, reads details from their blogs and scours the net in search of details of how the game is made. He also, according to a mutual acquaintance, works in hardware for some company and according to him "has lots of software developer friends who knows how things are done right!"

He and I ended with no conclusion to our little Internet squabble but it led me to this thought. While I have no idea exactly how this game is developed and published, I do know that this game is a commercial success in a field where there is significant competition. It's successful enough that the studio has grown from a mere 15 or 20 to about 80 developers. It's about to release it's second full expansion and it's 18th free update. Further, whereas many studios keep their fans/customers at arm's length, Paragon Studios goes out of its way to keep us intimately involved in many aspects of the game.

This doesn't mean that I agree with everything that the devs have done nor do I like every aspect of this game. But I like enough of it to keep paying a monthly sub, and I don't expect anything less than to be delighted with Going Rogue and issue 18. So, in sum, I trust that Paragon Studios will continue the same level of excellence that has kept me as a paying customer. I care not whether or not the servers are powered by hamsters and the developers design their models with etch-a-sketches. It's the finished product that counts, and it's generally been impressive for 6 years.



Pfft. I've worked in software development for over 20 years and have yet to work for a company that was "doing it right". The one time we actively tried upper management squashed us, and we gave up and found better jobs.

I'd say the success of their title makes them closer to "doing it right" than many, many other companies out there.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
English does not borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, hits them over the head, and rifles through their pockets for loose grammar.



on second thought, what I was going to type here would probably have to be deleted according to forum rules... so I'll try to keep this neutrally stated as possible:

It has been indicated in the past that certain development houses and marketing arms of certain publishers have paid for direct marketing in a competitors product. The method of this paid marketing in some cases followed a pattern where the hired-marketing personal purchases a competing software product, engages in the use of that competing software product, then uses the communication systems of that competing product to disparage, demean, insult, or other-wise inflict intentional harm to the competing products usage base. The method is considered successful if the marketing-personal succeeds in driving the existing user-base of that competing product to look at the product the marketing-personal has been hired to indirectly promote.

My gut reaction is that anybody stating that Going Rogue will fail as a software product release, at this point in time, is possibly one of these types of marketing personal.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
on second thought, what I was going to type here would probably have to be deleted according to forum rules... so I'll try to keep this neutrally stated as possible:

It has been indicated in the past that certain development houses and marketing arms of certain publishers have paid for direct marketing in a competitors product. The method of this paid marketing in some cases followed a pattern where the hired-marketing personal purchases a competing software product, engages in the use of that competing software product, then uses the communication systems of that competing product to disparage, demean, insult, or other-wise inflict intentional harm to the competing products usage base. The method is considered successful if the marketing-personal succeeds in driving the existing user-base of that competing product to look at the product the marketing-personal has been hired to indirectly promote.

My gut reaction is that anybody stating that Going Rogue will fail as a software product release, at this point in time, is possibly one of these types of marketing personal.
I like your gut feeling, je_saist.

I for one cannot wait to lap up everything GR chucks at me, and on the 17th will be ready to purchase the Complete Edition Pack too for the extra stuff. I also think the person the OP argued with is a few blades short of a server rack.

If they've even been near one.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
GR will do just fine
While I don't necessarily disagree with you, could you please stop doing that???

I mean...what does the wink even mean in the context of this conversation??



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
While I don't necessarily disagree with you, could you please stop doing that???

I mean...what does the wink even mean in the context of this conversation??
i think it means don't worry. at least that is how i read it.



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
i think it means don't worry. at least that is how i read it.
Prfft! Winking generally signifies sexual intent or acknowledgement. Doesn't have much to do with Going Rogue or software engineers...

Unless i'm missing somthing?

But yes, GR, and by extension CoX will do just fine. And there's defiinately worse Devs out there than ours, presonally I think their doing a fine job

@MrMac & @MrMac2




Hmm could the wink mean Nerdgasim?

Yeah I don't believe anyone who saids GR going to fail for a few reasons. How do they even know what GR going to be like?

1.) If they are in the Beta they are really braking the rules.
2.) If they are playing the closed beta it's still being worked on so the "EPIC FAIL" is for something that not even finished so judgment there is flawed.
3.) Twits from Devs about what's going on is very restrictive so info there is minor to none due to Marketing censorship and of course not wanting to spill any real goodies (For both the WOW factor when it goes live and not wanting to give competitors a heads up). And even if another game developer knows what they are doing unless they are working on GR directly how would they know what being done?

Conclusion is that anyone saying it's trash and going to fail is full of (Random bodily waste here). Either a plant, a Doom sayer who would see everything as Bad no mater how good. Or had to much Dyne and turning into an Internet Troll.



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
Well apparently, this fellow is somewhat of a developer fanboy and obsessively follows tweets from BaBs, reads details from their blogs and scours the net in search of details of how the game is made. He also, according to a mutual acquaintance, works in hardware for some company and according to him "has lots of software developer friends who knows how things are done right!"
This is the internet, where everyone is a 6'6" power-lifting, streetfighting god who is also a male model. Apparently, they are also tech experts with lots of knowledgeable and important friends.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
This is the internet, where everyone is a 6'6" power-lifting, streetfighting god who is also a male model. Apparently, they are also tech experts with lots of knowledgeable and important friends.
So by that you mean keyboard warriors with unlimited access to Wikipedia the worlds most reliable source of purely factual imformation guiding their opinions? >.>

oh and a Fakkybook account for teh farmvilles?

@MrMac & @MrMac2




Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
While I don't necessarily disagree with you, could you please stop doing that???

I mean...what does the wink even mean in the context of this conversation??
It doesn't mean anything. Few of the posts do.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Will GR break CoX? Nope. I don't see GR killing off much of CoX's current player base.

The question really is, will GR bring in a sizeable new chunk of players. That will be wait and see time.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
This is the internet, where everyone is a 6'6" power-lifting, streetfighting god who is also a male model. Apparently, they are also tech experts with lots of knowledgeable and important friends.

I'm a 6'2" twinky-lifting, Dew Drinking Dork who is also a male fatarse. Apparently I'm not an expert in Tech Support and I have no friends.

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
While I don't necessarily disagree with you, could you please stop doing that???

I mean...what does the wink even mean in the context of this conversation??
GG is under the mistaken impression that winkies, smileys, and other emoticons are punctuation. She refuses to figure out that she's "doin it rong".

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by RottenLuck View Post
Conclusion is that anyone saying it's trash and going to fail is full of (Random bodily waste here). Either a plant, a Doom sayer who would see everything as Bad no mater how good. Or had to much Dyne and turning into an Internet Troll.
To bring a certain balance to what you just said, there have been numerous times with various games where the community has accurately predicted the effect of a new title/expansion release.

One does not need to be a developer to have a certain feel for what makes for a good game. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that, sometimes, being a developer can severely warp your perception of what makes your game interesting or appealing to your target audience.

All that said, unless he was basing his statements off of being in the closed beta, it's hard to take that kind of thing very seriously.



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
A couple of nights ago I got into a rather raucous argument with a person who belongs to the same global chat channel. He was going on and on about how Going Rogue will fail, how the developers don't know what they're doing and that current studio is using software development methodologies one step removed from card readers and vacuum tubes.

Having done some software development in my past (though not recently) and a fair amount of project management for software projects, I asked him how he knows this. Well apparently, this fellow is somewhat of a developer fanboy and obsessively follows tweets from BaBs, reads details from their blogs and scours the net in search of details of how the game is made. He also, according to a mutual acquaintance, works in hardware for some company and according to him "has lots of software developer friends who knows how things are done right!"

He and I ended with no conclusion to our little Internet squabble but it led me to this thought. While I have no idea exactly how this game is developed and published, I do know that this game is a commercial success in a field where there is significant competition. It's successful enough that the studio has grown from a mere 15 or 20 to about 80 developers. It's about to release it's second full expansion and it's 18th free update. Further, whereas many studios keep their fans/customers at arm's length, Paragon Studios goes out of its way to keep us intimately involved in many aspects of the game.

This doesn't mean that I agree with everything that the devs have done nor do I like every aspect of this game. But I like enough of it to keep paying a monthly sub, and I don't expect anything less than to be delighted with Going Rogue and issue 18. So, in sum, I trust that Paragon Studios will continue the same level of excellence that has kept me as a paying customer. I care not whether or not the servers are powered by hamsters and the developers design their models with etch-a-sketches. It's the finished product that counts, and it's generally been impressive for 6 years.
The updates aren't free.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
GG is under the mistaken impression that winkies, smileys, and other emoticons are punctuation. She refuses to figure out that she's "doin it rong".
I think it's actually kind of cute...

I just imagine this tiny girl with yellow ribbons in her hair and dressed in a yellow polka-dot petticoat bouncing up and down every time she adds an emoticon.



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
The updates aren't free.
would you accept: 18th no extra cost associated with it update?



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
The updates aren't free.
Where did you purchase Issues 1 through 17 from? Because I didn't buy them, I got them for free. They got put in my game without me paying any extra money than I was already paying to use the game.

Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Mr_Mac View Post
So by that you mean keyboard warriors with unlimited access to Wikipedia the worlds most reliable source of purely factual imformation guiding their opinions? >.>
Did you know that Nature magazine did an extensive check of Wikipedia's factual accuracy and found it comparable to the Encyclopedia Britannica?

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
obsessively follows tweets from BaBs
That's a pretty neat trick, since AFAIK, Brawler deleted his Twitter account...

Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
While I don't necessarily disagree with you, could you please stop doing that???

I mean...what does the wink even mean in the context of this conversation??
It means the OP of the emoticon is braindead.

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
That's a pretty neat trick, since AFAIK, Brawler deleted his Twitter account...
you would be correct: http://twitter.com/CoHBABs returns Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!