Discussion: 75 Month Veteran Reward




As one of the"few", ( I am quite sure that there are actually quite a few of us around. We just all don't post.) who has been here since alpha. I am happy with the reward. To be honest, this game has given me something way more than trinkets, my time with my four 14 year old boys. They and I got our subs when they were six! Yet here they are teens and still play the game frequently with their "old man".



Originally Posted by theOcho View Post
This thread is to discuss the announcement found here.

How about granting Rename Tokens as rewards? Or Transfer tokens?

Not that I don't appreciate the extra character slots on my main server (I do I really do), but having hte ability to transfer characters for free or rename them would be awesome.

Another idea would be a Supergroup Rename Token. This would absolutely rock!



Originally Posted by MedEvac View Post
As one of the"few", ( I am quite sure that there are actually quite a few of us around. We just all don't post.) who has been here since alpha. I am happy with the reward. To be honest, this game has given me something way more than trinkets, my time with my four 14 year old boys. They and I got our subs when they were six! Yet here they are teens and still play the game frequently with their "old man".
You have FOUR 14 year old boys? Not sure how you swung that (Quadruplets?) but you have my respec man. I have a 16 year old girl and a 14 year old boy and find that hard.



Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
How about granting Rename Tokens as rewards? Or Transfer tokens?

Not that I don't appreciate the extra character slots on my main server (I do I really do), but having hte ability to transfer characters for free or rename them would be awesome.

Another idea would be a Supergroup Rename Token. This would absolutely rock!
Let's see:

Rename Tokens
Transfer Tokens
SG Rename Tokens

Yes, yes and HECK YES. Though I will admit that the last one may not satisfy many since not all 6+ year veterans run Supergroups. But overall darn good ideas I think.



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
Let's see:

Rename Tokens
Transfer Tokens
SG Rename Tokens

Yes, yes and HECK YES. Though I will admit that the last one may not satisfy many since not all 6+ year veterans run Supergroups. But overall darn good ideas I think.
Indeed, never understood why rename and server transfer tokens weren't offered up through the vet rewards program. We get respecs and character slots every few vet rewards, items we can otherwise pay real money for, but not renames or server transfers.


Not sure SG renames are a viable idea due to the Standard Code Rant. Indeed, it doesn't appear base code has seen any material changes since it was built five years ago. Even then, my impression was that the base code was more than a bit unwieldy (to wit, base raids removed from the game entirely, and a 5-year hiatus for the CoP trial -- two prominent base-related features heavily advertised with CoV's release). The fact we don't have the ability to buy an SG rename token with real money suggests to me the tech isn't there, and won't be easy to put it there. Ignoring the foregoing, however, it's a fine idea for a vet reward.

Regarding the 75 month reward (which I will be receiving later this month), I like it. It's something we haven't seen before, so for that reason alone I like it. I hate it when we get a vet reward with, for example, a respec and costume token -- yawn, my main has 10+ respecs and 100+ costume tokens. Both my villain and hero bases are fully decked out, so I can only spend prestige nowadays on cosmetic items. But, my hope is that bases will some day see some (any!) love, and prestige will become a sought after currency again. With this hope in mind, I always play in SG mode, and will enjoy the 10% boost in prestige from mob kills.

Q. Just wondering Posi, where are the new dance emotes we were told would come with GR?
A. Positron: Whoops, my bad.

1387 badges, and counting



I think that the veteran rewards should become more awesome as time goes on, and the months go on.

For example, would a 75 month veteran really need that bonus? :/

Bring more costume elite stuff into the equation.. =3.

Or maybe make an entire archtype only for veteran reward.



Originally Posted by Newty View Post
I think that the veteran rewards should become more awesome as time goes on, and the months go on.

For example, would a 75 month veteran really need that bonus? :/

Bring more costume elite stuff into the equation.. =3.

Or maybe make an entire archtype only for veteran reward.
The selfish side of me screams YESSSSSSS! But the realistic side of me glumly says no. Vet Rewards are meant to be minor trinkets that do not unbalance the game but still give a long time player a little something extra (mission transporter). I have always argued against costume pieces being a part of this system, though I have no problem with them being unlocked by earning certain badges, and as for an AT just for Vets? I doubt that would ever happen and this 6 year player will fight against that kind of thing. that would cause way to many disgruntled players.

EDIT: A Veteran AT at one year MAY be workable though I guess. I would still fight it though.



Originally Posted by Newty View Post
I think that the veteran rewards should become more awesome as time goes on, and the months go on.

For example, would a 75 month veteran really need that bonus? :/

Bring more costume elite stuff into the equation.. =3.

Or maybe make an entire archtype only for veteran reward.
So investing the huge amount of resources to a make a new AT that only an incredibly tiny percentage of players will ever use? Now that's money well spent!

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



This is a good vet reward. Vet rewards should be a small token so it does not create any unbalance or unreast among the newer players. I am close to the 75 month mark, and I do not need the prestige. But I will gladly accept the reward for what it is... a token of appreciation for staying loyal to the game.



Originally Posted by Newty View Post
Or maybe make an entire archtype only for veteran reward.
That is....that is just an awful idea.

Vet rewards aren't supposed to be incredibly awesome stuff meant to treat people in an "elite" club of veterans. It's tiny perks. Little things that make you go "Hey, neat!" They already effed up making the boxing set such a late vet reward, so doing anything like that now? New players might as well say "Screw this" and go to a different game if they had their heart set on those costume pieces.



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
I actually have suggested a modified version of that for quite a while now, as a compromise offer. No one really backed it from the "want the rewards now" crowd, however.

I argued that, for a given year, you can choose your rewards within that yearly pool. Say you hit your 3 month badge. Instead of just getting trenchcoats and a costume token, you'd get those as possible choices mixed in with the greek alphabet emblems (6 month), respec/belly shirt/kilt (9 months), or the preorder sprints/sands of mu or ghost axe/base items (12 months). When you hit your 15th month reward, you get to choose from the next tier pool, and so forth.

The idea here was to introduce some choice flexibility for up and coming players, while not throwing open the door to ALL the rewards all at once. In my opinion, I felt this was the most balanced compromise for holding to the vet system as designed, with the want from certain players for all the various rewards.

I'm mentioning it again, because I'm wondering if there'd be any real consideration from the "must have now" crowd. I really think this is a "best option" choice for the system as a whole, but if previous track records are any indicator, it'll be ignored.
I would pay MONEY to be able to remove the ruddy massive pile Greek Alphamess from cluttering up my options in that costume section. ;p



Turgenev, I'm still not so sure your method would work so well. You allow people to "pick the rewards within their year" but either way they would pick the "best powers" in their opinions first and leave the "junk" for last, then complain about only having the junk left. I could be wrong, but that is the way I see it going down.

To be honest, it is probably a moot argument though. I'm not sure how easy the coding for this type of arrangement would be and with Paragon Studios now charging for Emotes . . . well, let's just say this six year Veteran is not in the mood to pay for this kind of change and leave it at that.



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
Turgenev, I'm still not so sure your method would work so well. You allow people to "pick the rewards within their year" but either way they would pick the "best powers" in their opinions first and leave the "junk" for last, then complain about only having the junk left. I could be wrong, but that is the way I see it going down.

To be honest, it is probably a moot argument though. I'm not sure how easy the coding for this type of arrangement would be and with Paragon Studios now charging for Emotes . . . well, let's just say this six year Veteran is not in the mood to pay for this kind of change and leave it at that.
Honestly, I agree: I treat the Vet system as "working as designed" and don't see a fault with its implementation. Certain items are rewarded after X months of subscription - that's fairly cut and dry to me.

The other side of the argument views the rewards as restrictions and wants the restrictions done away with wholesale. My "compromise" suggestion was meant to address their wanting choice in the matter while not breaking the veteran reward system entirely. However, if you ask what my first choice is, it'd be "status quo". Why? Because of exactly what you describe: The perceived "best rewards" would be picked first, and the complaints would continue about not having the ones they want later on. All that work would be for show, ultimately, and wouldn't have a real return on keeping subscribers (if they were only staying/quitting because vet rewards... I mean come on).



As someone who's business relies on recurring subscriptions I can tell you the people that started with your business and stayed throughout are the most cherished people in the world! Some purchased lifetime memberships. NCSoft offered that and it helped them greatly at the beginning. I did not. Which means I've paid the fee every month for over 6 years straight. I'm not going to do the math* but that is an ENORMOUS amount of money to get from one customer. If you're in business, people like that are your best friends. I have no complaints. I stayed with the game because they have consistently entertained me. They keep adding stuff that makes me want to continue. But it also means heaping love on such people is not only nice, it's demanded by common sense.

I get the idea that they may be struggling to come up with new rewards. I think it may be time to ask the community what they think a great vet reward would be. Possibly have people send an email with ideas. If it's an open forum an idea that is unwise might get extremely popular and people could get upset if it doesn't happen. So just solicit ideas directly to a special email.
To put my money where my mouth is, which I'm obviously willing to do...
Who doesn't LOVE selecting their permanent/temporary powers? Before you force us to take Ghost Slaying axe, lets add a new collection of powers to choose from. While looking at the game's loading screen for the millionth time I noticed Statesman's utility belt. What if you could choose one of maybe four items from his belt if you start a hero... one from Recluse's if a villain and one from Cole's for praetorian. Each set would do the same basic stuff but with a slightly different flavor. Powers may include:
1) A life sign detector. Like what you see when only 3 targets are left on the map, but you can turn it on whenever, showing all mobs. Recharge one hour.
2) Teammate recall beacon. Like assemble team but for one team mate or pet. Recharges in 5 minutes. Pet pathing has improved greatly but they still get stuck. It's infuriating to have to take tp friend for what is a glitch in the game. (or respawn). Plus it would also just be nice to have for teams. Recharge 5 minutes.
3) Hologram Generator. Makes a copy of your character with the same threat level. Basically halving the number of attacks coming your way. Lasts 5 minutes. Recharge 2 hours.
4) "Drop em!" With the authority vested in me by "X". Spawns in the area 'holster' all weapons (attacks) except brawl. Takes them 30 seconds to realize they don't need to drop their weapons just because an authority figure told them to! (heh heh) Physical item could be a badge. Recharge 1 hour.

Just some ideas. I'm sure their are a million excellent reasons for not making each of those powers available. But I got you thinking didn't I? Not much development work should also be kept in mind. And PvP... make them not work in that. I don't care. I don't do PvP.

So... in short. Great Vet rewards are absolutely necessary. Get some great ideas from the community. *And FINE, I did the math. 75 times $15 is $1125. Not to mention the second account I started about a year and half in. Lot's of money. No regrets. Purchased every add on as well. I am a "Super Customer". Deny me nothing!!!



Originally Posted by LordnMaster View Post
As someone who's business relies on recurring subscriptions I can tell you the people that started with your business and stayed throughout are the most cherished people in the world! Some purchased lifetime memberships. NCSoft offered that and it helped them greatly at the beginning. I did not. Which means I've paid the fee every month for over 6 years straight. I'm not going to do the math* but that is an ENORMOUS amount of money to get from one customer. If you're in business, people like that are your best friends. I have no complaints. I stayed with the game because they have consistently entertained me. They keep adding stuff that makes me want to continue. But it also means heaping love on such people is not only nice, it's demanded by common sense.

I get the idea that they may be struggling to come up with new rewards. I think it may be time to ask the community what they think a great vet reward would be. Possibly have people send an email with ideas. If it's an open forum an idea that is unwise might get extremely popular and people could get upset if it doesn't happen. So just solicit ideas directly to a special email.
To put my money where my mouth is, which I'm obviously willing to do...
Who doesn't LOVE selecting their permanent/temporary powers? Before you force us to take Ghost Slaying axe, lets add a new collection of powers to choose from. While looking at the game's loading screen for the millionth time I noticed Statesman's utility belt. What if you could choose one of maybe four items from his belt if you start a hero... one from Recluse's if a villain and one from Cole's for praetorian. Each set would do the same basic stuff but with a slightly different flavor. Powers may include:
1) A life sign detector. Like what you see when only 3 targets are left on the map, but you can turn it on whenever, showing all mobs. Recharge one hour.
2) Teammate recall beacon. Like assemble team but for one team mate or pet. Recharges in 5 minutes. Pet pathing has improved greatly but they still get stuck. It's infuriating to have to take tp friend for what is a glitch in the game. (or respawn). Plus it would also just be nice to have for teams. Recharge 5 minutes.
3) Hologram Generator. Makes a copy of your character with the same threat level. Basically halving the number of attacks coming your way. Lasts 5 minutes. Recharge 2 hours.
4) "Drop em!" With the authority vested in me by "X". Spawns in the area 'holster' all weapons (attacks) except brawl. Takes them 30 seconds to realize they don't need to drop their weapons just because an authority figure told them to! (heh heh) Physical item could be a badge. Recharge 1 hour.

Just some ideas. I'm sure their are a million excellent reasons for not making each of those powers available. But I got you thinking didn't I? Not much development work should also be kept in mind. And PvP... make them not work in that. I don't care. I don't do PvP.

So... in short. Great Vet rewards are absolutely necessary. Get some great ideas from the community. *And FINE, I did the math. 75 times $15 is $1125. Not to mention the second account I started about a year and half in. Lot's of money. No regrets. Purchased every add on as well. I am a "Super Customer". Deny me nothing!!!
As a Veteran of six years I can strongly relate to this post. On top of that I have worked in two different industries that relies on the repeat customers more than the new ones, so I can understand your point of view very well. Good post, well written.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
You don't pay for Vet Rewards. You pay for access to the game.
Random thought, and sorry if somebody has mentioned this before.

Would it be acceptable to you, if the rewards were unlocked simpley buy the amount of game time needed to unlock the reward, instead of having to play through the game time?

Say in order to get Trench coat you simply had to pay for 3 months of game time, and to get City traveler you had to pay for 60 months of game time?

That way any if a brand new player wanted to shell out $900 and get super speed at level 6 they could? Or do you believe that would still be harmful for the game?

Not saying its going to happen or never will, just curious on your thoughts.

The Official Resident Fanboi of dUmb
Always Allow/Disallow Mystic Fortune Prompt!




Originally Posted by Baneful View Post
Random thought, and sorry if somebody has mentioned this before.

Would it be acceptable to you, if the rewards were unlocked simpley buy the amount of game time needed to unlock the reward, instead of having to play through the game time?

Say in order to get Trench coat you simply had to pay for 3 months of game time, and to get City traveler you had to pay for 60 months of game time?

That way any if a brand new player wanted to shell out $900 and get super speed at level 6 they could? Or do you believe that would still be harmful for the game?

Not saying its going to happen or never will, just curious on your thoughts.
I'm not sure anyone ever actually said it would be "harmful to the game" to give everyone the same benefits that a Veterans get at a certain point for playing the game. I think what is mostly being said by the people like me is that we veterans do appreciate being recognized for supporting this game for as long as we have. In my case, six years. The recognition comes in the form of these Vet Rewards, or minor benefits. As for your proposal of letting people pay in advance for the benefits now . . . I have no problem with that myself. If someone want to "pay ahead" their account by that long I see no problem with it and I wouldn't even mind if they got some form of discount for doing so.

Now, with that being said, I just don't see it happening. First off, the company would be contractually locked into running the game for at least as long as they sold access for, which I doubt they would be willing to do. Second, the way Veteran Rewards are calculated would have to be changed (again). And Third, I just don't think very many people would be willing to do it. The benefits can be nice and all, but not many would pay several years in advance in order to get their travel power at level six and then effectively not get any rewards for a LONG time. Which would have a major affect on the first and second parts of my argument.

Who knows though, Paragon Studios has surprised us before.



The next Vet Reward should be a summonable Sexy Jay, allowing them (and anyone else around) to access the Tailor UI from any location.

The summoned item would be a re-coloured Portable Crafting Table, except it projects a holographic image above it of Sexy Jay doing the new Disco Dance from the Party Pack.

The in-game Sexy Jay hologram would be transparent pink, dressed in a toga, with an elaborate "J" symbol on his chest.

Lasts for 10 minutes, recharge time 5 hours.

Made of win!

The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!



Originally Posted by Dollymistress View Post
The next Vet Reward should be a summonable Sexy Jay, allowing them (and anyone else around) to access the Tailor UI from any location.

The summoned item would be a re-coloured Portable Crafting Table, except it projects a holographic image above it of Sexy Jay doing the new Disco Dance from the Party Pack.

The in-game Sexy Jay hologram would be transparent pink, dressed in a toga, with an elaborate "J" symbol on his chest.

Lasts for 10 minutes, recharge time 5 hours.

Made of win!
Ok, this idea I like. Well all of it except the pink part. Personally, I hate pink.



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
I'm not sure anyone ever actually said it would be "harmful to the game" to give everyone the same benefits that a Veterans get at a certain point for playing the game. I think what is mostly being said by the people like me is that we veterans do appreciate being recognized for supporting this game for as long as we have. In my case, six years. The recognition comes in the form of these Vet Rewards, or minor benefits. As for your proposal of letting people pay in advance for the benefits now . . . I have no problem with that myself. If someone want to "pay ahead" their account by that long I see no problem with it and I wouldn't even mind if they got some form of discount for doing so.

Now, with that being said, I just don't see it happening. First off, the company would be contractually locked into running the game for at least as long as they sold access for, which I doubt they would be willing to do. Second, the way Veteran Rewards are calculated would have to be changed (again). And Third, I just don't think very many people would be willing to do it. The benefits can be nice and all, but not many would pay several years in advance in order to get their travel power at level six and then effectively not get any rewards for a LONG time. Which would have a major affect on the first and second parts of my argument.

Who knows though, Paragon Studios has surprised us before.
I believe she did say at one point that it was harmful to the game for one reason or another, but I could be wrong.

Im (at 72 or 75 or what ever im at in months) with you and Agree I wouldn't care if there was another way to earn them.

I hand't thought about them being Obligated to run the game for the amount of game time sold. Then again iv never read the contract in its entirety. Couldn't they just write some kind of Clause stating that game time sold is not Garmented if the Severs are shut down on a permanent basis? Would that even be legal?

The Official Resident Fanboi of dUmb
Always Allow/Disallow Mystic Fortune Prompt!




Originally Posted by Baneful View Post
I believe she did say at one point that it was harmful to the game for one reason or another, but I could be wrong.

Im (at 72 or 75 or what ever im at in months) with you and Agree I wouldn't care if there was another way to earn them.

I hand't thought about them being Obligated to run the game for the amount of game time sold. Then again iv never read the contract in its entirety. Couldn't they just write some kind of Clause stating that game time sold is not Garmented if the Severs are shut down on a permanent basis? Would that even be legal?
Yes, it would be legal, but then they would have to return the money from the "unused" portion of the subscription. While I am sure that wouldn't be a problem for 1 or 2 or even 100 subscribers, what happens if say 1,000 people decide to buy 6 years worth of the game, and then a year from now it gets shelved because bad business decisions chase everyone away (Extreme example, I know, just saying . . .)? Then they have to refund 5 years worth of subscriptions for 1,000 people for a total of $899,400.00 or there abouts. Nice chunk of change there when your trying to get rid of a financial liability.



I have been with CoH for the 75 months and i think the vet reward is poor!!

how long have we got to be with the game to get something worth having??

think about it! how many ppl will actually make it to 75 months 2 or 3% ??

give us some buff's and im not talkin about a poxy lil fairy that attracts attention and gets killed with 1 hit! CRAAAAAP!!

get rid of the fairy and give us a click buff!

give us something to make us think "yeah i wanna stay for that!"





Prestige itself does nothing of any real value since SG Bases no longer have the Vault ability for storing (now non-existent) Items of Power.

Our SG base is huge, has everything we need and is used only as a storage/waystation point. With no Vaulted Item of Power, there is no reason for us to mount or suffer raids, making it a moderately handy White Elephant.


If we can save this game, I promise I will never complain about Travel Power Suppression again! You have my word on it!
"The customer is always right."



Originally Posted by FlexCool View Post
I have been with CoH for the 75 months and i think the vet reward is poor!!

how long have we got to be with the game to get something worth having??

think about it! how many ppl will actually make it to 75 months 2 or 3% ??

give us some buff's and im not talkin about a poxy lil fairy that attracts attention and gets killed with 1 hit! CRAAAAAP!!

get rid of the fairy and give us a click buff!

give us something to make us think "yeah i wanna stay for that!"

Then you risk alienating the "younger" players, so to speak. Remember, by your own count only 2% to 3% of people will make it this far so, you have to worry that upsetting the majority is more dangerous than kissing up to the minutia.



How about accelerated day job earning? Maybe knock 10% off of the time needed?