Discussion: 75 Month Veteran Reward




Originally Posted by Goldbrick View Post
You'll get them just like every veteran, in due course. Completely fair.
Given your post before this, I don't think I'll be touching this.



Honestly, i don't really have a problem either way if it goes [I was only debating it because I'm bored at work at the moment]. The only vet reward I use is the assemble the team and every once in a while i'll pull out a nemesis staff.

GPBunny had a great solution that would appease the most amount of people. Make it selectable, that way people still have to toil through a couple of months to get a perk, but they can choose any perk they want. This is definitely a fair compromise.



There are definitely vet rewards that are better than others. I'm sure those will be "picked" first. After those where's the incentive? That doesn't sound like a compromise at all. Besides, whats the point of compromising when the system is working as intended?

Spines/ D A lvl 50 Scrap, stone/wm lvl 50 tank, Kat/reg lvl 50 Scrap
Grav/Kin lvl 50 Cont, Fire/Enegry lvl 50 Blast
Warshade lvl 50, PB lvl 39, nightwidow lvl 50, crab lvl 42
plant/thorns lvl 50 dom, ice/fire lvl 40 dom, grav/nrg lvl 41 dom



Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
I don't believe in complaining about presents.

Thanks, guys!
Imagine that.

Being gracious and appreciative of something free.

What a concept.

While I'm about 14 or 15 months away from this badge, I appreciate the developers thinking about their members who have stuck by them.

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Originally Posted by GPBunny View Post
A slight change to vet rewards could please more people. Let you PICK your reward from the list every 3 months. Those who have all the rewards this won't change what they have. Those starting now or behind can pick what fits their needs/wants without feeling the need to never "catch up". Sure most will pick all the cool stuff first then be left with just costum tokens but hey why not. With the new expansion hitting maybe more might like a free character slot over say Tech Armor. Maybe someone is a base builder and wants to pick all the base perks first. See every one would get what they wanted and no one would be left out.
I actually have suggested a modified version of that for quite a while now, as a compromise offer. No one really backed it from the "want the rewards now" crowd, however.

I argued that, for a given year, you can choose your rewards within that yearly pool. Say you hit your 3 month badge. Instead of just getting trenchcoats and a costume token, you'd get those as possible choices mixed in with the greek alphabet emblems (6 month), respec/belly shirt/kilt (9 months), or the preorder sprints/sands of mu or ghost axe/base items (12 months). When you hit your 15th month reward, you get to choose from the next tier pool, and so forth.

The idea here was to introduce some choice flexibility for up and coming players, while not throwing open the door to ALL the rewards all at once. In my opinion, I felt this was the most balanced compromise for holding to the vet system as designed, with the want from certain players for all the various rewards.

I'm mentioning it again, because I'm wondering if there'd be any real consideration from the "must have now" crowd. I really think this is a "best option" choice for the system as a whole, but if previous track records are any indicator, it'll be ignored.



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
I really think this is a "best option" choice for the system as a whole, but if previous track records are any indicator, it'll be ignored.
Your proposed system does nothing to fix the issue of locking away unique (samurai, anime) and iconic (wings) costume pieces from new players. Your "tier" system still keeps costume pieces out of the hands of newcomers for no justifiable purpose.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
Your proposed system does nothing to fix the issue of locking away unique (samurai, anime) and iconic (wings) costume pieces from new players. Your "tier" system still keeps costume pieces out of the hands of newcomers for no justifiable purpose.



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
I actually have suggested a modified version

blah blah

Powers should be considered differently than costume options.

Costume options allow you to play your character day 1 as you think it should look. I make my decision on whether to keep playing MMOs a lot sooner than a year or so. A game with the elitist attitude "someday you'll get those angel wings!" is a bit insulting to me as a paying customer. Comparing it to other MMOs, I put up with WoW for a year, put in my time and grinding to reach the top--so I can fairly say it wasn't worth it and they treated the customers like employees. When the form asked me why I was quitting I put "too much like a second job."

I've been with CoX long enough to get all the vet benefits I cared about, but if I had to start over again? I should be allowed to pay my money and get my costume options.

My pet peeve is people who refuse to acknowledge it when I tell them my character has unlimited power. If I rp attack them they are of course disintegrated beyond the ability of any hospital or magic to restore. Yet despite this they refuse to delete their characters and still keep playing them as if nothing happened. ~Mandu, 07-16-2010



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
I defy you to name even one tiny legitimate balance issue caused by someone having a costume piece. Costume pieces have nothing whatsoever to do with balance.



That's kinda why I stopped trying to rationalize the argument, yeah. So here's the forum combative version:

I've never heard of anyone who quit for not having Samurai armor or any other costume item in the Vet Rewards. Therefore, the need doesn't exist - just your want for it. If it were need, you'd have quit already. So, all hail the status quo, because vet rewards, as designed, have worked for almost four years now (Nov 2006, IIRC).



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
I defy you to name even one tiny legitimate balance issue caused by someone having a costume piece. Costume pieces have nothing whatsoever to do with balance.
Sure it does. These items weren't meant to be standard fare for players. NOT having the costume pieces does not represent a balance issue. You've made my point pretty well.

The balance here is understanding that these rewards were not meant to be standard fare for all players. They were designed as... wait for it... "rewards". Freebies, meant for players to enjoy as they played the game for longer periods of time. Not freebies meant for everyone who subscribes - that's what the invention system is for. Craft wings, craft boots, craft temp powers galore. But this reserved set is for Paragon Studios to say, "thanks for subscribing, here's a lovely little mint."

They don't want you eating all the freakin' mints at once, cuz that's just piggish.



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
But this reserved set is for Paragon Studios to say, "thanks for subscribing, here's a lovely little mint."
Cryptic did vet costumes, not Paragon. Paragon has never added a costume as a vet reward.

As for them not being intended for the average user, I call giant shenanigans. Especially the early costume rewards were among the most requested costume items from players in the long period before Vet rewards were started. Players really, really wanted things like trench coats and wings for their characters, and then came veteran rewards to grant them to "everyone" (since, at the time of announcement and implementation, almost every player was due some veteran reward time already).

The costume Vet Rewards were put in place in an era before the Booster packs, and adding costume pieces has never been a huge priority for issue releases. In a way, Veteran Rewards were the first booster pack, except a new player can't buy them if they want those pieces - they can only wait.

We'll never know for sure how many players that has cost, but I will guarantee you that number is higher than the number of vets who will quit over there being some method to unlock vet costume pieces other than waiting for vet rewards.



I have to ask. If we'll never know for sure how many players that cost, how can you guarantee that it's higher than the vets who think your me-me-me request is poppycock?

Well, this was mildly invigorating, but it's off to actually playing for me. Cheers, all. All hail vet rewards.



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
I have to ask. If we'll never know for sure how many players that cost, how can you guarantee that it's higher than the vets who think your me-me-me request is poppycock?
1) I already have most of the veteran reward costume pieces. I'm not arguing on my own behalf. I really wish we could get over the personal insults when these discussions come up. I won't call you selfish, elitist bastards, but you need to agree to stop calling me a greedy, impatient child.

2) Because I'm willing to stake my reputation that the sale of a "Veteran Reward Costumes Booster Pack" would result in 0 veterans quitting the game, and I'm equally willing to stake that reputation that lack of wings at level 1 has cost at least 1 customer.



I'm a 75 month veteran (or will be shortly, rather), and I approve this message.



Actually I was surprised that the 75 month reward wasn't the new GR factions symbols for your costumes.



Originally Posted by Goldbrick View Post
You'll get them just like every veteran, in due course. Completely fair.
In much the same way as racing against someone when they get a substantial headstart is completely fair.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
In much the same way as racing against someone when they get a substantial headstart is completely fair.
Shame this game isn't a race. And neither are veteran rewards.

I'm quite happy with the way veteran rewards are set up, but then I seem to have a little more patience than a lot of people playing this game.

The veteran rewards are just that, rewards for having been a long term subscriber. All you need to do to catch up with a particular reward is to subscribe and wait. Just like the people who already have the reward did.

And hey! You get a whole MMO to play in while youre waiting! Imagine that!

<exits stage left, before his cynicism gets the better of himself>


The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.



People are not as nice as you think they are. People who struggled or put in the time for a particular reward would be furious (or very angry) that someone who did NOT have to put in the time and effort for the same benefit got it.

People think this way, people act this way, that's what people do.

Changing the system so everyone gets it does NOT work because of human nature. Granted, it wouldn't really effect veterans at all in game play since they already have it, but they were denied access to the rewards at some point, so why doesn't everyone else get the same treatment?



I'll hit the 72 month mark in late August. At this point I would like vet rewards that add convenience and/or remove tediousness. My number one desire is to have remote access to the markets.

Other ideas.

- more salvage,recipe and enhancement storage space
- a power (maybe 1x every 15-30 or so minutes) that applies all inspirations to your character like what happens when you level up
- a power that lets you teleport to any one location that you choose.
a power that lets you teleport to any contact on your list
- being able to use your cell phone for any contact immediately instead of having to work up to it



Originally Posted by Gravinetix View Post
I'll hit the 72 month mark in late August. At this point I would like vet rewards that add convenience and/or remove tediousness. My number one desire is to have remote access to the markets.

Other ideas.

- more salvage,recipe and enhancement storage space
- a power (maybe 1x every 15-30 or so minutes) that applies all inspirations to your character like what happens when you level up
- a power that lets you teleport to any one location that you choose.
- a power that lets you teleport to any contact on your list
- being able to use your cell phone for any contact immediately instead of having to work up to it
While I think every 15-30 minutes might be a bit much for the inspiration power, I otherwise think these are all fine ideas for veteran rewards.

SCR on the teleport powers, though. Contact is probably a lot easier than anywhere.



10% NICE! Wish I was on my 75 month Vet... Good Idea by the way!



Originally Posted by Gravinetix View Post
I'll hit the 72 month mark in late August. At this point I would like vet rewards that add convenience and/or remove tediousness. My number one desire is to have remote access to the markets.

Other ideas.

- more salvage,recipe and enhancement storage space
- a power (maybe 1x every 15-30 or so minutes) that applies all inspirations to your character like what happens when you level up
- a power that lets you teleport to any one location that you choose.
a power that lets you teleport to any contact on your list
- being able to use your cell phone for any contact immediately instead of having to work up to it
Great idea man!



I like the vet rewards but I do wish they would revamp them so that instead of getting costume part X at month Y, you instead got a token that let you unlock one of the Vet Reward Costume Options. So if 6 month Vet Reward is a costume option (I don't remember if it is) then you could get Angel Wings or Greek Letters or which ever particular VRCO most appealed to you. While this wouldn't eliminate Eiko-chan's complaint it would at least mitigate it somewhat.

Glowworm * Brrr * Lilinoe
Kid Trance * Ms. Impala * Red Helen
Pooka Pete