Discussion: 75 Month Veteran Reward




Originally Posted by Glowworm_Nexus View Post
So if 6 month Vet Reward is a costume option (I don't remember if it is)
Veteran Rewards are costume pieces at months 3, 6, 9, 15, 18, 21, 27, 30, 39, and 51.

They are base items at months 12, 24, 30, and 36.

That's all the "exclusive item" aspects of Veteran Rewards.

As for your suggestion; it'd be a nicer system, but it still doesn't fix the problem of newcomers not being able to make the character they envision (or even come close, if that vision includes wings, or a guy in shorts.)



Originally Posted by ohloh View Post
People are not as nice as you think they are. People who struggled or put in the time for a particular reward would be furious (or very angry) that someone who did NOT have to put in the time and effort for the same benefit got it.

People think this way, people act this way, that's what people do.

Changing the system so everyone gets it does NOT work because of human nature. Granted, it wouldn't really effect veterans at all in game play since they already have it, but they were denied access to the rewards at some point, so why doesn't everyone else get the same treatment?
You're right! Absolutely right!

I remember struggling for some doohickey in game that ended up being granted as a reward for some special event and being REALLY peeved over the 'latecomers.'

I didn't quit over it. That is a ridiculous idea to even entertain. (And if you said you would quit, I don't believe you.) The whole point of veterans is that we're *persistently* fond of this game. We are far more likely to keep playing than quit out of pique.

Newcomers are more likely to quit if the game isn't living up to their satisfaction. I don't see anything wrong with allowing them to play with costume options that we didn't have at one time. I don't see wings, boxing shorts, samurai armor, and trenchcoats as special--they just weren't here when we started, thats all.

And to the person telling people to not be 'greedy?' Are you kidding? It is not a privilege to play the game.

My pet peeve is people who refuse to acknowledge it when I tell them my character has unlimited power. If I rp attack them they are of course disintegrated beyond the ability of any hospital or magic to restore. Yet despite this they refuse to delete their characters and still keep playing them as if nothing happened. ~Mandu, 07-16-2010



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
In much the same way as racing against someone when they get a substantial headstart is completely fair.

If you think you are making logical sense, I suggest you should only join MMOs that are just starting up.

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Guess I will start with saying my account is barely a year old now. So I don't have a lot of these Veteran rewards and it would be a long time before I could get many of them. But that doesn't mean I don't play this game actively during that time I have been here. My main's earned 8 million prestige for his SG in that time. Which I found to be more than a lot of Vets who have been here for years. But that is anther story and not the point.

It seems that the most complaint about Vet rewards is the Costume pieces. I had made this suggestion in another thread a few months back and figured I might post it here. Get a little more feedback. With the recent 'thing' being Booster Packs. Why not have a Veteran Costume Booster Pack. It wouldn't have anything else from the Veteran rewards system but the costume parts. They could then even add in a few pieces along with new emotes to make it enticing for Veterans as well.



Originally Posted by Sir_Thom View Post
Can I ask a question to the people who are against the Vet Rewards...what do you think about the special costumes codes they give out at Conventions and HeroCon? Are those costume codes harmful to the game, too?
(emphasis mine)

Like Eiko-chan, I'm only against Veteran Rewards where costume pieces are concerned. Everything else about the system is fine to me.

To answer the question about costume codes, I consider my "inability" to get them (as for going to a convention) to be harmful to my personal experience. I won't quit the game over it, just have a non-optimal experience. It can affect (not exactly "harm") the game because the player's vision of it will somehow be affected, as for how they portrait the game to other potentially new players, and things like that. IMO, YMMV, insert-your-acronym-here etc etc.

But this specific case of costume codes has already been solved with the daily code giveaway via forum games, which I'm positive that the new and upcoming costume codes will eventually be given a similar treatment.



Originally Posted by Jet_Boy View Post
Meh, Looks like just another *we don't want to offend the non-vets" Vet Reward again.
Meh, I see it more like a "we are knee-deep in trying to finish Going Rogue so we really don't have any time to do anything more special than this" Vet award. Given the timing of this award I never really expected much out of it all things considered. *shrugs*

As to whether there'll ever be another special Vet award (which might "offend" the non-vets) who's to say. Then again I was one of those strange people who would have been happy enough to have seen the 60th month Vet award be the last one.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Honestly, I fail to see how not having all the costume options from Vet Rewards at the start is different in the end from having to earn them in game.

I mean when you create a new char, you don't have access to capes, nor auras, nor Cimeroran sets, or special weapons...
You can't even create an elite char ^_^

All of this demands some playing time.

Some say that the company lost customers because they didn't have all the costume options from the beginning.

But... if someone leaves the game because he can't wear a samuraï armor from the start, isn't it the same as someone leaving because he can't wear a cape at level 1 ? (well, in fact you can wear small ones... with a vet reward )

So should the devs allow capes and auras at lvl 1 ? And all the special weapons and clothes from the Rikti warzone and Cimerora too, plus the accolades ones, and so on ?
And I guess lots of people left the game because they had only one costume to choose at the beginning too ! So open the 5 costumes slots at level 1 too !

You might think I'm exagerating but that's the idea.
What would be the reward for playing the game then ? Levelling up ? ^_^
What's the problem with a company actually giving something to a customer who sticked with and gave money every month, for years ?

In most other MMOs, you can't even wear what you want to, nor when you want to.
Even at the max level, even if you've been playing since beta.
Name the MMOs where you can fight at max power wearing a wedding dress or boxer pants
I remember I was waiting on the Tech suit vet reward, for one of my character, and I couldn't wait
But why would I leave the game because I can't get what I want... while I can actually get it, after some time ?
(I doubt anyone leaving because they can't wear a trench coat from the start would've stayed very long anyway )

I can't see how having to put some efforts (levelling) or time (vet rewards) to get what you want is bad. I really fail at this.

And though I'm a vet, I'm very far from the 75 months ^_^

I must say I like vet rewards, because even if it's not always good, at least it means "we appreciate your loyalty".

What's the point in giving everything from the start to people who'll leave after 2 or 3 months anyway ?



yeah....ummmm.... as one of those 6yr vets, this reward is on the really.... thats it scale, like other people have said, it would have been rather nice before all the changes to base costs, but now....eh maybe another respec or something like that but this is pretty worthless since after 6 yrs the SG/VG I am in has enough prestige to last for 6 more yrs already.

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Originally Posted by Tomoe View Post
Honestly, I fail to see how not having all the costume options from Vet Rewards at the start is different in the end from having to earn them in game.

I mean when you create a new char, you don't have access to capes, nor auras, nor Cimeroran sets, or special weapons...
You can't even create an elite char ^_^
Powers...and costume parts...aren't really comparable.

I think you're being a bit facetious.

All of this demands some playing time.

Some say that the company lost customers because they didn't have all the costume options from the beginning.

But... if someone leaves the game because he can't wear a samuraï armor from the start, isn't it the same as someone leaving because he can't wear a cape at level 1 ? (well, in fact you can wear small ones... with a vet reward )
You, again, are making ridiculous comparisons. A slow player can make 20 in a month. Certain costume parts require YEARS of time to get.

So should the devs allow capes and auras at lvl 1 ? And all the special weapons and clothes from the Rikti warzone and Cimerora too, plus the accolades ones, and so on ?
And I guess lots of people left the game because they had only one costume to choose at the beginning too ! So open the 5 costumes slots at level 1 too !

You might think I'm exagerating but that's the idea.
What would be the reward for playing the game then ? Levelling up ? ^_^
What's the problem with a company actually giving something to a customer who sticked with and gave money every month, for years ?
I don't have a problem with presents. (And there should be multiple, tiered aura selections.)

I am echoing another person's arguement--that I am in total agreement with--that people should get full costume parts at level 1, day 1. It doesn't really have much to do with the idea of giving veteran players special gifts at all. It especially has nothing to do with the special powers that vets or level 50s have. Your 'exaggeration' has no point to it.

In most other MMOs, you can't even wear what you want to, nor when you want to.
Even at the max level, even if you've been playing since beta.
Name the MMOs where you can fight at max power wearing a wedding dress or boxer pants
I have a page bookmarked of recommended free games online. There are quite a lot. To suggest that there is no competition in this market is a bit naive.

I remember I was waiting on the Tech suit vet reward, for one of my character, and I couldn't wait
But why would I leave the game because I can't get what I want... while I can actually get it, after some time ?
(I doubt anyone leaving because they can't wear a trench coat from the start would've stayed very long anyway )
You've found a niche in this game. It satisfies what you want. The human tendency to nest has convinced you to not shop around anymore, so you're willing to 'work' for the right to pay for what you want.


I can't see how having to put some efforts (levelling) or time (vet rewards) to get what you want is bad. I really fail at this.

And though I'm a vet, I'm very far from the 75 months ^_^

I must say I like vet rewards, because even if it's not always good, at least it means "we appreciate your loyalty".

What's the point in giving everything from the start to people who'll leave after 2 or 3 months anyway ?
Getting gifts is nice. Withholding things that are pretty basic to a game like this is more like punishing new players. Capes? You can't get CAPES in a superhero game til level 20? That's retarded. It's symptomatic of the feeling of achievement the devs felt when they created them that they made players *earn* them. Great feeling for them. And every other thing is a reward for the players who *worked* for the game.

But that's a completely inappropriate attitude for the marketplace.

With all the competition out there, they're more likely to go where they CAN get what they want.

That 2 or 3 months is the time someone spends getting to know the game. Is their character pretty boring? Or is it exactly what they want? There's a lot of other things that ought to be tweaked in this game to make it less of a promise that 'it'll get good someday.'

See, I have everything I want, I know all the tricks. I'm doing just fine. But I want MOAR than vet benefits. I want all the stuff that costs money in development, like alternate animations for chopping people up with swords. That needs money, which means we need more new playing customers, which means thinking about the newbie and being the right choice for him.

Would I give up vet benefits for new animations and maps and powersets and a vast array of costume options? You betcha!

My pet peeve is people who refuse to acknowledge it when I tell them my character has unlimited power. If I rp attack them they are of course disintegrated beyond the ability of any hospital or magic to restore. Yet despite this they refuse to delete their characters and still keep playing them as if nothing happened. ~Mandu, 07-16-2010



Samurai set is far more desirable than 10% prestige bonus, same goes for the Boxing set too. Don't understand how some vet rewards are basically useless or highly situational but others like Costume's and the City travelers are huge yet there is no rhyme or reason to how many months you gotta play for them.

10% prestige bonus is 75 months but Samurai is only 21 or City Traveler which has gameplay implications that can set your character apart at a very earlier level.

What if I'm teaming with a level 9 newbie but I'm lvl6 and have City traveler and I'm SS'ing around, he asks why can you SS at 6 but I can't. I then have to go on an explain well you see I'm a Vet I get special rewards that allow me to get tarvel powers earlier than you, you wont be able to get fly or SS until 14 also you gotta choose Hasten or Flurry first too while I can skip those powers and move right onto attacks that will help me lvl faster in the early game. If I were him I'd ask "Well how long till I get the City Traveler?" Oh its about 60 months. He then replies "But thats 5 years!"



So I got my 75 Vet reward last week & everything was fine. Today, i log into my main & bring up his personal info to see that the 75 badge is no longer showing. I bring up the Vet Badge window & see that I do indeed have the 75 Badge but for some reason it's sandwiched between the 48 & 51 badges. This is the same for all my characters.

The badge is counting towards my badge total but to any player that brings up my info, it will look like I'm a 72 month vet rather than a 75 (yeah I know, boo-hoo right?).

Anybody else experiencing this weirdness?

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Originally Posted by Ashtoreth_NA View Post
Powers...and costume parts...aren't really comparable.

I think you're being a bit facetious.
Capes, auras, Cimeroran sets, & special weapons are not powers but costume parts...
Available after completing some quests, or by collecting tokens.
I wasn't talking about powers here, just costume parts that are not available from the start.
I talked about "elite chars" because epic ATs have quite unique costume parts or auras.
And it would be weird to get them from day 1... but oh well...

You, again, are making ridiculous comparisons. A slow player can make 20 in a month. Certain costume parts require YEARS of time to get.
Hmm... Actually you seem to miss the point.
Which is : someone who leaves because s/he can't wear a cape at level 1 wouldn't stay long anyway. Just like you said, it's available in a month.
If the game in itself is not enough to keep a player in for a month, it's foolish to think that player would've stayed anyway.

I don't have a problem with presents. (And there should be multiple, tiered aura selections.)

I am echoing another person's arguement--that I am in total agreement with--that people should get full costume parts at level 1, day 1. It doesn't really have much to do with the idea of giving veteran players special gifts at all. It especially has nothing to do with the special powers that vets or level 50s have. Your 'exaggeration' has no point to it.
I think costumes are probably the CoX feature the devs are the most proud of.
I do think they don't want players to get them all at once, but to gain them, try them, enjoy the fact that they got something new, instead of simply have a closed amount of stuff to wear.
You don't give your best stuff for free.

I have a page bookmarked of recommended free games online. There are quite a lot. To suggest that there is no competition in this market is a bit naive.
A whole page of bookmarked free MMOs with the same amount of clothing customization as CoX... Well I'd love to see that, honestly, please share.

You've found a niche in this game. It satisfies what you want. The human tendency to nest has convinced you to not shop around anymore, so you're willing to 'work' for the right to pay for what you want.
Well either I don't get what you mean, or you missed your target.
I'm playing different MMOs, some that I paid for (SWG, LOTRO), some free (SNW, CO, and a couple more). I'm not a CoX fanboy, I left for quite some time (which is why I'm far from the 75 months ) but came back, and found it good enough to stay.
I tried many games before and after I came back, which is why I feel I can make some comparisons (and why your "page of bookmarked free MMOs with the same amount of clothing customization as CoX" seems so weird to me, but again, please share).

Getting gifts is nice. Withholding things that are pretty basic to a game like this is more like punishing new players. Capes? You can't get CAPES in a superhero game til level 20? That's retarded. It's symptomatic of the feeling of achievement the devs felt when they created them that they made players *earn* them. Great feeling for them. And every other thing is a reward for the players who *worked* for the game.

But that's a completely inappropriate attitude for the marketplace.

With all the competition out there, they're more likely to go where they CAN get what they want.
Huhu... If what they want is a superhero with a cape at lvl 1, I see one other possibility ^_^
If they want a superhero with samuraï armor at level 1 well... I don't see any
More competition will come, for sure, but till now, is anyone impressed by the competition in the same area ?

That 2 or 3 months is the time someone spends getting to know the game. Is their character pretty boring? Or is it exactly what they want? There's a lot of other things that ought to be tweaked in this game to make it less of a promise that 'it'll get good someday.'
I really agree with you on this one.
There's a lot to do to make it really better (and GR won't be enough in that matter).

But do you really think someone who's bored with the game would suddenly find it appealing because of boxer pants given at level 1 ?
You can be bored over gameplay (either you didn't play because it bored you from the start, or you tried all ATs, and got bored from actually playing).
But over cosmetic choices, while there's already so much to choose from scratch ? Allow me to doubt that.

See, I have everything I want, I know all the tricks. I'm doing just fine. But I want MOAR than vet benefits. I want all the stuff that costs money in development, like alternate animations for chopping people up with swords. That needs money, which means we need more new playing customers, which means thinking about the newbie and being the right choice for him.

Would I give up vet benefits for new animations and maps and powersets and a vast array of costume options? You betcha!
And there we're going back to my first point (that you didn't answer to) : having a bunch of new players who'd stay for one month wouldn't give you all the cool stuff.
What is needed is a bigger player base that actually sticks.
And from what I saw on ALL MMOs, you enlarge your player base through huge events, like an expansion (maybe GR - hopefully), or a modification of the gameplay (SWG for example), or even of the paying terms (DDO ).
And sometimes through that same event you can lose your initial player base btw

Would I give up vet benefits for new animations and maps and powersets and a vast array of costume options? Yes !
Would giving up vet rewards grant me all this ? No !
We need new players and the game needs to be tweaked to make them stay.
Vet rewards probably need to be modified (I like the idea of selecting what you want within one year).
But giving away everything for free from the start isn't the solution.

Why would anyone play a game for 3 months if they get and discover everything in one ??



Originally Posted by Tomoe View Post
Capes, auras, Cimeroran sets, & special weapons are not powers but costume parts...
Available after completing some quests, or by collecting tokens.
I wasn't talking about powers here, just costume parts that are not available from the start.
I talked about "elite chars" because epic ATs have quite unique costume parts or auras.
And it would be weird to get them from day 1... but oh well...
Special things can be rewards. Basic stuff shouldn't be is my point.

A basic cape is..pretty basic to the concept of most characters. A Valkyrie cape is special.

As for unique auras of epic ATs..ugh. People who want all-white powers are not well-served by the current powers customization. All-white tends to be almost invisible, whereas the Peacebringer's manage to be bright and distinctive. It's annoying to be forced to play a Peacebringer if you want the correct color.

Hmm... Actually you seem to miss the point.
Which is : someone who leaves because s/he can't wear a cape at level 1 wouldn't stay long anyway. Just like you said, it's available in a month.
If the game in itself is not enough to keep a player in for a month, it's foolish to think that player would've stayed anyway.
Lots of us are going to leave (and come back). Normal game attrition. Those people bought the game, didn't they? Some of them will stay. I just want more to stay. Newcomers need to feel this is 'their' game, too, not just those of us lucky enough to have started back in the day.

And quit mocking toons who don't make it to 20! I love making alts, dangit! Shouldn't have to wait so long for them to look 'right.'

I think costumes are probably the CoX feature the devs are the most proud of.
I do think they don't want players to get them all at once, but to gain them, try them, enjoy the fact that they got something new, instead of simply have a closed amount of stuff to wear.
You don't give your best stuff for free.
That's why this is a paid game, with booster packs.

A whole page of bookmarked free MMOs with the same amount of clothing customization as CoX... Well I'd love to see that, honestly, please share.
Sorry, I have no idea how good they all are to play. I've paid for subscriptions to games for months without the time to play them! Poor clothing customization was one of my reasons for ending other subscriptions though.

Well either I don't get what you mean, or you missed your target.
I'm playing different MMOs, some that I paid for (SWG, LOTRO), some free (SNW, CO, and a couple more). I'm not a CoX fanboy, I left for quite some time (which is why I'm far from the 75 months ) but came back, and found it good enough to stay.
I tried many games before and after I came back, which is why I feel I can make some comparisons (and why your "page of bookmarked free MMOs with the same amount of clothing customization as CoX" seems so weird to me, but again, please share).
Then I really don't get where you're coming from.

Huhu... If what they want is a superhero with a cape at lvl 1, I see one other possibility ^_^
If they want a superhero with samuraï armor at level 1 well... I don't see any
More competition will come, for sure, but till now, is anyone impressed by the competition in the same area ?
I renewed a sub to some competition lately because they DO impress me. Still waiting on events in others and reviews for others.


I really agree with you on this one.
There's a lot to do to make it really better (and GR won't be enough in that matter).

But do you really think someone who's bored with the game would suddenly find it appealing because of boxer pants given at level 1 ?
You can be bored over gameplay (either you didn't play because it bored you from the start, or you tried all ATs, and got bored from actually playing).
But over cosmetic choices, while there's already so much to choose from scratch ? Allow me to doubt that.

And there we're going back to my first point (that you didn't answer to) : having a bunch of new players who'd stay for one month wouldn't give you all the cool stuff.
What have you said that actually had a point haven't I answered? We simply disagree about people's reasons for staying and leaving games.

What is needed is a bigger player base that actually sticks.
And from what I saw on ALL MMOs, you enlarge your player base through huge events, like an expansion (maybe GR - hopefully), or a modification of the gameplay (SWG for example), or even of the paying terms (DDO ).
And sometimes through that same event you can lose your initial player base btw

Would I give up vet benefits for new animations and maps and powersets and a vast array of costume options? Yes !
Would giving up vet rewards grant me all this ? No !
We need new players and the game needs to be tweaked to make them stay.
Vet rewards probably need to be modified (I like the idea of selecting what you want within one year).
But giving away everything for free from the start isn't the solution.

Why would anyone play a game for 3 months if they get and discover everything in one ??
Games are not about collecting IMHO. Every time I hear an issue announced "and new badges!" I groan. Badges may be the least interesting part of this game. I don't bother collecting them unless there's a power attached. Just to give examples..

Nor is this really a discovery game. A lot of the important discovery stuff is wrapped up in Task Forces and so gets bypassed while everyone scrambles madly to get to the mission door.

I think the important part of this game is the action, and the awesome powers, and looking the way you imagine your hero should look. You short those out *too* much and I believe you lose customers. It would be great if discovery and story were better, too.

I appreciate your attempt at a compromise solution, I just feel including powers along with costume parts is a little *too* much. I do love the idea of just putting them all in a buyable booster pack.

I remember how infuriated I was when I bought the special CoV that allowed you to have the Arachnos cape--then finding out I had to wait til level 20 like a peon. Frankly, it felt like I got ripped off. And like I said, I've got lots of other subscriptions awaiting my time and money.

My pet peeve is people who refuse to acknowledge it when I tell them my character has unlimited power. If I rp attack them they are of course disintegrated beyond the ability of any hospital or magic to restore. Yet despite this they refuse to delete their characters and still keep playing them as if nothing happened. ~Mandu, 07-16-2010



I was hoping for the "Awesome Button". which is basically an struting Emote with confetti falling around as you walk. With a similar "/em showoff" at the end.

A non-combat pet valet(you choose sex of valet and 3 or 4 optional colors)

A Mini-me non-Combat Pet Similar 'nuff said, the clone tech is in the game.

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It's kinda funny, but I see a lot of people complaining that new people playing the game get turned off or quit playing because of the Veteran Reward system. Maybe I am completely off base (don't really believe I am but it is marginally possible) but I have talked to a lot of new players and will continue to do so and they all LIKE the Veteran Reward system. As a matter of fact I have heard NOTHING but praise for it. For those that are complaining, try actually talking to these people for yourself and see how far off base you are. Easiest way to find them by the way is to watch the help channel.



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
It's kinda funny, but I see a lot of people complaining that new people playing the game get turned off or quit playing because of the Veteran Reward system. Maybe I am completely off base (don't really believe I am but it is marginally possible) but I have talked to a lot of new players and will continue to do so and they all LIKE the Veteran Reward system. As a matter of fact I have heard NOTHING but praise for it. For those that are complaining, try actually talking to these people for yourself and see how far off base you are. Easiest way to find them by the way is to watch the help channel.
I gotta agree here. I like the reward system as it is and -- even though not all the rewards are as cool/useful/fun as I'd like -- there are some real gems in the list that I have to look forward to.


"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." -- Dr. Seuss



This reward is fail. Can we at least throw in a respec or a Hero/Villain merit or something?

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
This reward is fail. Can we at least throw in a respec or a Hero/Villain merit or something?
How many respecs do you need? I mean seriously, we get like 8 or nine already so sure one more can't hurt right? Then do a respec trial and earn it. Stop complaining when you are given something for free that they don't have to give you at all.



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
How many respecs do you need? I mean seriously, we get like 8 or nine already so sure one more can't hurt right? Then do a respec trial and earn it. Stop complaining when you are given something for free that they don't have to give you at all.
No. I'll complain about whatever I want and you'll do nothing about it. So there.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Buxley1 View Post
I gotta agree here. I like the reward system as it is and -- even though not all the rewards are as cool/useful/fun as I'd like -- there are some real gems in the list that I have to look forward to.

I'm with Gman and Buxley (and many of the vets) on this, despite only recently obtaining my 12-month badge. In stark contrast to Eiko-Chan and like-minded members, I have SO much respect and gratitude for the community of veterans that have kept this game and universe in the limelight over the past half-decade. I'd actually be HAPPIER with the reward system if the oldest vets received an exclusive costume/emote booster pack one of these days. It'll probably never happen, but I think you guys and gals (and zombies and aliens and robots) deserve it.

And besides, speaking of balance, I have something you vets never got to have: The size and scope of the game during my first year. Think about it. I've heard about the "small world" of the game's early days, yuck! (this is also the reason I'm not interested in newer super-powered MMOs coming out.) I much prefer my 2009/2010 experience, thank you.

After my first year, there are still so many unexplored storylines, areas, powers, features, and still a couple booster packs to snag; the game still feels new to me and yet so large that I'm not sure how I'll ever explore it all. I'm betting Paragon Studios has more than a few expansions/issues up its sleeve by now; And as a busy working adult, I feel I can rest assured there will always be some place, some character concept, or some storyline I haven't yet explored.

I don't WANT everything now, I prefer incentives and the allure of possibilities.

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I got the Veteran Reward, but it doesn't show up in the Veteran list. Only in the Recent badges.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



As someone who mostly solos anymore (that is, when I even get a chance to play), this reward is totally useless to me. Good luck to the SGers who get the boost. Wait... Didn't they make SG bases less expensive a while back, so most decent sized SGs already have more Prestige than they can use? *sigh*

What about some new chest emblems for the vets (gold Praetorian Loyalist star and Resistance emblems, anyone?), or some costumes such as Longbow and Wyvern...or something else for QoL without changing game mechanics, to keep us old fogeys interested another three months?

Just a thought...

Hey Cookie Monster, if "C" is for cookie, what is "N" for?
Golden Age & Early Silver Age Heroes (RPers) Wanted!
Batman PWND by The Insidious Termite!
The Internet



I would like the Praetorian Loyalist star and Resistance emblems but I'd hope we didnt have to wait 77+months for them. Espcially as GR is hopefully getting new players in.

As a GR Icon booster, or earnable, or even grandfathered in the vet reward that has the PPD emblems would be better imo.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Personally, if we are going to start asking for certain "desires" for the Veteran Rewards I would suggest things that are less tangible than costume pieces or costume art. I never liked that you had to be a Vet for X months to get costume pieces. That seems a little unfair to me and I have been playing since 2004. The things I do like are:

travel power at level 6 (maybe move that to 27 months though)
respecs (really though 5 is more than enough)
the +5% to inspirs
the removing the "fog of war" from the maps power
base teleporter
reward merits
additional character slots for the server of your choice
the perma temp attack powers
the assemble the team power
base items
bonus to sg prestige
additional salvage/recipe/selling slots

It seems to me that keeping to this kind of reward is less likely to create such angst in the more needy crowd out there.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
No, it's not. This MMO is not like other MMOs. This MMO doesn't have an end game (not yet, anyway - and we don't really know what the end game will look like).
This game is expressly stated by Devs to be designed for alts, not for long-term investment in a single character.

This game is unique in the MMO world for how much of the investment in a character is up-front, in character generation. Other MMOs have you "build up" to a particular look, power, and feel for your character. City of Heroes allows you to craft your look and feel, and the direction of your powers, right from level 1.

This game is more about exploring characters and possibilities than other MMOs. This game is not about the grind of levels, the advancement of gear, the swapping of abilities. Characters grow and gain ability, but almost all will still use their low-tier abilities alongside those, while in other MMOs you swap out old abilities for new.

The costume creator is the biggest thing that sets this MMO apart from other games. It is the single most powerful marketing tool the game has; the single most powerful feature for drawing people away from other games. Needlessly hampering that feature, even in minor ways, just because you're not sure this new customer might be "loyal enough" (represented by veteran time) is simply bad business.

Comparing City of Heroes to "other MMOs" is a serious slight to City of Heroes. This is not other MMOs. It's something better.
Seems to me it's a bit like 'sour grapes' - if you subscribe to and play the game long enough you will be entitled to all the vet (costume pieces) that you want. Why get all sulky about something you will get that only requires a bit of patience (and the relevant subs) on your part to acquire?

There is always a lot to be thankful for, if you take the time to look. For example, I'm sitting here thinking how nice it is that wrinkles don't hurt. ~Author Unknown