Discussion: 75 Month Veteran Reward




Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
I got the Veteran Reward, but it doesn't show up in the Veteran list. Only in the Recent badges.
Ditto that - too darn lazy at the moment to petition it - will get around to it though when I work up the energy.

There is always a lot to be thankful for, if you take the time to look. For example, I'm sitting here thinking how nice it is that wrinkles don't hurt. ~Author Unknown



Originally Posted by Warbaby View Post
Seems to me it's a bit like 'sour grapes' - if you subscribe to and play the game long enough you will be entitled to all the vet (costume pieces) that you want. Why get all sulky about something you will get that only requires a bit of patience (and the relevant subs) on your part to acquire?
I can see your point, but really, how many people start this game intending to play for the next 5 years? Only a small portion even do stay that long and as a Vet, while I do agree that the Veteran System is a good idea, I also feel putting costume parts/art into it was a bad idea. The other powers and such (as I stated above) are probably the best way to go in my opinion.



One thing they I really wish they'd do is have either a Vet Reward, or maybe as "Special Offer"(?)

That would let people with only one account - Add an additional CoH/CoV/GR Game Account = on the same Master Account, that would be tied to their Original COH Account for the sake of Vet Rewards.

Or... For those players with multiple accounts already - and/or those who've had extra accounts at some point) "Catch-Up" a second or third account to an equal level of Vet Reward time.

Is it a "Veteran Reward" for being a long time customer? Or is it for a person's specific account(s) being a certain degree of "Veteran"... ?

I've had 2 CoX extra game key codes for a LONG time.

One that was at the time 'just for CoH' (it was included as a "parting gift" when they shut down Auto Assault - along with a beta key & full game code for Tabula Rasa).
And as fate who have it, another CoX code (among a couple other things) that was a "parting gift" for when they shut down Tabula Rasa!

I'd love to have 2 other accounts that I could turn on when time & money allows, but so far (over the last 2-4 years)... I just haven't been able to get over the idea that any characters made on those accounts would be missing stuff that may not be "crucial", But it's stuff I'm VERY used to having, and new toons without that stuff would feel very wrong. I know this was true in the past when creating alts on a trial account.

Especially if I was trying to "duo" 2 toons and one doesn't have - lets say the SG Base TP power. For other people, it might be some important costumes bits for a Themed SG's, or whatever.

Seems to me like having (at least) one Active subscription for several years = From back before there were any Veteran Rewards, should be enough to prove a customer as loyal and apply to have ever many extra Game Accounts a person has, Maybe limit it to 1 extra account per "Vet year" or something.

As it stands those 2 account codes will probably be used once - when I have the time... to invite new Alts into SGs/VGs, like we used to do with trial accounts. Last time I mentioned this last bit someone offered to help me get my alts into a SG, I appreciated the offer and may take them up on it at some point.
But, right know - I'm waiting to create New Characters after GR comes out with the new Powersets & some VEATs (maybe EAT's) that I've been putting off for creating for just this reason - no way to get new toons into my solo SG's at 3:30AM!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
City of Heroes didn't fail, City of Heroes was killed. If a 747 dropped on your house, you'd say you were killed, not you failed to find a safer dwelling.
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Cardiff Giant, I have a hard time feeling your pain since I only run one account and refuse to pay for a second, but I do see your point. For your sake and the people like you, I hope they take your argument into consideration. I would suggest e-mailing customer support and asking about it, the worst they can say is no.



Originally Posted by xzero45 View Post
oh no, free rewards! Imma gonna complain! Bwaaaah!

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Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
It's kinda funny, but I see a lot of people complaining that new people playing the game get turned off or quit playing because of the Veteran Reward system. Maybe I am completely off base (don't really believe I am but it is marginally possible) but I have talked to a lot of new players and will continue to do so and they all LIKE the Veteran Reward system. As a matter of fact I have heard NOTHING but praise for it. For those that are complaining, try actually talking to these people for yourself and see how far off base you are. Easiest way to find them by the way is to watch the help channel.
Of course some new players will not be put off by the Veteran Reward System.

However, do you really believe that there is not one single player who has ever said "how many months for wings? Screw that!" and quit on the spot?

Do you think Veteran Rewards actually bring in new players that wouldn't otherwise play?



Originally Posted by ShaneBattle (is a lot vague in his point here)
Of course some new players will not be put off by the Veteran Reward System.

However, do you really believe that there is not one single player who has ever said "how many months for wings? Screw that!" and quit on the spot?

Do you think Veteran Rewards actually bring in new players that wouldn't otherwise play?
I'm a little mystified by your post here, so I will try to answer your statements and NOT try to figure out your point.

New players and liking the Vet system you answered yourself so I won't go any farther except to say that I have not found ANY new players that do not like the Vet system. I have talked to some that do not like the costume aspects of it, but love the overall idea.

Do I believe someone will quit immediately over wings at XX months because they don't want to wait? Uhm . . . no. That is silly to even suggest. See my previous paragraph for a fuller explanation.

Will the Vet system bring in new players? What? It was never even intended for that. It is intended to keep people like me happy who have spent $15 a month for 12 months a year for 6 years (total of $1080.00 or there abouts). It gives us more goals other than tricking out ANOTHER toon.

Lasty ShaneBattle, I will ask you to clarify what your point was so I can truly respond to your post. As it stands now I can only assume I have answered you and I hate assuming anything.



I hit 75 months on Aug 3rd *woot* prestige? *blech*

After playing this game for over 6 years now, in my opinion, EVERY veteran reward 3 month period should, at the least, have unique costume piece unlocks as part of a themed costume set/series (like Valkyrie) over each twelve month period. Example:

3 months - chest & legs
6 months - gloves, belt and boots
9 months - head/helmet
12 months - back (cape, wings, etc) + aura

Just a thought.



I'm looking forward to this one. My main SG has more in the bank that we'll ever use, but it feels good to earn even more. My reserve SG really needs the prestige.


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Originally Posted by GPBunny View Post
A slight change to vet rewards could please more people. Let you PICK your reward from the list every 3 months. Those who have all the rewards this won't change what they have. Those starting now or behind can pick what fits their needs/wants without feeling the need to never "catch up". Sure most will pick all the cool stuff first then be left with just costum tokens but hey why not. With the new expansion hitting maybe more might like a free character slot over say Tech Armor. Maybe someone is a base builder and wants to pick all the base perks first. See every one would get what they wanted and no one would be left out.
Everyone that proposes this fix to the reward system always misses the obvious flaw in it. If you give the players the ability to choose which rewards they want every three months they are going to pick everything they want up front. Then when there is nothing left that they want they will complain that they are not getting any new rewards in which case they will have to either pick stuff they don't want or wait for things they do want.

The system as it was designed is fair to everyone. While the rewards each time might not benefit everyone they are useful to someone which a lot of people seem to forget.

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Dark Voltage - 50 NRG/NRG/EM Blaster
Shure Shot - 50 Arch/NRG/MM Blaster
Silent Shadow Blade - 50 Katana/SR/BM Scrapper
Uphir - 50 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster



I have to agree with CodeJunkie. While picking your own reward would SEEM like a good idea. It would quickly turn into a fiasco. Better to set up one system and go with that. It may be time to rethink the order/appropriateness of awards and such, but otherwise keep it a unified single system.



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
Sooner or later the Veteran Rewards are going to simply become Cellphone camera shots of the various Paragon Studios employees sobbing the rewards "What more do you want from me!?"
said well. really i'm not expcetig a rose garden at this point, these rewards are for an increasingly shrinking segment of the popuation, its just not realistic to expect crazy stuff at this point. if you get this badge, you probaly enjoy this game enough that playing it is its own reward, so i dunno, i'm just not expecting much because i know there aren't many of us.



Hey, I plan on staying with this game until the servers shut down.

My Lego Models http://www.flickr.com/photos/30369639@N07/ lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



Ditto for me.



Originally Posted by Scrier View Post
Agreed. While I like the reward, it'll just end up in the pile with the other 40 million prestige that we have doing absolutely nothing.

were sitting on 460MILLION doing nothing..... do we really need moar?

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Originally Posted by CodeJunkie View Post
The system as it was designed is fair to everyone.
Only if you assume the game is going to go on forever. Ultimately, given the more realistic view that the game will inevitably end, it is unfair to anyone who wasn't able to get on the bandwagon from the start. And the longer the game goes on and the more vet rewards that are added the more unfair it becomes to latecomers. So not only is the system unfair, it becomes more unfair as time goes on.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
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Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Only if you assume the game is going to go on forever. Ultimately, given the more realistic view that the game will inevitably end, it is unfair to anyone who wasn't able to get on the bandwagon from the start. And the longer the game goes on and the more vet rewards that are added the more unfair it becomes to latecomers. So not only is the system unfair, it becomes more unfair as time goes on.
That point of view has some validity, but only if you feel everyone has the right to have the same as everyone else. I do not share that viewpoint. I believe we all deserve exactly what we work (or in this case pay) for. Everything eventually ends, yes. Therefore someone who buys my 10 year old used car can not expect it to run like it was just came off the factory floor.

If you came in late to the game, you work (or pay) to catch up at the same rate as everyone else. That is the fairest way it can be done. By the same token, those that did come into this later get a game much more advanced than when I came into it six years ago. After all, back then Heroes could only go to level 40, there was no PvP or Co-Op zones, and no CoV yet either, let alone GR.

If I were to take your "fairness system" to it's logical conclusion, then I should have had all that stuff, all these years. I see it that since I didn't, and my money has helped to keep this game going all these years, the Dev's came up with a system to keep people like me more interested. New players get a much more amazing game and I get a few extra Bennie's. That seems fair to me overall.



ok so at 51 months you get the final costume reward.

51 x 15 = 805

I can't really see anyone paying 800$ for a couple costume pieces... Cause thats what the vets paid for it so it would only be fair if they charged that much...



You don't pay for Vet Rewards. You pay for access to the game.



Originally Posted by Starfruit View Post
ok so at 51 months you get the final costume reward.

51 x 15 = 805

I can't really see anyone paying 800$ for a couple costume pieces... Cause thats what the vets paid for it so it would only be fair if they charged that much...
I'm not trying to be a jerk here Starfruit, but can you please edit this post and be more "descriptive" about what you mean. I've really been wracking my brain and it just isn't adding up. I'm pretty sure you aren't suggesting that people be able to buy the Vet reward costume pieces, but at the same time you might be. Just hoping you'll clear up the meaning of your post. Thanks.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
You don't pay for Vet Rewards. You pay for access to the game.
Actually, you pay for access to the game and vet rewards. And if you have a month in which you don't play, but have paid for, you are paying for only the vet reward.



Originally Posted by Hallowed View Post
Actually, you pay for access to the game and vet rewards. And if you have a month in which you don't play, but have paid for, you are paying for only the vet reward.
Or you are still paying for the access and choosing not to use it, but you still get the Vet reward.



On the whole, I am not impressed with the 75 month Vet reward. While the Prestige bonus is nice (even though it is strictly for defeating enemies,) I question giving such as a reward and then releasing an expansion where that bonus is worthless.

Additionally, having another badge (in the Going Rogue expansion) with the same name as the 75 month Vet reward dilutes the now-diminished reward even further.



Heres my 2 cents worth of whatever:
I have been playing for now 27 months... and very excited when I get my Vet rewards. Patiently waiting for my Black Wand or Staff. My bro has been playing for ... well he just got the City Traveler Vet Reward.. whatever time that is... to far ahead for me to keep track... but I do covet the things he has such as the Fairy, demon, robot pet and Vet Teleport!
I would never want the Vet Rewards to stop its a goal to strive for. My son had to not play his account for 4 months due to finances and he was disappointed that he lost some Vet time. Its fun to look forward to.
My one toon lusted for the Angel Wings to sleek her toon out, but I dont feel the game was better or worse for having them. I would have adapted the toon to what was available. I won CC before the nice Vet Wings.. and I won CC after the wings.

My thing with the topic of this chatter.. is the prestige. After 6 years a prestige bonus just seems... I want to say lame.. but trying to be nice. Once my toons hit 40 ish, I am in and out SG mode, based on what archs I am running. or AE.. and once 50 I dont hit SG mode again less I am working on some character SG badge like PVP. The money is to nice out of SG mode to bother for the pitiful few points I can gather.
My SG base was completely done with 3 peeps and alts in a few months of hard play. So maybe if the prestige bonus was offered earlier it wouldn't seem so lame.. say maybe at 3 months or 6 after a new player has their feet wet and can now start their own base.. and Coli off their current one.. or just to have one alone.
Some my bros Alts are not even in any my bases.. cause his toons.. LONERS...tsk... another story ...lol. But its story line.. character developement.
I watch prestige points of 3 and 15 and maybe 355 or whatever go by and think 10 percent of that is.. what .03 or 35 more points...I guess for a big SG with loads peeps would be wonderous,,,, that is if all those in the SG were 75 month vets.

Reguarding comments on the Entiltement... I waver back and forth on this.. I think that after 6 years of playing this game, some would feel entitled to having some sweet rewards after spending the money spent each month to play this game... and constantly waiting for new content. My 27 months of playing,, and owning every pack but the new pack from GR 6.99 special I have paid my dues... and await my dues. These dues were set by the devs....
I think the only problem I have with entitlement is thinking one should have every costume, weapon etc in the game at our disposal, then again.. those Succubus boots in Pocket D are sweet,,, and that sash from the Ring Mistress is a want,, and the Oracles gown is sassy... and I definately want.. desire and pant over Nightstars Dual blades.. I dont think every costume piece should be entitled to have... but then again.. as a villian.. if I kill you.. I am taking your clothes, weapons, boots and your money.
Well I rambled off topic again... maybe a revamping of the Vet powers would be a good idea. Offering things in a more timely manner...
Prestige at 3 or 6 months
City Traveler at 12 months.. after all... you have most likely played the game hard.. traveled all possible ways through Alts. Make my life easier so I dont have to take Hover or Air S to get to the sweet Fly. Wasted powers imo but for a defense slot.
Now a sweet reward like changing your entire toons powers to something different would so change this game!

Just thoughts and ideas....




Like the 50% of tailoring vet reward, this vet reward may not make everyone go tingly, but I love it. My main SG has all the prestige it will ever need, but the reserve SG still needs porters, and I've characters in a starter SG helping that one earn enough for porters.

This vet reward makes me all

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