Discussion: 75 Month Veteran Reward




Originally Posted by Gravinetix View Post
How about accelerated day job earning? Maybe knock 10% off of the time needed?
That is a very good idea in my opinion. Granted it would only knock off a little more that two days (2.1 to be exact) from the time needed to earn a day job, but still, would be a nice little treat.



Well, I make my 75 month on October 12th, 4-5 days from now. This is the 1st that I have heard of the reward for this badge. A badge that I REALLY was looking forward to as it shows the tremendous amount of loyalty that a lot of us have put into this game and this is the reward? A badge. And prestige increase.

Hell they could have made it a 50% increase in prestige earned for all that I care. I am in about 3 SGs in ALL of the servers and I have about 35 toons in each server. A costume would have been better and quite a few of my toons have 70 free costumes! And no, 70 is NOT an exaggeration. Ask some of the vets that have been playing this long. I mean, there are ONLY 5 costume slots. How many times can you change your costumes really?? And I still think that's better than a prestige increase. Who cares???

The same day that I hear about that FABULOUS new Party Pack!

What the hell is going on here? Has the fresh ideas well run completely dry for our makers? this is about the worst Vet award yet and for 75 months in???

To me the vet awards are great. They show our commitment to the game and that it is recognized by the game devs. When other people have seen my 72 month badge, and other older ones they are really amazed. They cannot believe that some of us have put in so many months in one single game.

I have played NO other game but COX for 75 months now. None. O I tested out Champions for a week or so before I dropped it. I still played COX during that week period. And now pre-orders are being taken for the new DC Universe on-line game??

VERY bad timing devs. It makes me seriously consider at the very least taking a very serious look at it. No, this 75 month vet badge is NOT the reason why. It's just one of a lot of reasons. And to come the same day as I find out about the NEW and EXCITING Party pack! I have bought every single pack that has come out so far, even the jet pack each month. I have pre-paid for another 10 months now on this game.

Wow. I'm VERY underwhelmed.

"Courage is fear holding on one minute longer."

-- George Patton



I like this reward because it helps the group*! I wish more Vet rewards were good for the SG or Team.
It's nice to have situational odds and ends of powers (favorite is Team Recall, again, 'cause it helps the Team), don't get me wrong.
I'd just rather have a pet who randomly heals or buffs a member of my group than one that helps only me.
How about a Rally or Mez breaker we could use on others?
("C'mon, kid, snap out of it!")
Anyway, thanks for this, I know ALL my SGs are glad of this news!

(*But a bit small % wise, don't you think? Could it scale?)

The robot revolt begins!



I was wondering that myself. I kind of expected to hear something by now. Must be Issue 19 and 20 are occupying a lot of their time.



78 month vet award: Hi-tech Unicycle [moves at Ninja Run spd for those whom NR doesn't fix concept or don't have that Booster!]....okay not really



Originally Posted by Blazing_Wrath View Post
78 month vet award: Hi-tech Unicycle [moves at Ninja Run spd for those whom NR doesn't fix concept or don't have that Booster!]....okay not really
Haaaa, I actually have a toon that would benefit from that power. Dual Swords/Willpower tank with a Jester outfit. My little attempt at making a "Carnival of Shadows" costume. But just one thing, wouldn't that be an alternate animation for ninja run?



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
I just wish there was a purpose to Prestige, beyond making storage and transportation hubs
What about that Giant robot that you keep in the hangar of your base that you can summon and help you out once an hour? Doesn't that thing cost prestige to buy it upgrades and keep it repaired?

Oh, wait.. nevermind I'm awake.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



I like this reward, though it is always nice to actually get something tangible. Here are some of my ideas for the next vet rewards:

1) 2 hour recharge Zone Teleport power to one zone of our choice (zone chosen when first claiming reward).

2) 2 hour recharge Complete Heal power that will heal one target to 100% health.

3) Permanant +5% to all movement speeds (maybe make it an always on team buff).

4) Capes unlocked automatically upon character creation.

5) Increase max number of global chat channels by 2.

6) Add one extra column or row to inspiration tray.

7) Permanant Snowball power.

xfire: zanthyna
Guide to Teaming With Docs!
No matter how many levels I gain, the Lag Monster is always red to me.



According to my source, the 78 month vet reward is ...

A temp power granting you 5 bars of patrol XP, but only usable 5 times



Originally Posted by Janlee View Post

Considering the number of MMO that died before the 3 or 6 months, and some that never got past the 'dream' stage.

Myself, I'm wondering what they'll do for 84 months.



Great for those of us with solo SGs. It takes a long time to fully trick out a base solo, but is a lot of fun. I've done it 3 times now each one stuffed with more IO's from sets I like but have put aside for other characters/later use than I like to think of). Nothing like being able to store all the best salvage and IOs you want.

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.



I think it will help out those 75+ month Veterans who are still building SGs.

I myself would greatly have preferred another pick from the Buffing Pet list.

Their buffs are so small as to be insignificant compared to Set Bonuses, anyway.

It's not like two (or even three, or four) would unbalance anything.

It would largely be for the visual side of things, to have two Fairies, Drones, etc.

-- Vivian



Originally Posted by Doctor Vivian View Post
It's not like two (or even three, or four) would unbalance anything.
their buffs are basically useless, but they're GREAT at taking the alpha.

I love multiples, but I can see why we won't get 'em. =)

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