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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IridiumMaster View Post
    Have you ever tried Wormholing Hami itself? It works and it is hilarious. Your team will be so shocked :P
    Yes, and I try to do it every time with Gravinetix, my gravity-kinetics controller. Wormholing Hami never even occurred to me until a team member suggested it. I still remember the first time that I did it; it was totally awesome! And I still get a thrill from doing it, especially if a teammate has never seen it done.

    I did notice that I couldn't wormhole Hami until the pylons were down, all of them. It's been a while since I tested that; things may have changed. And I used to be able to wormhole some of the mitos but can't any more. The pylons, however, are wormhole-able.
  2. How about accelerated day job earning? Maybe knock 10% off of the time needed?
  3. Back in May I asked the people on "When will Blasters get more secondaries, original or proliferated?" I assume, of course, that they have more access to the CoX team than I do. Anyway, here's their response.
    "Soon! Maybe. I've heard tell that we may well be due for another wave of powerset proliferation with the release of Going Rogue, although that's far from a confirmed fact. So Blasters can expect to get some more love there. But we don't have any idea of exactly when we'll see more secondaries as opposed to more primary sets. The trouble is that as Blasters have been designed, they have the undesirable trait that Masterminds share: they've got a setup for one of their sets that nobody else shares.

    There are some powersets that are easy to port from one archetype for another. A Scrapper, Brute, or Stalker primary naturally works well as a Tanker secondary, and vice-versa. Defender primaries are Controller secondaries, Blaster and Corruptor primaries work well for Defender secondaries, and so on ad infinitum. The two sets that no one else really gets access to are Blaster secondaries and Mastermind primaries, because each is a pretty unique cocktail.

    Dashel pointed out in his very long mail (which was well-appreciated, I'd like to note) that Blasters have the smallest list of secondaries out of every archetype other than epics. This is very true. Masterminds, similarly, have the smallest list of primaries of any non-epic -- and up until Going Rogue, that number was capped at an earth-shattering five. The primary set is a strange mixture of pet powers, pet buffs, and ranged damage. Blasters, meanwhile, have a hybrid setup of light control, melee strikes, and ranged buffs.

    In short -- both archetypes have sets that are hard to just bring over without a fair bit of work. And Blasters, as a whole, aren't doing too badly with their ten primary sets. Hopefully we'll see something nice with the next pass of proliferation, but there's a reason they don't usually get secondary love. There's nowhere for the powers to be proliferated from. (Not that it excuses the hundred-odd possible combinations that Defenders get, but...)"
  4. I'll hit the 72 month mark in late August. At this point I would like vet rewards that add convenience and/or remove tediousness. My number one desire is to have remote access to the markets.

    Other ideas.

    - more salvage,recipe and enhancement storage space
    - a power (maybe 1x every 15-30 or so minutes) that applies all inspirations to your character like what happens when you level up
    - a power that lets you teleport to any one location that you choose.
    a power that lets you teleport to any contact on your list
    - being able to use your cell phone for any contact immediately instead of having to work up to it
  5. The Future Threat arc (5 missions - 1 talk to, 1 hunt, 3 door missions, the last one being a defeat all) from Daedalus in Cimerora is listed in the 46-50 range, but awards in the 40-44 range. My low damage gravity-kinetics controller was able to do each run in about an hour. And when I had a blaster with me on one run, we did it in under 25 minutes. It's a much better option than the Division Line arc.