Lady Grey task force




I play on Freedom and Virtue, and recently, during LG tf runs, I have been hearing this..over and over:
'Leave one pylon up! It totally debuffs hami and he won’t touch us!'

Also this:
'Leave FOUR pylons up! It totally debuffs hami and is an arbitrary number so he won’t touch us!'

And some of this:
'Leave a pylon up as we fight hami!'
'Omg you disagree??' *person gets kicked from team*

The third situation I have not had the pleasure of seeing..But it happened to a friend who dared to ask WHY they should be left up. In the first two examples, it’s usually followed by that loud mouth person getting flattened by Hami..despite the team having left 1,2,3, n+3 pylons up and doing..whatever it is they do.

I am just very curious as to how this started..and if there is any basis for it, at all. I run the tf quite often, and we never leave pylons up, and usually have one or two deaths during that whole mission. Considering that according to these genius people...having them all down apparently makes the mission just a lil shy of totally impossible...either we are just totally, awesome. Or...the rumours are utter twaddle.

Can anyone confirm that the pylons actually DO anything? And that leaving some up helps?
Most of the crap I have heard relates to them debuffs hamis range....yet, even with them still up..he can fire across that cavern. So..a debuff of XXX to his infinate range renders his range..STILL infinite. Gee, lucky we left those pylons up.

It also seems the idiocy is catching..and spreading to every LG tf being run. Please..someone, stop the madness.

Unless you can 100% cast iron prove that your friends, brothers sg mate who was in coal with that other guy, you know, the one with the badass toon, was on at the same time as the other team who left a pylon up, and saw..SOMETHING.



The only thing I've seen done, is I've been on teams who took down the pylons first, then the mitos, then hami.

I've also been on teams where mitos where taken down, then the pylons, then hami.

I always wondered if it really mattered, or if it was just added objectives.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Eh, I probably have seen every version of pylons being left up or down, including MLGTF completions. So far, yet to see a difference. If there is, it isn't noticable to me.



Does it hurt you to leave them up?

Does it hurt you to follow someone else's request?

If not, why not just do what they say?



It does nothing, I've seen people shot and killed by hami with pylons up.

The other one I don't understand is leading the rikti into the goo. All this seems to do is deprive the players of shards from the rikti, with very few benefits if you're intelligent enough not to aggro hami while taking out the mitos.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Originally Posted by Minotaur View Post
It does nothing, I've seen people shot and killed by hami with pylons up.

The other one I don't understand is leading the rikti into the goo. All this seems to do is deprive the players of shards from the rikti, with very few benefits if you're intelligent enough not to aggro hami while taking out the mitos.
This one has a purpose. The rikti can kill mitos for you.



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
This one has a purpose. The rikti can kill mitos for you.
If I run a LGTF on my namesake Grav/Storm I just like Wormholing groups of Rikti into Hami just for giggles. Although I did that and accidently teleported the pylon in as well and it was a pain to get back out. This was just after I19 went live so it was quite recent, I did bug it so don't know if its been fixed.

As for the OP - Ive not heard this myself and the runs Ive been on have all been Pylons, Mitos, Hami.

Member of GGRRR, a SG on Defiant - check out our website - GGRRR
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



I don't know if the pylons have an effect on Hami. Content-wise... they do. They're responsible for Hami being weakened. Whether that translates into a mechanical advantage -- such as causing Hami not to agro on anyone unless attacked -- I don't know.

I do know that the pylons are a convenient tool for targeted-foe powers such as Dark and Kin have. On my Dark, I can TP a fallen teammate to a Pylon and use it to rez them.

As far as leading Rikti into the goo... that's always a Good Idea. Not only do they sometimes kill a mito, but they're absorbing all the mito attacks leaving the team to easily kill the mitos.

On a related topic, the glowy power the team leader gets for killing Hami that's supposed to weaken The Honoree truly does nothing mechanically. Castle said so. People are free to delete the power from their Power List menu and save themselves from going into an epileptic fit from the strobing lights.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I don't know if the pylons have an effect on Hami. Content-wise... they do. They're responsible for Hami being weakened. Whether that translates into a mechanical advantage -- such as causing Hami not to agro on anyone unless attacked -- I don't know.

I do know that the pylons are a convenient tool for targeted-foe powers such as Dark and Kin have. On my Dark, I can TP a fallen teammate to a Pylon and use it to rez them.

As far as leading Rikti into the goo... that's always a Good Idea. Not only do they sometimes kill a mito, but they're absorbing all the mito attacks leaving the team to easily kill the mitos.

On a related topic, the glowy power the team leader gets for killing Hami that's supposed to weaken The Honoree truly does nothing mechanically. Castle said so. People are free to delete the power from their Power List menu and save themselves from going into an epileptic fit from the strobing lights.
I love the hami power it looks awesome.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I don't know if the pylons have an effect on Hami. Content-wise... they do. They're responsible for Hami being weakened. Whether that translates into a mechanical advantage -- such as causing Hami not to agro on anyone unless attacked -- I don't know.

I do know that the pylons are a convenient tool for targeted-foe powers such as Dark and Kin have. On my Dark, I can TP a fallen teammate to a Pylon and use it to rez them.

As far as leading Rikti into the goo... that's always a Good Idea. Not only do they sometimes kill a mito, but they're absorbing all the mito attacks leaving the team to easily kill the mitos.

On a related topic, the glowy power the team leader gets for killing Hami that's supposed to weaken The Honoree truly does nothing mechanically. Castle said so. People are free to delete the power from their Power List menu and save themselves from going into an epileptic fit from the strobing lights.
It it possible to kill Hami while the pylons are up?



I started spreading the rumor in my supergroup (as a joke) for the Barracuda Strike Force that stepping off the red carpet would cause additional ambushes. I then left the game for awhile and came back, and doing a hero side Kahn TF, some of my SG members mentioned that the rumor of stepping off the red carpet was not true.

I immediately followed this by saying, of course not... that's only the case on villain side...

This post had no real point, I just wanted to say all that, and recommend others to spread the rumor.



I play on freedom and I've only head that rumor one time the other day. The team was told that leaving the Pylons up causes the Green Mitos to be Held easier. I used the Mk Power Analyser on the Green Mitos to see what was going on, and it seems they only had 7 points of protection instead of the usual 50. I haven't really taken a look at them since before the "fix" a while back anyway, so I don't know if 7 is the new norm or not, but that's the only info I have about it. I'll have to examine one again on the next run for comparison.

That said, I run this regularlay without using any crazy tricks, so i don't see why people would get all crazy and boot people over it. If I were you, I'd simply put those people on /ignore and move on.



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
I play on freedom and I've only head that rumor one time the other day. The team was told that leaving the Pylons up causes the Green Mitos to be Held easier. I used the Mk Power Analyser on the Green Mitos to see what was going on, and it seems they only had 7 points of protection instead of the usual 50. I haven't really taken a look at them since before the "fix" a while back anyway, so I don't know if 7 is the new norm or not, but that's the only info I have about it. I'll have to examine one again on the next run for comparison.

That said, I run this regularlay without using any crazy tricks, so i don't see why people would get all crazy and boot people over it. If I were you, I'd simply put those people on /ignore and move on.
Originally, the green mitos in LGTF didn't have any hold protection. At some point, Castle decided to "fix" them by granting them mag 50 hold protection. Later he lowered it to mag 7.



Originally Posted by NordBlast View Post
Originally, the green mitos in LGTF didn't have any hold protection. At some point, Castle decided to "fix" them by granting them mag 50 hold protection. Later he lowered it to mag 7.
That's what I thought. I just never examined it after they lowered it from 50.

In that case, leaving the Pylon up does nothing to the Mitos that I could notice with the Power Analyzer. Maybe we should just add this to the Mis-information thread. rofl



Originally Posted by NordBlast View Post
Originally, the green mitos in LGTF didn't have any hold protection. At some point, Castle decided to "fix" them by granting them mag 50 hold protection. Later he lowered it to mag 7.
Actually, wasn't the issue that the integer was on the wrong side?

That they were perma-held by their "mez protection"?

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



I still think it was original intent (even having Castle claim otherwise) to disable their aura while leaving all other capabilities intact.

They did all stuff they do now (healing, blasting, debuffing), but were much easier to kill (on the same scale as yellows and blues).



The pylons are like the glowies in the respec trial missions.

They're just there. They don't actually do anything at all. Leaving them up won't make hami any easier or harder.



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
Does it hurt you to leave them up?

Does it hurt you to follow someone else's request?

If not, why not just do what they say?
Spreading misinformation erodes the confidence of players and makes it harder for them to learn. Maybe we failed the Terra Volta respec because that one Scrapper kept rounding up all the spawns and dragging them onto the unprotected bubbler... or maybe we failed because I clicked one of those glowies? Did we fail the STF because both Tanks were in melee with Ghost Widow, or was it because the Controller was using Blackwand, which heals her?

Misinformation has a way of leaking out of game. City of Heroes? Yeah, I played that, but I quit. One endgame raid had this bit where you had to take down eight identical pylons in a very specific order or you failed, and unless you had someone who knew the right order or looked it up on the Wiki you were basically wasting four hours of gameplay up to that point.

Making arbitrary pronouncements and then kicking people from the team for questioning them is the sign of a bad leader, one who wants to intimidate the team and make them feel stupid rather than work on their own skill at the game and at leading.

And finally... maybe some of us just prefer the truth.

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Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post

Did we fail the STF because both Tanks were in melee with Ghost Widow, or was it because the Controller was using Blackwand, which heals her?
Can I get credit toward heal badges by healing GW with Blackwand?



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
Does it hurt you to leave them up?

Does it hurt you to follow someone else's request?

If not, why not just do what they say?

Hey Chaos, miss the bit about a friend being kicked from the tf for ASKING why the pylons should be left up? Sounds hurtful to me. Also, if it is my team, I have no issue with people asking to do things their way, when it helps. When it is a total waste of time and complete rubbish, then it bothers me. My team, my way.

As Zombie Man said..content wise they do effect hami. So there is our final answer..if Hami was a roleplayer, leaving them up would total kick his ***. Leaving them up for a dark rez is the best idea I have heard.



I would kick a player for questioning my superior grasp of rumint (rumor intelligence for you civilians) and my ability to perpetuate it through folly. /end sarcasm. On a serious note, I have seen some idiocy that is has been unparalleled since the (in)famous TV respecs with the flashing green boxes creating more spawns in the reactor. I personally made it my mission to click every stinking flashing green box on one run and guess what? Just as I suspected, **** de cabajo. Now to relate this to the pylons for weakened if moves kill it is my motto. What can I say? I am a shard ***** now. Next thing you know people will be saying they need to separate the nictus from Rom, or you have to have a Stoner to complete the STF.

I have been privileged enough to run many a TF/SF/Trial in just about every conceivable fashion and I have no reason to believe any of the crap that some oxygen thieves spout. I guess if people didnt question things the world would still be the center of all creation, flat and inhabited by by single-celled organisms that cause amoebic dysentery.

Things I do know for sure on the LGTF: toons that have holds typically have a tendency to hold the mitos; pylons up or down are kind of like polishing the brass on the Titanic as it was going down...pointless, but if it makes you feel better, go for it; I will always try a new tactic until I find one that works better or the new tactic I tried was a pile of baboon dung; and the one thing I have found out beyond a doubt from the many LGTFs I have participated in is to always question half-witted statements that sound completely ridiculous and contrary to intuition, observation and experience. I understand leaps of faith, but good grief the last two questions on your post Chaos are just plain scary lol. I can see the misinformation for comic relief kind of like Baghdad Bob, but damned if there is a good cross-section of players that will believe and do believe some of the nonsense espoused by some "leaders" of teams.

Stuff like that always reminds me of personal communication exercises in the service. By the time the original message gets to the intended recipient you have gone from delivering eggs to dropping nuclear sheep on marionettes in Durkastan.

A whole bunch of 50's.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
I am just very curious as to how this started..and if there is any basis for it, at all. I run the tf quite often, and we never leave pylons up, and usually have one or two deaths during that whole mission.
I believe it does have a basis in reality. I have been on many runs where the pylons were left until AFTER the mitos were defeated that had ZERO deaths. The only time I can remember someone dying with the pylons left up was when a player lagged (he advised this afterward) and literally ran smack into Hami. Hami attacked and killed him.

What I've heard, and which my personal observations support, is that leaving the pylons up reduces Hami's AGGRO RANGE. He will completely ignore all players as long as they don't get closer than the innermost mitos.

Unless you can 100% cast iron prove that your friends, brothers sg mate who was in coal with that other guy, you know, the one with the badass toon, was on at the same time as the other team who left a pylon up, and saw..SOMETHING.
I can't 100% prove squat. I can only repeat what I was told (by a recognized expert, top badge-hunter and global channel op on my server) and that my personal experience so far supports it completely.

Now, I could certainly have my perceptions biased by expectations. I'm just saying what I've seen on multiple occasions, but the plural of anecdote is not data. I have no proof.

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Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Can anyone confirm that the pylons actually DO anything? And that leaving some up helps?
While I can't confirm that leaving 1, 2, 3 or all the pylons up in the LGTF Hami mission, I can confirm that it's possible, time and time again, to finish that mission by taking them down; followed by killing off the rikti, and then attacking the mitos (yellow, blues, then greens) before sticking it to hami.

MY team just did it -- a mere five minutes ago!

I'm not quite sure where this rumor started but it's complete utter hogwash.

You do not need to leave the pylons up to debuff hami, the green mitos, or to have a peace of mind that you'll actually finish the dang mission.

Where's your backbone leaders?

The leader(s) that feel it is necessary to "boot" a team mate for asking WHY or for sharing any type of opinion for that matter - seriously need an attitude adjustment. Frankly, I wouldn't be a bit surprised to find out they didn't get along with others while in grade school. :P

Global Name � @Doom Diva



Originally Posted by Doom_Diva View Post
I'm not quite sure where this rumor started but it's complete utter hogwash.
I don't believe that to be the case.

You do not need to leave the pylons up to debuff hami, the green mitos, or to have a peace of mind that you'll actually finish the dang mission.
Dunno about other people, but I never said that you did. I just said that leaving the pylons up seems to help. Most of the time, we don't bother. Who cares if a few people die? As long as it's not a Master attempt....

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
What I've heard, and which my personal observations support, is that leaving the pylons up reduces Hami's AGGRO RANGE. He will completely ignore all players as long as they don't get closer than the innermost mitos.
Now, see, the problem with that theory is that after the last pylon goes down, Hami's agro range should be suddenly be expanded and start shooting at everyone... but he doesn't. He does nothing until attacked.

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