Lady Grey task force




Okay, so to help out @helin carnate, I ran with a pub LGTF tonight on Freedom to get this straightened out with a demofile.

Team had (for the Hami phase) 7 players. One brute with a taunt aura, that was it for taunt options. Rest were other ATs (blasts, trollers, MM, a corruptor?).

Order of the fight:

1. We took down all Rikti ourselves, no leading them into the goo. This was done on request to reduce the # of variables in the aggro question.

2. We then orbited the goo, taking out the yellows and blues, going in and out of the goo.

3. We then entered the goo and took out the greens at relatively close range.

4. When it was just Hami, I called for a halt and depart, and I entered solo, no stealth, and tested Hami aggro radius. I had to get effectively pointblank for him to start shooting at me.

5. ..after my rez... we went back and took down 3 pylons, and then I test Hami's aggro radius again. Got very close, no aggro.

6. We then dropped the rest of the pylons and finished the job. This was the only point when he actually attacked.

There was one point where our DP blaster thought he was getting hit by Hami blasts, but it was the yellow blasts popping him about 2 or 3 at a time.

So that's it. I have a demorecord if anyone wants it. Or if someone's got a place where I can upload it, I'll send it along and people can refer to that if they ever wanna see it in action.

EDIT: Oh, here's the link to the demofile shared via Google Docs. It SHOULDN'T require a sign-in, but when I tested it just now it did, so YMMV. If it's a big problem, I can try sharing it super-public.

Demofile: Hami-Pylon1

How to view a demofile:

2nd EDIT: I should give a shout out in thanks to @tanknation for leading the TF effort that evening, and being very cooperative with my request to run the Hami phase a certain way. Everyone else on the team was pro-quality and adapted immediately, but tank's the only name I remember. Props to you, @tanknation!



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
This one has a purpose. The rikti can kill mitos for you.

Okay Chaos first of all I have seen this tactic used countless times and I have NEVER seen the Rikti survive long enough to even damage a single Mitos let alone kill one .. Not saying it isn't possible but highly unlikely. Pulling the Rikti into the goo does only one thing.. Gets them all killed quick so the team can move on to the Mitos. In short its a SPEED RUN Tactic to move things along faster.

Now for the question you asked before.. WHY not just do what people ask you? Well how about because it makes no sense. Since this whole thing with leaving the pylons up started I have lost count of the number of LGFTs I have done where this tactic was used and it didn't stop Hami from attacking the team at all. Someone somehow got the idea in their head that leaving those Pylons up HELPED the team survive more. Coordinating attacks and having a good team that knows what to do makes the team survive more. I have been on Lady Greys that went like clockwork.. Rikti and Pylons gone, yellow attacked by Melee and Blue by ranged (AT THE SAME TIME) and then target through one player to wipe out the Greens. And since when can't a player ask a simple question like .. "Excuse me why are we leaving the pylons up?" without getting kicked from a Task force? So what you are saying is if you joined a TF and the leader said .. Okay I heard that if we al just ignore the towers and rush Lord Recluse, debuff him and pour it on we can beat him. So when we get to the last mission of this STF that's how we are going to do it. You wouldn't question his or her SANITY? and ask where the heck did you hear that crap?

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
Okay Chaos first of all I have seen this tactic used countless times and I have NEVER seen the Rikti survive long enough to even damage a single Mitos let alone kill one .. Not saying it isn't possible but highly unlikely.
I've certainly seen the Rikti kill Mitos. I usually go around soloing the Mitos while the team is still taking down a few towers, and there are times when at least one of them gets killed or has just a sliver of health left by the time I get around to it.

Like you said, it's not usually very often that one actually dies, but I think it's done mainly for agro reasons. The Rikti can be focused on the Mitos and the Mitos can be focused on the Rikti, leaving the team alone while they take out the pylons.



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
Okay Chaos first of all I have seen this tactic used countless times and I have NEVER seen the Rikti survive long enough to even damage a single Mitos let alone kill one .. Not saying it isn't possible but highly unlikely.
When I've done it that way, they do a lot of damage. No ifs, ands or buts. On some runs, I can one-shot several mitos because the Rikti have taken them down to around 1/3 hit points.

Well how about because it makes no sense. Since this whole thing with leaving the pylons up started I have lost count of the number of LGFTs I have done where this tactic was used and it didn't stop Hami from attacking the team at all. Someone somehow got the idea in their head that leaving those Pylons up HELPED the team survive more.
And someone somehow ACTUALLY TESTED IT AND DEMORECORDED IT. Have you actually done any testing with controlled circumstances or are you just jumping on the bandwagon and scoffing at the idea?

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Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
Okay Chaos first of all I have seen this tactic used countless times and I have NEVER seen the Rikti survive long enough to even damage a single Mitos let alone kill one .. Not saying it isn't possible but highly unlikely. Pulling the Rikti into the goo does only one thing.. Gets them all killed quick so the team can move on to the Mitos. In short its a SPEED RUN Tactic to move things along faster.
On our countless runs before green mitos change, we would leave blue mitos for very end (after hami killed), almost always rikti would take down 2-3 blues, while we were busy with other things.

On multiple occasions, back then and now, rikti chief slodiers will take down yellow mitos to 10-20% of HP.

And the most important thing, rikti are taking mitos aggro off players.