Alpha Slot Removed from Going Rogue

Adeon Hawkwood



Luck manipulation would be nice, I could see it working as a Debuff+Buff set.

Steal luck - Enemy target and X yard Aoe - defense, PBAoE +defense

And so on, debuffs that have a buff effect centered around the player.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
1-20 is just the start of Praetoria 2.0 - there'll be more in coming Issues.
There is little doubt that they intend to add more to Praetoria in future issues. For now though it begs the question; just what have they been working on in the last year or so that they started trickling out the content in hold for GR?

I think some people were expecting a lot of water held up behind the dam and were hoping it would burst forth with GR. I think those people are going to be disappointed.

My hope is that all those new hires are working on cox2 because the Freem 15 worked faster.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
I think some people were expecting a lot of water held up behind the dam and were hoping it would burst forth with GR. I think those people are going to be disappointed.
I suspect it's why they've kept the beta as small as they have, given the previously supposed size of the project. Optimists said over and over 'that can't be all there is, they must be holding back'.

Well, it's going to be ugly a month from now when the wheels (and talk ban) come off.
The suspense is terrible. I hope it will last.




Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
And how small have they kept it, Capt. Conspiracy? Oh, wait, that's have absolutely no idea.
If this project was as big as they hyped, I'd hope by this point that pretty much everyone in the "waves" would be in, given the release date and their typical week of Open Beta(which given that this is an expansion and not an issue, should really be longer). I have a large enough sample of people who I know are and aren't in the beta at present to say that's not the case.

In other words, all I need to know at this point about the size of the CB is that it's 'not big enough' to support the hype and what people were expecting of GR. Either it's going to be the most untested, bug-ridden release they've had yet or the expansion is way smalller than anyone expected, which isn't too far fetched given the announcement this thread is about.

Either way, I've got popcorn to watch the fireworks.




The replies to this post have been a grave disappointment. Everyone's so reasonable that its just not entertaining!



Originally Posted by Greyhame View Post
The replies to this post have been a grave disappointment. Everyone's so reasonable that its just not entertaining!
I just gave up trying to argue or communicate with half the people here. If by NYC Comic Con I am not excited about this game as I was a few years ago, I am moving on. The most ill give it is till i19 where Ill have to have GR to play Incarnate content.

The Champion server is as dead as a 6 month old corpse and whats left on the server doesnt really entertain me. The constant lack of meaty content makes me bored. game features and systems and ideas that were once introduced as the "start of" have been moved on to other things.

Cimerora: Awesome for a few hours until you got tired.
Oroborous: Great i9f you missed content but once you've done it...not fun.

Half of the time I want to run arcs for the story but half of my server (Redside only thank you) says that they rather do the same arc several times for the merits instead of exploring the other arcs.

At this point I am at the stage where I have to admit defeat and realize that this game isn't as good as it was.

I am not about to throw away 5 years of gaming cause a project was postponed but there isn't anything left to can only do a hami run with the same 40 people before you fall asleep at the keyboard.



Johnny_Butane speculates wildly:

If this project was as big as they hyped, I'd hope by this point that pretty much everyone in the "waves" would be in, given the release date and their typical week of Open Beta(which given that this is an expansion and not an issue, should really be longer). I have a large enough sample of people who I know are and aren't in the beta at present to say that's not the case.
First, there's no certainty there will be an Open Beta. There apparently wasn't one for CoV, which this closest resembles.

Second, have you ever been in Closed Beta? The people that are in Closed Beta have no idea how many people are in Closed Beta, either. How would they tell? The same old "looking around, there doesn't seem to be anyone here" method? No, you don't know, and neither do they.

In other words, all I need to know at this point about the size of the CB is that it's 'not big enough' to support the hype and what people were expecting of GR.
Which you don't know, and you're making up your own marker as to what "not big enough" means.

Either it's going to be the most untested, bug-ridden release they've had yet or the expansion is way smalller than anyone expected, which isn't too far fetched given the announcement this thread is about.
I see no reason to assume either is true. Especially due to anecdotal evidence and you making up your own criteria.

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Greyhame View Post
The replies to this post have been a grave disappointment. Everyone's so reasonable that its just not entertaining!
You must have J_B on ignore.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
If this project was as big as they hyped, I'd hope by this point that pretty much everyone in the "waves" would be in, given the release date and their typical week of Open Beta(which given that this is an expansion and not an issue, should really be longer). I have a large enough sample of people who I know are and aren't in the beta at present to say that's not the case.

In other words, all I need to know at this point about the size of the CB is that it's 'not big enough' to support the hype and what people were expecting of GR. Either it's going to be the most untested, bug-ridden release they've had yet or the expansion is way smalller than anyone expected, which isn't too far fetched given the announcement this thread is about.

Either way, I've got popcorn to watch the fireworks.

Really? Do you know if the third or fourth tier's are being allowed in yet?



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
First, there's no certainty there will be an Open Beta. There apparently wasn't one for CoV, which this closest resembles.
Then, like I said, it's going to be really fun to watch when the rubber meets the road.

Second, have you ever been in Closed Beta?
Obvously you haven't. You'd know if I was because I'm not exactly subtle and discreet with my feedback, am I?

The people that are in Closed Beta have no idea how many people are in Closed Beta, either.
With the search functions, it's pretty easy to guage how many are around and active compared to past betas, even if you factor in some people being invisible, especially if you're smart enough to try at different times. Plus the posts in the CB forums help.




Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
Really? Do you know if the third or fourth tier's are being allowed in yet?
I think the "account in good standing" thing can mess up calculations a bit - if someone would normally qualify for an invite, but they're blacklisted for some reason, but they don't know it, then they might quite easily assume that the tier they were in hadn't been invited yet.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Then, like I said, it's going to be really fun to watch when the rubber meets the road.
It'll be a smooth landing.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
Really? Do you know if the third or fourth tier's are being allowed in yet?
No, do you?

I know when the F&F phase ended and the first "player" tier began. I know when the release date is and I know how to do simple division.

I also know how to roll my tongue!




Johnny_Butane needed to answer?:

Obvously you haven't. You'd know if I was because I'm not exactly subtle and discreet with my feedback, am I?
It was rhetorical. It's easy to guess that you haven't.

With the search functions, it's pretty easy to guage how many are around and active compared to past betas, even if you factor in some people being invisible, especially if you're smart enough to try at different times. Plus the posts in the CB forums help.
The latter I'll give you. The rest is just guesswork.

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
-Power Armor characters. Energy Blast suits them about as well as Broadsword suits a ninja, but they put in a katana set all the same.
Sorry, you keep bringing up power armour... Practically ANY set could double as a power armour set, depending on what the armour provides. Would you prefer an option that fixes your costume into armour? Or would you prefer to pick a set that you like and then add an armoured costume? Give me the later any day.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think the "account in good standing" thing can mess up calculations a bit - if someone would normally qualify for an invite, but they're blacklisted for some reason, but they don't know it, then they might quite easily assume that the tier they were in hadn't been invited yet.
Good thing people with accounts in "bad standing" can't have friends, or multiple accounts.

Because if someone had a habit of aggravating the devs, not having all their eggs in one basket would be a smart move.

Honestly, I've always respected the mods and community reps. They've always been fair and professional to me, as opposed to trolling threads I make. Funny how that changes the way I react to people. I can't imagine they'd flag me as "bad standing", of their own volition at least.

Fact of the matter is, I haven't spoken to a mod in almost a year and the last time I spoke to a dev I was thanking Castle for looking into something, and I havn't been black listed from any other betas since then, so unless someone has a personal axe to grind...




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think the "account in good standing" thing can mess up calculations a bit - if someone would normally qualify for an invite, but they're blacklisted for some reason, but they don't know it, then they might quite easily assume that the tier they were in hadn't been invited yet.
In Animal House, "double secret probation" was a joke because it was something the writers thought no one could take seriously. I guess there is always someone that can mistake a joke for a good idea.



I’m proper disappointed about the start to the incarnate system being taken from GR. From the sound of Posi’s announcement it is working as intended however is rather 'underwhelming'.

Personally I’d rather see one of the following things;
Wait for the wider beta tested to give their opinion before making this call
Let people know up front that this ‘teaser’ to the incarnate system may seem underwhelming due to the lack of epicness intended for the full incarnate release.

At least this way you are setting customer expectations at an honest level. What many posters here have taken offence to is the ‘promise’ of something that has already been paid for and now is not delivered.

Better in my mind to give customers what they paid for with either;
an apology for not fully delivering on promised expectation (which incidentally I don’t think is required in this case as the 1st tenth of ‘incarnate’ is working as ‘advertised’)
before you deliver GR make a point in reminding people that the incarnate system is coming and that the foundations to that system are laid but NOT delivered within GR itself and thus any of its content may seem underwhelming at this time and to ‘please be patient’ while we work on i19.



Your all marketing department is batting 1000. First you inply that "your" perpurches perk was the only one that'd be offered, then a few weeks to a month later gamestop gets there own perks.... now a feature of your product, a feature you'd advertised, is being dropped. (and it just so happens to be the ONE feature i was really excited about.)

I can't say I'm happy about this. I'm quite disappointed. But there is really little i can DO about it, but shrug my sholders and go on. You are the only MMO "crack" dealer in town i enjoy, ATM, so i have nowhere else to go for my MMO fix... Such an abusive relaniship we have eh?

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post

Melee attack sets don't have some ranged attacks? Don't tell Hurl. Seriously, changed numbers aside, you can have a version of Hail of Bullets as the set's PBAoE, Empty Clips with a modified cone, Executioner's shot as a ST ranged attack and a reworked Suppressive Fire as a utility. The rest of the set you can fill out with sword attacks and Bob's your uncle.
On that point, you have one, yes. Spines has the most, with a cone, ranged ST and a toggle PBAoE. Claws has two. So...possible.

Although I seriously think you have too much of a bee in your bonnet about weapon sets. I see you conveniently didn't reply to the hard number comparison of Weapon to non-weapon sets. We have about four if not five times the ammount of non-weapon sets. In fact, the number I gave was wrong; I forgot to add in Kinetic Melee and Electric Control. So it will be 50 something +2

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
On that point, you have one, yes. Spines has the most, with a cone, ranged ST and a toggle PBAoE. Claws has two. So...possible.
And I'd like to add, that AFAIK it's never been the range in the set that's been a balance issue, but all the debuffs and to a lesser extent the toxic damage.

Put a star next to it until Kin Melee is revealed in full. That set it's supposedly fairly range-heavy too.

Although I seriously think you have too much of a bee in your bonnet about weapon sets.
IMO, Insect Control or a Bug MM would be preferable to another weapon set at this time. I know people want staves, and I'm not necessarily against them being in the game, but it's a question of priorities.

If they hired three guys just to do staves, so one could be reasonably sure it wasn't pulling resources away from them making another set, and sold the fruits of that as an optional Booster, I'd say 'go team'. If they did the opposite of that, I'd complain, obviously. Hell, if they promised some actual super power sets, I'd animate the damn staves set myself on my own time for nothing and crank out the weapon models for customization.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post

IMO, Insect Control or a Bug MM would be preferable to another weapon set at this time. I know people want staves, and I'm not necessarily against them being in the game, but it's a question of priorities.

If they hired three guys just to do staves, so one could be reasonably sure it wasn't pulling resources away from them making another set, and sold the fruits of that as an optional Booster, I'd say 'go team'. If they did the opposite of that, I'd complain, obviously. Hell, if they promised some actual super power sets, I'd animate the damn staves set myself on my own time for nothing and crank out the weapon models for customization.

Weapon sets = 9
Non Weapon Sets = 58, including electric control and kin melee*

*(I included demons in the last count)

I don't think we're exactly starved for non-weapon sets. Saying "Why give people dual pistols, they can use thugs pistols!" .... Well, yeah...they can... that gives them three attack powers on an AT that is balanced around having pets, severely gimps their build options and probably makes them pariah from the majority of PuGs for being a petless MM. Thats like saying "Why give someone a Fireball set when that set has a 'Singe with Lighter' power in it."

Out of the requests I remember, Staves and some sort of bladed halberd/spear/scythe weapon are all the ones left I can think of that are in no way possible to fudge at the present moment. That'd bring it up to a grand total of 11.
Now, if they were going round making sets willinilly like 'Fire sword', 'Light Sword' etc which were, literally, just carbon clones, then yes, I'd complain too.

Heck, I'd like to see Dark Blast ported to Blasters, some sort of Dark Manipulation set, some sets that allow for PPD style Power armour (wrist mounted chainguns, nuff said)...and thats not even STARTING on the wish for a Rikti EAT.

Will it happen? Eventually, who knows? Will people be happy if they come out? In some cases, probably not. What one person will love, another will go "I didn't want that, I wanted XYZ!" The Devs simply can't win. The 'Question of Priorities' doesnt cater to one person. It has to cater to as many people as it can.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
If they hired three guys just to do staves, so one could be reasonably sure it wasn't pulling resources away from them making another set, and sold the fruits of that as an optional Booster, I'd say 'go team'. If they did the opposite of that, I'd complain, obviously. Hell, if they promised some actual super power sets, I'd animate the damn staves set myself on my own time for nothing and crank out the weapon models for customization.
OK, you need to quantify what you mean by ACTUAL super power sets. Cos otherwise you're just blowing hot air.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Weapon sets = 9
Non Weapon Sets = 58, including electric control and kin melee*

*(I included demons in the last count)
If anything, I think they need to focus on balancing the number of Primaries and Secondaries across all ATs. Which, of course, means more Mastermind Primaries

I wouldn't say no to Staves, as long as at least one set of Staves wound up as a Ranged set, because I'm tired of the CoT and Midnighters getting to have all the fun.

Kung Ru - 50++ MA/Regen Scrapper
Kalleesta - 50 Necro/Dark MM
Hidden Justice - 44 Kin/Psy Defender